Post to facebook like twitter - facebook

Is is possible to post something to facebook, like on twitter?
I mean when user click a link, like this but for facebook?

Yes, Use to post the same message to facebook.


How to open facebook wall post in light box

I am able to post message with photo to my friends Facebook wall using my Facebook app.
Clicking on the post in Facebook wall should open light box with post details like photo and message.
How to open facebook post in light box in facebook.Is it possible?
Please advise.
Take a look at those possibilities:
You could use the Send Dialog to send something to a friend. You don´t even need to authorize the user if you want to use those FB.ui Dialogs.
You can NOT use your own lightbox for that, Facebook luckily does not allow you to post to the wall of a friend with their API.

How to specify the application which is used to share a post on facebook?

When a video is shared on Facebook from Youtube, you can see "Via Youtube" right under the post. How can I specify my application which I use to post on my wall, something like "Via Lomse". Thanks
The Facebook API does that for you for free, when ever a application post something to a users wall or timeline. The post is identified as posted by your applications name.

Get request_ids in a canvas app

I have a facebook canvas app like this:
I use this to redirect user on my site when a user invite friends on my site with facebook multi friends selector.
When a user receive the request on facebook, he clicks on a link like this:
and then, through my facebook canvas app will be redirect on my site.
Ok, perfect.
Now, i would want to catch request_ids and redirect the user on a custom link, like this:
to track invite and result from invite.
Thanks in advance.
Solved with $_GET[request_ids], easy :)

Logging in other Facebook users from a standalone app

I have a kiosk-like device that I'd like to integrate with Facebook. Essentially, I'd like to allow a user to log into their Facebook account, give permission to my app, which will post a text/picture/video to their wall.
Is this possible?
What API/toolkits do you recommend?
Use the Facebook Graph API. Here is the link:

Is there a way to associate the Like button with a Facebook photo or other post on

If I have a Facebook photo, can I add a Facebook button in an application that when clicked inceases the likes for the photo?
The parameter for the like button is a url. What do I need to put there so when clicked, increases the like count for the photo on Facebook?
No this is not possible - it's always separate.
You could do this through graph API and make POST to <POST ID>/likes/ but the Like button plugin only works for Facebook pages or URLs off-Facebook.
It does not work with content on
Via the Facebook Like Plugin, as you said is url so it will not work.
The Like Box is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website.
Accoring to the documentation,
You will need to use the Facebook Graph API photo object by sending a HTTP request to photo_id/likes, where photo_id is the id of photo in question which you can also find from the photo link itself[photo_id]
You will also need to have the user grant publish_stream permissions.
You can try to use the Facebook Graph API explorer to try it, though I have not been able to get it working.