Looking for API call to Block Application ID - facebook

I've been looking all over to find the correct API call to block applications via application ID, however I've yet to find it. I'm actually becoming quite certain that it's not possible (for obvious reasons, Facebook revenue being one of them), however I was wondering if anyone knew of a way, even via URL call ('https://www.facebook.com/apps/block.php?id=' + APPID + '&action=block' no longer works correctly, if it ever did.)
Basically I've been making a ruby script to be deployed to help users block spammy and generally unwanted applications via application ID's, the script is almost complete, however I need a method to be able to actually block the applications! If anyone could give me some help, I'd very much appreciate it.

Refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/application/#banned
You can ban a user for an app by issuing an HTTP POST request to
APP_ID/banned?uid=USER_ID1,USER_ID2 with an application access token
(i.e. a token created using the app secret, not an application Page
access token as described above). You can specify the following

This is not (and probably/hopefully will not ever) possible via API. There are too many reasons to leave it that way. You don't want applications block each other...
This may sounds like a show-stopper for you, but it's not! Generate report arguing the reason why some applications better be blocked/removed/reported and show it to users instructing 'em how to do this.


How to protect a public accessible API?

I'm working in creating a FORM (kind of survey) to get user input, any user who visited the website can provide me information. This would means, the API is actually public accessible to anyone without any token or session (basically nothing)
I want to prevent people from getting my endpoint and create thousand/millions of requests (SPAM) to flood my service and database. I've tried to look over Stackoverflow and some post in medium, it's interesting that I don't find much about this.
Some said:
bundle my website as an hybrid app, supply accessToken to only "trusted device" for firing my api (but this is a pure webapp)
creating custom header and identify the header from my web server (hmm..?)
use CAPTCHA (this will only stop people spamming via the GUI, but spamming via script still possible)
Is this simply no better way to secure, since it's public?
Any thoughts to share?
have you read about Request Queue?
it might help you solve the issue
source 1
source 2

Is OAuth suitable for this scenario?

I'm new to OAuth and I would really appreciate if someone could give me a hand with my problem. I need to create a simple web application for track expenses, with some basic actions (user must be able to create an account and log in, list expenses, edit them, etc) with a REST API for each one, and the trick is that I need to be able to pass credentials to both the webpage and the API. So, after some research I've found some examples using Digest Authentication and HMAC Authentication but lot of posts also mentioned OAuth as an alternative approach, so my question is, given this scenario, would be proper to use OAuth? I mean, as far as I understand OAuth is suitable when you want to share resources with other application, which I'm not doing for this project; besides that, when you try to access the shared resource it appears a page requesting permission for the foreign application, would that page appear at some point in my application? (maybe after the login?)
Thanks in advance guys
In your current scenario it does not make sense to use OAuth. It's not what OAuth is designed for.
If your application ecosystem is going to have multiple webapps running on a single SSO (like google) then it is very helpful to have OAuth.
Suggestion: Decide based on your business/operation plan and implement accordingly.
Note: If you plan to have 10 apps in the span of the next 5 years but only have one app now it does not make sense to spend time to implement complex protocols like OAuth right now. Scale as you grow.

Prevent direct api access from browser

Currently as it stands, if a user reads the source of my web application, they'd be able to determine the direct URIs of all the RESTful services my web application utilizes.
The problem I see is this: My web application knows how to correctly use the API, and I might not have thought of every single validation known to man to prevent bad data from being sent through the API.
And so with that is there a method to prevent "direct" access to the API and limit it only to my web application?
P.S. As an FYI: API calls concerning a user are protected by the presence of a user-specific cookie which is only issued upon login. This means I'm not too afraid of User X being able to directly modify User Y's data through the API.
If the browser is making the request, the user can spoof the request. Period.
My web application knows how to correctly use the API
That's good, but that's leading you down the path of assuming client-side functionality executed as intended. Never make that assumption.
I might not have thought of every single validation known to man to prevent bad data from being sent through the API
This statement leads me to believe that the API itself is more complex than it needs to be. The best thing you can do is simplify. It's difficult to be more specific without seeing specific code, but API requests should be fairly simple and straightforward and the same techniques to prevent malicious code from getting through should be applied universally. The same general rules apply here as in any web application interaction...
Never trust anything that came from the client
Never assume client-side code executed as intended
Never execute input as code, always treat it as a raw value
and so on...
As you mention toward the end, you've already taken care of authentication and authorization for the requests. Given that, if User X is permitted to make a given API call, then what you're essentially asking is, "How do I allow User X to make an API call without allowing User X to make an API call?" The server can't tell the difference. A request is a request.
Sure, there are things you can try, such as always including some custom header in requests made from code. But anybody can inspect that request and spoof that header. The user's browser isn't part of your application and isn't under your control.

Manually store Crowd SSO token in cookie?

I'm trying to implement SSO using Atlassian Crowd, and there's a surprising lack of good documentation or even examples out there.
So far, I authenticate a user using CrowdClient.authenticateSSOUser, and get back a SSO Token (String) if successful. Then, I take this token and stuff it in the cookies myself (via HttpServletResponse). On subsequent page visits, I grab all the cookies, search for this one, and then call the CrowdClient.validateSSOAuthentication method on it.
My question is this: Am I supposed to be using more Crowd code for SSO? I seem to be doing more manually than I'd expect.
...I DO see hints of other possibilities out there... For example:
In crowd.properties, you can specify a crowd.token_key, which is apparently what name the app should use store the token in a cookie (though setting this value doesn't magically make that happen).
Things like the CrowdHttpTokenHelper exist in the latest version - yet seem to have no easily-found related examples (or documentation other than JavaDoc).
Yes, there are possibilities out there that will hopefully help or at least serve as reference.
For a readily available implementation, you might want to look into Integrating Crowd with Spring Security.
If you need finer control, use a CrowdHttpAuthenticator. It will allow you to authenticate a request with a username and password as well as check if a session has an existing session cookie. (Its concrete implementation will accept properties and uses crowd.token_key.)
CrowdClient is available if these don't fit your needs, but it's not the only option.

How to use the same facebook application for different websites

I'm developing a small CMS in PHP and we're putting on social integration.
The content is changed by a single administrator who as right for publishing news, events and so on...
I'd to add this feature, when the admin publishes something it's already posted on facebook wall. I'm not very familiar with facebook php SDK, and i'm a little bit confused about it.
If (make it an example) 10 different sites are using my CMS, do I have to create 10 different facebook application? (let's assume the 10 websites are all in different domains and servers)
2nd, is there a way for authenticating with just PHP (something like sending username&password directly) so that the user does not need to be logged on facebook?
You might want to break up your question in to smaller understandable units. Its very difficult to understand what you are driving at.
My understanding of your problem could be minimal, but here goes...
1_ No you do not create 10 different facebook application. Create a single facebook application and make it a service entry point. So that all your cms sites could talk to this one site to interact with facebook. ( A REST service layer).
2_ Facebook api does not support username and password authentication. They only support oauth2.0. Although Oauth is not trivial, but since they have provided library for that, implementing authentication is pretty trivial.
Please read up on http://developers.facebook.com/docs/.
Its really easy and straight forward and well explained.
Your question is so vague and extensive that it cannot be answered well here.
If you experience any specific implementation problems, this is the right place.
However to answer atleast a part of your question:
The most powerful tool when working with facebook applications is the Graph API.
Its principle is very simple. You can do almonst any action on behalf of any user or application. You have to generate a token first that identifies the user and the proper permissions. Those tokens can be made "permanent" so you can do background tasks. Usually they are only active a very short time so you can perform actions while interacting with the user. The process of generating tokens involves the user so that he/she has to confirm the privileges you are asking for.
For websites that publish something automatically you would probably generate a permanent token one time that is active as long as you remove the app in your privacy settings.
Basically yuo can work with any application on any website. There is no limitation. However there are two ways of generating tokens. One involves on an additional request and one is done client side, which is bound to one domain oyu specifiedin your apps settings.
you are right about every app beeing assighend to exactly one domain. however once you obtained a valid token it doesnt matter from where or who you use it within the graph api.
let me expalin this a little bit:
it would make no sense since it is you doing the request. there is no such thing as "where the request is coming from". of course there is the "referer" header information, but it can be freely specified and is not used in any context of this.
the domain you enter in your apps settings only restricts where facebook redirects the user to.
this ensures that some bad guy cannot set up a website on any domain and let the user authorize an app and get an access token with YOUR application.
so this setting ensures that the user and the access token are redirected back to YOUR site and not to another bad site.
but there is an alternative. if you use the control flow for desktop applications you don't get an access token right after the user has been redirected back. you get a temporary SESSION-TOKEN that you can EXCCHANGE for an access token. this exchange is done server side over the REST api and requires your application secret. So at this point it is ensured that it is YOU who gets the token.
This method can be done on any domain or in case of desktop applications on no domain at all.
This is a quote from the faceboo docs:
To convert sessions, send a POST
request to
with a comma-separated list of
sessions you want to convert:
curl client_id=your_app_id \
-F client_secret=your_app_secret \
-F sessions=2.DbavCpzL6Yc_XGEI0Ip9GA__.3600.1271649600-12345,2.aBdC...
The response from the request is a
JSON array of OAuth access tokens in
the same order as the sessions given:
[ {
"access_token": "...",
"expires": 1271649600, }, ... ]
However you don't need this method as its a bit more complex. For your use case i would suggest using a central point of authorization.
So you would specify your ONE domain as a redirect url. This domain is than SHARED between your websites. there you can obtain the fully valid access token and seamlessly redirect the user back to your specific project website and pass along the access token.
This way you can use the traditional easy authentication flow that is probably also more future proof.
The fact remains. Once the access token is generated you can perform any action from any domain, there is no difference as ther is literally no "domain" where the request is coming from (see above).
apart from that, if you want some nice javascript features to work - like the comments box or like button, you need to setup up open graph tags correctly.
if you have some implementation problems or as you said "domain errors" please describe them more clearly, include the steps you made and if possible an error message.