matlab boolean operator - matlab

I have a problem with the MATLAB boolean operator.
Non-ASCII range:
0 - 2
Above 128
The if condition becomes true only if there are no characters in the above ranges.
if any( out.autoc < 128 & out.autoc ~= 0 & out.autoc ~= 1 & ...
out.cprom < 128 & out.cprom ~= 0 & out.cprom ~= 1 )
fprintf(file_1, '%s,' , out.autoc);
fprintf(file_1, '%s,' , out.cprom);
fprintf(file_1, '\r\n');
The problem occurs when I do the following:
if any( out.autoc < 128 & out.autoc > 2 & ...
out.cprom < 128 & out.cprom > 2 )
fprintf(file_1, '%s,' , out.autoc);
fprintf(file_1, '%s,' , out.cprom);
fprintf(file_1, '\r\n');
It doesn't work as expected - the condition seems to be false all the time. Why?

First off, you specify that the "ASCII range" is [0, 2] and [129, 255]. To my knowledge, standard ASCII is [0, 127], including some 30-odd control characters.
Next, you say "above 128" but then check with "< 128". This means above 127, not 128- it will be false for 128 as well as 129, which I assume is not what you want, because you say "above 128". However, ASCII doesn't go to 128 from what I recall- it's a 7-bit format from 0 to 127, inclusive. And 127 is supposed to be "delete", so I'm not sure if even including 127 matters in practice.
Likewise, your second block has "> 2", which excludes 0, 1 and 2 (2 isn't greater than 2). Importantly, your first block doesn't exclude 2- only 0 and 1. 2 is apparently "Start of text", so I wouldn't be surprised if all ASCII strings have it, which would explain why the second condition is always false.


How do I expand a range of numbers in MATLAB

Lets say I have this range of numbers, I want to expand these intervals. What is going wrong with my code here? The answer I am getting isn't correct :(
intervals are only represented with -
each 'thing' is separated by ;
I would like the output to be:
-6 -3 -2 -1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 17 18 19 20
range_expansion('-6;-3--1;3-5;7-11;14;15;17-20 ')
function L=range_expansion(S)
% Range expansion
if nargin < 1;
if all(isnumeric(S) | (S=='-') | (S==',') | isspace(S))
error 'invalid input';
ixr = find(isnumeric(S(1:end-1)) & S(2:end) == '-')+1;
L=eval(S) ;
ans =
-6 -2 -2 -4 14 15 -3
You can use regexprep to replace ;by , and the - that define ranges by :. Those - are identified by them being preceded by a digit. The result is a string that can be transformed into the desired output using str2num. However, since this function evaluates the string, for safety it is first checked that the string only contains the allowed characters:
in = '-6;-3--1;3-5;7-11;14;15;17-20 '; % example
assert(all(ismember(in, '0123456789 ,;-')), 'Characters not allowed') % safety check
out = str2num(regexprep(in, {'(?<=\d)-' ';'}, {':' ','})); % replace and evaluate

what is mean by swift condition is if ((status & 0x3F) == 1 ){ }

if ((status & 0x3F) == 1 ){ }..
the status is variable in swift language.
what is mean about this condition, & mean and (status & 0x3F) value return
& is the bitwise AND operator. It compares the bits of the two operands and sets the corresponding bit to 1 if it is 1 in both operands, or to 0 if either or both are 0.
So this statement:
((status & 0x3F) == 1)
is combining status with 0b111111 (the binary equivalent of 0x3F and checking if the result is exactly 1. This will only be true if the last 6 bits of status are 0b000001.
In this if:
if( (dtc24_state[2] & 0x8) == 0x8 ) {
self.haldexABCDTC24State.text = status_str + " - UNKNOWN"
self.haldexABCDTC24State.textColor = text_color
active_or_stored_dtc = true
dct24_state is an array of values. The value of dct24_state[2] is combined with 0x8 or 0b1000 and checked against 0x8. This is checking if the 4th bit from the right is set. Nothing else matters. If the 4th bit from the right is set, the if is true and the code block is executed.
0x3F is 111111. So, it means this:
for each bit of yourNumber in binary system presentation use and method.
This way truncates the left part of the number. and the result compares with 1.
7777 is 1111001100001 after executing and this number converts into
100001. So the result is false.
But for 7745 (1111001000001) the result is 1. The result is true.
The rule for 'and' function: 0 & 0 = 0 ; 0 & 1 = 0; 1 & 0 = 1; 1 & 1 = 1.

get values from a text file with a mix of floats and strings

I am struggling with a text file that I have to read in. In this file, there are two types of line:
133 0102764447 44 11 54 0.4 0 0.89 0 0 8 0 0 7 Attribute_Name='xyz' Type='string' 02452387764447 884
134 0102256447 44 1 57 0.4 0 0.81 0 0 8 0 0 1 864
What I want to do here is to textscan all the lines and then try to determine the number of 'xyz' (and the total number of lines).
I tried to use:
fileID = fopen('test.txt','r') ;
data=textscan(fileID, %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %d %d','\n) ;
And then I will try to access data{i,16} to count how many are equal to Attribute_Name='xyz', it doesnt seem to be an efficient though.
what will be a proper way to read the data(what interests me is to count how many Attribute_Name='xyz' do I have)? Thanks
You could simply use count which is referenced here.
In your case you could use it in this way:
filetext = fileread("test.txt");
A = count(filetext , "xyz")
fileread will read the whole text file into a single string. Afterwards you can process that string using count which will return the occurrences from the given pattern.
An alternative when using older versions of MATLAB is this one. It will work with R2006a and above.
filetext = fileread("test.txt");
A = length(strfind(filetext, "xyz");
strfind will return an array which length represents the amount of occurrences of the specified string. The length of that array can be accessed by length.
There is the option of strsplit. You may do something like the following:
count = 0;
fid = fopen('test.txt','r');
while ~feof(fid)
line = fgetl(fid);
words = strsplit( line )
ind = find( strcmpi(words{:},'Attribute_Name=''xyz'''), 1); % Assume only one instance per line, remove 1 for more and correct the rest of the code
if ( ind > 0 ) then
count = count + 1;
end if
So at the end count will give you the number.

Check a multiple in Swift?

I am trying to find the odd numbers and a multiple of 7 between a 1 to 100 and append them into an array. I have got this far:
var results: [Int] = []
for n in 1...100 {
if n / 2 != 0 && 7 / 100 == 0 {
Your conditions are incorrect. You want to use "modular arithmetic"
Odd numbers are not divisible by 2. To check this use:
if n % 2 != 0
The % is the mod function and it returns the remainder of the division (e.g. 5 / 2 is 2.5 but integers don't have decimals, so the integer result is 2 with a remainder of 1 and 5 / 2 => 2 and 5 % 2 => 1)
To check if it's divisible by 7, use the same principle:
if n % 7 == 0
The remainder is 0 if the dividend is divisible by the divisor. The complete if condition is:
if n % 2 != 0 && n % 7 == 0
You can also use n % 2 == 1 because the remainder is always 1. The result of any mod function, a % b, is always between 0 and b - 1.
Or, using the new function isMultiple(of:, that final condition would be:
if !n.isMultiple(of: 2) && n.isMultiple(of: 7)
Swift 5:
Since Swift 5 has been released, you could use isMultiple(of:) method.
In your case, you should check if it is not multiple of ... :
if !n.isMultiple(of: 2)
Swift 5 is coming with isMultiple(of:) method for integers , so you can try
let res = Array(1...100).filter { !$0.isMultiple(of:2) && $0.isMultiple(of:7) }
Here is an efficient and concise way of getting the odd multiples of 7 less than or equal to 100 :
let results: [Int] = Array(stride(from: 7, through: 100, by: 14))
You can also use the built-in filter to do an operation on only qualified members of an array. Here is how that'd go in your case for example
var result = Array(1...100).filter { (number) -> Bool in
return (number % 2 != 0 && number % 7 == 0)
print(result) // will print [7, 21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91]
You can read more about filter in the doc but here is the basics: it goes through each element and collects elements that return true on the condition. So it filters the array and returns what you want

preventing overlong forms when parsing UTF-8

I have been working on another UTF-8 parser as a personal exercise, and while my implementation works quite well, and it rejects most malformed sequences (replacing them with U+FFFD), I can't seem to figure out how to implement rejection of overlong forms. Could anyone tell me how to do so?
let w = 0, // the number of continuation bytes pending
c = 0, // the currently being constructed codepoint
b, // the current byte from the source stream
valid(c) = (
(c < 0x110000) &&
((c & 0xFFFFF800) != 0xD800) &&
((c < 0xFDD0) || (c > 0xFDEF)) &&
((c & 0xFFFE) != 0xFFFE))
for each b:
if b < 0x80:
if w > 0: // premature ending to multi-byte sequence
append U+FFFD to output string
w = 0
append U+b to output string
else if b < 0xc0:
if w == 0: // unwanted continuation byte
append U+FFFD to output string
c |= (b & 0x3f) << (--w * 6)
if w == 0: // done
if valid(c):
append U+c to output string
else if b < 0xfe:
if w > 0: // premature ending to multi-byte sequence
append U+FFFD to output string
w = (b < 0xe0) ? 1 :
(b < 0xf0) ? 2 :
(b < 0xf8) ? 3 :
(b < 0xfc) ? 4 : 5;
c = (b & ((1 << (6 - w)) - 1)) << (w * 6); // ugly monstrosity
append U+FFFD to output string
if w > 0: // end of stream and we're still waiting for continuation bytes
append U+FFFD to output string
If you save the number of bytes you'll need (so you save a second copy of the initial value of w), you can compare the UTF32 value of the codepoint (I think you are calling it c) with the number of bytes that were used to encode it. You know that:
U+0000 - U+007F 1 byte
U+0080 - U+07FF 2 bytes
U+0800 - U+FFFF 3 bytes
U+10000 - U+1FFFFF 4 bytes
U+200000 - U+3FFFFFF 5 bytes
U+4000000 - U+7FFFFFFF 6 bytes
(and I hope I have done the right math on the left column! Hex math isn't my strong point :-) )
Just as a sidenote: I think there are some logic errors/formatting errors. if b < 0x80 if w > 0 what happens if w = 0? (so for example if you are decoding A)? And shouldn't you reset c when you find an illegal codepoint?
Once you have the decoded character, you can tell how many bytes it should have had if properly encoded just by looking at the highest bit set.
If the highest set bit's position is <= 7, the UTF-8 encoding requires 1 octet.
If the highest set bit's position is <= 11, the UTF-8 encoding requires 2 octets.
If the highest set bit's position is <= 16, the UTF-8 encoding requires 3 octets.
If you save the original w and compare it to these values, you'll be able to tell if the encoding was proper or overlong.
I had initially thought that if at any point in time after decoding a byte, w > 0 && c == 0, you have an overlong form. However, it's more complicated than that as Jan pointed out. The simplest answer is probably to have a table like xanatos has, only rejecting anything longer than 4 bytes:
if c < 0x80 && len > 1 ||
c < 0x800 && len > 2 ||
c < 0x10000 && len > 3 ||
len > 4:
append U+FFFD to output string