IRSSI 'Connection timed out' Issue [closed] - irc

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I am trying to run IRSSI on my Bluehost account. I have successfully installed IRSSI but cannot connect to any IRC server. I simply get Unable to connect server X port 6667 [Connection timed out]. I have copied my working IRSII config file from a friend's server so I can hopefully rule this out.
I contacted Bluehost and they said it is possible as other users have done it in the past, and they don't specifically block IRC traffic, but they do not provide any support for doing so.
I have tried connect to different servers and trying different ports, namely 7001 for SSL and this had no affect. I looked at my running processes (lsof -P | grep :6667) and the only thing I could related directly to the connection attempt said (SYS SENT) and lines like this
irssi 30497 name cwd DIR 8,81 4096 167821313 /home1/name
lsof: no pwd entry for UID 3152
irssi 30497 name rtd DIR 9,1 4096 11190361 /
irssi 30497 name txt REG 8,81 3695634 167920447 /home1/name/bin/irssi
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 1367232 12093693 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 315080 12093694 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 144776 12093675 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 1718232 12093682 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 615136 12093692 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 85544 12095023 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 23360 12093714 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 145872 12093686 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 95464 12095021 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 247496 12095020 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 53448 12095030 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 1262480 8192008 /root/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/CORE/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 48600 12095026 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 92816 12095019 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 9472 12095018 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 10096 12095022 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 18152 12095049 /root/lib64/
lsof: no pwd entry for UID 3152
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 647608 12095034 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 613928 6160397 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 190976 6160398 /root/lib64/
irssi 30497 name mem REG 9,0 114352 12095032 /root/lib64/
Any help on debugging the problem is more than welcome. Also any hints or tips are also welcome.
Thank you

After some more exploration and trying to telnet to the address I found that the problem was my hosting WAS blocking some outbound ports. Meaning that the problem I was experiencing was not IRSSI related. Hopefully this may guide people in the future. Especially by trying to Telnet to the server to diagnose the problem


Power shell script to clear RDP connection history from registry

I am new to Powershell but I have stuck in one place that is elaborate in the following details.
I want to perform a PowerShell script in which it will delete the RDP connection history from the registry (MRU number) but it will not delete all history, first, it will check one by one file and ask for approving whether to delete or not then deletion process will start. and after completion of the deletion process, it will restart the server again.
The following syntax will cycle through all 10 possible entries and ask you Y/N to delete them individually. Note that Windows only retains a max of 10 entries. Also note that Windows also retains similar data in "\documents\default.rdp", so this file should be deleted as part of your process.
#echo off
SET count=0
reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default" /s | findstr "MRU%count%"
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default" /v "MRU%count%") ELSE (goto ExitScript)
set /a count+=1
if %count% GEQ 10 GOTO ExitScript

Command to close Shared Folder session of Other client machine

How we can delete particular folders and sub-folder that were open by other user in network share when other client machine open the share path having the write access to that folder.. psfile and net files command will close the file session of client machine but again after few seconds(1-2) it will create automatically another session for that user in server...
do we have any batch command to permanently kill the session of all connection in a particular shared path?
Following is the command i use in net files but this shows the process will create again within 2 seconds after killing it.
for /f "skip=4 tokens=1" %a in ('net files') do net files %a /close
the above command will close the session but immediately after 1-2 seconds another session will be created
Try this,
openfiles /Disconnect /s host /OP "path\to\file.exe" /ID * /u "username" /p "password".
Explain comand:
openfiles /disconnect
Enables an administrator to disconnect files and folders that have been opened remotely through a shared folder.
/disconnect -> to close the file.
/s -> host from file, exemple:
/op -> full path of file, exemple: "C:\projects\file.exe" .
/id -> id of process, when you pass "*" is same than all ids.
/u -> user with permission to close file in remote server.
/p -> password from user.

Access Denied & Unable to Change Attribute "pagefile.sys"

Using C-Cleaner to Analyze Disk C " Win "
it said that Sys File "pagefile.sys" is allocating 3.2 GB atC:\
C-Cleaner pagefile.sys
The Problem is When i Open C:\ , I can't see the File with "Show hidden File "
When Trying to change Attribute by Command Atrrib -h -r -s *.*,
it says Command Attrib
So MY Question is
1) How C-Cleaner Could See pafefile.sys while I Couldn't with Administrative privileges
2) How Can i overcome Access Denied & Unable to change Attribute Problem
1) How C-Cleaner Could See pafefile.sys while I Couldn't with Administrative privileges
You can easily view PAGEFILE.SYS by doing DIR/A.
2) How Can i overcome Access Denied & Unable to change Attribute Problem
The operating system is not going to allow you to muck with the page file directly.
I have the same problem.
I changed the owner to "everyone" for all items on c: and I also granted Full Access to "everyone" for all Items of c: and I tried each item on c: to be visible by
attrib /S -r -s -h .
But pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys keep being invisible.
There is some hidden mechanism in Windows that keeps annoying you when you try to be aware of your partition image sizes.
In other word: when I open c:\ in explorer i need to see at a glance if there is large junk on the partition I am going to image.

Tracert to Email

I'd like to receive result of tracert information from my customer, however, they are not IT savvy.
Is there any ways we can get the tracert result be sent to an email or a web-form?
Any written bat files or open source programme available?
clip.exe sends stuff to the clipboard.
You could put this into a batch file.
tracert targethost | clip
Then have them run the batch file and paste (the batch file did the copy—the client doesn't need to select/highlight anything) into an email. Surely non-savvy clients can send email.
I've wrote an alternative solution that allow users to upload their traceroute result using a bat file.
IPADDRESS - The ip Address that you'd like to trace USERNAME - The
FTP username PASSWORD - The Password for the FTP user HOSTNAME
- The FTP Host name
Create a traceroute.bat
#echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"
set "fullstamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec%"
ECHO Please wait....
tracert IPADDRESS > tracert-%fullstamp%.log
echo user USERNAME> ftpcmd.dat
echo PASSWORD>> ftpcmd.dat
echo bin>> ftpcmd.dat
echo put tracert-%fullstamp%.log>> ftpcmd.dat
echo quit>> ftpcmd.dat
ECHO Please allow FTP to upload the results...
ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat HOSTNAME
del ftpcmd.dat
del tracert-%fullstamp%.log
ECHO Uploading complete! You may now exit

How can I detect the drive letter of a booted USB drive from script?

I'm launching WinPE 2 from a bootable UFD, and I need to detect the drive letter in order to tell ImageX where to find the WIM. However, depending on the machine I'm imaging, there are different mounted drives.
I need a way to consistently mount the UFD at, say, P: or something. Is there a way to detect the letter of the drive from which the machine was booted, or another way to pass the location of my WIM file to a variable accessible from startnet.cmd?
Here's someone else with the same issue over at TechNet.
This VBScript will show a message for each removable drive (letter:description), could be easily modified to search for a particular drive and return the letter.
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where MediaType = 11")
For Each objDisk in colDisks
Wscript.Echo objDisk.DeviceID & objDisk.Description
Don't know if that helps at all.
It's a less generic solution than the others mentioned here, but there appears to be a specific way to determine which underlying volume a "RAM-drive-booted" Windows PE OS was booted from. From the documentation on Windows PE in the Windows Automated Installation Kit:
If you are not booting Windows
Deployment Services, the best way to
determine where Windows PE booted from
is to first check for
PEBootRamdiskSourceDrive registry key.
If it is not present, scan the drives
of the correct PEBootType and look for
some kind of tag file that identifies
the boot drive.
(The registry value in question sits under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control.)
Here's a non-optimal solution. In this case, the UFD has to have a specific name, which is passed to the script which searches every possible drive letter for a match. It's probably not practical to rely on the flash drives all having the same name.
Still hoping someone pops by with a better answer!
:: Initial variables
set TMPFILE=%~dp0getdrive.tmp
set driveletters=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
set MatchLabel_res=
for /L %%g in (2,1,25) do call :MatchLabel %%g %*
if not "%MatchLabel_res%"=="" echo %MatchLabel_res%
goto :END
:: Function to match a label with a drive letter.
:: The first parameter is an integer from 1..26 that needs to be
:: converted in a letter. It is easier looping on a number
:: than looping on letters.
:: The second parameter is the volume name passed-on to the script
:: result already found, just do nothing
:: (necessary because there is no break for for loops)
if not "%MatchLabel_res%"=="" goto :eof
:: get the proper drive letter
call set dl=%%driveletters:~%1,1%%
:: strip-off the " in the volume name to be able to add them again further
set volname=%2
set volname=%volname:"=%
:: get the volume information on that disk
vol %dl%: > "%TMPFILE%" 2>&1
:: Drive/Volume does not exist, just quit
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto :eof
set found=0
for /F "usebackq tokens=3 delims=:" %%g in (`find /C /I "%volname%" "%TMPFILE%"`) do set found=%%g
:: trick to stip any whitespaces
set /A found=%found% + 0
if not "%found%"=="0" set MatchLabel_res=%dl%:
goto :eof
if exist "%TMPFILE%" del "%TMPFILE%"
To elaborate reuben's answer in more detail, here is my batch file:
wpeutil UpdateBootInfo
for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=3 delims= " %%l in ( `reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control /v PEBootRAMDiskSourceDrive` ) do set "PendrivePath=%%l"
set "PendriveLetter=%PendrivePath:~0,1%"
echo The boot pendrive's drive letter is %PendriveLetter%