Good examples of Clojure macros usage which demonstrate advantages of the language over the mainstream? - macros

I am thinking about learning Clojure, but coming from the c-syntax based (java, php, c#) world of imperative languages that's going to be a challenge, so one naturally asks oneself, is it really worth it? And while such question statement can be very subjective and hard to manage, there is one specific trait of Clojure (and more generally, the lisps) that I keep reading about, that is supposed to make it the most flexipowerful language ever: the macros.
Do you have any good examples of macro usage in Clojure, for purposes which in other mainstream languages (consider any of C++, PHP, Perl, Python, Groovy/Java, C#, JavaScript) would require much less elegant solutions/a lot of unnecessary abstraction/hacks/etc.

I find macros pretty useful for defining new language features. In most languages you would need to wait for a new release of the language to get new syntax - in Lisp you can just extend the core language with macros and add the features yourself.
For example, Clojure doesn't have a imperative C-style for(i=0 ;i<10; i++) loop but you can easily add one with a macro:
(defmacro for-loop [[sym init check change :as params] & steps]
(not (vector? params))
(throw (Error. "Binding form must be a vector for for-loop"))
(not= 4 (count params))
(throw (Error. "Binding form must have exactly 4 arguments in for-loop"))
`(loop [~sym ~init value# nil]
(if ~check
(let [new-value# (do ~#steps)]
(recur ~change new-value#))
Usage as follows:
(for-loop [i 0, (< i 10), (inc i)]
(println i))
Whether it is a good idea to add an imperative loop to a functional language is a debate we should probably avoid here :-)

there are a lot of macros in the base of clojure that you don't think about... Which is a sign of a good macro, they let you extend the language in ways that make life easier. With out macros life would be much less exciting. for instance if we didn't have
(with-out-str (somebody else's code that prints to screen))
then you would need to modify their code in ways that you may not have access to.
another great example is
(with-open-file [fh (open-a-file-code ...)]
(do (stuff assured that the file won't leak)))
the whole with-something-do pattern of macros have really added to the clojure eco system.
the other side of the proverbial macro coin is that I spend essentially all of my (current) professional Clojure time using a very macro heavy library and thus i spend a lot of time working around the fact that macros don't compose well and are not first class. The authors of this library are going to great lengths in the next version to make all the functionality available with out going through the macros to allow people like me to use them in higher order functions like map and reduce.
macros improve the world when they make life easier. They can have the opposite effect when they are the only interface to a library. please don't use macros as interfaces
It is hard in general to get the shape of your data truly correct. If as a library author, you have the data structured well for how you envision your library being used it may very well be that there is a way to re-structure things to allow users to employ your library in new and unimaginable ways. In this case the structure of the fantastic library in question was really quite good, it allowed for things the authors had not intended. Unfortunatly a great library was restricted because it's interface was a set of macros not a set of functions. the library was better than it's macros, so they held it back. This is not to say that macros are in any way to blame, just that programming is hard and they are another tool that can have many effects and all the pieces must be used together to work well.

There's also a more esoteric use case for macros that I sometimes use: writing concise, readable code that is also fully optimized. Here's a trivial example:
(defmacro str* [& ss] (apply str (map eval ss)))
What this does is concatenate strings at compile time (they have to be compile-time constants, of course). The regular string concatenation function in Clojure is str so wherever in a tight-loop code I have a long string that I would like to break up into several string literals, I just add the star to str and change runtime concatenation to compile-time. Usage:
(str* "I want to write some very lenghty string, most often it will be a complex"
" SQL query. I'd hate if it meant allocating the string all over every time"
" this is executed.")
Another, less trivial example:
(defmacro jprint [& xs] `(doto *out* ~#(for [x xs] `(.append ~x))))
The & means it accepts a variable number of arguments (varargs, variadic function). In Clojure a variadic function call makes use of a heap-allocated collection to transfer the arguments (like in Java, which uses an array). This is not very optimal, but if I use a macro like above, then there's no function call. I use it like this:
(jprint \" (json-escape item) \")
It compiles into three invocations of PrintWriter.append (basically an unrolled loop).
Finally, I would like to show you something even more radically different. You can use a macro to assist you in defining a clas of similar functions, eliminating vast amounts of boilerplate. Take this familiar example: in an HTTP-client library we want a separate function for each of the HTTP methods. Every function definition is quite complex as it has four overloaded signatures. Also, each function involves a different request class from the Apache HttpClient library, but everything else is exactly the same for all HTTP methods. Look how much code I need to handle this.
(defmacro- def-http-method [name]
`(defn ~name
([~'url ~'headers ~'opts ~'body]
(handle (~(symbol (str "Http" (s/capitalize name) ".")) ~'url) ~'headers ~'opts ~'body))
([~'url ~'headers ~'opts] (~name ~'url ~'headers ~'opts nil))
([~'url ~'headers] (~name ~'url ~'headers nil nil))
([~'url] (~name ~'url nil nil nil))))
(eval `(def-http-method ~m)))

Some actual code from a project I was working on -- I wanted nested for-esque loops using unboxed ints.
(defmacro dofor
[[i begin end step & rest] & body]
(when step
`(let [end# (long ~end)
step# (long ~step)
comp# (if (< step# 0)
(loop [~i ~begin]
(when (comp# ~i end#)
~#(if rest
`((dofor ~rest ~#body))
(recur (unchecked-add ~i step#)))))))
Used like
(dofor [i 2 6 2
j i 6 1]
(println i j))
Which prints out
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
4 4
4 5
It compiles to something very close to the raw loop/recurs that I was originally writing out by hand, so there is basically no runtime performance penalty, unlike the equivalent
(doseq [i (range 2 6 2)
j (range i 6 1)]
(println i j))
I think that the resulting code compares rather favorably to the java equivalent:
for (int i = 2; i < 6; i+=2) {
for (int j = i; j < 6; j++) {
System.out.println(i+" "+j);

A simple example of a useful macro that is rather hard to re-create without macros is doto. It evaluates its first argument and then evaluates the following forms, inserting the result of the evaluation as their first argument. This might not sound like much, but...
With doto this:
(let [tmpObject (produceObject)]
(.setBackground tmpObject GREEN)
(.setThis tmpObject foo)
(.setThat tmpObject bar)
(.outputTo tmpObject objectSink)))
Becomes that:
(doto (produceObject)
(.setBackground GREEN)
(.setThis foo)
(.setThat bar)
(.outputTo objectSink))
The important thing is that doto is not magic - you can (re-)build it yourself using the standard features of the language.

Macros are part of Clojure but IMHO do not believe they are why you should or should not learn Clojure. Data immutability, good constructs to handle concurrent state, and the fact it's a JVM language and can harness Java code are three reasons. If you can find no other reason to learn Clojure, consider the fact that a functional programming language probably should positively affect how you approach problems in any language.
To look at macros, I suggest you start with Clojure's threading macros: thread-first and thread-last -> and ->> respectively; visit this page, and many of the various blogs that discuss Clojure .
Good luck, and have fun.


lisp: when to use a function vs. a macro

In my ongoing quest to learn lisp, I'm running into a conceptual problem. It's somewhat akin to the question here, but maybe it's thematically appropriate to lisp that my question is a level of abstraction up.
As a rule, when should you create a macro vs. a function? It seems to me, maybe naively, that there would be very few cases where you must create a macro instead of a function, and that in most remainder cases, a function would generally suffice. Of these remainder cases, it seems like the main additional value of a macro would be in clarity of syntax. And if that's the case, then it seems like not just the decision to opt for macro use but also the design of their structures might be fundamentally idiosyncratic to the individual programmer.
Is this wrong? Is there a general case outlining when to use macros over functions? Am I right that the cases where a macro is required by the language are generally few? And lastly, is there a general syntactic form that's expected of macros, or are they generally used as shorthands by programmers?
I found a detailed answer, from Paul Graham's On Lisp, bold emphases added:
Macros can do two things that functions can’t: they can control (or prevent) the evaluation of their arguments, and they are expanded right into the calling context. Any application which requires macros requires, in the end, one or both of these properties.
Macros use this control in four major ways:
Transformation. The Common Lisp setf macro is one of a class of macros which pick apart their arguments before evaluation. A built-in access function will often have a converse whose purpose is to set what the access function retrieves. The converse of car is rplaca, of cdr, rplacd, and so on. With setf we can use calls to such access functions as if they were variables to be set, as in (setf (car x) ’a), which could expand into (progn (rplaca x ’a) ’a).
To perform this trick, setf has to look inside its first argument. To know that the case above requires rplaca, setf must be able to see that the first argument is an expression beginning with car. Thus setf, and any other operator which transforms its arguments, must be written as a macro.
Binding. Lexical variables must appear directly in the source code. The first argument to setq is not evaluated, for example, so anything built on setq must be a macro which expands into a setq, rather than a function which calls it. Likewise for operators like let, whose arguments are to appear as parameters in a lambda expression, for macros like do which expand into lets, and so on. Any new operator which is to alter the lexical bindings of its arguments must be written as a macro.
Conditional evaluation. All the arguments to a function are evaluated. In constructs like when, we want some arguments to be evaluated only under certain conditions. Such flexibility is only possible with macros.
Multiple evaluation. Not only are the arguments to a function all evaluated, they are all evaluated exactly once. We need a macro to define a construct like do, where certain arguments are to be evaluated repeatedly.
There are also several ways to take advantage of the inline expansion of macros. It’s important to emphasize that the expansions thus appear in the lexical context of the macro call, since two of the three uses for macros depend on that fact. They are:
Using the calling environment. A macro can generate an expansion containing a variable whose binding comes from the context of the macro call. The behavior of the following macro:
(defmacro foo (x) ‘(+ ,x y))
depends on the binding of y where foo is called.
This kind of lexical intercourse is usually viewed more as a source of contagion than a source of pleasure. Usually it would be bad style to write such a macro. The ideal of functional programming applies as well to macros: the preferred way to communicate with a macro is through its parameters. Indeed, it is so rarely necessary to use the calling environment that most of the time it happens, it happens by mistake...
Wrapping a new environment. A macro can also cause its arguments to be evaluated in a new lexical environment. The classic example is let, which could be implemented as a macro on lambda. Within the body of an expression like (let ((y 2)) (+ x y)), y will refer to a new variable.
Saving function calls. The third consequence of the inline insertion of macro expansions is that in compiled code there is no overhead associated with a macro call. By runtime, the macro call has been replaced by its expansion. (The same is true in principle of functions declared inline.)
What about those operators which could be written either way [i.e. as a function or a macro]?... Here are several points to consider when we face such choices:
Computation at compile-time. A macro call involves computation at two times: when the macro is expanded, and when the expansion is evaluated. All the macro expansion in a Lisp program is done when the program is compiled, and every bit of computation which can be done at compile-time is one bit that won’t slow the program down when it’s running. If an operator could be written to do some of its work in the macro expansion stage, it will be more efficient to make it a macro, because whatever work a smart compiler can’t do itself, a function has to do at runtime. Chapter 13 describes macros like avg which do some of their work during the expansion phase.
Integration with Lisp. Sometimes, using macros instead of functions will make a program more closely integrated with Lisp. Instead of writing a program to solve a certain problem, you may be able to use macros to transform the problem into one that Lisp already knows how to solve. This approach, when possible, will usually make programs both smaller and more efficient: smaller because Lisp is doing some of your work for you, and more efficient because production Lisp systems generally have had more of the fat sweated out of them than user programs. This advantage appears mostly in embedded languages, which are described starting in Chapter 19.
Saving function calls. A macro call is expanded right into the code where it appears. So if you write some frequently used piece of code as a macro, you can save a function call every time it’s used. In earlier dialects of Lisp, programmers took advantage of this property of macros to save function calls at runtime. In Common Lisp, this job is supposed to be taken over by functions declared inline.
By declaring a function to be inline, you ask for it to be compiled right into the calling code, just like a macro. However, there is a gap between theory and practice here; CLTL2 (p. 229) says that “a compiler is free to ignore this declaration,” and some Common Lisp compilers do. It may still be reasonable to use macros to save function calls, if you are compelled to use such a compiler...
Functions are data, while macros are more like instructions to the compiler. Functions can be passed as arguments (e.g. to apply), returned by functions, or stored in data structures. None of these things are possible with macros.
In some cases, you can get what you want by enclosing the macro call within a lambda-expression. This works, for example, if you want to apply or funcall certain macros:> (funcall #’(lambda (x y) (avg x y)) 1 3) --> 2. However, this is an inconvenience. It doesn’t always work, either: even if, like avg, the macro has an &rest parameter, there is no way to pass it a varying number of arguments.
Clarity of source code. Macro definitions can be harder to read than the equivalent function definitions. So if writing something as a macro would only make a program marginally better, it might be better to use a function instead.
Clarity at runtime. Macros are sometimes harder to debug than functions. If you get a runtime error in code which contains a lot of macro calls, the code you see in the backtrace could consist of the expansions of all those macro calls, and may bear little resemblance to the code you originally wrote.
And because macros disappear when expanded, they are not accountable at runtime. You can’t usually use trace to see how a macro is being called. If it worked at all, trace would show you the call to the macro’s expander function, not the macro call itself.
Recursion. Using recursion in macros is not so simple as it is in functions. Although the expansion function of a macro may be recursive, the expansion itself may not be. Section 10.4 deals with the subject of recursion in macros...
Having considered what can be done with macros, the next question to ask is: in what sorts of applications can we use them? The closest thing to a general description of macro use would be to say that they are used mainly for syntactic transformations. This is not to suggest that the scope for macros is restricted. Since Lisp programs are made from lists, which are Lisp data structures, “syntactic transformation” can go a long way indeed...
Macro applications form a continuum between small general-purpose macros like while, and the large, special-purpose macros defined in the later chapters. On one end are the utilities, the macros resembling those that every Lisp has built-in. They are usually small, general, and written in isolation. However, you can write utilities for specific classes of programs too, and when you have a collection of macros for use in, say, graphics programs, they begin to look like a programming language for graphics. At the far end of the continuum, macros allow you to write whole programs in a language distinctly different from Lisp. Macros used in this way are said to implement embedded languages.
Yes, the first rule is: don't use a macro where a function will do.
There are a few things you can't do with functions, for example conditional evaluation of code. Others become quite unwieldy.
In general I am aware of three recurring use cases for macros (which doesn't mean that there aren't any others):
Defining forms (e. g. defun, defmacro, define-frobble-twiddle)
These often have to take some code snippet, wrap it (e. g. in a lamdba form), and register it somewhere, maybe even multiple places. The users (programmers) should only concern themselves with the code snippet. This is thus mostly about removing boilerplate. Additionally, the macro can process the body, e. g. registering docstrings, handle declarations etc.
Example: Imagine that you are writing a sort of event mini-framework. Your event handlers are pure functions that take some input and produce an effect declaration (think re-frame from the Clojure world). You want these functions to be normal named functions so that you can just test them with the usual testing frameworks, but also register them in a lookup table for your event loop mechanism. You'd maybe want to have something like a define-handler macro:
(defvar *handlers* (make-hash-table)) ; internal for the framework
(defmacro define-handler (&whole whole name lambda-list &body body)
`(progn (defun ,#(rest whole))
(setf (gethash ,name *handlers*)
(lambda ,lambda-list ,#body)))) ; could also be #',name
Control constructs (e. g. case, cond, switch, some->)
These use conditional evaluation and convenient re-arrangement of the expression.
With- style wrappers
This is an idiom to provide unwind-protect functionality to some arbitrary resource. The difference to a general with construct (as in Clojure) is that the resource type can be anything, you don't have to reify it with something like a Closable interface.
(defmacro with-foo-bar-0 (&body body)
(let ((foo-bar (gensym "FOO-BAR")))
`(let (,foo-bar))
(shiftf ,foo-bar (aref (gethash :foo *buzz*) 0) 0)
(unwind-protect (progn ,#body)
(setf (aref (gethash :foo *buzz*) 0) ,foo-bar)))))
This sets something inside a nested data structure to 0, and ensures that it is reset to the value it had before on any, even non-local, exit.
[This is a much-reduced version of a longer, incomplete answer which I decided was not appropriate for SE.]
There are no cases where you must use a macro. Indeed, there are no cases where you must use a programming language at all: if you are happy to learn the order code for the machine you are using and competent with a keypunch then you can program that way.
Most of us are not happy doing that: we like to use programming languages. These have two obvious benefits and one less-obvious but far more important one. The two obvious benefits:
programming languages make programming easier;
programming languages make programs portable across machines.
The more important reason is that building languages is an enormously successful approach to problem solving for human beings. It's so successful that we do it all the time, without even thinking we are doing it. Every time we invent some new term for something we are in fact inventing a language; every time a mathematician invents some new bit of notation they are inventing a language. People like to sneer at these languages by calling them 'jargon', 'slang' or 'dialect' but, famously: a shprakh iz a dialekt mit an armey un flot (translated: a language is a dialect with an army and navy).
The same thing is true for programming languages as is true for natural languages, except that programming languages are designed to communicate both with other humans and with a machine, and the machine requires very precise instructions. This means that it can be rather hard to build programming languages, so people tend to stick with the languages they know.
Except that they don't: the approach of building a language to describe some problem is so powerful that people in fact do this anyway. But they don't know that they are doing it and they don't have the tools to do it so what they end up with tends to be a hideous monster stitched together from pieces of other things with the robustness and readability of custard. We've all dealt with such things. A common characteristic is 'language in a string' where one language appears within strings of another language, with constructs of this inner language being put together by string operations in the outer language. If you are really lucky this will go several levels deep (I have seen three).
These things are abominations, but they are still the best way of dealing with large problem areas. Well, they are the best way if you live in a world where constructing a new programming language is so hard that only special clever people can do it
But it's hard only because if your only tool is C then everything looks like a PDP-11. If instead we used a tool which made the incremental construction of programming languages easy by allowing them to be defined in terms of simpler versions of themselves in a lightweight way, then we could just construct whole families of programming languages in which to talk about various problems, each of which would simply be a point in the space of possible languages. And anyone could do this: it would be a little bit harder than just writing functions, because working out grammar rules is a little bit harder than thinking up new words, but it would not be a lot harder.
And that's what macros do: they let you define programming languages to talk about a particular problem area in a way which is extremely lightweight. One such language is Common Lisp, but it's just one starting point in the space of Lisp-family languages: a point from which you can build the language you actually want (and people, of course, will belittle these languages by calling them 'dialects': well, a programming language is only a dialect with a standards committee).
Functions let you add to the vocabulary of the language you are building. Macros let you add to the grammar of the language. Between them they let you define a new language in which to talk about the problem area you are interested in. And doing that is the whole point of programming in Lisp: Lisp is about building languages to talk about problem areas.
An soon as you are little familiar to macros, you will wonder why you ever had this question. :-)
Macros are in no way alternatives to functions and neither vice versa. It just seems to be so, if you are working on the REPL, because macro expansion, compilation and running is happening within the moment you are pressing [enter].
Macros are running at compile time, so any macro-processing is finished, as son as your definition runs. There is no way to "call" a macro at the runtime of the definition that involves this very macro.
Macros just calculate S-exprs, that will be passed to the compiler.
Just think of a macro as something, that is coding for you.
This is easier to understand with little more code in your editor than with small definitions the REPL. Good luck!

Redundancy in Lisp

I have started to learn Lisp and was wondering if all the redundancies of doing a particular task in several different ways useful? Am sure experienced Lisp programmers can answer this question.
To just quote an example. We can create functions by following 2 different ways.
(defun add2 (x) (+ x 2))
(setf (symbol-function 'add2)
#'(lambda (x) (+ x 2))
I understand that this provides flexibility to achieve different things. But a proper explanation as to why have all this redundancy can help me understand things better.
The first form exists because defining functions is such a common chore that you want a convenient syntax for it.
The second form exists because sometimes, you want to do advanced things with macros generating function definitions and whatnot.
If there had been no defun, we could still define functions with your second form, but nobody would be programming in Lisp because a simple task would be extremely arduous. Every programmer would be designing their own defun macro, incompatible with all the others.
If you look at DEFUN in existing implementations, it does much more than just defining a function. It records for example the definition location for the IDE (development environment), sets the documentation, records the type information, ...
Often Lisp exposes a machinery in terms of a functional interface. The typical usage is then done via a set of macros which provide a convenient interface and side effects in the development environment.
Sometimes, with CLOS, there is even an object-oriented implementation underneath the functional interface.
The picture then looks like this
macros <- used by the programmer, convenient to use
functions <- user interface to the implementation
CLOS (classes, instances, generic functions) <- low-level extensible machine
What you describe is basically a side-effect of the fact that a large part of Lisp is written in itself. So both the high-level definitions meant to be used usually, and the low-level stuff behind it is available to the programmer.
Having the low-level definitions available can be very nice if you want to do advanced stuff that would otherwise not be possible, but usually it can be treated as an implementation detail.

Simple Yet Compelling Macro Examples which are Not Already in Clojure

I'm trying to write a macro tutorial, and now I need some examples which are simple to understand, and yet compelling.
The problem is that a lot of the obvious things are already in clojure and contrib. And I feel that "look, we can reimplement all the library functions" might not be the best argument for why macros are so great.
Has anyone got any cute (one-liners are best) examples that they wouldn't mind me using?
Here are the first three parts of the tutorial. It's a bit ropy at the moment, so any comments about how it could be made better would be gratefully received.
I'm working on some cryptography software in clojure. Its really fun and using unit testing makes it more fun because I don't get nervous about breaking things. The trouble is that all the crypto functions generate different results every time because they are driven by a fairly good IMHO psudo random number generator.
How do I test randomized functions?
with a bind macro of course!
(defmacro with-fake-prng [ & exprs ]
"replaces the prng with one that produces consisten results"
`(binding [com.cryptovide.split/get-prng (fn [] (cycle [1 2 3]))
com.cryptovide.modmath/mody 719
com.cryptovide.modmath/field-size 10]
then I wrap my test functions in (with-fake-prng (deftest mytest ....))
clojure has a lot of these "bind macroes". like with-out-string and such.
I also have a macro that loads every namespace into the repl. (I dont use this much now that I have switched to cake)
(defmacro load-all []
ps: always mind the first rule of macro club
I would talk more about patterns: when and how is a macro used. eg...
Protecting a resource. Examples: binding, with-open, ...
(let [~x (get-resource)] (try ~#dostuff (finally (release-resource ~x))))
Defining things. Examples: defn, defsnippet (enlive), defservice (ring)
Macro/driver split. Especially this technique takes away a lot of macro pain.
Like multiple evaluation or capture. Example: with-bindings
Beautifying ugly code. eg. when Taming multi-dim arrays

Help me write a Clojure macro which automatically adds metadata to a function definition

I realize that the first rule of Macro Club is Don't Use Macros, so the following question is intended more as an exercise in learning Clojure than anything else (I realize this isn't necessarily the best use of macros).
I want to write a simple macro which acts as a wrapper around a regular (defn) macro and winds up adding some metadata to the defined function. So I'd like to have something like this:
(defn-plus f [x] (inc x))
...expand out to something like this:
(defn #^{:special-metadata :fixed-value} f [x] (inc x))
In principle this doesn't seem that hard to me, but I'm having trouble nailing down the specifics of getting the [args] and other forms in the defined function to be parsed out correctly.
As a bonus, if possible I'd like the macro to be able to handle all of the disparate forms of defn (ie, with or without docstrings, multiple arity definitions, etc). I saw some things in the clojure-contrib/def package that looked possibly helpful, but it was difficult to find sample code which used them.
The previous version of my answer was not very robust. This seems like a simpler and more proper way of doing it, stolen from clojure.contrib.def:
(defmacro defn-plus [name & syms]
`(defn ~(vary-meta name assoc :some-key :some-value) ~#syms))
user> (defn-plus ^Integer f "Docstring goes here" [x] (inc x))
user> (meta #'f)
{:ns #<Namespace user>, :name f, :file "NO_SOURCE_PATH", :line 1, :arglists ([x]), :doc "Docstring goes here", :some-key :some-value, :tag java.lang.Integer}
#^{} and with-meta are not the same thing. For an explanation of the difference between them, see Rich's discussion on the Clojure mailing list. It's all a bit confusing and it's come up a bunch of times on the mailing list; see also here for example.
Note that def is a special form and it handles metadata a bit oddly compared with some other parts of the language. It sets the metadata of the var you're deffing to the metadata of the symbol that names the var; that's the only reason the above works, I think. See the DefExpr class in in the Clojure source if you want to see the guts of it all.
Finally, page 216 of Programming Clojure says:
You should generally avoid reader macros in macro expansions, since reader macros are evaluated at read time, before macro expansion begins.

What makes Lisp macros so special?

Reading Paul Graham's essays on programming languages one would think that Lisp macros are the only way to go. As a busy developer, working on other platforms, I have not had the privilege of using Lisp macros. As someone who wants to understand the buzz, please explain what makes this feature so powerful.
Please also relate this to something I would understand from the worlds of Python, Java, C# or C development.
To give the short answer, macros are used for defining language syntax extensions to Common Lisp or Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). These languages are embedded right into the existing Lisp code. Now, the DSLs can have syntax similar to Lisp (like Peter Norvig's Prolog Interpreter for Common Lisp) or completely different (e.g. Infix Notation Math for Clojure).
Here is a more concrete example:Python has list comprehensions built into the language. This gives a simple syntax for a common case. The line
divisibleByTwo = [x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]
yields a list containing all even numbers between 0 and 9. Back in the Python 1.5 days there was no such syntax; you'd use something more like this:
divisibleByTwo = []
for x in range( 10 ):
if x % 2 == 0:
divisibleByTwo.append( x )
These are both functionally equivalent. Let's invoke our suspension of disbelief and pretend Lisp has a very limited loop macro that just does iteration and no easy way to do the equivalent of list comprehensions.
In Lisp you could write the following. I should note this contrived example is picked to be identical to the Python code not a good example of Lisp code.
;; the following two functions just make equivalent of Python's range function
;; you can safely ignore them unless you are running this code
(defun range-helper (x)
(if (= x 0)
(list x)
(cons x (range-helper (- x 1)))))
(defun range (x)
(reverse (range-helper (- x 1))))
;; equivalent to the python example:
;; define a variable
(defvar divisibleByTwo nil)
;; loop from 0 upto and including 9
(loop for x in (range 10)
;; test for divisibility by two
if (= (mod x 2) 0)
;; append to the list
do (setq divisibleByTwo (append divisibleByTwo (list x))))
Before I go further, I should better explain what a macro is. It is a transformation performed on code by code. That is, a piece of code, read by the interpreter (or compiler), which takes in code as an argument, manipulates and the returns the result, which is then run in-place.
Of course that's a lot of typing and programmers are lazy. So we could define DSL for doing list comprehensions. In fact, we're using one macro already (the loop macro).
Lisp defines a couple of special syntax forms. The quote (') indicates the next token is a literal. The quasiquote or backtick (`) indicates the next token is a literal with escapes. Escapes are indicated by the comma operator. The literal '(1 2 3) is the equivalent of Python's [1, 2, 3]. You can assign it to another variable or use it in place. You can think of `(1 2 ,x) as the equivalent of Python's [1, 2, x] where x is a variable previously defined. This list notation is part of the magic that goes into macros. The second part is the Lisp reader which intelligently substitutes macros for code but that is best illustrated below:
So we can define a macro called lcomp (short for list comprehension). Its syntax will be exactly like the python that we used in the example [x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0] - (lcomp x for x in (range 10) if (= (% x 2) 0))
(defmacro lcomp (expression for var in list conditional conditional-test)
;; create a unique variable name for the result
(let ((result (gensym)))
;; the arguments are really code so we can substitute them
;; store nil in the unique variable name generated above
`(let ((,result nil))
;; var is a variable name
;; list is the list literal we are suppose to iterate over
(loop for ,var in ,list
;; conditional is if or unless
;; conditional-test is (= (mod x 2) 0) in our examples
,conditional ,conditional-test
;; and this is the action from the earlier lisp example
;; result = result + [x] in python
do (setq ,result (append ,result (list ,expression))))
;; return the result
Now we can execute at the command line:
CL-USER> (lcomp x for x in (range 10) if (= (mod x 2) 0))
(0 2 4 6 8)
Pretty neat, huh? Now it doesn't stop there. You have a mechanism, or a paintbrush, if you like. You can have any syntax you could possibly want. Like Python or C#'s with syntax. Or .NET's LINQ syntax. In end, this is what attracts people to Lisp - ultimate flexibility.
You will find a comprehensive debate around lisp macro here.
An interesting subset of that article:
In most programming languages, syntax is complex. Macros have to take apart program syntax, analyze it, and reassemble it. They do not have access to the program's parser, so they have to depend on heuristics and best-guesses. Sometimes their cut-rate analysis is wrong, and then they break.
But Lisp is different. Lisp macros do have access to the parser, and it is a really simple parser. A Lisp macro is not handed a string, but a preparsed piece of source code in the form of a list, because the source of a Lisp program is not a string; it is a list. And Lisp programs are really good at taking apart lists and putting them back together. They do this reliably, every day.
Here is an extended example. Lisp has a macro, called "setf", that performs assignment. The simplest form of setf is
(setf x whatever)
which sets the value of the symbol "x" to the value of the expression "whatever".
Lisp also has lists; you can use the "car" and "cdr" functions to get the first element of a list or the rest of the list, respectively.
Now what if you want to replace the first element of a list with a new value? There is a standard function for doing that, and incredibly, its name is even worse than "car". It is "rplaca". But you do not have to remember "rplaca", because you can write
(setf (car somelist) whatever)
to set the car of somelist.
What is really happening here is that "setf" is a macro. At compile time, it examines its arguments, and it sees that the first one has the form (car SOMETHING). It says to itself "Oh, the programmer is trying to set the car of somthing. The function to use for that is 'rplaca'." And it quietly rewrites the code in place to:
(rplaca somelist whatever)
Common Lisp macros essentially extend the "syntactic primitives" of your code.
For example, in C, the switch/case construct only works with integral types and if you want to use it for floats or strings, you are left with nested if statements and explicit comparisons. There's also no way you can write a C macro to do the job for you.
But, since a lisp macro is (essentially) a lisp program that takes snippets of code as input and returns code to replace the "invocation" of the macro, you can extend your "primitives" repertoire as far as you want, usually ending up with a more readable program.
To do the same in C, you would have to write a custom pre-processor that eats your initial (not-quite-C) source and spits out something that a C compiler can understand. It's not a wrong way to go about it, but it's not necessarily the easiest.
Lisp macros allow you to decide when (if at all) any part or expression will be evaluated. To put a simple example, think of C's:
expr1 && expr2 && expr3 ...
What this says is: Evaluate expr1, and, should it be true, evaluate expr2, etc.
Now try to make this && into a function... thats right, you can't. Calling something like:
and(expr1, expr2, expr3)
Will evaluate all three exprs before yielding an answer regardless of whether expr1 was false!
With lisp macros you can code something like:
(defmacro && (expr1 &rest exprs)
`(if ,expr1 ;` Warning: I have not tested
(&& ,#exprs) ; this and might be wrong!
now you have an &&, which you can call just like a function and it won't evaluate any forms you pass to it unless they are all true.
To see how this is useful, contrast:
(&& (very-cheap-operation)
Other things you can do with macros are creating new keywords and/or mini-languages (check out the (loop ...) macro for an example), integrating other languages into lisp, for example, you could write a macro that lets you say something like:
(setvar *rows* (sql select count(*)
from some-table
where column1 = "Yes"
and column2 like "some%string%")
And thats not even getting into Reader macros.
Hope this helps.
I don't think I've ever seen Lisp macros explained better than by this fellow:
A lisp macro takes a program fragment as input. This program fragment is represented a data structure which can be manipulated and transformed any way you like. In the end the macro outputs another program fragment, and this fragment is what is executed at runtime.
C# does not have a macro facility, however an equivalent would be if the compiler parsed the code into a CodeDOM-tree, and passed that to a method, which transformed this into another CodeDOM, which is then compiled into IL.
This could be used to implement "sugar" syntax like the for each-statement using-clause, linq select-expressions and so on, as macros that transforms into the underlying code.
If Java had macros, you could implement Linq syntax in Java, without needing Sun to change the base language.
Here is pseudo-code for how a lisp-style macro in C# for implementing using could look:
define macro "using":
using ($type $varname = $expression) $block
$type $varname;
try {
$varname = $expression;
} finally {
Since the existing answers give good concrete examples explaining what macros achieve and how, perhaps it'd help to collect together some of the thoughts on why the macro facility is a significant gain in relation to other languages; first from these answers, then a great one from elsewhere:
... in C, you would have to write a custom pre-processor [which would probably qualify as a sufficiently complicated C program] ...
Talk to anyone that's mastered C++ and ask them how long they spent learning all the template fudgery they need to do template metaprogramming [which is still not as powerful].
—Matt Curtis
... in Java you have to hack your way with bytecode weaving, although some frameworks like AspectJ allows you to do this using a different approach, it's fundamentally a hack.
—Miguel Ping
DOLIST is similar to Perl's foreach or Python's for. Java added a similar kind of loop construct with the "enhanced" for loop in Java 1.5, as part of JSR-201. Notice what a difference macros make. A Lisp programmer who notices a common pattern in their code can write a macro to give themselves a source-level abstraction of that pattern. A Java programmer who notices the same pattern has to convince Sun that this particular abstraction is worth adding to the language. Then Sun has to publish a JSR and convene an industry-wide "expert group" to hash everything out. That process--according to Sun--takes an average of 18 months. After that, the compiler writers all have to go upgrade their compilers to support the new feature. And even once the Java programmer's favorite compiler supports the new version of Java, they probably ''still'' can't use the new feature until they're allowed to break source compatibility with older versions of Java. So an annoyance that Common Lisp programmers can resolve for themselves within five minutes plagues Java programmers for years.
—Peter Seibel, in "Practical Common Lisp"
Think of what you can do in C or C++ with macros and templates. They're very useful tools for managing repetitive code, but they're limited in quite severe ways.
Limited macro/template syntax restricts their use. For example, you can't write a template which expands to something other than a class or a function. Macros and templates can't easily maintain internal data.
The complex, very irregular syntax of C and C++ makes it difficult to write very general macros.
Lisp and Lisp macros solve these problems.
Lisp macros are written in Lisp. You have the full power of Lisp to write the macro.
Lisp has a very regular syntax.
Talk to anyone that's mastered C++ and ask them how long they spent learning all the template fudgery they need to do template metaprogramming. Or all the crazy tricks in (excellent) books like Modern C++ Design, which are still tough to debug and (in practice) non-portable between real-world compilers even though the language has been standardised for a decade. All of that melts away if the langauge you use for metaprogramming is the same language you use for programming!
I'm not sure I can add some insight to everyone's (excellent) posts, but...
Lisp macros work great because of the Lisp syntax nature.
Lisp is an extremely regular language (think of everything is a list); macros enables you to treat data and code as the same (no string parsing or other hacks are needed to modify lisp expressions). You combine these two features and you have a very clean way to modify code.
Edit: What I was trying to say is that Lisp is homoiconic, which means that the data structure for a lisp program is written in lisp itself.
So, you end up with a way of creating your own code generator on top of the language using the language itself with all its power (eg. in Java you have to hack your way with bytecode weaving, although some frameworks like AspectJ allows you to do this using a different approach, it's fundamentally a hack).
In practice, with macros you end up building your own mini-language on top of lisp, without the need to learn additional languages or tooling, and with using the full power of the language itself.
Lisp macros represents a pattern that occurs in almost any sizeable programming project. Eventually in a large program you have a certain section of code where you realize it would be simpler and less error prone for you to write a program that outputs source code as text which you can then just paste in.
In Python objects have two methods __repr__ and __str__. __str__ is simply the human readable representation. __repr__ returns a representation that is valid Python code, which is to say, something that can be entered into the interpreter as valid Python. This way you can create little snippets of Python that generate valid code that can be pasted into your actually source.
In Lisp this whole process has been formalized by the macro system. Sure it enables you to create extensions to the syntax and do all sorts of fancy things, but it's actual usefulness is summed up by the above. Of course it helps that the Lisp macro system allows you to manipulate these "snippets" with the full power of the entire language.
In short, macros are transformations of code. They allow to introduce many new syntax constructs. E.g., consider LINQ in C#. In lisp, there are similar language extensions that are implemented by macros (e.g., built-in loop construct, iterate). Macros significantly decrease code duplication. Macros allow embedding «little languages» (e.g., where in c#/java one would use xml to configure, in lisp the same thing can be achieved with macros). Macros may hide difficulties of using libraries usage.
E.g., in lisp you can write
(iter (for (id name) in-clsql-query "select id, name from users" on-database *users-database*)
(format t "User with ID of ~A has name ~A.~%" id name))
and this hides all the database stuff (transactions, proper connection closing, fetching data, etc.) whereas in C# this requires creating SqlConnections, SqlCommands, adding SqlParameters to SqlCommands, looping on SqlDataReaders, properly closing them.
While the above all explains what macros are and even have cool examples, I think the key difference between a macro and a normal function is that LISP evaluates all the parameters first before calling the function. With a macro it's the reverse, LISP passes the parameters unevaluated to the macro. For example, if you pass (+ 1 2) to a function, the function will receive the value 3. If you pass this to a macro, it will receive a List( + 1 2). This can be used to do all kinds of incredibly useful stuff.
Adding a new control structure, e.g. loop or the deconstruction of a list
Measure the time it takes to execute a function passed in. With a function the parameter would be evaluated before control is passed to the function. With the macro, you can splice your code between the start and stop of your stopwatch. The below has the exact same code in a macro and a function and the output is very different. Note: This is a contrived example and the implementation was chosen so that it is identical to better highlight the difference.
(defmacro working-timer (b)
(let (
(start (get-universal-time))
(result (eval b))) ;; not splicing here to keep stuff simple
((- (get-universal-time) start))))
(defun my-broken-timer (b)
(let (
(start (get-universal-time))
(result (eval b))) ;; doesn't even need eval
((- (get-universal-time) start))))
(working-timer (sleep 10)) => 10
(broken-timer (sleep 10)) => 0
One-liner answer:
Minimal syntax => Macros over Expressions => Conciseness => Abstraction => Power
Lisp macros do nothing more than writing codes programmatically. That is, after expanding the macros, you got nothing more than Lisp code without macros. So, in principle, they achieve nothing new.
However, they differ from macros in other programming languages in that they write codes on the level of expressions, whereas others' macros write codes on the level of strings. This is unique to lisp thanks to their parenthesis; or put more precisely, their minimal syntax which is possible thanks to their parentheses.
As shown in many examples in this thread, and also Paul Graham's On Lisp, lisp macros can then be a tool to make your code much more concise. When conciseness reaches a point, it offers new levels of abstractions for codes to be much cleaner. Going back to the first point again, in principle they do not offer anything new, but that's like saying since paper and pencils (almost) form a Turing machine, we do not need an actual computer.
If one knows some math, think about why functors and natural transformations are useful ideas. In principle, they do not offer anything new. However by expanding what they are into lower-level math you'll see that a combination of a few simple ideas (in terms of category theory) could take 10 pages to be written down. Which one do you prefer?
I got this from the common lisp cookbook and I think it explained why lisp macros are useful.
"A macro is an ordinary piece of Lisp code that operates on another piece of putative Lisp code, translating it into (a version closer to) executable Lisp. That may sound a bit complicated, so let's give a simple example. Suppose you want a version of setq that sets two variables to the same value. So if you write
(setq2 x y (+ z 3))
when z=8 both x and y are set to 11. (I can't think of any use for this, but it's just an example.)
It should be obvious that we can't define setq2 as a function. If x=50 and y=-5, this function would receive the values 50, -5, and 11; it would have no knowledge of what variables were supposed to be set. What we really want to say is, When you (the Lisp system) see (setq2 v1 v2 e), treat it as equivalent to (progn (setq v1 e) (setq v2 e)). Actually, this isn't quite right, but it will do for now. A macro allows us to do precisely this, by specifying a program for transforming the input pattern (setq2 v1 v2 e)" into the output pattern (progn ...)."
If you thought this was nice you can keep on reading here:
In python you have decorators, you basically have a function that takes another function as input. You can do what ever you want: call the function, do something else, wrap the function call in a resource acquire release, etc. but you don't get to peek inside that function. Say we wanted to make it more powerful, say your decorator received the code of the function as a list then you could not only execute the function as is but you can now execute parts of it, reorder lines of the function etc.