fetch emails with php lib that suports oauth 2 - email

I'm trying to get mail(imap) from google by oauth authorization . I have got the authorization to work, but I can not retrieve the emails. As I understand it should be posible. But Google does not have any api to retrieve mail(?). However, I found the following:
That says:
Accessing mail using IMAP and sending mail using SMTP is often done
using existing IMAP and SMTP libraries for convenience. As long as
these libraries support the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
(SASL), they should be compatible with the OAuth mechanism supported
by Gmail. In addition to using a library which supports IMAP and SMTP,
developers also will want to use one of the many existing libraries
for handling OAuth
Do anyone know a existing library that i can use and that has some documentation as well. Im using google-api-php-client.
The code
require_once '../../src/apiClient.php';
$client = new apiClient();
// Documentation: http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/2.0/basics.html
// Visit https://code.google.com/apis/console?api=contacts to generate your
// oauth2_client_id, oauth2_client_secret, and register your oauth2_redirect_uri.
if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
$_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
$redirect = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) {
echo "token is set";
if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {
if ($client->getAccessToken()) {
MAGIC HAPPENS HERE!!!...but is unkown for me ofc
// The access token may have been updated lazily.
$_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
} else {
$auth = $client->createAuthUrl();
if (isset($auth)) {
print "<a class=login href='$auth'>Connect Me!</a>";
} else {
print "<a class=logout href='?logout'>Logout</a>";

Google doesnt allow you to retrieve mail with oauth 2.0 at the moment.

Now you can fetch mails using OAuth.
Implemented a simple library.
Delete mail function is not yet added. But you can take a look if it satisfies your need.
Try example. https://github.com/vmuthal/VivOAuthIMAP


What is the best way to connect TYPO3 fe_users from an Azure AD with SAML 2?

I need to implement SSO on a TYPO3 intranet, where the fe_users are synchronized from an Azure AD. the platform will be in V9.
Is there a compatible extension that I haven't found yet ?
If no, what would be the best way to implement the automatic authentication with SAML 2.0 ?
thanks in advance,
Thanks to #Rakel (and others) I managed to finally solve my SAML authentication requirement. Still I used a slightly different and more direct approach then described in her solution.
I used an Authentication Service to implement the SAML Login Process.
For handling the SAML login itself I used the library SimpleSamlPHP, which I can truly recommend. Its really simple and the provided frontend to test the SAML configuration comes really handy to test the Identity Provider (Idp) configuration without dealing with TYPO3.
For details please look into this: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/master/en-us/ApiOverview/Authentication/Index.html
First you need to create a class which extends TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationService. This class must implement the methods "getUser" and "authUser".
namespace Vendor\Extension\Service;
use SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationService;
class SamlAuth extends AuthenticationService
public function getUser() {
// Create new Simple Auth with SimpleSamlPHP
$as = new Simple($config['sp']);
// Require authentication, this redirects you to the Idp and then comes back
// Get the attributes provides by your Idp
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();
// Please consult the API for details on fetchUserRecord
// Also the SAML attributes may vary depending on your Idp implementation
$user = $this->fetchUserRecord($attributes['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name'];
public function authUser(array $user): int {
return is_array($user) ? 200 : 0;
Then you need to register the service in your extensions "ext_localconf.php".
'title' => 'Saml Authentication for Frontend Users',
'description' => 'Authenticates FeUsers via Saml',
'subtype' => 'authUserFE,getUserFE',
'available' => true,
'priority' => 80,
'quality' => 80,
'os' => '',
'exec' => '',
'className' => Vendor\Extension\Service\SamlAuth::class
Please note:
This is just a over simplified version of my final code. Just to get you started on the idea.
Also you need to configure SimpleSamlPHP correctly. Please look at their documentation for details.
The method "getUser" is supposed to return an array holding the to be logged in FeUser with all its parameters.
The method "authUser" is only to return 200 or 0. Take a look at this link to understand which number are there to return: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-services/7.6/en-us/Authentication/Index.html#authentication-service-chain
After returning "200" the FeUser object is created and the user is logged in. No need to fiddle around with $GLOBALS['TSFE'] by yourself. This is a huge benefit, as it makes your code shorter and easier to read.
Nethertheless I learned a lot from reading through all the documentations and responses here and on Slacks TYPO3 channel.
Thanks to everybody who helped me. Greatly appreciated.
Yes we solved that requirements. We used SimpleSAMLphp to implement the authentication, following this great tutorial :
When you are able to connect then you just have to implement a process to auto connect a fe_user when you get the saml user attributes.
Here is a simplified summary of the process:
if we reach a TYPO3 site url without being authenticated then redirection to a script like this :
// SimpleSamlPHP library
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . /../../../../../../simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php');
//instanciation of a simple authentication
$as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple('default-sp');
//requires authentication from Office 365
//retrieving information from the logged-in user
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();
//retrieve original url
$returnURL = $_GET['returnURL'];
//if a user is well connected
//redirection to the TYPO3 site with the username
header('Location: /auth/?samlUident='.$attributes['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name'][0].'&recupURL='.$returnURL);
and here's a simplified summary of what the auth page does:
//if a get saml is in the url
//recovering username for TYPO3 authentication
$loginData = array(
'uname' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP('samlUident'), //username
'status' => 'login'
//TYPO3 session creation
$frontendUserAuthentication = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\Authentication\\FrontendUserAuthentication');
$frontendUserAuthentication->checkPid = false;
$info = $frontendUserAuthentication->getAuthInfoArray();
$user_db = $frontendUserAuthentication->fetchUserRecord($info['db_user'], $loginData['uname']);
//if a user exists
if ($user_db){
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->forceSetCookie = TRUE;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->dontSetCookie = false;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user = $user_db;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->setAndSaveSessionData('dummy', TRUE);
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->loginUser = 1;

how to call using the rest_client in codeigniter

I am new to CodeIgniter and Rest API. I am trying to implement REST API in CodeIgniter and have used Phil Sturgeon's rest-client and rest-server. I have watched few tutorials and have successfully implemented the Rest-Server part (checking with Chrome's Rest Client APP). But, to implement the Rest-Client, I am having few troubles.
Do I need to have cURL and CodeIgniter's cUrl Library?
If yes, how should I set it up?
I watched this tutorial too by Phil Sturgeon but in this tutorial, he has only used the Rest-Client function to call the Server. But not defined where to put it. Here's the code
function rest_client($id){
$this->load->library('rest', array(
'server' => 'http://localhost/rest/index.php/restgetcontroller/',
$user = $this->rest->get('user', array('id' => $id), 'json');
echo $user->name;
I am sorry if it is too simple.
Thank You
Edit: I made a Client controller and put there a method to call it. But when I load the page, I get this error.
Call to undefined method CI_Loader::spark()
You can use wherever you need to retrieve a value from your API.
$user will have a value you can use for your purpose.
Basically, you would use the API where you used to use a Model, because now the interaction with the database is made with the API, not from your Controllers directly.
To call RESTful APIs you'll require CURL, there's a library called Guzzlehttp to use CURL more efficiently.
You can use composer to install the library or simply download the zip and require it in your controller.
Example Usage:
try {
$guzzleHttp = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
'verify' => false
$http_response = $guzzleHttp->request('GET', 'http://localhost/rest/index.php/restgetcontroller/');
$response = json_decode($http_response->getBody()->getContents());
return $data;
} catch (Exception $e) {
log_message('error', $e->getMessage());
return false;

ejabberd: Saving of roster not working with external Authentication Script enabled

I have successfully configured an ejabberd server with an extauth script (perl).
It is working correctly and only allowing users from my mysql DB.
But following features are not working anymore: roster management, adding users to rosters, authorization of users (for adding them to the roster)
With the internal auth it works. Both times ejabberd is configured to use the internal amnesia db.
Please help me figure out, why it is not working with extauth enabled. Do I have to write my own methods in the extauth script? (That I don't really want...)
So after doing some research on my problem, I think that switching to the external authentication will not support roster management.
What I ended up doing is swichting back to internal authentication and using mod_admin_extra to add users and update passwords with this php script:
class Jabber
public static function registerAndAddToSharedRoster($userId, $sessionToken)
$url = "http://localhost:5280/rest";
$register = "register $userId jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com $sessionToken";
sendRESTRequest($url, $register);
$sharedRoster = "srg_user_add $userId jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com shared jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com";
sendRESTRequest($url, $sharedRoster);
public static function updatePassword($userId, $newPassword)
$url = "http://localhost:5280/rest";
$register = "change_password $userId jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com $newPassword";
sendRESTRequest($url, $register);
function sendRESTRequest ($url, $request)
// Create a stream context so that we can POST the REST request to $url
$context = stream_context_create (array ('http' => array ('method' => 'POST'
,'header' => "Host: localhost:5280\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\nContent-Length: ".strlen($request)
,'content' => $request)));
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
return $result;
Hope this helps someone!
This answer is late but it could help someone:
Contrary to #ben-marten's answer, Switching to the external authentication does support roster management.
When you add someone to the roster, ejabberd is 'calling' the isuser operation - check if it’s a valid user - you have to provide that method in the script: see ejabberd Developers Guide - External Authentication
I ignored that operation, and I could not add a user to the roster.
For other script examples see Authentication Scripts

Migrate this Zend Gdata code from ZF to ZF2

Sorry for such a bad question but I spend 2 hours without any success. Zend Docs are horrible ...
I have found this Zend_Gdata library and Picasa data API -- loader.php file missing, but its crashing at line 2 Class 'Application\Controller\Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' not found, which obviously isn't the correct path.
I am not sure why ZF does not use
Im using https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication which is working, but nothing else works out of box with zf2 and all help topics are described incompletely. A mess in my eyes ...
However here is the code.
//Change this for your domain
$domain = 'yourdomain.com';
$email = 'ad...#yourdomain.com';
$passwd = 'p#ssword';
$user = 'jsmith';
$newuserpassword = 'secretp#assword';
//Connect as admin to Google Apps
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
try {
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($email, $passwd, Zend_Gdata_Gapps::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME);
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_CaptchaRequiredException $cre) {
echo 'URL of CAPTCHA image: ' . $cre->getCaptchaUrl() . "\n";
echo 'Token ID: ' . $cre->getCaptchaToken() . "\n";
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_AuthException $ae) {
echo 'Problem authenticating: ' . $ae->exception() . "\n";
$gdata = new Zend_Gdata_Gapps($client, $domain);
//Now change the user's password
$updateUser = $gdata->retrieveUser($user);
$updateUser->login->password = $newuserpassword;
$updateUser = $updateUser->save();
There's a new API that you can use even if Zend 1 or 2:
Here's the page with installation instructions and a getting started:
And here are the available services:
Hope it help.
There's no such thing as Zend_Loader in zf2 and the code you have posted is for zf1. If you have the barebones application working, then you will already have the autoloader working correctly (I presume you're using MVC and this code is to go in a controller, not a single file).
If you have the autoloader setup correctly, you also don't need to use Zend_Loader::loadClass.. as they will be autoloaded.
As for Gdata in zf2 - you will need to get the package, which can be found here https://packages.zendframework.com/. Good instructions are here: Zend Framework 2.0.2 YouTube API
Converting the code from zf1 to zf2 should be pretty easy.
However, unfortunately the gdata package is no longer maintained, so you are advised to use https://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/

How do I connect to external API from Magento

I am looking for some assistance in creating an API based module to push customer information out of Magento into a Third party loyalty program.
So far I have created a basic module but cannot find any good information on creating API based modules in Magento and could really do with some advice please...
I need to somehow hook into the Checkout success page in Magneto and add a form the will POST the customers information (name, address etc) to a third party loyalty program. I also need to be able to login to complete the billing information etc...
Does anyone know of any handy tutorials or documentation for such an implementation?
So far I have setup an API user with the appropriate roles. I have also created a very basic module for test purpses but browsing to the file I get a 404 error
$proxy = new SoapClient('http://mysite.com/api/?wsdl'); //edit the address and put the url to your magento here
$sessionId = $proxy->login('######', '#######'); // put in the info for your user here
echo "Login ID : $sessionId";
$result = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'Mymodule.testConnection', array('param1' => ' This string was sent from soap client'));
echo $result;
class MyModule_MyModule_Model_ObjectModel_Api extends Mage_Api_Model_Resource_Abstract
public function testConnection($arg)
return "Hello World! My argument is : " . $arg;
I followed the example from here for getting a basic 'Hello world' module up and running if anyone could assist me with getting the correct setup I would be grateful
Instead of connect magento API you can create customer like this.
define('INCLUDE_PATH', '/var/www/QA/mojostage/app/');
define('INCLUDE_FILE', 'Mage.php');
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');
* Check if the email exist on the system.
* If YES, it will not create a user account.
if (!$customer->getId()) {
//setting data such as email, firstname, lastname, and password
$subscriber = Mage::getModel('newsletter/subscriber');
//the save the data and send the new account email.