What does the period '.' operator do in powershell? - powershell

This is a weird one. Normally when I execute an external command from powershell I use the & operator like this:
& somecommand.exe -p somearguments
However, today I came across the . operator used like this:
.$env:systemdrive\chocolatey\chocolateyinstall\chocolatey.cmd install notepadplusplus
What purpose does the period serve in this scenario? I don't get it.

The "." dot sourcing operator will send AND receive variables from other scripts you have called. The "&" call operator will ONLY send variables.
For instance, considering the following:
Script 1 (call-operator.ps1):
$funny = "laughing"
$scriptpath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$filename = "laughing.ps1"
"Example 1:" # Call another script. Variables are passed only forward.
& $scriptpath\$filename
"Example 2:" # Call another script. Variables are passed backwards and forwards.
. $scriptpath\$filename
Script 2 (laughing.ps1):
# This is to test the passing of variables from call-operator.ps1
"I am $funny so hard. Passing variables is so hilarious."
$variableDefinedInOtherScript = "Hello World!"
Create both scripts and ONLY run the first one. You'll see that the "." dot sourcing operator sends and receives variables.
Both have their uses, so be creative. For instance, the "&" call operator would be useful if you wanted to modify the value(s) of variables in another script while preserving the original value(s) in the your current script. Kinda a safeguard. ;)

The Short:
It is a Special Operator used to achieve what regular operators cannot achieve. This particular operator . actually has two distinctively different Special Operator use cases.
The Long:
As with any other language, scripting or otherwise, PowerShell script also supports many different types of Operators to help manipulate values. These regular operators include:
List item
Split and Join
However, PowerShell also supports whats known as Special Operators which are used to perform tasks that cannot be performed by the other types of operators.
These Special Operators Include:
#() Array subexpression operator
& Call operator
[ ] Cast operator
, Comma operator
. Dot sourcing operator
-f Format operator
[ ] Index operator
| Pipeline operator
. Property dereference operator
.. Range operator
:: Static member operator
$( ) Subexpression operator
. Dot sourcing operator: is used in this context to allow a script to run in the current scope essentially allowing any functions, aliases, and variables which has been created by the script to be added to the current script.
. c:\scripts.sample.ps1
NoteThat this application of the . Special Operator is followed by a space to distinguish it from the (.) symbol that represents the current directory
. .\sample.ps1
. Property dereference operator: Allows access to the properties and methods of of an object which follows the . by indicating that the expression on the left side of the . character is an object and the expression on the right side of the is an object member (a property or method).
(get-process PowerShell).kill()
Disclaimer & Sources:
I had the same question while looking at a PowerShell script that I was trying to expand on its feature sets and landed here when doing my research for the answer. However I managed to find my answer using this magnificent write up on the Microsoft Development Network supplemented with this further expansion of the same ideas from IT Pro.

The dot is a call operator:
$a = "Get-ChildItem"
. $a # (executes Get-ChildItem in the current scope)
In your case, however, I don't see what it does.

.Period or .full stop for an objects properties; like
See here: http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/powershell/powershell_syntax.htm#Operators_

This answer is to expand slightly upon those already provided by David Brabant and his commenters. While those remarks are all true and pertinent, there is something that has been missed.
The OPs use of & when invoking external commands is unnecessary. Omitting the & would have no effect (on the example of his usage). The purpose of & is to allow the invocation of commands whose names are the values of a (string) expression. By using the & above, powershell then (essentially) treats the subsequent arguments as strings, the first of which is the command name that & duly invokes. If the & were omitted, powershell would take the first item on the line as the command to execute.
However, the . in the second example is necessary (although, as noted by others, & would work just as well in this case). Without it, the command line would begin with a variable access ($env:systemdrive) and so powershell would be expecting an expression of some form. However, immediately following the variable reference is a bare file path which is not a valid expression and will generate an error. By using the . (or &) at the beginning of the line, it is now treated as a command (because the beginning doesn't look like a valid expression) and the arguments are processed as expandable strings (" "). Thus, the command line is treated as
. "$env:systemdrive\chocolatey\chocolateyinstall\chocolatey.cmd" "install" "notepadplusplus"
The first argument has $env:systemdrive substituted into it and then . invokes the program thus named.
Note: the full description of how powershell processes command line arguments is way more complicated than that given here. This version was cut down to just the essential bits needed to answer the question. Take a look at about_Parsing for a comprehensive description. It is not complete but should cover most normal usage. There are other posts on stackoverflow and github (where powershell now resides) that cover some of the seemingly quirky behaviour not listed in the official documentation. Another useful resource is about_Operators though again this isn't quite complete. An example being the equivalence of . and & when invoking something other than a powershell script/cmdlet getting no mention at all.


Is it possible to retrieve an #argument in a Powershell shell from within a program?

I am writing a program prog.exe that retrieves all arguments that are passed to it (in the form of a "sentence", not standalone arguments).
I just realized that in some cases only part of the line is retrieved, and this is when there are #parameters:
PS > ./prog.exe this is a #nice sentence
Only this, is and a are retrieved. In case I do not use # I get all of them. I presume this is because everything after the # is interpreted by Powershell as a comment.
Is there a way to retrieve everything that is on the command line?
If this makes a difference, I code in Go and get the arguments via os.Args[1:].
You can prevent PowerShell from interpreting # as a comment token by explicitly quoting the input arguments:
./prog.exe one two three '#four' five
A better way exists, though, especially if you don't control the input: split the arguments into individual strings then use the splatting operator # on the array containing them:
$paramArgs = -split 'one two three #four five'
./prog.exe #paramArgs
Finally, using the --% end-of-parsing token in a command context will cause the subsequent arguments on the same line to be passed as-is, no parsing of language syntax:
./prog.exe --% one two three #four five

PowerShell - Merge two variables into one

I'm learning PowerShell so please forgive (what I'm sure is) a simple question.
I'm used to coding BATCH scripts and if I wanted to merge %USERDOMAIN% and %USERNAME% I would:
set zFullUsername=%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%
echo %zFullUsername%
How can I do the same in PowerShell?
Thank you for your time.
On a supported Operating System, I wouldn't even bother with environment variables for this:
$zFullUsername = whoami
Then just access it as required:
In PowerShell, you can access environment variables in a few different ways. The way I recommend is to use the $env:VAR variable to access them.
$user = $env:USERNAME
$domain = $env:USERDOMAIN
echo "$domain\$user"
Note: \ is not an escape character in the PowerShell parser, ` is.
Similarly to rendering the echo command (echo is an alias of Write-Output btw) you can create a username variable like so:
$fullUserName = "$domain\$user"
Or you can skip right to creating $fullUserName straight from the environment variables:
$fullUserName = "${env:USERDOMAIN}\${env:USERNAME}"
Note: When variables have non-alphanumeric characters in them, the ${} sequence tells PowerShell everything between the ${} is part of the variable name to expand.
It seems the : in $env:VAR is actually an exception to this rule, as"Username: $env:USERNAME" does render correctly. So the ${} sequence above is optional.
To avoid confusion when trying to apply this answer in other areas, if you needed to insert the value of an object property or some other expression within a string itself, you would use a sub-expression within the string instead, which is the $() sequence:
$someVar = "Name: $($someObject.Name)"
When using either ${} or $(), whitespace is not allowed to pad the outer {} or ().

Pipeline Array Variable (Classic) Causing powershell exception [duplicate]

I try to concatenate string to construct a path:
$SourceDirectoryPath = $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) + "/solution/project/bin/Debug"
$TargetFilePath = $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) + "/solution/project/bin/Debug/" + $(Release.ReleaseName) +$(Release.EnvironmentName)
but instead of getting string concatenated I get error for the second line:
d:\a\r1\a : The term 'd:\a\r1\a' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path
is correct and try again. At
D:\a_temp\9de874c9-3acd-4a19-a4dd-763074d38e40.ps1:2 char:25
where obviously d:\a\r1\a is a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) but why it throws this error instead of just concatenating the string?
It is Azure that expands $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) before PowerShell sees the resulting commands; if the expanded $(...) value is to be seen as a string by PowerShell, it must be enclosed in quotes ('$(...)'):
Using $(...) (Azure macro syntax) embeds the Azure variable's verbatim value in the command text that PowerShell ends up interpreting.
Note: Azure's macro syntax - which is evaluated before PowerShell sees the resulting command text - is not to be confused with PowerShell's own subexpression operator, $(...).
For string values this means that you situationally have to surround the macro with quotes in order to make it work syntactically in PowerShell code, for which '...'-quoting (single-quoting) is best: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
Shayki Abramczyk's answer provides an effective solution, but let me provide some background information:
The variable expansion (substitution) that Azure performs via macro syntax ($(...)) functions like a preprocessor: it replaces the referenced variable with its verbatim value.
You need to make sure that this verbatim value works syntactically in the context of the target command.
As currently written:
$SourceDirectoryPath = $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) + "/solution/project/bin/Debug"
turns into the following command seen by PowerShell, assuming that the value of Azure property System.DefaultWorkingDirectory is d:\a\r1\a:
$SourceDirectoryPath = d:\a\r1\a + "/solution/project/bin/Debug"
This is a broken PowerShell command, because d:\a\r1\a - due to lack of quoting - is interpreted as a command name or path; that is, an attempt is made to execute putative executable d:\a\r1\a - see about_Parsing.
Therefore, in order for PowerShell to recognize the Azure-expanded value d:\a\r1\a as a string, you need to quote it - see about_Quoting_Rules.
Since the expanded-by-Azure value needs no further interpolation, single quotes are the best choice (for both operands, actually):
$SourceDirectoryPath = '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)' + '/solution/project/bin/Debug'
In fact, you don't need string concatenation (+) at all in your case:
$SourceDirectoryPath = '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/solution/project/bin/Debug'
You could even combine that with expandable PowerShell strings ("..."), as long as the Azure-expanded value doesn't contain $-prefixed tokens that PowerShell could end up interpreting (unless that is your (unusual) intent).
One caveat re something like "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$projectRoot/bin/Debug" (mixing an Azure-expanded value with a PowerShell variable reference) is that Azure's macro syntax ($(...)) looks the same as PowerShell's own subexpression operator, which is typically - but not exclusively - used in order to embed expressions in expandable strings (e.g., in pure PowerShell code, "1 + 1 equals $(1 + 1)").
As of this writing, the Define variables Azure help topic doesn't spell it out, but based on the official comment in a GitHub docs issue, ambiguity is avoided as follows:
There is no escape mechanism; instead, $(...) constructs that do not refer to Azure variables are left unchanged and therefore passed through to PowerShell.
In the typical case, PowerShell expressions will not look like an Azure variable reference (e.g, $($foo.bar) rather than $(foo.bar)), though hypothetically there can be ambiguity: $(hostname), which is a valid PowerShell subexpression, could be preempted by Azure if a hostname Azure variable were defined.
In such a corner case, the solution is to avoid use of an inline script and instead place the code in an external script file.
You need to add quotes " " in the variables:
$SourceDirectoryPath = "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)" + "/solution/project/bin/Debug"
$TargetFilePath = "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)" + "/solution/project/bin/Debug/" + "$(Release.ReleaseName)" + "$(Release.EnvironmentName)"
This should work as well. $( ) outside of doublequotes would only be used to combine two or more statements. Most people don't even know about it.
This is actually incorrect. I didn't know Azure Pipeline syntax. It just shows how confusing combining both Powershell and Azure Pipeline can be. This would work if $System were a Powershell object, not an Azure macro.
$SourceDirectoryPath = $System.DefaultWorkingDirectory + '/solution/project/bin/Debug'

Is it possible to dot source a string variable in PowerShell?

I know I can dot source a file:
. .\MyFunctions.ps1
But, I would like to dot source the commands in a string variable:
. $myFuctions
I see that this is possible:
And $x equals 2 after the script block is sourced.
But... .{$myFunctions} does not work.
I tried $myFunctions | Invoke-Expression, but it doesn't keep the source function in the current scope. The closest I have been able to come up with is to write the variable to a temporary file, dot source the file, and then remove the file.
Inevitably, someone will ask: "What are you trying to do?" So here is my use case:
I want to obfuscate some functions I intend to call from another script. I don't want to obfuscate the master script, just my additional functions. I have a user base that will need to adjust the master script to their network, directory structure and other local factors, but I don't want certain functions modified. I would also like to protect the source code. So, an alternate question would be: What are some good ways to protect PowerShell script code?
I started with the idea that PowerShell will execute a Base64-encoded string, but only when passed on the command line with -EncodedCommand.
I first wanted to dot source an encoded command, but I couldn't figure that out. I then decided that it would be "obfuscated" enough for my purposes if I converted by Base64 file into a decode string and dot sourced the value of the string variable. However, without writing the decoded source to a file, I cannot figure out how to dot source it.
It would satisfy my needs if I could Import-Module -EncodedCommand .\MyEncodedFile.dat
Actually, there is a way to achieve that and you were almost there.
First, as you already stated, the source or dot operator works either by providing a path (as string) or a script block. See also: . (source or dot operator).
So, when trying to dot-source a string variable, PowerShell thinks it is a path. But, thanks to the possibility of dot-sourcing script blocks, you could do the following:
# Make sure everything is properly escaped.
$MyFunctions = "function Test-DotSourcing { Write-Host `"Worked`" }"
. { Invoke-Expression $MyFunctions }
And you successfully dot-sourced your functions from a string variable!
With Invoke-Expression the string is evaluated and run in the child scope (script block).
Then with . the evaluated expressions are added to the current scope.
See also:
About scopes
While #dwettstein's answer is a viable approach using Invoke-Expression to handle the fact that the function is stored as a string, there are other approaches that seem to achieve the same result below.
One thing I'm not crystal clear on is the scoping itself, Invoke-Expression doesn't create a new scope so there isn't exactly a need to dot source at that point...
#Define your function as a string
PS> $MyUselessFunction = "function Test-WriteSomething { 'It works!' }"
#Invoke-Expression would let you use the function
PS> Invoke-Expression $MyUselessFunction
PS> Test-WriteSomething
It works!
#Dot sourcing works fine if you use a script block
PS> $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($MyUselessFunction)
PS> . $ScriptBlock
PS> Test-WriteSomething
It works!
#Or just create the function as a script block initially
PS> $MyUselessFunction = {function Test-WriteSomething { 'It works!' }}
PS> . $MyUselessFunction
PS> Test-WriteSomething
It works!
In other words, there are probably a myriad of ways to get something similar to what you want - some of them documented, and some of them divined from the existing documentation. If your functions are defined as strings, then Invoke-Expression might be needed, or you can convert them into script blocks and dot source them.
At this time it is not possible to dot source a string variable.
I stand corrected! . { Invoke-Expression $MyFunctions } definitely works!

What is the meaning of ${} in powershell?

I have a script where function parameters are expressed like this:
What does it mean? I have been unable to find documentation on this.
What's the point of writing parameters that way instead of the more usual
#MikeZ's answer is quite correct in explaining the example in the question, but as far as addressing the question title, there is actually more to say! The ${} notation actually has two uses; the second one is a hidden gem of PowerShell:
That is, you can use this bracket notation to do file I/O operations if you provide a drive-qualified path, as defined in the MSDN page Provider Paths.
(The above image comes from the Complete Guide to PowerShell Punctuation, a one-page wallchart freely available for download, attached to my recent article at Simple-Talk.com.)
They are both just parameter declarations. The two snippets are equivalent. Either syntax can be used here, however the braced form allows characters that would not otherwise be legal in variable names. From the PowerShell 3.0 language specification:
There are two ways of writing a variable name: A braced variable name, which begins with $, followed by a curly bracket-delimited set of one or more almost-arbitrary characters; and an ordinary variable name, which also begins with $, followed by a set of one or more characters from a more restrictive set than a braced variable name allows. Every ordinary variable name can be expressed using a corresponding braced variable name.
From about_Variables
To create or display a variable name that includes spaces or special characters, enclose the variable name in braces. This directs Windows PowerShell to interpret the characters in the variable name literally.
For example, the following command creates and then displays a variable named "save-items".
C:\PS> ${save-items} = "a", "b", "c"
C:\PS> ${save-items}
They are equivalent. It's just an alternative way of declaring a variable.
If you have characters that are illegal in a normal variable, you'd use the braces (think of it as "escaping" the variablename).
There is one additional usage.
One may have variable names like var1, var2, var11, var12, var101, etc.
Regardless if this is desirable variable naming, it just may be.
Using brackets one can precisely determine what is to be used:
assignment of $var11 may be ambiguous, using ${var1}1 or ${var11} leaves no room for mistakes.