Pass "dot slash" sequence in a URL querstrying - special-characters

In the web application that I am working on, there is a link like below
When I click on the link, it gives a File not found (404) error. I did a bit of research and believe that it is the presence of "./" (dot-slash) sequence in the link which is causing this error.
I tried encoding the link as below (though period is OK in a URL)
But, it did not help. It still gives me the same error. Any ways to overcome this?

It looks to me like you shouldn't have those %22 in there. %22 is ascii char for quote. I think that might be hosing you.

IIS 7.5 has rules to filter character sequences that appear in a querystring. The dot-slash was one of them, which is a potential security threat. It can be overcome by adding the below tag in the web.config under <security>
<remove sequence="./"/>


Encoding a GPX file such that it's accepted by the /matchroute endpoint of the Here API

I am trying to call the resource /matchroute via a GET request.
However, I can't figure out how to encode the GPX file so that the resource accepts my request: I always receive HTTP error 400 as a response from the Here server.
As exemplary data I used the following file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx version="1.0"
<trkpt lat="51.10177" lon="0.39349"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10181" lon="0.39335"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10255" lon="0.39366"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10398" lon="0.39466"/>
<trkpt lat="51.10501" lon="0.39533"/>
that I got from the this example.
I encoded this file using MATLAB's function which yielded the following base64-encoded string:
However, as stated before, the HERE server consistently responds with HTTP-error 400 to my request{app_id}&app_code={app_code}&routemode=car&file=...
where "..." equals the above mentioned base64-encoded string.
Question: Could anyone please provide a code sample showing how to encode the above mentioned GPX file correctly (ideally in MATLAB language) so that the /matchroute resource is able to respond?
If I use the base64 string
from this example the GET request works. However, I couldn't figure out how to reproduce this encoding myself so that I am able to encode my own data accordingly.
Link to the Here API definition:
Looking at the two base64 strings I can tell you the fundamental difference between them - the first one (which doesn't work) is unescaped whereas the second one (which works) is.
You can convert between the two formats manually using various online tools like this one. The escaped version of the non-working base64 string, in case you want to test it, is:
I'm not an expert on this, but as I understand, you need to URL-encode strings only when you want to paste them as-is into the web path of your browser (read about "URL Params"). If you construct your HTTP requests the right way™ (by this I mean specify the headers of the request and the key-value pairs correctly), you shouldn't have to worry about URL-encoding at all, since the tool that you're using (in this case, MATLAB) should take care of the conversion for you.
Unfortunately, I cannot test this theory, as I have no access to the discussed API - but I am fairly certain that this would solve your problem.
I had the exact same problem.
The documentation seems to be incomplete. You can check here for additional information. Several ways I solved this:
Use filetype='CSV' or filtetype='GPX' in parameter. It says the filetype is guessed if passed, that is actually not true. After passing an XML file the API told me my file didn't look like a 'CSV'
Compression is OPTIONAL, I suggest to avoid it completely I could not find a suitable compression either. It works fine with plain base64 encoding.
I suggest to actually use CSV because the XML actually returns parsing errors.
In python
r = requests.get('{APP_ID}&app_code={APP_CODE}&routemode=car&file={file}&filetype={filetype}'.format(

How to pack a variable into an HTTP GET request in socket.send() - Python 2.7

First off thanks for reading!
Second off YES I have tried to find the answer! :) Perhaps I haven't found it because I'm not using the right words to describe my problem, but it's been about 4 hours that I've been trying to figure it out now and I'm getting a little loopy trying to piece it together on my own.
I am very new to programming. Python is my first language. I am on my third Python course. I have an assignment to use the socket library (not urllib library - I know how to do that) to make a socket and use GET to receive information. The problem is that the program needs to take raw input for the URL in question.
I have everything else the way I want it, but I need to know the syntax that I'm supposed to be using INSIDE my "GET" request in order for the HTTP message to include the requested document path.
I have tried (obviously not all together lol):
mysock.send('GET (url) HTTP/1.0\n\n')
mysock.send( ('GET (url) HTTP:/1.0\n\n'))
mysock.send(('GET (url) HTTP:/1.0\n\n'))
mysock.send("GET (url) HTTP/1.0\n\n")
mysock.send( ("'GET' (url) HTTP:/1.0\n\n"))
mysock.send(("'GET' (url) 'HTTP:/1.0\n\n'"))
basically every other configuration of the above (, ((, ( (, ', '' combinations listed above.
I have also tried:
-Creating a string using the 'url' variable first, and then including it inside mysock.send(string)
-Again with the "string-first" theory, but this time I used %r to refer to my user input (so 'GET %r HTTP/1.0\n\n' % url basically)
I've read questions here, other programming websites, the whole chapter in the book and the whole lectures/notes online, I've read articles on the socket library and the .send(), and of course articles on GET requests... but I'm clearly missing something. It seems most don't use socket library when they can use urllib and I don't blame them!!
Thank you again...
Someone from the university posted back to me that the url variable can concatenated with the GET syntax and assigned to a string variable which can then be called with .send(concatenatedvariable) - I had mentioned trying that but had missed that GET requires a space after the word 'GET' so of course concatenating didn't include a space and that blew it. In case anyone else wants to know :)
FYI: A fully quallified URL is only allowed in HTTP/1.1 requests. It is not the norm, though, as HTTP/1.1 requires setting the Host header. The relevant piece of reading would've been RFC 7230, sec. 3.1.1 and possibly RFC 3986. The syntax of the parameters is largely borrowed from the CGI format. It is in no way enforced, however. In a nutshell, everything put together would look like this on the wire:
GET /path?param1=value1&param2=value2 HTTP/1.1
As a final note: The line delimiter in HTTP is CRLF (\r\n). For robustness, a simple linefeed is acceptable as well but not recommended.

Intelligencia URLRewriter HTTP to HTTPS

I am trying to get URLRewriter to force redirect a HTTP requests to a HTTPS. The vendors documentation doesn't seem to cover it.
I know the following parameters throws an error but serve to illustrate what I am trying to accomplish:
<if url="*">
<rewrite url="*" to="*" />
It would be useful to know exactly what error is thrown to make sure I am heading down the right path here but I think you are using the * character when you mean to use the . character (possibly .+ if you are intending any non secure URL to be redirected to the secure version)
It seems like what the original poster wanted to do was something like:
<if url="http://.*">
<rewrite url="http://([^/]*)(.*)" to="https://$1$2" />
However, that doesn't seem to work at all - I'm not really sure what it's doing under the hood to understand why. The regexes seem to be sound. I found this site really helpful for figuring some of this out:
I finally found the magic incantation to make it work, from:
<if header="HTTPS" match="^OFF$">
<redirect url="(.*)" to="$1"/>

Magento Undefined index: url

I got an error in my Magento 1.5.1 installation, that I don't know how to track down.
It says: "undefined index: url in /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template/Filter.php on line 283"
I checked all email templates, but everything seems ok. Even with all email templates removed, the error still comes up.
Any hints on that?
Thanks in advance
Which means there is the url key missing in $params and $construction[2] when calling Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template_Filter::mediaDirective().
My guess would be that you got some CMS block, email template, translation .csv file, etc. using a mediaDirective which fails to assign its url value correctly.
Scan your files for
{{media url=
occurrences to see, which one fails to assign its url.
A proper one looks similiar to this:
{{media url="path/to/image.jpg"}}

Problems with Zend_Service_Amazon_Simpledb and specialchars

I want to copy some data from MySQL to SimpleDB with the Zend Framework. It works fine so far, but if any attribute contains special chars like "äöüß" the server refused my request with "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.".
SimpleDB accept the request, if all specialchars are encoded in some way, but I want it like it is. What can I do to solve that? I tried to find informatione in google, but I found no solution.
I found a solution for that problem, but I had to change some code in Zend_Service_Amazon_SimpleDb. There was a missing http-header in the request. Just add
$request->setHeaders('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');
in _sendRequest().