Joomla/Mootools capturing order of Sortables - forms

I am trying to sort a list of database entries and then update the database with the new order in Joomla.
So far I've got mootools Sortables list with every <li> having two hidden <input> to track the entry's id and order. At the moment the order variable does not change and just reflects the original order.
I was hoping to capture the submit event and change the order variables to what they should now be and then send the request on, however I have no idea how to do this...
I have:
<li style="float:left">
<input type="hidden" name="o<?php echo $row->order; ?>" value="<?php echo $i; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="i<?php echo $row->order; ?>" value="<?php echo $row->lotid; ?>" />
Lot <?php echo $row->lot_name; ?><br />
<?php echo $row->address; ?>
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
new Sortables('#order-grid', {opacity: 0.7});
form ='adminForm');
list ='order-grid');
form.addEvent('submit', function(e) {
var sortOrder = [];
list.getElements('li').each(function(li) {
sortOrder.push(li.retrieve... //Stuck!
Any help appreciated.

the doc pages are your friend.
first off, i'd say save a reference.
var sortables = new Sortables(options)
then you can use the sortables.serialize() method to retrieve the new order. by default, serialization will return the element ids - but it takes an argument that is a function - so you can return whatever you like.
eg. to get an array of the new sort order, simply do
var newOrder = sortables.serialize(function(el, index) {
return el.get('data-id'); // or el.retrieve('id'); if you have one.
Finally, no need to do it on the submit event - you can just do something like:
var orderField ="i_something_order");
new Sortables('#order-grid', {
onComplete: function() {
orderField.set('value', this.serialize(function(el) {
note that retrieve implies you have used store beforehand. if it's a DOM attribute you are after, just do el.get('data-id') or whatever it is as suggested


how pass form from module to component in joomla 3.1

I wana create a front-end joomla component and this is my first experience.
here is important things:
class TestController extends JControllerLegacy
public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false)
$view= JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('view','items');
JFactory::getApplication()->input->set('view', $view);
parent::display($cachable, $urlparams);
2: com_test/model/items.php
defined('_JEXEC') or die();
jimport( 'joomla.application.component.modellist' );
class TestModelItems extends JModelList
public function __construct($config = array())
if (empty($config['filter_fields']))
$config['filter_fields'] = array('id', 'title', 'catid');
function getListQuery()
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
return $query;
I can print the query result on default.php on view folder!
but I wana another thing.
I have a form like this in the front page of my site in a custom module:
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="wordsearch" value="search">
<input type="submit" />
I do not know how can I send this form (with post method) to getListQuery() function in model can do it?
i wana when sb click submit form, the component filter query sql according to values of form and then show new result to user!
i googled for hourse but no chance to solve. thanks for your help.
You can submit Form from module to component as follows.
Suppose your component name is com_helloworld The in your module form should have the following things.
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="wordsearch" value="search">
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_helloworld" />
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="yourview" />
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="my_controller_fun" />
<input type="hidden" value="your_controller_file_name" name="controller">
<input type="submit" />
In this example your controller file should have my_controller_fun method from controller to model you can use regular method. This methods will get all the form data in your controller , then you can pass that to model.
Detailed :
In your controller file.
function my_controller_fun(){
$post_array = $_POST;
$model = $this->getModel('Profile', 'UsersModel');//example for including profile model you can specify your model file name
$model->function_inyourmodel($post_array);//this function should be in model
Hope its help..

Angular JS: sending form field data in a PUT request (like POST does)

I'm trying to write a client that does all four REST verbs (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) and have gotten all but the PUT done. The REST/CRUD API I'm working from wants to update an entry by calling PUT /realmen/ID-string and including the key-value pairs as JSON. For a POST this seems to work "automatically", but not for a PUT.
My HTML looks like:
<div id="list">
<form novalidate class="edit-form">
<p>Title <input ng-model="realmen.title" type="text" value="{{realmen.title}}" /></p>
<p>Real Men <input ng-model="realmen.realmen" type="text" value="{{realmen.realmen}}" /> </p>
<p>Real Role-Players <input ng-model="realmen.realroleplayers" type="text" value="realmen.realroleplayers}}" /></p>
<p>Loonies <input ng-model="realmen.loonies" type="text" value="{{realmen.loonies}}" /></p>
<p>Munchkins <input ng-model="realmen.munchkins" type="text" value="{{realmen.munchkins}}" /></p>
<input ng-model="realmen.entryId" type="hidden" value="{{entryId}}"/>
<button ng-click="change()">UPDATE ({{entryId}})"</button></p>
My controller looks like:
$scope.realmen = RealMen.get({entryId: $routeParams.entryId}, function() {
$scope.master = angular.copy($scope.realmen); // For resetting the form
$scope.change = function() {
RealMen.update({entryId: $scope.entryId}, function() {
And finally, my services look like:
angular.module('realmenServices', ['ngResource']).
factory('RealMen', function($resource){
var RealMen = $resource(
query: {method:'GET', params:{entryId:''}, isArray:true},
post: {method:'POST'},
update: {method: 'PUT', params:{entryId:'#entryId'}},
remove: {method:'DELETE'}
return RealMen;
The PUT is getting called with the correct id value in the URL, but the Request Payload only contains the entryId, so the backend API gets no expected keys and values and essentially blanks out the record in the database.
The console.log($scope.realmen) does show the form fields, along with a lot of extra data. I tried calling RealMen.update($scope.realmen, ...) (similarly to calling .save()), but all those extra fields are tacked on as query string parameters to the URL in a spectacularly ugly fashion.
Because your $scope.realmen is a resource instance, instead of using RealMen.update, you can just call $scope.realmen.$update() (note that there is a "$"). The instance action method will take care of sending the data for you.

Is there any way possible to apply form requirements to a drop down field in a PHP contact form?

I would like to create a requirement that if nothing is selected from a drop down field in my contact form that a message will come up saying "Please choose", and the form will not be able to be submitted unless something is chosen. I have gotten requirements to work on all of my text input forms, but cannot figure out how to create one for the drop down field.
The drop down HTML looks like this:
<div class='container'>
<label for='destemail' > Which department are you trying to reach?*</br> You must select a department.</label></br>
<select name="destemail" id="destemail">
<?php foreach ($emailAddresses as $name => $email) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name); ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($name) ; ?></option>
<?php } ?></select>
<span id='contactus_destemail_errorloc' class='error'></span>
I got the other form requirements to work like so:
The HTML -
<div class='container'>
<label for='name' >Your Full Name*: </label><br/>
<input type='text' name='name' id='name' value='<?php echo $formproc->SafeDisplay('name') ?>' maxlength="50" /><br/>
<span id='contactus_name_errorloc' class='error'></span>
The Javascript -
<script type='text/javascript'>
var frmvalidator = new Validator("contactus");
frmvalidator.addValidation("name","req","Please provide your name");
The PHP -
//name validations
$this->add_error("Please provide your name");
$ret = false;
I tried the exact same coding for the drop down but with the different id names where appropriate, and it didn't work. Why doesn't this same method work for the drop down?
Help much appreciated!
I can't see what the Validator() code is doing, but you can just check to see whether the select field is empty using Javascript or jQuery.
jQuery way:
if( !$('#destemail').val() ) {
The problem may lie in that your select box actually does have a value, which is whatever the first value printed out in it is. The Validation function may be checking for any value, and since the select does have one, it returns as valid.
You could set up a default value to show first, something like "Please select a Department", and then do the jquery/javascript check for that text. If it exists, then you know an option has not been selected.

Submit the value of a <p> element when an html form is submitted

I have this code: <p class = "foo">Text</p>
And I also have a form: <form action = "XXX.php" method = post></form>
However, how can I get the value of the <p> when I submit it, as the <p> element can be changed.
So what I mean is to be able to post the value of the <p> when the user submits the form, and to be able to access it from that php file with: $_POST['foo'];
Thanks, I have tried to be as clear as possible.
You have to use Javascript for that
A jQuery function that will work
var value = $("p").html();
// If foo already exists
if( $("[name=foo]").length > 0 )
var input = $("<input />", { name : "foo",
value : value ,
type : "hidden" });
<input type="hidden" value="something" name="something" id="something" />
and when you change inner html of <p> change the value of hidden input.
I think your best bet is to make it an input with readonly enabled, and style to to look like a <p>. It's better then trying to add it to the POST parameters with JavaScript.
Here's a quick example. I bet it could still be improved with a few extra CSS quirks, experiment a bit.
The easiest thing to do is set the value of a hidden form field when you change the contents of your <p>.
Alternatively, you can get its contents and post with JavaScript.
For text you need to use input field:
<input type="text"/>
Form fields should must have an id:
<input type="text" id="pewpew" class="foo"/>
I would go with:
<input type="text" id="pewpew" class="foo" value="default text goes here"/>
Go with different workarounds, like setting form's hidden elements on the fly, etc.
You can create hidden field on the fly and set its value on form submit. Like this:
<form id="form" action="/somewhere" method="post">
<p>Some text</p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var form = document.getElementById('form');
form.onsubmit = function()
var p = this.getElementsByTagName('p')[0];
if (!document.getElementById('pval'))
var pinput = document.createElement('input');
pinput.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
pinput.setAttribute('id', 'pval');
pinput.setAttribute('name', 'p');
document.getElementById('pval').value = p.innerHTML;
return true;
Works, i've tested.

Zend Form Multiple Records

I'm getting to grips with Zend_Form and can create a form to add/edit a single database record, but now I'm trying to create a form to edit multiple records on a single page. For example, if I had a table of sports teams, and another table of players assigned to them teams I would want to be able to click on a team on my site and have all the players listed as rows with inputs to edit their names, date of births etc., with one submit button at the bottom to save any changes.
One thing to note is that there are a variable number of records that could be edited on a page; it is not a set amount.
Any pointers/help would be very much appreciated.
I use the code below to delete multiple items from the database.
On the index page (list of my database records):
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->baseUrl().'/admin/pages/deleteMultiple'; ?>">
<td class="checkboxTable"><input name="remove[<?php echo $data[$row]->id; ?>]" type="checkbox" id="checkbox[]" value="<?php echo $data[$row]->id; ?>"/></td>
<input class="deleteMultipleButtonBottom" name="deleteMultiple" type="submit" id="deleteMultiple" value="<?php echo $this->translate('Delete selected'); ?>">
The user sees a confirmation page:
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="removeId" value="<?php echo implode($_POST['remove'], ','); ?>" />
<input class="deleteYes" type="submit" name="deleteMultiple" value="Yes" />
<input class="deleteNo" type="submit" name="deleteMultiple" value="No" />
And my action looks like this:
$this->view->pages = $this->pagesService->GetPages($this->getRequest()->getPost('remove'));
if($this->getRequest()->getPost('deleteMultiple') == 'Yes')
$this->pagesService->DeleteMultiplePages($this->getRequest()->getPost('removeId'), $this->view->user->username, $this->getRequest()->getPost('countedItems'));
elseif($this->getRequest()->getPost('deleteMultiple') == 'No')
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('message' => $this->view->translate('The pages were <u>not</u> deleted'), 'status' => 'notice'));
And in my service page:
public function DeleteMultiplePages($id)
$this->pages->delete('id IN (' . $id . ')');
This approach should work for updating values.