XCode app not syncing to itunes - iphone

I created an app on Xcode and synced it to iPhone and it works fine. Now, i want to sync the app to iTunes so that i can copy the ipa file and send it to someone else for testing.
But the app is not getting synced to iTunes.
Is there any way to get the ipa file?
My app uses sqlite database. Is that the reason for not getting the app synced?

Try this:
1) Build a app. And you will get a .app
2) Open iTunes
3) Drag and drop a .app to the iTunes at left panel on top. For truely drop, you must see a Green "+" about cursor when you are draged a .app on panel.
4) iTunes will convert your .app to .ipa file
5) Look at Users/{you}/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications folder and find your IPA app file
Hope this helps you

I think you're over thinking this one, instead of deploying to your phone then syncing back to iTunes, try archiving your app, then making an ad-hoc distribution. This will give you the IPA
Now, I'm not completely sure about this but Apple may have specifically put protocols in place to keep your from making your own ad-hocs your the way you described.

In xcode go to Product->Archive. After the Archive operation completes, go to the Organizer, select your archive, select Share and in the "Select the content and options for sharing:" pane set Contents to "iOS App Store Package (.ipa) and Identity to iPhone Distribution (which should match your ad hoc/app store provisioning profile for the project).


Testing the ipa file on iPad

I have a .ipa file which i want to test in iPad before submitting to iTunes. i can't synchronize it with Xcode because we did not develop the code..we just have a iPad and .ipa file was sent to us in email, but even i cannot download it through safari shows an error. Is there any possible way to test it.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
If you don't have a source code it is possible to resign the app using another profile which includes your iPad and even publish to AppStore. You will need Apple Developers account for that.
You can try www.aironapp.com. You need to configure Apple Developers account there and then it could resign the IPA for you and provide OTA download.
This is impossible to do with an application compiled for distribution. If it would be possible it would mean you could get the ipa's from any device and just run them via iTunes.
You can however ask the developer to send you an ipa compiled for debugging.
Here are the steps to installing your App on your iPhone or iPad using .ipa files.
We will send you one or two files. One will be a .ipa file and the other will be a .mobileprovision file. Save them in a convenient location
Open iTunes. Then drag the downloaded .mobileprovision (if provided) & the .ipa files and drop it into iTunes Library.
In iTunes select your iPhone (or iPad) under devices.
Go to the Apps tab and make sure the checkbox for the new App is checked. If not, check it yourself.
Press Sync. After it is synced, you should be able to unplug you iPhone and play with the App.
The app probably needs to be signed with a different provisioning profile that includes your iPad.

Ad hoc distribution of my iPad app

I have created an iPad app which I want to send to another branch of my company. I have .app file which I want to send to him.
Does this colleague have to do anything special other than drop this file into iTunes and install on the device?
Does he need to have a Mac with Xcode any everything or how do I got about this? I won't have physical address to his device.
EDIT: This is just a once off thing. I only want to demo something to him.
This article looks really good as far as basic setup goes - http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/35818-unofficial-ad-hoc-distribution-guide.html
After that, you just need to send out the .app and the .mobileprovision. Both the files need to be dragged into iTunes. Check if Sync apps is enabled and that your app is selected. Hit sync and it should work.
You don't need Xcode or a Mac to install an ad-hoc-provisioned app. All your users need is iTunes.
You need to have your users send you their UUIDs, which you then need to register in Apple's provisioning portal. Download the updated profile and be sure to link to it when building your app for distribution.
I have heard of people having trouble installing .app files. The safest option is to chose "build and archive" from the build menu. This will create an ipa file that can be installed through iTunes. If you open the Xcode organizer after building and archiving, you can select your new ipa and save it to file, or send it by e-mail straight from Xcode.
You will need to belong to iOS Developer Enterprise Program.

only few contents of .ipa file are getting loaded into the device when sinked via itunes

I am developing an application in which I placed a bunch of books in my resources folder of my app. When I load the app into the device from Xcode, all the books are visible in the iPad.
When I load the same app in .ipa format into device using iTunes in the same iPad, only a few books are being loaded (done as ad-hoc).
Can anyone suggest what might be the problem or issue?
Is there anything with provisioning profiles (developer or distribution)?
Do one thing, extract .ipa file by stuffit expander. By that you will get the binary file. Please check those resources are there or not. If yes then might be that older ipa file already installed in your itunes(PC). Delete it and then try to install the ipa file. If no then may be issue while compilation.

iOS Question. Can I distribute the Xcode simulator versions of my app?

I would like to send someone the Xcode simulator version - not the device version - of my iPad app. I have located the .app file in the Finder. Do I just zip it up and send it off or is it more complicated than that?
Chrisbtoo got the answer on this one however he left of some critical bits for those of you trying this at home:
Path to Xcode simulator (the simulator can be run standalone.):
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app
Path to app that appears in the home screen of the simulator:
/Users/turner/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/{GUID}
It is instructive to watch what happens in the app simulator directory as you build for simulation, delete apps from the simulator desktop and generally use the simulator as an actual device.
Bottom line: This is a viable approach for sharing apps in a "simulated" ad hoc manner without the mind numbing, soul sucking process of true ad hoc app sharing.
Assuming the other person already has the simulator installed, you can just zip up the stuff under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/{GUID} (includes both the .app and any data directories needed) and send it to them - they'll need to unzip it under that same directory. What I've done in the past was to rename the {GUID} part to a more friendly name - the sim will still pick it up.
If they don't already have the simulator, they will need to sign up for a free iphone dev account and download Xcode, etc.
We just put up a little tool that will help you with this. It manages both what you need on the dev side and also the tester.
Here it is
It basically creates a little zip that you can pass to the tester and it'll install the app in the right directory and also open it up for the user with the right device selected.
I would think you want to send the entire project folder to the other person- presumably you are expecting them to open it in their XCode- and presumably they have the sdk for the app.
You have to distribute via AdHoc or App Store for beta testing.
Become a developer and then look into how to do this.
You need to have a provisioning profile, and then select the UDID's for the device you want to beta test to.
Go to the iPhone Provisioning Portal
and here is a document with more detail

How do I build an xcode project for the itunes store?

I've got my apps running on my iphone, great, however to list on the itunes store I need the "universal binary" thing.
I've tried finding answers, but I can't seem to find a concise useable explanation to doing this in xcode. I always get errors when I try to build a binary. Can anyone point me towards a basic step-by-step procedure I can follow to creating a universal executable binary which can be uploaded on the itunes store?
One more thing, is there some type of app, like the rename project app, or applescript thing, that can do this for me with a few clicks?
Try this:
Prepare a new provisioning profile for App Store
Make sure you have Ad Hoc distribution working OK.
Go onto the Program Portal > Provisioning > Distribution
New Profile button
Distribution Method: App Store
Profile Name: MyApp App Store (or whatever)
App ID: MyApp (you have already created one right?)
Submit button
Set up the new profile/configuration in XCode
Download the certificate (you can click on the Distribution tab to reload that tab while it's being generated) and load it into XCode
In XCode, open your project and go to Project > Edit Project Settings (or double-click on the first item under Groups & Files panel)
Configurations tab, click on your existing Ad Hoc distribution configuration, that already works, and click Duplicate button. Call the new one "App Store"
Click on Build tab, then under Code Signing > Code Signing Entity in the popup choose "iPhone Distribution - MyCompanyName" under "MyApp App Store"
Build & Upload to iTunes Connect
Clean all for good luck, then set Active Configuration to "App Store", build & go. Test it on your iPhone.
Find your built app in the Finder, in your project directory > build > App Store-iphoneos > MyApp.app ... right click and "Compress MyApp.app"
Upload resulting MyApp.zip to iTunes Connect.
A Universal Binary has nothing to do with it. To distribute through the App Store, you need to create a Distribution provisioning profile. The iPhone developer portal has step-by-step directions for this. look under the "Distribution" tab.
I followed the instructions listed by sbwoodside but had problems with the last part (Build & Upload to iTunes Connect). I realized that the built version didn't run on the device. This is what worked for me:
Build & Upload to iTunes Connect
Clean all for good luck.
Go to "Edit Scheme" and in the Archive menu, select the App Store
build configuration.
Select iOS Device or a specific device in the drop down menu and go
to Product->Archive.
Once Xcode is done archiving, it will open the organizer window and
show the archives section. Select the last archive and click
You will be asked to enter your distribution certificate. Select
the one created for the App Store.
XCode will upload the app to iTunes Connect without the need of
using Application Loader. For this to work, the app has to be in
"Ready to Upload" status in iTunes Connect.
You won't get to test the last version with the device. Therefore it's best to make an ad hoc version before to be able to test all features and once everything is working, duplicate the ad hoc configuration for the app store.
Once you have your provisioning profiles downloaded and installed you need to make some changes within XCode to get the app to work on your iPhone and eventually to submit to the iTunes store. You'll also need to add an Entitlemests.plist object to your project. You also need to tweak your build profile and your info.plist to point to your application name.
But as Mark B already said, just got through the developer portal and follow those instructions. Just make sure your define the right provisioning profile for the purpose.