What does it mean when alGetError() (in OpenAL) returns -1 instead of a valid error code? - openal

I'm working on an iOS game where we create an OpenAL context on startup which exists for the life of the application. We allocate a pool of OpenAL sources. Each time a map is loaded the sound effects (.wav) are loaded into OpenAL buffers, and then we look for available sources when playing them. The only things that are loaded/unloaded are the buffers themselves.
After running for awhile some sounds just stop working when calling alPlaySource(). A call to alGetError() returns -1? Prior to the alPlaySource() call alGetError() returns 0.

This is probably due to the fact that iOS limits the number of concurrent playing sources to 32.
See also: maximum number of OpenAL sound buffers on iPhone

I think this was an extremely subtle memory leak resulting in some weird effects like the above. The code was based on some example code, ie SoundEngine which is known to be buggy and should not be used.
We ended up switching over to FMOD.


new in using XCode Instruments to interpret memory warning for iPhone development, guidance needed

I am working on an iPhone game which receives memory warning that I am not experienced enough to interpret. I have been watching some iTunesU tutorial but I am still not very good at this..
I have received various memory leaks whilst running my game and I wanted to understand how to interpret the stack trace show in Instruments properly.
I attach a screenshot of the ObjectAllocation instrument output . Even when I zoom filter I don't manage to filter the data in the ObjectSummary .
The peaks in memory usage in 1 happen when the GameScene is initialized and all the data is loaded (ParallaxBackground, CCSpriteBatchNode) and Sprites and bullets frames are created (in an CCArray of spriteFrames).
The big blue peak is just at load time but the app freezes and then crashes only after a while and from the graph I see that the memory usage (blue bar) has gone down.. so I don't quiet get that. Also, whenver I try to use the leaks instrument the App crashes..
I know is a very silly question for someone experienced, but I just need some extra help getting started with this toolset.
I think the memory problem are due to the sprites I allocate in sprite cache classes, but I am not sure on this and hence wanted to investigate this using Instruments but can't find out how to see what is the object causing the memory warning and how to access the stack trace..
PS: I am running on an iPod 4th generatio and I am using Cocos2D as library
EDIT: I do not also understand why if the Live Bytes are only 1.01 MB the App crashes and why I still receive a memory warning (see black flags). Is it due to some pointer referencing to some null variable or due to an excessive memory allocation? 1.01 MB doesn't seem much to me..
EDIT 2: Following Marion's advice I used the Activity Monitor and realized that the effective real memory usage is 55.39 MB. I misinterpreted the "live bytes" word. I will try to dig into this further and will leave the question as unaccepted for now to allow other people contribute. If I won't have any other answer within one-two days I'll mark as accepted the current answer. Thanks!
Thanks a lot!
If you want to find leaks, use Leaks instrument instead of Allocations. To find out, how much memory use at the moment, use ActivityMonitor.
If you will have problems with memory in cocos2d, you can try to purge cache. In cocos2d you can purge CCTextureCache, CCSpriteFrameCache, CCAnimationCache. It will release unused textures and frames.
If you want to check if all of unnessesary textures were removed from memory, you can place breakpoint to CCTextureCache class and call, for example, sharedTextureCache and look throw the content of textures_ dictionary. Or add some method to this class to be able to dump current state of cache.

Which has better performance, symbols in the library or exported images of those symbols?

I recently chose to switch to a method where my library is totally empty and I embed every image/animation/sound that I need via the Embed tag because it would make my life easier. Having a lot of symbols in my library causes CS5 to run extremely slowly and it was really annoying me.
This was totally fine for making games for computers but I'm currently working on my first iPhone game and I'm noticing that the game starts lagging after a few seconds of play. It's not even a complex game but it does have a lot of images with transparency. So I'm wondering if it would run faster if I forget about the empty library method. I don't really know how that would affect performance but this is the first time that I have to worry about performance. But I am aware of other things that affect performance like transparency and object pooling (just read about this one).
Also the exact same game runs worse on an iPad even though it's a more powerful device?
Having images in your library means that Flash will compress them when it exports the SWF/SWC. This may or may not be desirable.
Using the [Embed] tag means that you can compress them yourself in something like Photoshop and have complete control over the output.
You say that your "game starts lagging after a few seconds of play". This seems to be a memory/design problem rather than whether or not your images are embedded through code or as library symbols. Do some profiling to see where you're spending most of your time, and to check that you don't have a memory leak.
Both using the library and the [Embed] metatags influence performance of your IDE, but they are evaluated at compile time and will produce just about the same byte code.
The performance of your game at runtime is an entirely different issue, though you might be able to get good results by rethinking which images to embed as bitmaps and which to use as vector sprites, how to organize larger images (e.g. creating one basic player sprite and adding individual looks by composition, instead of making each player variation a full sized animation) and trying to reduce the use of transparency and alpha masks.
There are many good articles about improving ActionScript performance both on the AVM2 and on iOS devices. Try searching for "ActionScript optimization runtime" - it should yield plenty of results.

Best procedure for dealing with memory warnings after losing opengl context

I've been chasing a bug in my game, I think i finally found the problem.
I have a memory management routine that gets called on memory warnings, it basically checks what is loaded and not needed, and releases that.
Most of my memory is being used in textures for opengl, such that besides textures I only need to dump a few objects to keep the system happy even on a 3G with it's limited memory.
Now my problem, on a few occasions I lose the openGL context, when playing a movie with MPMoviePlayerController for example, or when calling the GC system views.
A few times the loading of the GC or MPMovie will coincide with my memory management routine being called, this is what I think is crashing the game, since I don't have the opengl context, I get:
malloc: *** error for object 0x471c9080: pointer being freed was not allocated
when trying to glDeleteTextures.
Now I'm changing my code so I don't try to delete textures on an invalid context (still checking how to do that), but I'm still left with the problem of what to do when I get a memory warning during a opengl context blackout.
I see only one option
Before calling something that will make me lose context try and release memory
I don't particularly like this option because it introduces lag on some operations.
Anybody see a better way ?
Is my analisys of the problem correct ? (Do I really lose opengl context when using MPlayer and GC)
Any other way to release the textures ?
Well, it certainly sounds like there are at least a couple basic preventative steps you can take here:
You should keep a reference to your EAGLContext around. This will allow you to make your context current to operate on (delete) its textures at any time necessary. (You shouldn't be calling glDeleteTextures at some random time if you're not sure your context is current.)
You can check to see if your context is current with: if (myContext == [EAGLContext currentContext]).... You could choose to do no memory flushing when this is not true, or take other actions depending on its status.

Getting Framerate Performance on iPhone

I've just come off the PSP where performance testing was easy. You just turned off 'vsync' and printed out the frameratem, then change something and see whether the frame rate goes up or down...
Is there any way to do the same thing on the iPhone? How do you turn vsync off? The Instruments tool is next to useless. Its chief problem being that it running it adversely affects the performance of the app! Also, the frame rate it reports is extremely sporadic.
I don't want any fancy tool that reports call trees and time spent in each function. I just want an unrestricted frame rate and some way to see what it is. Is there a high precision counter that you can use on the iPhone? Something like QueryPerformanceCounter in windows?
Also, is there anyway for you to somehow KILL backround processes so you know they can't effect the performance, perhaps solving the sporatic frame rate problem?
Profile your app with Instruments and use the Core Animation instrument. It gives a frame rate.
You're taking the try-something-and-measure approach. Very indirect. It's easy to tell exactly what is taking the time; it doesn't depend on what else is going on and doesn't require learning a new tool. All you need is a debugger that you can interrupt.
You can't kill background processes on the iPhone. That would make it possible for a buggy or malicious app to interfere with the phone function and the needs of all other functions on the iPhone are subordinated to the phone.
Try QuartzDebug or OpenGL Profiler.
Use instruments to get the frame rate.
To do this, run profile on your app (click and hold on the run button in xcode and choose profile). Make sure you are running your app on device. Choose openGL ES analysis. Look at the data display under core animation frames per second.
You want to aim for 60fps.

My app closes without any warning or error message

I'm programming an puzzle game for iPhone using openGL.
There Is one very weird "bug" ( I'm not sure what It is)... whenever I touch the screen a great number of times in a short period of time my app closes, without giving a warning or error.
What could be the cause ?, I guess It has something to do with the memory, but I would like to know.
I also think this happens because I'm calling multiple functions every time the user touches the screen or moves his fingers.
Sounds like you're running out of memory.
A few quick tips that might help out:
Check your memory profile over time using Instruments. If you see a steady incline over time, it's likely to be a memory leak, or an inefficient algorithm that is allocating more memory than you need.
Use a static analyzer to help check for leaks, such as Clang.
Images and image-related files are particularly memory-hungry, so focus on efficiency for them. When you work with textures in OpenGL, use the PVRTC format, which offers awesome compression.
didReceiveMemoryWarning: is your friend - aka a good chance to throw out anything you don't absolutely need in memory. Better to be memory-efficient the whole time, though.
Try setting up an NSUncaughtExceptionHandler. You may also want to setup a signal handler.