Function arguments: upper bound vs parent class as argument? - scala

Consider we have:
abstract class FlyingObject;
case class Rocket(name: String) extends FlyingObject;
what is difference between those two function declarations:
def launch[T <: FlyingObject](fo: T)
def launch(fo: FlyingObject)
Great would be some examples when to use which type of declaration...
Another great example and explanation can be found there. It's another example of when you should use upper bound instead of just derived class as parameter.

It might be useful to have a T which is more specific than FlyingObject. Perhaps imagine you have a method
def modifyName(fo: FlyingObject, newName: String): FlyingObject = fo.copy(name=newName)
Which returns a copy of the FlyingObject with a modified name. That makes this code not typecheck:
val newRocket: Rocket = modifyName(oldRocket, "new name")
Since modifyName returns a FlyingObject not a Rocket. instead:
def modifyName[T <: FlyingObject](fo: T, newName: String): T = fo.copy(name=newName)
Will return a Rocket when Rocket is what is passed in.

In addition to #stew answer, an upper bound could be useful when using typeclasses. For instance,
suppose you want a method that take two flying objects as well as a collider object defining how to manage collision with other objects. Of course, an asteroid-asteroid collision is not the same as a spaceship-asteroid collision (classical textbook example).
You could write such method as:
def collide[A <: FlyingObject, B <: FlyingObject]
( a: A, b: B )( implicit collider: Collider[A,B] ) = collider.apply(a,b)
Then the compiler will provide a correct Collider for you. If instead you wrote:
def collide( a: FlyingObject, b: FlyingObject ) = a.collide(b)
You will have to rely on Obect-Oriented feature to manage the collision which will be really difficult to write and to maintain (double dispatch issue).


Typeclass constraint in typeclass generic

Over the past week or so I've been working on a typed, indexed array trait for Scala. I'd like to supply the trait as a typeclass, and allow the library user to implement it however they like. Here's an example, using a list of lists to implement the 2d array typeclass:
// crate a 2d Array typeclass, with additional parameters
trait IsA2dArray[A, T, Idx0, Idx1] {
def get(arr: A, x: Int, y: Int): T // get a single element of the array; its type will be T
// give this typeclass method syntax
implicit class IsA2dArrayOps[A, T, Idx0, Idx1](value: A) {
def get(x: Int, y: Int)(implicit isA2dArrayInstance: IsA2dArray[A, T, Idx0, Idx1]): T =
isA2dArrayInstance.get(value, x, y)
// The user then creates a simple case class that can act as a 2d array
case class Arr2d[T, Idx0, Idx1] (
values: List[List[T]],
idx0: List[Idx0],
idx1: List[Idx1],
// A couple of dummy index element types:
case class Date(i: Int) // an example index element
case class Item(a: Char) // also an example
// The user implements the IsA2dArray typeclass
implicit def arr2dIsA2dArray[T, Idx0, Idx1] = new IsA2dArray[Arr2d[T, Idx0, Idx1], T, Idx0, Idx1] {
def get(arr: Arr2d[T, Idx0, Idx1], x: Int, y: Int): T = arr.values(x)(y)
// create an example instance of the type
val arr2d = Arr2d[Double, Date, Item] (
List(List(1.0, 2.0), List(3.0, 4.0)),
List(Date(0), Date(1)),
List(Item('a'), Item('b')),
// check that it works
arr2d.get(0, 1)
This all seems fine. Where I am having difficulties is that I would like to constrain the index types to a list of approved types (which the user can change). Since the program is not the original owner of all the approved types, I was thinking to have a typeclass to represent these approved types, and to have the approved types implement it:
trait IsValidIndex[A] // a typeclass, indicating whether this is a valid index type
implicit val dateIsValidIndex: IsValidIndex[Date] = new IsValidIndex[Date] {}
implicit val itemIsValidIndex: IsValidIndex[Item] = new IsValidIndex[Item] {}
then change the typeclass definition to impose a constraint that Idx0 and Idx1 have to implement the IsValidIndex typeclass (and here is where things start not to work):
trait IsA2dArray[A, T, Idx0: IsValidIndex, Idx1: IsValidIndex] {
def get(arr: A, x: Int, y: Int): T // get a single element of the array; its type will be T
This won't compile because it requires a trait to have an implicit parameter for the typeclass, which they are not allowed to have: (Constraining type parameters on case classes and traits).
This leaves me with two potential solutions, but both of them feel a bit sub-optimal:
Implement the original IsA2dArray typeclass as an abstract class instead, which then allows me to use the Idx0: IsValidIndex syntax directly above (kindly suggested in the link above). This was my original thinking, but
a) it is less user friendly, since it requires the user to wrap whatever type they are using in another class which then extends this abstract class. Whereas with a typeclass, the new functionality can be directly bolted on, and
b) this quickly got quite fiddly and hard to type - I found this blog post ( relevant to the problems - and it felt like taking the typeclass route would be easier over the longer term.
The contraint that Idx0 Idx0 and Idx1 must implement IsValidIndex can be placed in the implicit def to implement the typeclass:
implicit def arr2dIsA2dArray[T, Idx0: IsValidIndex, Idx1: IsValidIndex] = ...
But this is then in the user's hands rather than the library writer's, and there is no guarantee that they will enforce it.
If anyone could suggest either a work-around to square this circle, or an overall change of approach which achieves the same goal, I'd be most grateful. I understand that Scala 3 allows traits to have implicit parameters and therefore would allow me to use the Idx0: IsValidIndex constraint directly in the typeclass generic parameter list, which would be great. But switching over to 3 just for that feels like quite a big hammer to crack a relatively small nut.
I guess the solution is
Implement the original IsA2dArray typeclass as an abstract class instead, which then allows me to use the Idx0: IsValidIndex syntax directly above (kindly suggested in the link above).
This was my original thinking, but a) it is less user friendly, since it requires the user to wrap whatever type they are using in another class which then extends this abstract class.
No, abstract class will not be extended*, it will be still a type class, just abstract-class type class and not trait type class.
Can I just assume that trait and abstract class are interchangeable when defining typeclasses?
What is the advantage of using abstract classes instead of traits?
Unless you have hierarchy of type classes (like Functor, Applicative, Monad... in Cats). Trait or abstract class (a type class) can't extend several abstract classes (type classes) while it can extend several traits (type classes). But anyway inheritance of type classes is tricky
* Well, when we write implicit def arr2dIsA2dArray[T, Idx0, Idx1] = new IsA2dArray[Arr2d[T, Idx0, Idx1], T, Idx0, Idx1] {... technically it's extending IsA2dArray but this is similar for IsA2dArray being a trait and abstract class.

Generically subtype a type parameter of a generic method when used by a subtype

I'm trying to achieve the following code architecture in a clean way.
There is a trait (could also be an abstract class, but I don't think it would solve this problem) which I call Shape, that is subtyped by two classes, Circle and Rectangle. Each of them provide custom members: a Shape has a (abstract) method size that allows to change the size (and is implemented by the subclasses); a Circle has a radius field; and a Rectangle has a width and a height fields.
Then, there is a generic trait, Changer, which allows doing modifications to the shapes. It is generic, Changer[-S <: Shape], and is subtyped by three different classes, SizeChanger that changes the size of a Shape, WidthChanger that changes the width of a Rectangle, and RadiusChanger that changes the radius of a Circle.
Each Changer has a method change(shape) that actually executes the change specified by the Changer.
Finally, there is a method change(shapeChanger) in the Shape class that essentially consists in calling the change method of the shape Changer with this object.
All in all, the code looks like this:
trait Shape {
def change(changer: /* This is the question */): Unit = {
def size(s: Int): Unit
class Circle(var r: Int) extends Shape {
override def size(s: Int): Unit = r = s/2
class Rectangle(var w: Int, var h: Int) extends Shape {
override def size(s: Int): Unit = {
w = s
h = s
trait Changer[-S <: Shape] {
def change(shape: S): Unit
class Size(s: Int) extends Changer[Shape] {
override def change(shape: Shape): Unit = shape.size(s)
class Radius(r: Int) extends Changer[Circle] {
override def change(shape: Circle): Unit = shape.r = r
class Width(w: Int) extends Changer[Rectangle] {
override def change(shape: Rectangle): Unit = shape.w = w
Example use of these classes:
val circle = new Circle(42)
val rectangle = new Rectangle(10, 20)
val rectAsShape: Shape = rectangle
val widthChanger = new Width(30)
val radiusChanger = new Radius(17)
val sizeChanger = new Size(40)
val radAsChanger: Changer[Circle] = radiusChanger
val sizeAsChanger: Changer[Shape] = sizeChanger
val sizeAsCircleChanger: Changer[Circle] = sizeChanger
// rectAsShape.change(widthChanger) // Shouldn't work
The Changer trait S parameter is specified as contravariant as technically a SizeChanger (and all Changer[Shape]) are also valid Changer[Circle], as they know how to handle a Shape, and for example a Circle.
The real problem is the change method in the Shape trait. In practice, it will always look the same for each subclass of Shape and will just call the changer. So it should be generic and not expect a Changer[Shape], but rather a Changer[S], where S is the type of the concrete object. That way, a Circle can accept the more specific Changer[Circle] and we can still cast it to a Shape and call the method with a Changer[Shape].
I've tried many different combinations of type parameters, using various variances and type bounds, and I didn't get the correct one.
By luck, I found that the following definition worked:
def change(changer: Changer[this.type]): Unit = ???
But I'm looking for a more generic way of doing this.
I'm pretty sure that this question is a duplicate of some other question on SO, as this pattern looks to me like it is frequent, but as I can't put a name on this pattern, I didn't find anything valid nor useful (for now).
So any name on this pattern of code (or any opinion on the bad aspects of this code) would already be helpful.
Maybe I could have added that the end goal is to use all of this in a DSL (for the Canvas API through Scala.js) that will ultimately look like
circle1 and circle2 change Radius(10)
circle1 and circle2 and rectangle1 change StrokeColor( and StrokeWidth(4)
// This changes the 3 shapes' stroke color and stroke width.
Requiring the user to "create" a new variable each time it wants to change properties of a shape is therefore cumbersome, so the shapes have to be internally changed.
Also, there will hence be some return type instead of Unit for the Shape::change method, although I (well, we) still have to figure it out.
Well, I suppose my answer will be rather lengthy, but since you've asked for opinion on all the aspects of the code, I hope this explanation will help you to understand the general philosophy of Scala's approach.
First of all, in Scala one generally tries to avoid any mutable data structure. Why is that? Let's inspect the signature of your change method in the Changer class. It takes something (Shape) and returns Unit. One can fairly assume that Changer does nothing with the Shape itself because Unit doesn't signal anything except "code block finished". So the first move is to change the signature to change(shape: S): S to show our intent.
Okay, now we clearly have some modification going on, but we can improve the code even more by removing all the vars from Circle and Rectangle and making them case classes. Case classes are a neat concept in Scala for defining immutable data structures. We can't change their state, but we can create new ones with a new state. The definition is quite simple:
case class Circle(r: Int) extends Shape { ... }
case class Rectangle(w: Int, h: Int) extends Shape { ... }
Case classes allow us to use handy copy method which you can read about from the link I provided above. So, now, when we don't need to mutate any Shape whatsoever, we can remove the change method from the base trait. But, of course, that means that we lose the handy obj.change(...) syntax. How can one deal with this?
The answer is type-class pattern. There is a neat post by Rob Norris explaining the pattern in detail. And we already have everything to implement it. We just need to write a short implicit class which is basically a syntax extension.
I'll provide the most basic one you can come up with:
implicit class ChangerOps[S <: Shape](s: S) {
def change(implicit c: Changer[S]): S = c.change(s)
And then you just declare your Size, Radius, Width as implicit vals (you can read about implicits here) and use the syntax you've just written. Because it may be a little difficult to acknowledge all that information at once I've prepared a code example that you can fiddle with online. Note that this approach omits contravariance because you can just widen the type to get the implicit you need.

How to write a currying Scala Function trait?

First approach
If would like to have
trait Distance extends ((SpacePoint, SpacePoint) => Double)
object EuclideanDistance extends Distance {
override def apply(sp1: SpacePoint, sp2: SpacePoint): Double = ???
trait Kernel extends (((Distance)(SpacePoint, SpacePoint)) => Double)
object GaussianKernel extends Kernel {
override def apply(distance: Distance)(sp1: SpacePoint, sp2: SpacePoint): Double = ???
However the apply of object GaussianKernel extends Kernel is not an excepted override to the apply of trait Kernel.
Second approach - EDIT: turns out this works afterall...
Alternatively I could write
trait Kernel extends ((Distance) => ( (SpacePoint, SpacePoint) => Double))
object GaussianKernel extends Kernel {
override def apply(distance: Distance): (SpacePoint, SpacePoint) => Double =
(sp1: SpacePoint, sp2: SpacePoint) =>
math.exp(-math.pow(distance(sp1, sp2), 2) / (2))
but am not sure this is currying...
EDIT: Turns out that I can use this second approach in a currying fashion. I think it is exactly what the typical currying is, only without the syntactic sugar.
Explanation of the idea
The idea is this: For my algorithm I need a Kernel. This kernel calculates a metric for two vectors in space - here SpacePoints. For that the Kernel requires a way to calculate the distance between the two SpacePoints. Both distance and kernel should be exchangeable (open-closed principle), thus I declare them as traits (in Java I had them declared as interfaces). Here I use the Euclidean Distance (not shown) and the Gaussian Kernel. Why the currying? Later when using those things, the distance is going to be more or less the same for all measurements, while the SpacePoints will change all the time. Again, trying to stay true to the open-closed principle. Thus, in a first step I would like the GaussianKernel to be pre-configured (if you will) with a distance and return a Function that can be feed later in the program with the SpacePoints (I am sure the code is wrong, just to give you an idea what I am aiming at):
val myFirstKernel = GaussianKernel(EuclideanDistance)
val mySecondKernel = GaussianKernel(FancyDistance)
val myThirdKernel = EpanechnikovKernel(EuclideanDistance)
// ... lots lof code ...
val firstOtherClass = new OtherClass(myFirstKernel)
val secondOtherClass = new OtherClass(mySecondKernel)
val thirdOtherClass = new OtherClass(myThirdKernel)
// ... meanwhile in "OtherClass" ...
class OtherClass(kernel: Kernel) {
val thisSpacePoint = ??? // ... fancy stuff going on ...
val thisSpacePoint = ??? // ... fancy stuff going on ...
val calculatedKernel = kernel(thisSpacePoint, thatSpacePoint)
How do I build my trait?
Since distance can be different for different GaussianKernels - should GaussianKernel be a class instead of an object?
Should I partially apply GaussianKernel instead of currying?
Is my approach bad and GaussianKernel should be a class that stores the distance in a field?
I would just use functions. All this extra stuff is just complexity and making things traits doesn't seem to add anything.
def euclideanDistance(p1: SpacePoint1, p1: SpacePoint1): Double = ???
class MyClass(kernel: (SpacePoint, SpacePoint) => Double) { ??? }
val myClass = new MyClass(euclideanDistance)
So just pass the kernel as a function that will computer your distance given two points.
I'm on my phone, so can't fully check, but this will give you an idea.
This will allow you to partially apply the functions if you have the need. Imagine you have a base calculate method...
def calc(settings: Settings)(p1: SpacePoint1, p1: SpacePoint1): Double = ???
val standardCalc = calc(defaultSettings)
val customCalc = calc(customSettings)
I would start with modeling everything as functions first, then roll up commonality into traits only if needed.
1. How do I build my trait?
The second approach is the way to go. You just can't use the syntactic sugar of currying as usual, but this is the same as currying:
GaussianKernel(ContinuousEuclideanDistance)(2, sp1, sp2)
GaussianKernel(ContinuousManhattanDistance)(2, sp1, sp2)
val eKern = GaussianKernel(ContinuousEuclideanDistance)
eKern(2, sp1, sp2)
eKern(2, sp1, sp3)
val mKern = GaussianKernel(ContinuousManhattanDistance)
mKern(2, sp1, sp2)
mKern(2, sp1, sp3)
Why the first approach does not work
Because currying is only possible for methods (duh...). The issue starts with the notion that a Function is very much like a method, only that the actual method is the apply method, which is invoked by calling the Function's "constructor".
First of all: If an object has an apply method, it already has this ability - no need to extend a Function. Extending a Function only forces the object to have an apply method. When I say "object" here I mean both, a singleton Scala object (with the identifier object) and a instantiated class. If the object is a instantiated class MyClass, then the call MyClass(...) refers to the constructor (thus a new before that is required) and the apply is masked. However, after the instantiation, I can use the resulting object in the way mentioned: val myClass = new MyClass(...), where myClass is an object (a class instance). Now I can write myClass(...), calling the apply method. If the object is a singleton object, then I already have an object and can directly write MyObject(...) to call the apply method. Of course an object (in both senses) does not have a constructor and thus the apply is not masked and can be used. When this is done, it just looks the same way as a constructor, but it isn't (that's Scala syntax for you - just because it looks similar, doesn't mean it's the same thing).
Second of all: Currying is syntactic sugar:
def mymethod(a: Int)(b: Double): String = ???
is syntactic sugar for
def mymethod(a: Int): ((Double) => String) = ???
which is syntactic sugar for
def mymethod(a: Int): Function1[Double, String] = ???
def mymethod(a: Int): Function1[Double, String] = {
new Function1[Double, String] {
def apply(Double): String = ???
(If we extend a FunctionN[T1, T2, ..., Tn+1] it works like this: The last type Tn+1 is the output type of the apply method, the first N types are the input types.)
Now, we want the apply method here is supposed to be currying:
object GaussianKernel extends Kernel {
override def apply(distance: Distance)(sp1: SpacePoint, sp2: SpacePoint): Double = ???
which translates to
object GaussianKernel extends Kernel {
def apply(distance: Distance): Function2[SpacePoint, SpacePoint, Double] = {
new Function2[SpacePoint, SpacePoint, Double] {
def apply(SpacePoint, SpacePoint): Double
Now, so what should GaussianKernel extend (or what is GaussianKernel)? It should extend
Function1[Distance, Function2[SpacePoint, SpacePoint, Double]]
(which is the same as Distance => ((SpacePoint, SpacePoint) => Double)), the second approach).
Now the issue here is, that this cannot be written as currying, because it is a type description and not a method's signature. After discussing all this, this seems obvious, but before discussion all this, it might not have. The thing is, that the type description seemed to have a direct translation into the apply method's (the first, or only one, depending on how one takes the syntactic sugar apart) signature, but it doesn't. To be fair though, it is something that could have been implemented in the compiler: That the type description and the apply method's signature are recognized to be equal.
2. Since distance can be different for different GaussianKernels - should GaussianKernel be a class instead of an object?
Both are valid implementation. Using those later only differenciates only in the presence or absence of new.
If one does not like the new one can consider a companion object as a Factory pattern.
3. Should I partially apply GaussianKernel instead of currying?
In general this is preferred according to
An advantage of currying would be the nicer code without _: ??? for the missing parameters.
4. Is my approach bad and GaussianKernel should be a class that stores the distance in a field?
see 2.

Return copy of case class from generic function without runtime cast

I want to get rid of a runtime cast to a generic (asInstanceOf[A]) without implicit conversions.
This happens when I have a fairly clean data model consisting of case classes with a common trait and want to implement a generic algorithm on it. As an example the resulting algorithm should take a class of type A that is a subclass of the trait T and is supposed to return a copy of the concrete class A with some updated field.
This is easy to achieve when I can simply add an abstract copy-method to the base trait and implement that in all sub-classes. However this potentially pollutes the model with methods only required by certain algorithms and is sometimes not possible because the model could be out of my control.
Here is a simplified example to demonstrate the problem and a solution using runtime casts.
Please don't get hung up on the details.
Suppose there is a trait and some case classes I can't change:
trait Share {
def absolute: Int
case class CommonShare(
issuedOn: String,
absolute: Int,
percentOfCompany: Float)
extends Share
case class PreferredShare(
issuedOn: String,
absolute: Int,
percentOfCompany: Float)
extends Share
And here is a simple method to recalculate the current percentOfCompany when the total number of shares have changed and update the field in the case class
def recalculateShare[A <: Share](share: A, currentTotalShares: Int): A = {
def copyOfShareWith(newPercentage: Float) = {
share match {
case common: CommonShare => common.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
case preferred: PreferredShare => preferred.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
copyOfShareWith(share.absolute / currentTotalShares.toFloat).asInstanceOf[A]
Some example invocations on the REPL:
scala> recalculateShare(CommonShare("2014-01-01", 100, 0.5f), 400)
res0: CommonShare = CommonShare(2014-01-01,100,0.25)
scala> recalculateShare(PreferredShare("2014-01-01", 50, 0.5f), 400)
res1: PreferredShare = PreferredShare(2014-01-01,50,0.125)
So it works and as far as I understand the .asInstanceOf[A] call will never fail but is required to make the code compile. Is there a way to avoid the runtime cast in a type-safe manner without implicit conversions?
You have a couple of choices I can think of, and it mostly comes down to a balance of how general of a solution you want and how much verbosity you can tolerate.
Your solution feels dirty, but I don't think it's all that bad, and the gnarliness is pretty well contained.
A great approach to providing behavior to data types while still maintaining separation of concerns in your code is the Enrich Your Library / typeclass pattern. I wish I had a perfect reference for this, but I don't. Look up those terms or "implicit class", and you should be able to find enough examples to get the drift.
You can create a trait Copyable[A] { def copy(?): A } typeclass (implicit class) and make instances of it for each of your types. The problem here is that it's kind of verbose, especially if you want that copy method to be fully generic. I left its parameter list as a question mark because you could just narrowly tailor it to what you actually need, or you could try to make it work for any case class, which would be quite difficult, as far as I know.
Lenses were made for solving this sort of awkwardness. You may want to check out Monocle, which is a nice generic approach to this issue. Although it still doesn't really solve the issue of verbosity, it might be the way to go if you have this issue recurring throughout your project, and especially if you find yourself trying to make changes deep within your object graph.
Here is a typeclass approach suggested by #acjay
trait Copyable[A <: Share] {
def copy(share: A, newPercentage: Float): A
object Copyable {
implicit val commonShareCopyable: Copyable[CommonShare] =
(share: CommonShare, newPercentage: Float) => share.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
implicit val preferredShareCopyable: Copyable[PreferredShare] =
(share: PreferredShare, newPercentage: Float) => share.copy(percentOfCompany = newPercentage)
implicit class WithRecalculateShare[A <: Share](share: A) {
def recalculateShare(currentTotalShares: Int)(implicit ev: Copyable[A]): A =
ev.copy(share, share.absolute / currentTotalShares.toFloat)
CommonShare("2014-01-01", 100, 0.5f).recalculateShare(400)
// res0: CommonShare = CommonShare(2014-01-01,100,0.25)
PreferredShare("2014-01-01", 50, 0.5f).recalculateShare(400)
// res1: PreferredShare = PreferredShare(2014-01-01,50,0.125)

Scala contravariance - real life example

I understand covariance and contravariance in scala. Covariance has many applications in the real world, but I can not think of any for contravariance applications, except the same old examples for Functions.
Can someone shed some light on real world examples of contravariance use?
In my opinion, the two most simple examples after Function are ordering and equality. However, the first is not contra-variant in Scala's standard library, and the second doesn't even exist in it. So, I'm going to use Scalaz equivalents: Order and Equal.
Next, I need some class hierarchy, preferably one which is familiar and, of course, it both concepts above must make sense for it. If Scala had a Number superclass of all numeric types, that would have been perfect. Unfortunately, it has no such thing.
So I'm going to try to make the examples with collections. To make it simple, let's just consider Seq[Int] and List[Int]. It should be clear that List[Int] is a subtype of Seq[Int], ie, List[Int] <: Seq[Int].
So, what can we do with it? First, let's write something that compares two lists:
def smaller(a: List[Int], b: List[Int])(implicit ord: Order[List[Int]]) =
if (ord.order(a,b) == LT) a else b
Now I'm going to write an implicit Order for Seq[Int]:
implicit val seqOrder = new Order[Seq[Int]] {
def order(a: Seq[Int], b: Seq[Int]) =
if (a.size < b.size) LT
else if (b.size < a.size) GT
else EQ
With these definitions, I can now do something like this:
scala> smaller(List(1), List(1, 2, 3))
res0: List[Int] = List(1)
Note that I'm asking for an Order[List[Int]], but I'm passing a Order[Seq[Int]]. This means that Order[Seq[Int]] <: Order[List[Int]]. Given that Seq[Int] >: List[Int], this is only possible because of contra-variance.
The next question is: does it make any sense?
Let's consider smaller again. I want to compare two lists of integers. Naturally, anything that compares two lists is acceptable, but what's the logic of something that compares two Seq[Int] being acceptable?
Note in the definition of seqOrder how the things being compared becomes parameters to it. Obviously, a List[Int] can be a parameter to something expecting a Seq[Int]. From that follows that a something that compares Seq[Int] is acceptable in place of something that compares List[Int]: they both can be used with the same parameters.
What about the reverse? Let's say I had a method that only compared :: (list's cons), which, together with Nil, is a subtype of List. I obviously could not use this, because smaller might well receive a Nil to compare. It follows that an Order[::[Int]] cannot be used instead of Order[List[Int]].
Let's proceed to equality, and write a method for it:
def equalLists(a: List[Int], b: List[Int])(implicit eq: Equal[List[Int]]) = eq.equal(a, b)
Because Order extends Equal, I can use it with the same implicit above:
scala> equalLists(List(4, 5, 6), List(1, 2, 3)) // we are comparing lengths!
res3: Boolean = true
The logic here is the same one. Anything that can tell whether two Seq[Int] are the same can, obviously, also tell whether two List[Int] are the same. From that, it follows that Equal[Seq[Int]] <: Equal[List[Int]], which is true because Equal is contra-variant.
This example is from the last project I was working on. Say you have a type-class PrettyPrinter[A] that provides logic for pretty-printing objects of type A. Now if B >: A (i.e. if B is superclass of A) and you know how to pretty-print B (i.e. have an instance of PrettyPrinter[B] available) then you can use the same logic to pretty-print A. In other words, B >: A implies PrettyPrinter[B] <: PrettyPrinter[A]. So you can declare PrettyPrinter[A] contravariant on A.
scala> trait Animal
defined trait Animal
scala> case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
defined class Dog
scala> trait PrettyPrinter[-A] {
| def pprint(a: A): String
| }
defined trait PrettyPrinter
scala> def pprint[A](a: A)(implicit p: PrettyPrinter[A]) = p.pprint(a)
pprint: [A](a: A)(implicit p: PrettyPrinter[A])String
scala> implicit object AnimalPrettyPrinter extends PrettyPrinter[Animal] {
| def pprint(a: Animal) = "[Animal : %s]" format (a)
| }
defined module AnimalPrettyPrinter
scala> pprint(Dog("Tom"))
res159: String = [Animal : Dog(Tom)]
Some other examples would be Ordering type-class from Scala standard library, Equal, Show (isomorphic to PrettyPrinter above), Resource type-classes from Scalaz etc.
As Daniel pointed out, Scala's Ordering isn't contravariant. (I really don't know why.) You may instead consider scalaz.Order which is intended for the same purpose as scala.Ordering but is contravariant on its type parameter.
Supertype-subtype relationship is but one type of relationship that can exist between two types. There can be many such relationships possible. Let's consider two types A and B related with function f: B => A (i.e. an arbitrary relation). Data-type F[_] is said to be a contravariant functor if you can define an operation contramap for it that can lift a function of type B => A to F[A => B].
The following laws need to be satisfied:
x.contramap(identity) == x
x.contramap(f).contramap(g) == x.contramap(f compose g)
All of the data types discussed above (Show, Equal etc.) are contravariant functors. This property lets us do useful things such as the one illustrated below:
Suppose you have a class Candidate defined as:
case class Candidate(name: String, age: Int)
You need an Order[Candidate] which orders candidates by their age. Now you know that there is an Order[Int] instance available. You can obtain an Order[Candidate] instance from that with the contramap operation:
val byAgeOrder: Order[Candidate] =
implicitly[Order[Int]] contramap ((_: Candidate).age)
An example based on a real-world event-driven software system. Such a system is based on broad categories of events, like events related to the functioning of the system (system events), events generated by user actions (user events) and so on.
A possible event hierarchy:
trait Event
trait UserEvent extends Event
trait SystemEvent extends Event
trait ApplicationEvent extends SystemEvent
trait ErrorEvent extends ApplicationEvent
Now the programmers working on the event-driven system need to find a way to register/process the events generated in the system. They will create a trait, Sink, that is used to mark components in need to be notified when an event has been fired.
trait Sink[-In] {
def notify(o: In)
As a consequence of marking the type parameter with the - symbol, the Sink type became contravariant.
A possible way to notify interested parties that an event happened is to write a method and to pass it the corresponding event. This method will hypothetically do some processing and then it will take care of notifying the event sink:
def appEventFired(e: ApplicationEvent, s: Sink[ApplicationEvent]): Unit = {
// do some processing related to the event
// notify the event sink
def errorEventFired(e: ErrorEvent, s: Sink[ErrorEvent]): Unit = {
// do some processing related to the event
// notify the event sink
A couple of hypothetical Sink implementations.
trait SystemEventSink extends Sink[SystemEvent]
val ses = new SystemEventSink {
override def notify(o: SystemEvent): Unit = ???
trait GenericEventSink extends Sink[Event]
val ges = new GenericEventSink {
override def notify(o: Event): Unit = ???
The following method calls are accepted by the compiler:
appEventFired(new ApplicationEvent {}, ses)
errorEventFired(new ErrorEvent {}, ges)
appEventFired(new ApplicationEvent {}, ges)
Looking at the series of calls you notice that it is possible to call a method expecting a Sink[ApplicationEvent] with a Sink[SystemEvent] and even with a Sink[Event]. Also, you can call the method expecting a Sink[ErrorEvent] with a Sink[Event].
By replacing invariance with a contravariance constraint, a Sink[SystemEvent] becomes a subtype of Sink[ApplicationEvent]. Therefore, contravariance can also be thought of as a ‘widening’ relationship, since types are ‘widened’ from more specific to more generic.
This example has been described in a series of articles about variance found on my blog
In the end, I think it helps to also understand the theory behind it...
Short answer that might help people who were super confused like me and didn't want to read these long winded examples:
Imagine you have 2 classes Animal, and Cat, which extends Animal. Now, imagine that you have a type Printer[Cat], that contains the functionality for printing Cats. And you have a method like this:
def print(p: Printer[Cat], cat: Cat) = p.print(cat)
but the thing is, that since Cat is an Animal, Printer[Animal] should also be able to print Cats, right?
Well, if Printer[T] were defined like Printer[-T], i.e. contravariant, then we could pass Printer[Animal] to the print function above and use its functionality to print cats.
This is why contravariance exists. Another example, from C#, for example, is the class IComparer which is contravariant as well. Why? Because we should be able to use Animal comparers to compare Cats, too.