Using Spring Data Neo4j outside of Spring container - spring-data

Can Spring Data Neo4j be used "standalone" (i.e. outside Spring container) like Spring Data JPA can?

Currently you cannot use Spring Data Neo4j outside of a Spring Container as it does not integrate with the CDI integration support in Spring Data Commons yet.
Feel free to open a JIRA issue if you'd like to see support for that.


http4s configuration from spring cloud config server

We have a rest microservice developed using scala http4s. We want to externalize configuration for this microservice like we do in spring boot ecosystem.
Can this be done in Scala Http4s where they can refer a spring cloud config server? Is there any other to do in Scala?

How to integrate Rest API and MongoDB Based Spring Boot Application to Drools and KIE Server?

I am looking for any solution for REST API based Spring Boot Application has to be integrated or import to KIE server to apply Drools Rules and Business Flow.
There are close questions but there is not related with a newer version of Spring Boot versions because does not support JBooss/Drools and KIE server.
Please give me feedback on how or simple project configuration.

JPA newbie - Container managed persistence using Websphere and OpenJPA

I want to implement Container Managed persistence using Websphere and OpenJPA.
Can anyone provide some insights ?
Is there a way to achieve this without using EJB3 or Spring ?
EJBs and Spring (along with some other Dependency Injection frameworks like Google Guice) implement the Container Managed EntityManager. If you don't want to use the technology that provides the hooks for the container to handle the transactions and entity managers for you, then you would have to roll your own which is the application managed route.

MyBatis integration with JBoss 7.1 web application

Had anybody attempted to use MyBatis as their persistence library for a JBoss 7.1 /Java EE6 application?
I'm wondering what are the best approaches to handling connections, transations, rollbacks etc?
How about CDI support? Looking around online it seems at this time MyBatis only supports two Dependency Injection (JSR-330) frameworks, Google Guice and Spring. I did run into CDI Extensions which may be something look into.
My idea would be to have the container handle all of the above however it may be difficult getting to that point.
Any tips, hints, experiences?
There is a new mybatis-cdi module. It is not released yet, but you can try the snapshot, it is at github:
There is no CDI support at all but as you said, if you want DI go Spring or Guice.
With JBoss you have mainly two chances:
- EJB 3
- Spring
If using EJB 3 transactions are handled automatically by them. MyBatis just ignores transactions and lets the container commit/rollback.
When using Spring, MyBatis ties to Spring transactions using the integration module MyBatis-Spring.
I would create my own CDI bean - use #Produces for a factory, and #Inject to get the session.
Here is old iBatis Spring factory, that might be the producer, after some changes:

Spring Roo from WSDL?

Spring Roo + GWT is very exciting but I'd like to use an existing Web Service as a backend so I was wondering if there is any way to configure Roo to use a WSDL as the starting point rather than the entity description (and have it wire in the Jax-WS calls to the service).
As far as I know Spring Roo do not have support for this yet.