Error cache in joomla 1.5? - joomla1.5

In joomla 1.5 I turn on cache in plugin and config in Global Configuation, then I run website
But when I turn off connect to database is error can't using cache has been created
And alert error Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to database
=> How using cache in joomla and not use connect database in 15 minutes ?

I think joomla 1.5 should connect database when using cache


Using Postgres DB with a Strapi Application

I'm trying to setup up a deployed Strapi V4 application with's Postgres database. I set up the DATABASE_URL correctly and checked that all the environment variables were being read appropriately. However, the app crashes with a 500 status code every time I try to load my admin dashboard.
Is there something I'm missing that makes them incompatible?

Heroku Postgresql Database

I have created database in heroku hobby-dev and uploaded table from postgresql and used app.db.create_all() to trigger database model but its showing psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8 and suggesting us to install psycopg2-binary and we installed that too and still app.db.create_all() not working.
The error doesn't relate to database Integration. There should be some error in Backend that's why It's giving 500.
For checking the error in heroku logs using heroku cli, use this :
heroku logs -t
Alternatively, you can view the logs on the App dashboard.
I hope this helps.

Google Cloud SQL MySQL 5.7 denies connection when doing large import

I'm having difficulties migrating a database (~3gb sql file) from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 on Google Cloud SQL.
First I made a dbdump of the MySQL 5.6 server database:
mysqldump -hxx.xx.xx.xx -uroot -pxxxx dbname --opt --hex-blob --default-character-set=utf8 --no-autocommit > dbname.sql
I then tried to import the database with cloudsql-import:
.go/bin/cloudsql-import --dump=dbname.sql --dsn='root:password#tcp(xx.xx.xx.xx:3306)/dbname'
The import starts but after a while (around 10 minutes) I receive the following error message:
2016/06/29 13:55:48 dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:3306: getsockopt: connection refused
Any further connection attempts to the MySQL server are denied with the following error message:
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'xx.xx.xx.xx' (111)
Only a full restart (made from the google cloud platform console) makes it possible to connect to again.
I made a full migration from 5.5 to 5.6 using this method not so long ago. Any ideas why this doesn't work with 5.7?
would you check the storage disk usage on the Console Overview page of the instance? If the storage is full, you can increase the storage size of your instance by changing the storage size value in Edit page.
If the binary logging is enabled, lots of space will be taken by binary logs. You could consider to turn it off when you are running the import.
If you still have trouble with the instance, you can send an email to for further investigation. Thanks.
I tried analyzing the different rows where the import had timed out, but didn't find anything out of the ordinary. I then fiddled with the available parameters in Google cloud SQL and when using mysqldump.
I finally just tried using a better Machine Type (from two core 8GB Ram to 8 core 30GB ram) and it "solved" the problem.

After migrate magento to newer server with SQLi and PHP5.5 module can't connect database

After migrate magento the shop works fine but when I want to pay the redirect doesn't work and got fatal error. In log file the following error appeared:
ERR (3): Deprecated functionality: mysql_connect(): The mysql
extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli
or PDO instead in
on line 1162 2015-04-02T17:04:44+00:00 ERR (3): Warning:
mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'username'#'localhost' (using
password: YES)
The webshop is migrated to another ipadres with same URL and same db name etc.
On the other server the payment service worked. Is it something with the newer PHP version?
It looks like you are using module
This module creates new connection to mysql database and it is using mysql_connect which is deprecated call in new php versions. On your new server you have different (newer) version of php.
This call creates deprecated warning but this isn't problem that broke your installation. You need to find where you have to configure database credentials for this module - it seems that it has different config that magento default (app/etc/local.xml)

How to connect Joomla 2.5 to Postgresql?

I want to connect joomla 2.5 to a Postgresql database.
How can I do that ?
You have to create file config for postgresql in /database/.
You can watch this particular topic on the Google Groups Joomla Bug Squad.