Assign Some Text to particular line in UITextView Programmatically - iphone

I create an instance of UITextView programmatically. I want to assign some text to particular line in UITextView programmatically. Here is my code to create UITextView.
UITextView *textView =[[UITextView alloc]init];
[textView setReturnKeyType:UIReturnKeyDone];
[self.view addSubview:textView];
For example I want to add some text to particular line (at the end of line 5).
Programmatically, how is it possible to do this?

UITextView *textView =[[UITextView alloc]init];
textView.text = #"xxxxxx";

You can't edit lines directly in the text view because the number of lines depends on the content size and the size of the font.
Check this question as a reference:
How to Read Number of lines in UITextView
You could do some calculation to determine where to insert the text, but I'm nor sure if that's the best way to go around. There is probably a better way to accomplish what you are trying to do.

you can use the following:
NSString *str=yourTextview.text;
[str stringByAppendingString:yourNewString];
Then add it to textview
check it and let me know if any clarification you need


How to bold text in UITextView? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
UITextView formatting with fontname and bold
I am trying to Bold selected text of UITextView.I don't want to use UIWebView in my application.
How can I do that programmatically in UITextView????
Try -
textViewInstance.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:14];
Edit 1: I didn't notice your statement of selected text. This just bolds the entire text. Sorry ;)
I was facing a similar issue. According to the documentation and the lack of answers from google, I doubt there's a solution as UITextView has only one format setting for all its text. It's all or nothing for UILabels and UITextView. The only way I see it, is to use UIWebView which gives you more freedom of styling individual words and text in the view. Good luck. :)
In UITextView i dont have any idea but i am done this in UILabel.
First set text in UILabel and setFrame of that label according to the text Height. After that use the regular Expression for the get frame for text which you want to make bold and add new label on that frame with bold font and text.
If you want to demo for above explanation then see the below link. It's have nice implementation.
Edit: Now you can make selected text bold using "NSMutableAttributedString". See below peace of code.
NSString * string = #"<Your Full String>";
NSMutableAttributedString *attStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:string];
[attStr addAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:13]} range:NSMakeRange(0, string.length)];
NSString * subString = #"<String that you want to make bold>";
[attStr addAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:13], NSForegroundColorAttributeName:[UIColor redColor]} range:[string rangeOfString:subString]];
[<Your UILabel Object> setAttributedTitle:attStr forState:UIControlStateNormal];

How I update a scroll view?

I, sorry for my english I'm not very good, I code in objective-c, I try to set text in a uiscrollview and update the content of the scrollview right after. I have a loop and I set the text with the method [uiscrollview setText:] in that loop, but the text is only displayed in the scrollview at the end of the loop...
Since when the UIScrollView has a text property?.. Do you mean UITextView?
If the loop is in main thread then the UI will probably be updated only after completing the method (with the loop inside) - just like you write. Possible solution might be to execute the method with the loop in the background thread (e.g. [self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(updateScrollViewInLoop) withObject:nil];) and inside the loop update the scroll view in the main thread ([uiscrollview performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(setText:) withObject:text waitUntilDone:YES];).
You might also add [uiscrollview setNeedsDisplay]; line right after updating the text. I'm not sure it will help because of the second point above and, in addition, I think that this line is called in the background anyway once you change the content of the scroll view...
You first need to build your string, then call set text. Set text first clears the existing text. Also, I am assuming you mean UITextView (a subclass of UIScrollView) as it has a 'text' property. Try:
NSString *text = [NSString string];
for (NSString *line in lines)
text = [text stringByAppendingString:line];
[self.textScrollView setText:text];

Custom iPad 10-key popover possible

and thanks for your responses in advance.
I have been looking around for the possibility of having a 10-key, numeric only, input available when a user clicks on certain fields that do not require the use of the full size keyboard.
I know that popovers can properly display custom types of input, but does anyone know if there is a way for a standard 10-keypad to display in a popover? And if so, can you point me in the right direction.
Again, thanks in advance.
You don't need to use popover if you try to enter numeric value in a UITextField/UITextView.
You can replace the keyboard by your own view.
You just do :
[yourTextField setInputView:myInputView];
You can have a look at KeyboardAccessory sample from apple
In this example, they provide an accessory view to the input view but if you modify the code and set inputView instead of inputViewAccessory, you should be able to do what you need.
If you use a UITextView, you can append text where the carret is with the following code:
NSMutableString *text = [textView.text mutableCopy];
NSRange selectedRange = textView.selectedRange;
[text replaceCharactersInRange:selectedRange withString:#"\n"];
textView.text = text;
If you use a UITextField, it seems you can only append text at the end of the string (no mean to retrieve carret position).

A word-wrapping text field with an image background on the iPhone?

Does anyone know how to create a text field that has a UIImage background and does word-wrapping?
It appears that word-wrapping is not available on UITextField, while a background image is not available for UITextView! Also, it should change the size of the control or at least alert that the number of lines changed so that a delegate could change its size..
An example of such control is the input field for messages in the SMS application.
Edit: the code should also get the text field to always show the text being edited. Apparently, when UITextView changes size while editing it somehow loses focus on the current text.
Thanks ahead!
Word-wrapping is not available on UITextField because UITextField only supports single-line text.
Use a UITextView. Make textView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]. Add the UIImage first, then the UITextView on top of it. Make sure the sizes are correct, and you should be fine.
As for changing the size of the UITextView, in your UITextViewDelegate, do something like this:
- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView
NSString *s = textView.text;
CGSize testSize = CGSizeMake(textView.frame.size.width, NSIntegerMax);
CGSize neededSize = [s sizeWithFont: textView.font constrainedToSize: testSize lineBreakMode: UILineBreakModeWordWrap]; // or UILineBreakModeCharacterWrap?
if (neededSize.height > testSize.height)
// grow textView
textView.frame = CGRectMake(textView.frame.origin.x, textView.frame.origin.y, neededSize.width, neededSize.height);
// then adjust the image size -- something like this
imageView.frame = textView.frame
Eventually I wrote my own code, which worked to some degree with a lot of workarounds (changing the focus for example, resizing when removing all the text again, etc). If anyone's interested, I'll post the code.
In other news, just today I saw in a different question around here something called IFVerticallyExpandingTextField. The name was promising, the code is here, and I'll give it a look. Anyone with a similar problem, you might want to see this too.
My mistake, I didn't read it carefully enough: IFVerticallyExpandingTextField is for the Mac, not the iPhone.

Need help with UIText

I'm trying to make it so that the text displays like
and so on.
I mostly just need help on how to make it go to the next line of text
lblText.text = #"Alabama:";
i tried doing #"Alabama:"
but it didn't work.
Any thoughts?
Use UITextView
UITextView *textView;
textView.text = #"Alabama \nAlaska \nArkansas";
If you don't want to use UITextView as recommended, you can continue to use your UILabel and set lblText.numberOfLines = 0; to make it multiline.
You'll still need to take the previous advice and put a \n between each State Name.