what is the feature that must be provided in a webhost so the ipn works - paypal-ipn

I was useing a free web hosting , but now i want to find a new one that support the connection with paypal for ipn,see this topic to know what I am talking about
i alrdeay post this quetion but they told me "questions about free web hosting recommendations are off topic for Stack Overflow".
so i am not asking a recommendation.
my quetion is : what is the feature that must be provided in a webhost so my ipn script works?

I am not sure I understand your question of "What is the feature that must be provided in a webhost so my IPN script works?". The IPN is a POST back to your system, and then your system responds to PayPal's POST to validate the information. You can set this up in different languages, and it can be set up a a windows or linux server. Then its a matter of what you are wanting the IPN script to do with the information. You would want to make sure you are sending the post to a secure url https:// Can you be more specific of what you are asking?


Test if PayPal Security Changes will work

According to this, paypal developers need to update their machine. My question is, how can we know that our application is ready for these changes?
Thank you.
You can check your SSL details using this tool. You just need to make sure it's showing SHA256 and TLS 1.2 for the enabled protocol. It will also give you details about any potential vulnerabilities you need to fix up in general.
For the IPN change that's really just up to you to make sure you've made the change. Within the IPN script you POST data back to PayPal. You need to make sure you're using https:// on the URL that you're POSTing back to. They will reject http://.
That's really all there is to it.

PayPal REST API - Redirect Error Handling

My question is simple yet I can't find any SO posts or PayPal documentation to answer it.
In the event of a PayPal user having some error being redirected after completing their checkout (internet goes out, browser crashes, they close their browser before the redirect goes through, random networking issues, etc.) How are we suppose to handle that?
I thought using the following REST API
GET /v1/payments/payment/<Payment-Id>
Would solve my problem but since the state returned from this request does not change from created to approved until the funds have been executed it is useless. In the case of having some redirect error you will not have been able to execute the funds and thus it will simply be in the created state still which does not help you.
Additionally I thought maybe PayPals IPN system used for CLASSIC API would be the answer to my problem but again it fails. The IPN system does not contain relevant information such as transaction ID which is needed to link the two systems together.
Is there no way to do automated error handling using the REST API?

Format for Return URL for PDT in PayPal

I have a Business Site and am using Sandbox to try to get PDT to work.
I set up return URL in selling preferences and turned PDT ON - but my Sandbox buyers do not get returned to the site.
There are warnings that if you do not format the return url properly then it will not work, but I cannot find any instruction as to what that format is. I am not sure if I specify the page I want to return to or just the root address which PayPal will something to.
I want to use it with an https, but I have also tried and failed with a different http site that I have.
Can you suggest what I might have forgotten to do?
It would be great if you could help me get started on this fairly fundamental point!
We have multiple sites that uses PayPal standard with PDT and IPN callbacks, when I switch this to sandbox mode things don't work but works outside of the sandbox. Try connecting to the live urls and see if that works, you can always refund payments if they go through.
In the posting url you can specify &return=XXX where XXX is the url encoded url back to your site
[This will override the setting within PayPal which is handy if you have multiple sites using the same PayPal account]
You can also specify the IPN (which should also be implemented) using &notify_url=
I got an auto-return to work in the sandbox!
Not quite sure what I did BUT it might have been that I set up PDT and IPN in the sandbox site, instead of just in the live site.
thanks for replies. I am not out of the woods yet, but I now live in hope.

New PayPal API - how to set up live application? Not Sandbox

It has been some time since I last set up PayPal payments on a website.
After I opened the new PayPal API and honestly, I am a little bit confused. At the moment, there is each new website considered by PayPal support?
On the following page, https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications, I found Test credentials, but I want to set up Live credentials.
In the block with Live credentials, it is written:
Live credentials (currently for U.S. businesses)
We'll email you when your live credentials are ready.
How much it usually takes? And also, what everything is needed for being approved? Is there any way to make it faster or the only thing I can do is to wait?
The first part of your question about new websites is unclear. But I would guess that the Classic APIs might be a better choice for your use-case, as the new RESTful API is still in a beta stage with limited features.
I see this is tagged as paypal-adaptive-payments. Adaptive Payments is its own separate API and you can read information on going live with it here: https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/going-live-with-your-application
For the second part of your question, I am not sure how long it takes but my best guess from similar processes is two business days (Monday-Friday)
Live credentials are only available for US accounts right now as we currently only support America.

PayPal IPN testing

I'm trying to get this PayPal IPN tutorial to work:
I setup everthing and now I'm in the PayPal sandbox and sending with the "Instant Payment Notification (IPN) simulator" a message to my "ipn.php" and nothing happends.
The databse is still empty and I don't get a notification email.
I'm totally stuck with this. What can I do to find the error?
Make sure your listener is on port 80. It is undocumented, but the paypal IPN simulator will fail to send to any other port.
The tutorial URL does not open for me, I get a "No input file specified.".
My first suggestion would be to open the PHP script that processes the PayPal IPN and write the following in the beginning:
file_put_contents('dump.txt', print_r($_POST, true));
Ensure you have write permissions in the directory that holds the script because "dump.txt" file will be created there. This way you can see what PayPal sends to you and give you a starting debugging point.
Also check your web server error log for PHP errors that might be happening to you. The tutorials are often written long time ago, on different systems, different PHP version, etc.
Edit: Also you probably already know this but the IPN processing script should be publicly accessible, not some localhost stuff.