Show a label over the limits of a UITableViewCell - iphone

I'd like to use a UItableView to show a day Calendar. Each row corresponds to one hour. I need to show the hour between 2 cell of my tableview.
Like this :
And this is my UITableViewCell :
In the first screenshot, it works perfectly but if I scroll down then scroll up, my time label is cut like this :
Have you any tips to figure out this problem using a tableView ?

The way you lay out your cell now is fragile, because the order of painting the cells on screen matters a lot. Try moving the content up so that your buttons are flush with the top of the cell, and the time label fits into the cell entirely. Add a thin header view to your table to make the top cell appear normal. Keeping the content of a cell entirely within its bounds should help you maintain reasonable scrolling speeds.
EDIT : You could also put a second clipped label at the top of your cell, and make its content identical to that of the label in the prior row. You would need to take special care to hide that label in the top row, but otherwise this should make your table immune to changes in the rendering order of its cells.

Make the background color of your cell clear. As you scroll up the z ordering of your cells get reversed and the lower cells overlap the higher ones causing this clipping.


Letting big shadows bleed between UITableView cells

I've created a UITableViewCell with a textfield in it, which has a large diffused shadow underneath it. I've also set it up so that these big shadows can blend under its surrounding cells.
NB. Shadow has been HEAVILY emphasised here to show the problem.
The problem is that I want the shadow from my EMAIL textfield to blend underneath the password cell. i.e. I want both textfields to have a white background, but underneath them both I have the shadow. Something like this:
The reason this is a problem is because the UITableView is being rendered with upper cells "above" the lower ones. So any shadow from the cell at row 1 will bleed on top of the cells in rows 2, 3, 4 etc.
I was wondering if perhaps there is a way to change this rendering, and instead reverse the rendering so that a cell in row 4 is actually ABOVE rows 3, 2 and 1.
Or perhaps there is a way of setting the Password textfield so that no shadows are rendered on top of it?
Any help, very much appreciated!
Thanks to #Amr for pointing me in the direction of the cell.layer.zPosition.
The higher the value this is, the "closer" to the viewer the layer sits, so as long as each row has a higher value, it will appear "above" the shadows from any cells around it.
Since I use multiple sections in my code, I used this line to assign each cell above the previous one.
cell.layer.zPosition = CGFloat(indexPath.section) * 1000 + CGFloat(indexPath.row)

Dynamically update height of collection view cells

I have a collection view with many different cells in it. Each cell takes up half the width of a page, and contains an image and a label under the image.
I am starting with all of the labels being truncated, along with a "Read More" button that is supposed to expand the label.
The code to do the expanding is working, but the problem is that if I click the button on a cell in the top row, and the 2nd row also has 2 cells in it, I need those 2 cells to move down the page when I click the button as well. Right now, the text is technically "expanding" but then just being truncated due to having no height left.
I believe I need some sort of invalideLayout combination with something else to make this happen, but I can't seem to piece together how I would force all of the cells to move downwards as well.
The "Read More" button is attached to a function call that updates the number of lines for that text from "3" to "0" and reloads that cell.
Thanks in advance!

AutoLayout of Custom Accordion/Collapsible UITableViewCell

I would like to build a TableView where when the user clicks on a cell it expands to show more information. My question is how do I use Autolayout to arrange the multiple items in each cell.
Each cell will always be the same size, whether it is collapsed or not, so the sizing isn't dynamic.
The first problem I have is how to use Autolayout to arrange all the items in the cell. Before Xcode 7 I was successfully using Autolayout where I would pick a label-button-view to arrange, click Editor > Align > Trailing/Leading/Top Space, to.. etc. This is now greyed out and I don't know how to replace my old strategy.
Each cell has two rows of items. The first row shows all the time, the second only shows on collapse. Below is a picture of how the cell will look when it is collapsed:
The first row is a bit trickier because outlet1 and outlet 2 will have variable sizes. I would like 'label' to come right after label1, no matter how long or short that outlet happens to be. As arranged currently, there is a variable amount of space between the two.
What I'm looking to achieve in row 1 is basically exactly like Venmo:
Notice how 'paid' conforms to the size of the two names in the first row.
The second row has two buttons and an outlet which will always be the same size.
To sum up - how can I layout these elements in the UITableView for iphones4 thru 6S - and then how do I make this cell a collapsible cell? The construction of these cells seem to work as a system, not isolated from the whole - which is why this is a 2-part question.
is this what you want to achieve?

Aligning rows in UITableView

This may sound a newbie question, however I'm new to iOS dev.
I've got a UITableView on my iPad app. TableView has obly three rows, is there a way to tell UITableView to view rows vertically centered, i.e. to not from the top to down.
Figure out the sum of the heights of all 3 rows, call it MyTotalHeight.
float MyTotalHeight = heightOfRow0 + heightOfRow1 + heightOfRow2;
Set your
tableView.frame = CGRectMake(start_X, start_Y, tableWidth, MyTotalHeight);
If you want the contents of each row/cell to be centered vertically within the cell, this will depend greatly on what is in the cell. You will need to calculate the height of the content and then center that content vertically within the cell by adjusting it's frame.
You may want to try the UiTableView.sectionHeaderHeight property. Play with the number until the cells are centered vertically. If your using a plain table view, I don't know how well this will work for you.

iPhone Dev - How to make a UITableView the exact height to fit all of the cells in it

I have the following:
I would like to make it so that the tableview stops right at the "So" cell, instead of having all the blank cells under it (the big plan is to have a bunch of multiple choice questions like the one in that pic, all on top of one another on one scrollview). I'm guessing I need to set the tableView's frame, but I was wondering if there was an easy way to calculate at runtime the exact height of the portion of the tableview where the cells are implemented (the ones with text in the pic). It's tricky because I made it so that each cell's height can change to accommodate the amount of text in it. Anyone have any advice?
There are two appproaches you can take.
Best and easiest.
1. Add a footer view to the table so it will not draw the rows after the last row. a blank footer view will do.
//Add empty view to hide trailing row seperators
UIView *emptyView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 0)];
emptyView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
[tableView setTableFooterView:emptyView];
[emptyView release];
2.Check how many rows you have in the tableview and calculate the tableheight and change the frame of table view.
There isn't a tableView:sizeOfAllCells: function if that is what you are looking for. From your question it sounds like you to adjust the size of your table so you can put other content on bottom of it.
You are correct is saying that you want to alter your UITableView's frame property to match the height.
[table setFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,table.frame.size.width,heightOfCells)];
There are a few things you could do though. If you had an array of all the cells, you could loop through it real quick and add the height of each of them. You could (I don't particularly recommend it though) loop though the number of sections and rows you have, using tableView:cellForRowAtIndex: instead of having an array of cells, and get the heights that way. If each cell is the same height (sounds like its possible it wont be) you could just do some simple math to figure out the height. Lastly, you could keep a dictionary or array of heights and update it in the tableView:cellForRowAtIndex: so if the content changes, it updates the size, but then you would have to call a reloadData. Those are just a few ideas of ways to solve this particular problem.
Here's a hack (so wait to see if a better solution comes along):
Use numberOfSections to get the number of sections (if you later change to grouped style), and then add up the heights of rectForSection: for each of the sections (in plain style, just take rectForSection:0). Maybe add a bit to this for the separators.