Facebook inline music player - facebook

I have created an application that allow users to share a preview of a song with their status and post to their wall. Just yesterday, the post will have an inline flash player allowing others to play it. But when I'm checking today, the inline player is removed and the song file become a link for other to download.
Has facebook remove the inline player?? Or they have change their API for music streaming??

Probably FB has removed an embedded audio player. See this bug.


create a mp3 player embedded in a facebook post

The Serial podcast has this cool feature where they share their webpage on their facebook page and Facebook lets the audio be played within Facebook. See this image:
I've created a blog post with all of the proper meta tags to match the relevant tags expected by facebook:
music:preview_url:url, the og:type is music.song, etc.
But I can't get a mp3 player to appear.
When I compare the open graph meta data in the Facebook debugger from the Serial webpage to my own webpage, the tags match up fine. Yes, mine has a 'locale' array but that can't be the issue.
I'm thinking they must have some type of Facebook app? Or I don't know what. I've never built a Facebook app so if you think that is how they are doing it, where would I start looking?
This is my non-working open graph output:
This is the one from the Serial podcast. You can see in the Share Dialog the player buttons for the MP3. How are they getting that in there? I would have thought just be me using the correct meta tags, Facebook would put player buttons on top of my mp3 and create the player for me.

Can we make ajax requests on a FB embedded player

I have a js player on which I have added interactivity. It was pretty easy since I used the HTML5 video element.
I was trying to include this player on my FB page but i know we need a swf player which is flash.
how to share a video from my website on facebook like youtube
I want to know if we can make ajax calls in the swf player when its on FB timeline?
Is there an open source swf player that I can use to extend its functionality?

Video thumbnail does not have a Play button on Facebook shared links

The video links shared via my website on Facebook appear as only images in the shared link; Facebook doesn't seem to recognize the content as video.
I've debugged the URL via Facebook debugger, and every thing appears fine:
The thumbnail that appears under the link does not have a play button on it. As you can see in the debug details, the appropriate og tags are already present on the page.
For video playing Facebook is not considering og:video tag, instead of that it is looking for og:video:secure_url tag
refer-link: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/602/
You seem to be missing an og:video tag pointing to the video source.
See also Shared Facebook video is not displayed inline in wall posts for HTTPS users - you also need to include the HTTPS source if you want users browsing Facebook over HTTPS to see the inline video.
It is very easy. You can add play button on an image like Facebook play button by using adobe Photoshop. Watch this video you will understand how to add it on the image.

Video embed on timeline with custom open graph object

So the story is this, I added a custom object to my app called Music Video and an action called Watch. I have all the needed meta tags in my pages to show the flash video, the linter reads them perfectly, it says that the type of share for my object is Video also.
If I post it using the like social plugin the flash video shows just fine but with my custom Watch action just shows the thumbnail and no play button, no nothing.
Do you know any example of apps using the new open graph api to embed video?
Facebook currently does not embed Flash video alongside stories generated from the build-in Watch action or on custom actions. Facebook will however embed the video if the URL is organically shared (copy and pasted into the Composer in Facebook) or liked via the Like button.
For now, this means a click on the watch news feed or ticker story will drive the user to your site, where you can authenticate them, play the video, and publish another watch action on their behalf.
I don't know when the changes took effect, but you can check it right here:

Play MP3 on facebook wall making it impossible to download the file

I need a possibility to insert a flash mp3 player on a facebook wall entry. I know I can do this just by posting a mp3 URL or by using fb:mp3, but both make it possible for the user to download. Due to legal reasons this must not be possible.
Can anyone point me to a mp3-player-app that can do this, where the file URL is encrypded / hidden?
Flowplayer has an option to stream the audio so that it cannot be downloaded. See the section titled "Secure your audio files from direct download". This should work on Facebook.