Am I using EGit and Eclipse correctly when working with repositories? - eclipse

I'm trying to set up EGit with Eclipse and I've used neither of them before. I understand the basics around Git and Eclipse is more or less just another IDE. The problem I'm having is setting up a reasonable work environment.
I have file-server at home which I want to use as a Bare repository which I push and pull changes to. To test it out I've done the setup locally.
I have a bare repository created through the Git Repository perspective.
I've cloned that repository into a local non-bare repository.
I've created a project in a subdir of the non-bare repository (is this the way to go? Is it possible to do have the project directly in the workspace with the .git folder within it? So far I've had a lot of trouble with it when trying to create an Eclipse project out of it. What is the proper way to do it?)
I've made some changes to this cloned repository and added the indexes, committed the changes and attempted to push the changes to upstream.
The thing is that no changes are made to upstream. Would someone like to explain the procedure in doing the push so that I'm not misunderstanding something? Or am I completely wrong on utilizing a bare repository instead of just working non-bare?

As mentioned in this tutorial, you create your Git repo right where your project is (ie your .classpath and .project files are).
Pushing to a bare repo is a good idea (see the links mentioned in "Git - pull & push - production server")
You need though to specify what you want to push:
Click at least on "Add all branch spec".


Eclipse, Egit, Github: remove pushed project folder

I have successfully created a git hub repository, a local master, committed the initial changes and pushed them to github.
Unfortunately the project folder from Eclipse ends up in the repository. For example:
<username>/<gitrepositoryname>/<eclipse project folder>/<project files & README>
when for most people it looks like:
<username>/<gitrepositoryname>/<project files & README>
I created a new local master after I found this tutorial Push eclipse project to GitHub with EGit
but now I am running into push problems such as "HEAD rejected - non-fast-forward" when using the new local master.
Can some please help me to correct this locally/remotely? Is there a way to switch local master branches so that I can sync the correct one with githib?
Thanks in advance.
It's pretty simple to fix:
Go to the "workspace" where you keep <eclipse project folder>
Make sure to delete the .git folder there
Tell git to force push the changes. (Checkbox) (It's usually not good to force git to do something, because you could loose commits/data BUT here, we really want to overwrite the old repository with the new one.)
Your changes should be up immediately. Next time you push, please make sure, the force push checkbox is disabled again

Confusing Eclipse and Github interactions

We are trying to use Eclipse and github on a project, and it is proving to be a real burden because we do not understand how it works. It is difficult to formulate a single question, but let's start with one case:
We have a project in Eclipse that is on github. Several developers are sharing the archive. We learn that we want to create a Java EE project rather than a Java project. We do not want to change the name of the project. How can this be done?
Further, not knowing this, we tried to change the name from ProjNamet to ProjName2.
When creating a project on git, Eclipse creates it in a local directory:
In order to push that project out to github, we executed:
git remote add origin
git push origin master
As far as we can see, the project appears to be successfully pushed out to github.
In addition to source code, there is:
.gitignore (which just ignores the build directory)
But when I right click on the repository and try to import projects from it to my computer, Eclipse failed
deleting the directory, and clicking on File->import.. and importing from the repository works.
I do not see what the difference is between the one that worked and the one that did not.
Try this:
git remote add origin
git push origin master

Creating a working copy of a GIT repo

I am working with Git/SourceTree/Eclipse. I am cloning a GIT repo outside of my Eclipse workspace. SourceTree is now pointing to this location.
There is no .project file in GIT. So in Eclipse I create a new dynamic web project and import my GIT repo (including the .git folder) into it. The project builds just fine.
Now this means that any changes I make in Eclipse won't be reflected in SourceTree because the GIT repo is essentially in 2 places. So I'd have to make another repo in SourceTree just to point to my Eclipse workspace.
I cloned the GIT repo outside my workspace because I heard that's best practice. But surely there's got to be a simpler way.
What is that simpler way?
Thanks for any helpful tips.
Since you imported the folder with the .git-folder into your workspace-folder, you could just use that directory for your development now. You no longer need the original clone.
However, I'm guessing cloning inside the workspace-directory is considered bad practice because it can slow down your Eclipse-project (see Is it better to keep Git repository inside or outside of Eclipse workspace?).
Probably cloning with EGit could make your life easier because it can point to a .git-folder outside your workspace-folder. (

How to structure two eclipse workspaces and local and remote git repos

I have been using Eclipse IDE with egit and pdt for a couple of years. I have a local git repo outside my workspace and a remote private repo, largely for bckup - I am the only active developer. In addition to my projects (several sub-projects) I have imported a Joomla installation so that I can debug my projects in their working environment. So far so good.
Recently, I needed to start work on a big upgrade. So I created a new workspace and a new local git repo cloned from the remote repo. I imported a different Joomla installation and created a separate branch for the new code.
I am using one workspace to push to the remote master and the other workspace to push to the remote branch. I can 'see' both branches in both workspaces and I get myself confused because they are not usually in sync. And I get very confused when it comes to merging something from the master into the side branch. So far I have muddled along but I can't help feeling this is wrong and bound to lead to disaster.
It would be fair to say I don't know nearly enough about Eclipse or Git to figure out how I should have set this project up in the first place. And I don't know the exact steps I followed to set up the structure I have right now.
Can someone offer advice on a practical repo and workspace structure for working on branches that require different testing environments?

How to use Git properly when you want to create X projects based on one clean project?

I'm just starting with Git so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do :
I have one clean project, a very basic one with just what is needed for every project (maven dependencies, etc). This project is in a repo I created in GitHub, and now I'm wondering :
If I want to use this clean project as a base for all future development, how am I supposed to proceed ? Do I have to create a new repo manually for every future project and then somehow push my clean project on it ? Can I "duplicate" a repo ? Or am I supposed to work on only one repo and create a new branch for each derived project ? i'm quite lost on "how to use Git properly".
More importantly, how can I achieve this with EGit ? I won't always be able to install something on the computer so I would rather use Git in my eclipse (if possible). But so far I didn't find a way to enter Git commands using EGit (and I guess EGit doesn't have a specific button for what I want to do so... ?).
Thanks a lot ! (and sorry for my english if there are any mistakes)
Can I "duplicate" a repo ?
Yes, it is called a fork: you duplicate on GitHub your own template repo, and then clone that duplicate locally.
See this Gist for forking your own project (since the "Fork" button is only available to fork project from other users).
Use a msysgit installation for the commands, before importing your local clone in your Eclipse with Egit.
That allows you to maintain two upstream relationships:
one called origin referring to your fork (your duplicated template project in which you will develop)
one called upstream (or "template", or ...), referring to your template project, in order for you to update it you make locally an evolution that should benefit all projects of yours.