Using Facebook check-in feature in Windows Phone 7 - facebook

Can any one provide any sample to use the Facebook Checkin features in my WP7 app. Also on using the Facebook sdk v6.0.1, there is no Get() method, I can see only Getasync().. Can any one give suggestion on this.
Thanks in advance

WP7 builds of Facebook C# SDK does not have synchronous methods. You will need to use the async alternatives using XAsync methods like GetAsync, PostAsync or DeleteAsync.

With the Search option with the Graph API we can get the nearest places for Facebook checkin
For example:,80.27847&distance=50000&access_token=DeviceToken

Getasync() is just a task-based version of Get(). You should be able to use it to make get requests to the platform, just as you would with Get. Example:
You can search for nearby Places via the Search API. See here for documentation Example:


Facebook Graph API - Force Minimum Version?

When Facebook depreciated Graph API v1.0 they provided a switch in the application settings to force the application to use Graph API v2.0. This greatly simplified testing of the application before v1.0 was depreciated.
I'm now in the process of updating an application to support a more recent version of the Graph API and would really like to be able to force the application to use a minimum Graph API version for testing purposes but there doesn't seem to be any way to do so.
I have versioned many of my calls so that I can set the Graph API version, but that won't catch problems such as the depreciation of FQL in v2.1.
Does anyone know of an overall way to force a Facebook application to use a minimum Graph API for testing purposes before the current API is depreciated?
I happened upon a solution when I was creating test users for my application.
Facebook has added an API Version to Install setting that is shown if you select Yes for Authorize Test Users for This App?
I hope someone else in the same situation finds this useful.

How do I get real time updates for a users wall in the Facebook sdk for iOS?

I am trying to implement real-time(auto updating) wall feed in my app and I don't now how and the Facebook website requires you to do GET and POST commands. Is this possible, and if so how??
Thank So Much In Advance :)
To use Facebook Real-time updates you required to use publicly accessible URL as callback. So this isn't possible just using standalone application on iOS and you'll need to use some sort of web application/service to handle real-time subscriptions and then pass em to your application.

how can get the mutual friend of google plus in iphone sdk

I am using the developer Google
I want to get the mutual/common friend in api.
Can it is possible?
This is not possible with the current REST APIs for Google+.
If you'd like to learn more about what is available, you can check out the reference docs. If it's an API that you need, you can also request it using the platform issue tracker.

Is there an alternative to FB.Connect.createApplication() in Facebook's new Javascript SDK?

Facebook has deprecated their old Javascript SDK which had the FB.Connect.createApplication method (documentation). Does anyone know if similar functionality exists within their new Javascript SDK? It seems like they cut out a lot of methods :(
Note: there is Facebook.createApplication, but that is a part of FBJS, which can only be used within Facebook applications. I need to use this method in a web app that's completely separated from FB.
Thanks in advance!
The method doesn't exist in the new Javascript SDK. The new sdk doesn't have those specific methods anymore. Instead you will have to call the FB.Api method and pass the parameters to make a rest call or graph call. That being said, as far as anything I have come across the create application method is not in the Rest or Graph api. So in short, I think this is not supported at anymore. Hopefully, they will add this functionality back eventually.

How to integrate twitter,facebook into iPhone app ?

I want to put facebook,twitter,flickr into my iPhone app, so that users can easily login in and post message from my app easily.
Put the question here is to get some clues or existing works for this purpose.
After searching, I get some related works here
What is the best one you used ?
There is a new open source project that provides support for both:
This issues has already been discussed a lot in SO.Try to search SO before posting your query.
For Twitter try MGTwitterEngine.
For facebook try Facebook API
For flickr try objectiveflickr
Chk these
Facebook API
Twitter API