Tagging video with the app/developer_id used to upload the video - facebook

Does Facebook provides any way to associate the application [that is used to upload the video] with the video?

It'll automatically be logged as such on Facebook's side, and there's a 'via ' link appended to the video display page on Facebook.com
If you're asking about anything else you'll need to be more specific.


Unable to embed Facebook Live video to website

The website builder I am using is squarespace and I am using the embed block to add a past Facebook Live Video to my site. However, when I add the iframe embed code, I get the message:
Unanavailble. This video can't be embedded because it may contain content own by someone else
Is there some work around for this? The live video is coming from a Facebook Page.

How do I embed a Facebook live ( video ) URL on a my website

I'm wondering if it is possible to embed a facebook live video stream, on a website, and how you go about doing it.
You can embed Facebook live stream as simple
Just use your iframe src link like this:
Example: https://jsfiddle.net/32ntsf04/
FB does not give you an easy way to stream live on a website while you are live on FB but it is possible. You would just grab the embed code just like you would from any FB video. You would then need to update the Live video ID in the embed code every time you are live... not very convenient.
You get the Facebook Live Video ID from the URL of the page you are live on.
There are a few wordpress plugins that will help you do this, or you can look at https://vidlive.co. Create a widget, put it on any website and it will stream live when your are live on FB.

Share YouTube video on Facebook via API

This is probably not possible, but I'm throwing it out here for anyone with crazy awesome ideas or if they happened to come across some morsel of information about it.
I have an embedded YouTube player (iFrame) using the API, with a custom JS control bar. All that works great.
I want to have a share option, however, since the videos on my site will often appear as overlays, it's not ideal to have the page be shared, but rather the video itself. Is there a way to have a user share the YouTube link directly from my page, rather than just a link to my site?
I already realize the fallback is to create a URL on my site that takes a video id parameter and redirects to the proper youtube page.
Doesn't the embed video from YouTube include all YouTube features by default?
(Thumbs up, share, full screen, etc…)

Facebook Feed Dialog with a video already uploaded in facebook

I'm trying to do a Feed Dialog in Facebook with a video already uploaded in Facebook.
First, I tried putting in the 'source' param the URL of the video, extracting it with the json return by Graph Api. However, Facebook doesn´t support their own media URLs in this way.
My intention is to show the same effect when you click in "Share" in any video in you facebook profile, but I don't know how i can refer the video.
I don't find anything in the Facebook's developers documentation.
Try linking to the video page itself, like how you link to YouTube if you want to share a video. Facebook renders the YouTube player in the wall when you do this, so in theory it should do the same when you share a Facebook Video URL.
I've just found the option: "Embed this Video" . In the code that Facebook gives in this option, I can find the URL for the video (www.facebook.com/v/video_id), and this works fine in the feed dialog.
The problem was the URL given in the JSON.

Play MP3 on facebook wall making it impossible to download the file

I need a possibility to insert a flash mp3 player on a facebook wall entry. I know I can do this just by posting a mp3 URL or by using fb:mp3, but both make it possible for the user to download. Due to legal reasons this must not be possible.
Can anyone point me to a mp3-player-app that can do this, where the file URL is encrypded / hidden?
Flowplayer has an option to stream the audio so that it cannot be downloaded. See the section titled "Secure your audio files from direct download". This should work on Facebook.