Zend Db query to select all IDs - zend-framework

How would I write an Zend DB query to select all from the column ID?
So far I have tried:
public function getLatestUserID()
$ids = $this->select()
->where('id = ?');
return $ids;
But to no avail.

You just want the id column,
You failed to call an execute command.
//assuming you are using a DbTable model
public function getLatestUserID()
$ids = $this->fetchAll('id');
return $ids;
I would do it like this, because I use the select() object for everything:
public function getLatestUserID()
$select = $this->select();
//I'm not sure if $this will work in this contex but you can out the table name
$select->from(array($this), array('id'));
$ids = $this->fetchAll($select);
return $ids;
The first two examples should return just the id column of the table, now if you actually want to query for a specific id:
public function getLatestUserID($id)
$select = $this->select();
$select->where('id = ?', $id);
//fetchAll() would still work here if we wanted multiple rows returned
//but fetchRow() for one row and fetchRowset() for multiple rows are probably
//more specific for this purpose.
$ids = $this->fetchRow($select);
return $ids;

make sure your class containing getLatestUserID does extend Zend_Db_Table_Abstract also :
$ids = $this->select()->where('id = ?'); can't work because where('id = ?'); expects an id value like where('id = ?', $id);
if what you want is the latest inserted row's Id use :
$lastInsertId = $this->getAdapter()->lastInsertId();
(however if you are using an oracle database this will not work and you should use $lastInsertId = $this->getAdapter()->lastSequenceId('USER_TABLE_SEQUENCE'); )


Zend Paginate - find a specific record within the result

I appreciate that this may not be possible, but is there a way to make Zend Paginate go to a specific item (record)?
The result I would like would allow me to seek a specific record in a tabled list of results, and display the appropriate page (within all available pages) combined with a name anchor tag to display the specific record.
To clarify: If I had the results as a Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract I would use the seek() method in a similar fashion to $rowset->seek(8); Although I don't believe the result returned by the DbSelect adapter is a SeekableIterator?
The code within my Mapper (using the Table Data Gateway pattern):
public function paginate($where = array(), $order = null)
$select = $this->getDbTable()->select()->from($this->getTableName(), $this->getTableFields());
foreach ($where as $key => $value) {
$select->where($key, $value);
$adapter = new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select);
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator($adapter);
return $paginator;
Within my controller:
$cache_id = sha1('list');
$mapper = new Application_Model_Galleries_Mapper();
if(!($data = Zend_Registry::get('cache')->load($cache_id))) {
$data = $mapper->paginate(array(), $sort);
Zend_Registry::get('cache')->save($data, $cache_id, array('list'), 7200);
$this->view->paginator = $data;
To return a Zend_Paginator with a seekable iterator (Zend_Db_Table_Rowset) use the Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbTableSelect() as it returns a rowset object, as opposed to Zend_Paginator_Adaoter_DbSelect() which returns an array().

Zend Framework, echo message if (!$row) not working

This should be straight forward if the row count is 0 I want to echo a message. Here is what I have:
public function getClubComment($id) {
$id = (int) $id;
$row = $this->fetchRow('club_id = ' . $id);
if (!$row) {
echo 'No comments';
return $row->toArray();
maybe try something like:
//not sure if this will work as I don't do this kind of request anymore
public function getClubComment($id) {
$id = (int) $id;
$row = $this->fetchRow('club_id = ?', $id);
if (!$row) {echo 'No comments';}
return $row->toArray();
I think you'll be happier doing something like this, takes most of the guess work out.
public function getClubComment($id) {
$id = (int) $id;
//create instance of Zend_Db_Select object
$select = $this select();
$select->where('club_id = ?', $id);
//fetchRow using Zend_Db_Select object
$row = $this->fetchRow($select);
//fetchRow() returns NULL so may as well test for that.
if ($row === NULL) {
throw new Zend_Db_Table_Exception();
return $row->toArray();
Zend_Db_Select is really useful to use in the models as it normally takes care of properly quoting values and it very easy to build a fairly complex sql query with any sql. In this example I used discrete lines for each part of the select() but I could as easily have strung them all together. I personally like each line separate so I can change or troubleshoot easily.
fetchRow returns an object, even if there is no results, that is why the condition in the if statement is always false, try this
if (!count($row))

Zend Framework Table Relationships - select from multiple tables within app

I hope I'm asking this question in an understandable way. I've been working on an app that has been dealing with 1 table ( jobschedule ). So, I have models/Jobschedule.php, models/JobscheduleMapper.php, controllers/JobscheduleController.php, view/scripts/jobschedule/*.phtml files
So in my controller I'll do something like this:
$jobnumber = $jobschedule->getJobnum();
$jobtype = $jobschedule->getJobtype();
$table = $this->getDbTable();
public function listAction()
$this->view->jobnum = $this->getRequest()->getParam( 'jobnum', false );
$this->view->items = array();
$jobschedule = new Application_Model_Jobschedule();
$jobschedule->setJobnum( $this->view->jobnum );
$mapper = new Application_Model_JobscheduleMapper();
$this->view->entries = $mapper->fetchAll ( $jobschedule );
and then in my mapper I I do something like:
$resultSet = $table->fetchAll($table->select()->where('jobnum = ?', $jobnumber)->where('jobtype = ?', $jobtype) );
$entries = array();
foreach ($resultSet as $row) {
$entry = new Application_Model_Jobschedule();
$entries[] = $entry;
return $entries;
Then in my view I can manipulate $entries. Well, the problem I'm coming across now is that there is also another table called 'jobindex' that has a column in it called 'jobno'. That 'jobno' column holds the same record as the 'jobnum' column in the 'jobschedule' table. I need to find the value of the 'store_type' column in the 'jobindex' table where jobindex.jobno = joschedule.jobnum ( where 1234 is the jobno/jobnum for example ). Can someone please help me here? Do I need to create a jobindex mapper and controller? If so, that's done ... I just don't know how to manipulate both tables at once and get the record I need. And where to put that code...in my controller?
If I understand you correctly this is the SQL query you need to extract the data from database:
SELECT `jobschedule`.* FROM `jobschedule` INNER JOIN `jobindex` ON jobindex.jobno = jobschedule.jobnum WHERE (jobindex.jobtype = 'WM')
Assembling this SQL query in Zend would look something like this:
$select->from('jobschedule', array('*'))
'jobindex.jobno = jobschedule.jobnum',
->where('jobindex.jobtype = ?', $jobtype);
Let us know if that's what you are looking for.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you'll want to join the 'jobindex' table to the 'jobschedule' table.
$resultSet = $table->fetchAll(
->from($table, array('*'))
'jobindex.jobno = jobschedule.jobnumber',
->where('jobnum = ?', $jobnumber)
->where('jobtype = ?', $jobtype)
->where('jobindex.store_type = ?', $_POST['store_num'])
Depending on how 'jobschedule' is related to 'jobindex', you may want an inner join (joinInner()) instead.
The setIntegrityCheck(false) disables referential integrity between the tables, which is only important if you are writing to them. For queries like this one, you can just disable it and move on (else it will throw an exception).

Symfony form with doctrine table other than getTable()->find() is not working

I get a really anoying error when I try to edit an entry from a table, in tutorial they always use getTable()->find(), but I need to verify that the person logged in is the owner of that entry here what I did:
In the action:
public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request)
$id = $request->getParameter('id');
$userid = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId();
$ad = Doctrine_Core::getTable('BambinbazarArticles')->getMyAd($id, $userid);
$this->forward404Unless($ad, sprintf('Object bambinbazar_articles does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('id')));
$this->form = new BambinbazarArticlesForm($ad);
In the model:
public function getMyAd($id, $userid)
$q = $this->createQuery('c')
->where('c.id = ? ', $id)
->addWhere('c.userid = ? ', $userid);
return $q->execute();
I tried it with and without the ->execute(), did doctrine clean, cleared cache, rebuilded model,
Always get the same error 'The "%s" form only accepts a "%s" object.
If I use the Doctrine_Core::getTable('BambinbazarArticles')->find() it work, but of course, i need more than that..
I am becoming crazy over this.
execute() can return multiple rows; effectively you're getting a recordset back, rather than the individual object that your form is expecting. Try fetching a single object, using, e.g.:
return $q->execute()->getFirst();
return $q->fetchOne();
Its probably because your query is returning a Doctrine_Collection, not the actual Doctrine_Record youre expecting. Instead of execute use fetchOne.
public function getMyAd($id, $userid)
$q = $this->createQuery('c')
->where('c.id = ? ', $id)
->addWhere('c.userid = ? ', $userid)
return $q->fetchOne();

Changing Zend_Db_Select's output to Zend_Db_Table_Rowset

I have the following code inside a class that extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract:
public function fetchByFriends($id) {
* SELECT * FROM list
* INNER JOIN friendship ON
* list.user_id = friendship.friend_id
* WHERE friendship.user_id = ?
$select = $this->select()
->join("friendship", "list.user_id = friendship.friend_id")
->where("friendship.user_id = ?", $id);
$select->setIntegrityCheck(false); // allows joins within a DbTable
$stmt = $select->query();
return $this->fetchAll($stmt);
While the query works fine the data returned is of an array. Is there some way to refactor this so that fetchAll returns it as a Zend_Db_Table_Rowset, rather than an array?
Poor research on my part. I found the answer in Zend's reference manual:
Advanced usage
Example #27 Using a lookup table to refine the results of fetchAll()
$table = new Bugs();
// retrieve with from part set, important when joining
$select = $table->select(Zend_Db_Table::SELECT_WITH_FROM_PART);
->where('bug_status = ?', 'NEW')
->join('accounts', 'accounts.account_name =
->where('accounts.account_name = ?', 'Bob');
$rows = $table->fetchAll($select);