Styled ALT Text for not shown images - html-email

What happens if you use images in an email to replace text?
Most of the email clients do not load images by default. So... a normal user would not see anything.
But what happens when you use images this way:
<img src="notfound.jpg" alt="NOT FOUND"/>
Do they see the NOT FOUND alt if the image has not loaded? And what if it is styled similarly to the image to make it look a bit better, for example:
<img src="notfound.jpg" alt="NOT FOUND" style="font-size:24px;color:#FF00FF"/>
Are this alt texts styled accordingly?

A whole bunch of email clients don't actually render the alt tag - they either render the title tag, and the styles don't get applied to that, or they render the filename or something else.
So it works for a few clients, but it's nothing like widespread.

Add a title tag in addition to your alt tag.
Unfortunately certain email client will ignore these tags and only show the link URL.


Rich format image alt within an email

I have to send an image by email that may not be rendered on the receiver side. Since this image is the sole purpose of the email, the alt text should be well and richly formatted in order to translate the features the image is displaying.
As far as I know there is no way to style alt text as if it were a set of nested html tags. I saw some examples of styling, but this were not sufficient, since they were styling the whole alt text.
Any workaround for this?
Maybe a little bit of JS would solve the issue but I guess I could have a similar issues with script tags not working.

Images not showing in tinMCE

I had set up tiny MCE and it was saving text to the database with an image tag. When I went to edit the content, I would see the image correctly in the editor. All of a sudden, when I go to edit, I see the actual image tag and not the content.
I bet this happens after that content is retrieved from the backend/database, doesn't? It's because your content is htmlencoded on some stage. You need to find that place and rethink the logic around it, so that html tags reach the editor intact.

Some links displayed as text in TYPO3

I have added links to a list of sentences in my TYPO3 backend.
In the frontend, some of these sentences are rendered properly, with a link to them. However, some others are rendered as plain text, with the tag visible.
View of the text in the backend
View of the rendered text in the frontend
What caused the problem, and how can I correct it?
your description of the error is not good enough to give a good answer. please explain more in detail what you are doing: templates, configuration, ...
for the moment I guess: you use fluid-templates and have fluid-variables which contain the rendered content.
instead of outputting the content of a field directly (like {fieldname}), where the rendering is done by fluid you need to output the already rendered output without interfering of fluid (rtefieldname->f:format.raw()}) as for RTE-fields the content is already rendered in html. otherwise all specialchars are converted to show as given.
It might be that the <a> tags aren't closed properly.
Try checking the HTML code from the backend (by clicking the <> button in the backend). See if the </a> tag is where it should be, at the end of each sentences.
You need to find the difference between the lines that work and the lines that don't.

How to add button in email template

I want to add a button in email template and want to call a method based on that button click.
can anyone suggest me how can i do this?
Thanx in advance.
In html email, you are limited to html and css, so the only button you can create is a hyperlink. You could however pass some url parameters to a web page that does all your dirty work for you.
The design options are:
An image wrapped in a href <img src="">
Full CSS button - by building it in CSS so that it shows with images turned off.
"Bulletproof Buttons" - using a combination of CSS and background images. They fallback to the css if the images are turned off. See for a great example

Why would a link in a UIWebView leave a gray box behind?

I have a UIWebview that I am loading with custom HTML using loadHtmlString. My HTML has a link that I intercept when tapped so that I can take control and reload the UIWebview with a different HTML string. The code works, but the area where the link text was located is replaced with a gray rectangle that is visible when the new string is loaded.
What could be going on here? How can I get rid of this behavior?
Here it is...need to add this style statement to the link reference:
<a href= style = "-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);">
Setting the alpha value (the last parameter to rgba) to 0 disables the tap highlight color.
Although this works, it feels like a hack. I really think the tap highlight should clear itself when my second loadHtmlString reloads new HTML code.
You could add onclick="this.blur(); location.href=this.href;" to the link to remove the focus from the link.
I'm sure there's a better less hackish way, but this should work