Can be one device in multiple iOS Developer Program Account? - iphone

I'm developing an app and testing on devices under my iOS Developer Program Account but it will be released with another account. The client want to test the app in his device but using my account (he doesn't have account already and maybe I will not have access it it), so I need to register his device on my account. This device can be registred with another account at the same time, or if it can't be possible, if I remove it from my devices can be used in other account immediately?

You can register a device to as many developer accounts as you like. Just beware that you can only register up to 100 different devices to 1 developer account per year.

"You are allowed to register up to 100 iOS devices for testing and Ad Hoc distribution per membership year. Please Note: Although you may remove a device from your account, it will continue to count against your 100 device limit." Here you can find help to implement this.
As for your question, I have the same devices connected with multiple accounts, so it's not a problem to do so. The only "limitation" is what I've listed above.

You can register a device with multiple accounts. Also, one account can have a max of 100 devices registered simultaneously.

"You are allowed to register up to 100 iOS devices for testing and Ad Hoc distribution per membership year.
How many iOS devices can I register for testing and Ad Hoc distribution?
You are allowed to register up to 100 iOS devices for testing and Ad Hoc distribution per membership year. Please Note: Although you may remove a device from your account, it will continue to count against your 100 device limit.
Can I use the Apple ID associated with my iOS Developer Program to join the iOS Developer Enterprise Program?
No. You must set up a new Apple ID to join the iOS Developer Enterprise Program.
What are the requirements for developing with the iOS SDK and Xcode?
To develop with the iOS SDK and Xcode, you must have an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard or later and you must be registered as an Apple Developer.
As a Registered Apple Developer, what do I have access to in the iOS Dev Center?
As a Registered Apple Developer you have access to the latest version of the iOS SDK and the related resources and information available in the iOS Dev Center.
For access to the tools and information necessary to test apps on devices, you will need to join either the iOS Developer Program, the iOS Developer Enterprise Program, or both.


Can't Connect IPhone to Xcode 5.1?

I have registered from Previously I have uploaded app also to I just upgrade my mac os & Xcode and trying to connect iPhone. iPhone is connected to system but in Xcode not showing device name
i am new to Xcode, I have small IPhone Mobile App, I am trying to connect my IPhone to Xcode 5.1 but unable to detect.
In my mac system showing/connecting IPhone. In Xcode not showing?
can any one tell me how to connect iPhone to Xcode 5.1?
thanks in advance..
I would bet that you haven't registered as a paid Apple developer on the Apple Developer Portal.
When developing apps for iOS you are required to register with Apple as an Apple developer. There are 3 options a Free Apple developer Account which doesn't really allow you to do much at all, you can't test on devices, you can't submit to the App Store. There is also the 2 paid options.
Option 1: Is the first paid option for $99 a year which will allow you to create a provisioning profile and submit to the app store Option 1 can be found here
Option 2: Is for more bigger organizations but it cost $299 and can be found here
All the options can be found here
Once you are a fully paid up Apple developer you will need to create a provisioning profile which has your device on it. Once this is all complete you should be able to developer apps for your device.
If you are a paid up developer and have the correct provisioning profile please can you update your question and I will amend my answer.
It could be because
The deployment target is higher than your iPhone version
The supported device is set to iPad

Host options for an iPhone app

I'm developing an iPhone/android app and, in the case of iphone one, I need to host it asap. I am about to finish it but the average time to be published in the AppStore is about 7 days once been aproved. I was looking for any othe host but I'm not sure if they would be work as AppStore, I mean: downloading by everycustoner without doing throught Cydia or things like that.
Any suggestion or experiences?
If you have an enterprise account, you can use Enterprise Distribution for in-house apps. But you probably don't, or you wouldn't be asking this question.
If it's a very limited number of devices and you have personal contact with all potential users:
You could deploy it on devices yourself.
You could use ad-hoc beta distribution (made easy with TestFlight, for instance).
Other than that - there are no other legitimate options.
If you want widespread, "ordinary" distribution of a native app on iOS, you'll have to go through the app store, period.
Other than for time-limited plus number-of-devices-limited beta test distribution (Ad Hoc and/or testflight), the only host option for unlimited distribution of an iOS app to ordinary customers with stock devices is waiting for an app to be approved and hosted on Apple's iTunes App store.

Is it possible that My app which is Distributable can be downloaded from my website without going to AppStore?

Is it possible that if I have registered my app to Appstore. But I dont want that my app to be downloaded from AppStore. I want that it should only be downloaded from my website/Hosting.
what are the comments on this??
Short answer No, you can use the ad-hoc method explained by Kashiv.
Long anser, yes with the enterprise license, but you are not allowed to distribute the to people outside of you company. If apple finds out about they could take legal actions.
iOS itself prohibits downloading or running apps except from Apple's App store, or from an enrolled Enterprise's App store (which is for employees of a D&B rated corporation only), or, for a limited time, for an enrolled iOS developer's allowed 100 max registered test devices, or as online source code for other enrolled iOS developers to build and run on their test devices.
This is built into the iOS security for any stock OS device.
So it does not matter what you want. You can't do it (except with the limited exceptions mentioned above).
You can do it, but...
There are 2 ways:
You can purchase Standard Developer Program and distribute your app via email or hosting, but you are limited up to 100 devices. It's called Ad Hoc Distribution. Taken from Apple's developer program overview:
With Ad Hoc distribution you can share your application with up to 100 other iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch users. Through email or by posting it to a website or server, users can download and install your app.
You can purchase Enterprise Developer Program ($299/year) and distribute your app with In-House Distribution. It will be available on App Store, but only "registered" users can download them.

What happens an iOS App after the debugging on the device is finished?

I am not yet a member of the iOS Developer Program. I am familiar with the fact that all Apps on non jailbreaked iOS Devices must be downloaded from the App Store. But what about my own Apps I developed and tested on my iOS device. Do they remain on the device after I finished debugging so I am able to show the Apps some friends without having my iPhone or iPad connected to Xcode on my Mac?
Apps that were put on a device have an associated provisioning profile. Each provisioning profile has an expiration date after which the app it is associated with will no longer run.
If I recall correctly, development profiles expire after 3 months and ad hoc distribution profiles expire after 1 year.
Yes, they remain on the device and are usable like any app until the corresponding development profile expires.

inhouse distribution of iphone development

Can you anybody please about inhouse distribution of iphone development
What you need to look into is iPhone app adhoc distribution.
There are three kinds of distribution:
Ad hoc. You add the unique ID of up to 100 devices in the iPhone Provisioning Portal. You can then email your users the built app with the certificate that you generate with those IDs. This is usually used for beta testing.
App Store. You already know this and it's not what you want.
Enterprise. "Developers at companies with 500 or more employees who are creating proprietary in-house applications for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch should apply to the iPhone Developer Enterprise Program."
From your question I'm not sure whether you mean option 1 or 3.
For enrollment in the Enterprise program you need '500 or more employees and a DUNS number' and $299 (see here).
If you don't meet all of these criteria, you're basically stuck with ad hoc distribution. You can distribute to a maximum of 100 devices per paid Apple Developer Program account.