Re-using sessions in ScalaQuery? - scala

I need to do small (but frequent) operations on my database, from one of my api methods. When I try wrapping them into "withSession" each time, I get terrible performance.
db withSession {
Running the above example 100 times takes 22 seconds. Running them all in a single session is instantaneous.
Is there a way to re-use the session in subsequent function invocations?

Do you have some type of connection pooling (see JDBC Connection Pooling: Connection Reuse?)? If not you'll be using a new connection for every withSession(...) and that is a very slow approach. See for a description of how to use C3PO with ScalaQuery.
If you use a managed resource from an application server you'll usually get this for "free", but in stand-alone servers (for example jetty) you'll have to configure this yourself.

I'm probably stating the way too obvious, but you could just put more calls inside the withSession block like:
db withSession {
Alternately you can create an implicit session, do your business, then close it when you're done:
implicit val session = db.createSession


Can I reuse an connection in mongodb? How this connections actually work?

Trying to do some simple things with mongodb my mind got stuck in something that feels kinda strange for me.
client = MongoClient(connection_string)
db = client.database
I thought that when make a connection it is used only this one along the rest of the code until the close() method. But it doesn't seem to work that way... I don't know how I ended up having 9 connections when it supposed to be a single one, and even if each 'request' is a connection there's too many of them
For now it's not a big problem, just bothers me the fact that I don't know exactly how this works!
When you do new MongoClient(), you are not establishing just one connection. In fact you are creating the client, that will have a connection pool. When you do one or multiple requests, the driver uses an available connection from the pool. When the use is complete, the connection goes back to the pool.
Calling MongoClient constructor every time you need to talk to the db is a very bad practice and will incur a penalty for the handshake. Use dependency injection or singleton to have MongoClient.
According to the documentation, you should create one client per process.
Your code seems to be the correct way if it is a single thread process. If you don't need any more connections to the server, you can limit the pool size by explicitly specifying the number:
client = MongoClient(host, port, maxPoolSize=<num>).
On the other hand, if the code might later use the same connection, it is better to simply create the client once in the beginning, and use it across the code.

Vertx to mongoDB connections

I'm working on a Java/vertx project where the backend is MongoDB (I used to work with Elixir/Erlang since some time, and I'm quite new to vertx but I believe it's the best fit). Basically, I have an http API handled by some HttpServerVerticles which need to store data to (or retrieve data from) the mongo db and to send the appropriate reply to the API caller. I'm looking for the right pattern to implement the queries and the handling of the replies.
From the official guide and some tutorials, I see that for a relational JDBC database, it is necessary to define a dedicated verticle that will handle queries asynchronously. This was my first try with the mongo client but it introduces a lot of boilerplate.
On the other hand, from the mongo client documentation I read that it's Completely non-blocking and that it has its own connection pool. Does that mean that we can safely (from vertx event loop point of view), define and use the mongo client directly in the http verticle ?
Is there any alternative pattern ?
Versions : vertx:3.5.4 / mongodb:4.0.3
It's like that: mongo connection pool is exactly like SQL-db pool synchronous and blocking in it's nature, but is wrapped with non-blocking vert.x API around.
So, instead of a normal blocking way of
JsonObject obj = mongo.get( someQuery )
you have rather a non-blocking call out of the box:
mongo.findOne( 'collectionName', someQuery ){ AsyncResult<JsonObject> res ->
JsonObject obj = res.result()
doStuff( obj )
That means, that you can safely use it directly on the event-loop in any type of verticle without reinventing the asyncronous wheel over and over again.
At our client we use mongodb-driver-rx. Vertx has support for RX (vertx-rx-java) and it fits pretty well on mongodb-driver-rx.
For more information see:

Creating parameterised prepared statements with Slick

In the following code:
val users = TableQuery[Users]
def getUserById(id:Int) = db(users.filter( === id).result)
From what I understand, getUserById would create a prepared statement everytime the getUserById is executed and then discarded. Is there a way to cache the prepared statement so it is created only once and called many times.
The documentation for Slick indicates that you need to enable prepared statement caching on the connection pool configuration.
Here is quite a good article on it also.
The summary is that Slick seems to cache the strings that are used to prepare the actual statements, but delegates the caching of the actual prepared statements to the underlying connection pool implementation.

RedisClient fails strategy

I'm using play framework with scala. I also use RedisScala driver (this one ) to communicate with Redis. If Redis doesn't contain data then my app is looking for data in MongoDB.
When Redis fails or just not available for some reason then application waits a response too long. How to implement failover strategy in this case. I would like to stop requesting Redis if requests take too long time. And start working with Redis when it is back online.
To clarify the question my code is like following now
private def getUserInfo(userName: String): Future[Option[UserInfo]] = {
CacheRepository.getBaseUserInfo(userName) flatMap{
case Some(userInfo) =>
Logger.trace(s"AuthenticatedAction.getUserInfo($userName). User has been found in cache")
case None =>
I think you need to distinguish between the following cases (in order of their likelihood of occurrence) :
No Data in cache (Redis) - I guess in this case, Redis will return very quickly and you have to get it from Mongo. In your code above you need to set the data in Redis after you get it from Mongo so that you have it in the cache for subsequent calls.
You need to wrap your RedisClient in your application code aware of any disconnects/reconnects. Essentially have a two states - first, when Redis is working properly, second, when Redis is down/slow.
Redis is slow - this could happen because of one of the following.
2.1. Network is slow: Again, you cannot do much about this but to return a message to your client. Going to Mongo is unlikely to resolve this if your network itself is slow.
2.2. Operation is slow: This happens if you are trying to get a lot of data or you are running a range query on a sorted set, for example. In this case you need to revisit the Redis data structure you are using the the amount of data you are storing in Redis. However, looks like in your example, this is not going to be an issue. Single Redis get operations are generally low latency on a LAN.
Redis node is not reachable - I'm not sure how often this is going to happen unless your network is down. In such a case you also will have trouble connecting to MongoDB as well. I believe this can also happen when the node running Redis is down or its disk is full etc. So you should handle this in your design. Having said that the Rediscala client will automatically detect any disconnects and reconnect automatically. I personally have done this. Stopped and updgrade Redis version and restart Redis without touching my running client(JVM).
Finally, you can use a Future with a timeout (see - Scala Futures - built in timeout?) in your program above. If the Future is not completed by the timeout you can take your other action(s) (go to Mongo or return an error message to the user). Given that #1 and #2 are likely to happen much more frequently than #3, you timeout value should reflect these two cases. Given that #1 and #2 are fast on a LAN you can start with a timeout value of 100ms.
Soumya Simanta provided detailed answer and I just would like to post code I used for timeout. The code requires Play framework which is used in my project
private def get[B](key: String, valueExtractor: Map[String, ByteString] => Option[B], logErrorMessage: String): Future[Option[B]] = {
val timeoutFuture = Promise.timeout(None, Duration(Settings.redisTimeout))
val mayBeHaveData = redisClient.hgetall(key) map { value =>
} recover{
case e => + e)
// if timeout occurred then None will be result of method
Future.firstCompletedOf(List(mayBeHaveData, timeoutFuture))

How to use Cashbah MongoDB connections?

Note: I realise there is a similar question on SO but it talks about an old version of Casbah, plus, the behaviour explained in the answer is not what I see!
I was under the impression that Casbah's MongoClient handled connection pooling. However, doing lsof on my process I see a big and growing number of mongodb connections, which makes me doubt this pooling actually exists.
Basically, this is what I'm doing:
class MongodbDataStore {
val mongoClient = MongoClient("host",27017)("database")
var getObject1(): Object1 = {
val collection = mongoClient("object1Collection")
var getObject2(): Object2 = {
val collection = mongoClient("object2Collection")
So, I never close MongoClient.
Should I be closing it after every query? Implement my own pooling? What then?
Thank you
Casbah is a wrapper around the MongoDB Java client, so the connection is actually managed by it.
According to the Java driver documentation ( :
If you are using in a web serving environment, for example, you should
create a single MongoClient instance, and you can use it in every
request. The MongoClient object maintains an internal pool of
connections to the database (default maximum pool size of 100). For
every request to the DB (find, insert, etc) the Java thread will
obtain a connection from the pool, execute the operation, and release
the connection. This means the connection (socket) used may be
different each time.
By the way, that's what I've experienced in production. I did not see any problem with this.