Principal component analysis - matlab

I have to write a classificator (gaussian mixture model) that I use for human action recognition.
I have 4 dataset of video. I choose 3 of them as training set and 1 of them as testing set.
Before I apply the gm model on the training set I run the pca on it.
score = training_data * pca_coeff;
training_data = score(:,1:min(size(score,2),numDimension));
During the testing step what should I do? Should I execute a new princomp on testing data
score = testing_data * new_pca_coeff;
testing_data = score(:,1:min(size(score,2),numDimension));
or I should use the pca_coeff that I compute for the training data?
score = testing_data * pca_coeff;
testing_data = score(:,1:min(size(score,2),numDimension));

The classifier is being trained on data in the space defined by the principle components of the training data. It doesn't make sense to evaluate it in a different space - therefore, you should apply the same transformation to testing data as you did to training data, so don't compute a different pca_coef.
Incidently, if your testing data is drawn independently from the same distribution as the training data, then for large enough training and test sets, the principle components should be approximately the same.
One method for choosing how many principle components to use involves examining the eigenvalues from the PCA decomposition. You can get these from the princomp function like this:
[pca_coeff score eigenvalues] = princomp(data);
The eigenvalues variable will then be an array where each element describes the amount of variance accounted for by the corresponding principle component. If you do:
you should see that the first eigenvalue will be the largest, and they will rapidly decrease (this is called a "Scree Plot", and should look like this:, though your one may have up to 800 points instead of 12).
Principle components with small corresponding eigenvalues are unlikely to be useful, since the variance of the data in those dimensions is so small. Many people choose a threshold value, and then select all principle components where the eigenvalue is above that threshold. An informal way of picking the threshold is to look at the Scree plot and choose the threshold to be just after the line 'levels out' - in the image I linked earlier, a good value might be ~0.8, selecting 3 or 4 principle components.
IIRC, you could do something like:
proportion_of_variance = sum(eigenvalues(1:k)) ./ sum(eigenvalues);
to calculate "the proportion of variance described by the low dimensional data".
However, since you are using the principle components for a classification task, you can't really be sure that any particular number of PCs is optimal; the variance of a feature doesn't necessarily tell you anything about how useful it will be for classification. An alternative to choosing PCs with the Scree plot is just to try classification with various numbers of principle components and see what the best number is empirically.


Does sklearn support a cost matrix?

Is it possible to train classifiers in sklearn with a cost matrix with different costs for different mistakes? For example in a 2 class problem, the cost matrix would be a 2 by 2 square matrix. For example A_ij = cost of classifying i as j.
The main classifier I am using is a Random Forest.
The cost-sensitive framework you describe is not supported in scikit-learn, in any of the classifiers we have.
You could use a custom scoring function that accepts a matrix of per-class or per-instance costs. Here's an example of a scorer that calculates per-instance misclassification cost:
def financial_loss_scorer(y, y_pred, **kwargs):
import pandas as pd
totals = kwargs['totals']
# Create an indicator - 0 if correct, 1 otherwise
errors = pd.DataFrame((~(y == y_pred)).astype(int).rename('Result'))
# Use the product totals dataset to create results
results = errors.merge(totals, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner')
# Calculate per-prediction loss
loss = results.Result * results.SumNetAmount
return loss.sum()
The scorer becomes:
make_scorer(financial_loss_scorer, totals=totals_data, greater_is_better=False)
Where totals_data is a pandas.DataFrame with indexes that match the training set indexes.
You could always just look at your ROC curve. Each point on the ROC curve corresponds to a separate confusion matrix. So by specifying the confusion matrix you want, via choosing your classifier threshold implies some sort of cost weighting scheme. Then you just have to choose the confusion matrix that would imply the cost matrix you are looking for.
On the other hand if you really had your heart set on it, and really want to "train" an algorithm using a cost matrix, you could "sort of" do it in sklearn.
Although it is impossible to directly train an algorithm to be cost sensitive in sklearn you could use a cost matrix sort of setup to tune your hyper-parameters. I've done something similar to this using a genetic algorithm. It really doesn't do a great job, but it should give a modest boost to performance.
One way to circumvent this limitation is to use under or oversampling. E.g., if you are doing binary classification with an imbalanced dataset, and want to make errors on the minority class more costly, you could oversample it. You may want to have a look at imbalanced-learn which is a package from scikit-learn-contrib.
May not be direct to your question (since you are asking about Random Forest).
But for SVM (in Sklearn), you can utilize the class_weight parameter to specify the weights of different classes. Essentially, you will pass in a dictionary.
You might want to refer to this page to see an example of using class_weight.

Decision Level Fusion of SVR outputs

I have two sets of features predicting the same outputs. But instead of training everything at once, I would like to train them separately and fuse the decisions. In SVM classification, we can take the probability values for the classes which can be used to train another SVM. But in SVR, how can we do this?
Any ideas?
Thanks :)
There are a couple of choices here . The two most popular ones would be:
Build the two models and simply average the results.
It tends to work well in practice.
You could do it in a very similar fashion as when you have probabilities. The problem is, you need to control for over fitting .What I mean is that it is "dangerous" to produce a score with one set of features and apply to another where the labels are exactly the same as before (even if the new features are different). This is because the new applied score was trained on these labels and therefore over fits in it (hyper-performs).
Normally you use a Cross-validation
In your case you have
train_set_1 with X1 features and label Y
train_set_2 with X2 features and same label Y
Some psedo code:
randomly split 50-50 both train_set_1 and train_set_2 at exactly the same points along with the Y (output array)
so now you have:
a.train_set_1 (50% of training_set_1)
b.train_set_1 (the rest of 50% of training_set_1)
a.train_set_2 (50% of training_set_2)
b.train_set_2 (the rest of 50% of training_set_2)
a.Y (50% of the output array that corresponds to the same sets as a.train_set_1 and a.train_set_2)
b.Y (50% of the output array that corresponds to the same sets as b.train_set_1 and b.train_set_2)
here is the key part
Build a svr with a.train_set_1 (that contains X1 features) and output a.Y and
Apply that model's prediction as a feature to b.train_set_2 .
By this I mean, you score the b.train_set_2 base on your first model. Then you take this score and paste it next to your a.train_set_2 .So now this set will have X2 features + 1 more feature, the score produced by the first model.
Then build your final model on b.train_set_2 and b.Y
The new model , although uses the score produced from training_set_1, still it does so in an unbiased way , since the later was never trained on these labels!
You might also find this paper quite useful

One Class SVM using LibSVM in Matlab - Conceptual

Perhaps this is an easy question, but I want to make sure I understand the conceptual basis of the LibSVM implementation of one-class SVMs and if what I am doing is permissible.
I am using one class SVMs in this case for outlier detection and removal. This is used in the context of a greater time series prediction model as a data preprocessing step. That said, I have a Y vector (which is the quantity we are trying to predict and is continuous, not class labels) and an X matrix (continuous features used to predict). Since I want to detect outliers in the data early in the preprocessing step, I have yet to normalize or lag the X matrix for use in prediction, or for that matter detrend/remove noise/or otherwise process the Y vector (which is already scaled to within [-1,1]). My main question is whether it is correct to model the one class SVM like so (using libSVM):
svmod = svmtrain(ones(size(Y,1),1),Y,'-s 2 -t 2 -g 0.00001 -n 0.01');
[od,~,~] = svmpredict(ones(size(Y,1),1),Y,svmod);
The resulting model does yield performance somewhat in line with what I would expect (99% or so prediction accuracy, meaning 1% of the observations are outliers). But why I ask is because in other questions regarding one class SVMs, people appear to be using their X matrices where I use Y. Thanks for your help.
What you are doing here is nothing more than a fancy range check. If you are not willing to use X to find outliers in Y (even though you really should), it would be a lot simpler and better to just check the distribution of Y to find outliers instead of this improvised SVM solution (for example remove the upper and lower 0.5-percentiles from Y).
In reality, this is probably not even close to what you really want to do. With this setup you are rejecting Y values as outliers without considering any context (e.g. X). Why are you using RBF and how did you come up with that specific value for gamma? A kernel is total overkill for one-dimensional data.
Secondly, you are training and testing on the same data (Y). A kitten dies every time this happens. One-class SVM attempts to build a model which recognizes the training data, it should not be used on the same data it was built with. Please, think of the kittens.
Additionally, note that the nu parameter of one-class SVM controls the amount of outliers the classifier will accept. This is explained in the LIBSVM implementation document (page 4): It is proved that nu is an upper bound on the fraction of training errors and
a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. In other words: your training options specifically state that up to 1% of the data can be rejected. For one-class SVM, replace can by should.
So when you say that the resulting model does yield performance somewhat in line with what I would expect ... ofcourse it does, by definition. Since you have set nu=0.01, 1% of the data is rejected by the model and thus flagged as an outlier.

SVM Classification with Cross Validation

I am new to using Matlab and am trying to follow the example in the Bioinformatics Toolbox documentation (SVM Classification with Cross Validation) to handle a classification problem.
However, I am not able to understand Step 9, which says:
Set up a function that takes an input z=[rbf_sigma,boxconstraint], and returns the cross-validation value of exp(z).
The reason to take exp(z) is twofold:
rbf_sigma and boxconstraint must be positive.
You should look at points spaced approximately exponentially apart.
This function handle computes the cross validation at parameters
minfn = #(z)crossval('mcr',cdata,grp,'Predfun', ...
What is the function that I should be implementing here? Is it exp or minfn? I will appreciate if you can give me the code for this section. Thanks.
I will like to know what does it mean when it says exp([rbf_sigma,boxconstraint])
rbf_sigma: The svm is using a gaussian kernel, the rbf_sigma set the standard deviation (~size) of the kernel. To understand how kernels work, the SVM is putting the kernel around every sample (so that you have a gaussian around every sample). Then the kernels are added up (sumed) for the samples of each category/type. At each point the type which sum is higher would be the "winner". For example if type A has a higher sum of these kernels at point X, then if you have a new datum to classify in point X, it will be classified as type A. (there are other configuration parameters that may change the actual threshold where a category is selected over another)
Fig. Analyze this figure from the webpage you gave us. You can see how by adding up the gaussian kernels on the red samples "sumA", and on the green samples "sumB"; it is logical that sumA>sumB in the center part of the figure. It is also logical that sumB>sumA in the outer part of the image.
boxconstraint: it is a cost/penalty over miss-classified data. During the training stage of the classifier, where you use the training data to adjust the SVM parameters, the training algorithm is using an error function to decide how to optimize the SVM parameters in an iterative fashion. The cost for a miss-classified sample is proportional to how far it is from the boundary where it would have been classified correctly. In the figure that I am attaching the boundary is the inner blue circumference.
Taking into account BGreene indications and from what I understand of the tutorial:
In the tutorial they advice to try values for rbf_sigma and boxconstraint that are exponentially apart. This means that you should compare values like {0.2, 2, 20, ...} (note that this is {2*10^(i-2), i=1,2,3,...}), and NOT like {0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5} (which would be linearly apart). They advice this to try a wide range of values first. You can further optimize later FROM the first optimum that you obtained before.
The command "[searchmin fval] = fminsearch(minfn,randn(2,1),opts)" will give you back the optimum values for rbf_sigma and boxconstraint. Probably you have to use exp(z) because it affects how fminsearch increments the values of z(1) and z(2) during the search for the optimum value. I suppose that when you put exp(z(1)) in the definition of #minfn, then fminsearch will take 'exponentially' big steps.
In machine learning, always try to understand that there are three subsets in your data: training data, cross-validation data, and test data. The training set is used to optimize the parameters of the SVM classifier for EACH value of rbf_sigma and boxconstraint. Then the cross validation set is used to select the optimum value of the parameters rbf_sigma and boxconstraint. And finally the test data is used to obtain an idea of the performance of your classifier (the efficiency of the classifier is determined upon the test set).
So, if you start with 10000 samples you may divide the data for example as training(50%), cross-validation(25%), test(25%). So that you will sample randomly 5000 samples for the training set, then 2500 samples from the 5000 remaining samples for the cross-validation set, and the rest of samples (that is 2500) would be separated for the test set.
I hope that I could clarify your doubts. By the way, if you are interested in the optimization of the parameters of classifiers and machine learning algorithms I strongly suggest that you follow this free course -> (it is awesome, really).
You need to implement a function called crossfun (see example).
The function handle minfn is passed to fminsearch to be minimized.
exp([rbf_sigma,boxconstraint]) is the quantity being optimized to minimize classification error.
There are a number of functions nested within this function handle:
- crossval is producing the classification error based on cross validation using partition c
- crossfun - classifies data using an SVM
- fminsearch - optimizes SVM hyperparameters to minimize classification error
Hope this helps

Matlab Question - Principal Component Analysis

I have a set of 100 observations where each observation has 45 characteristics. And each one of those observations have a label attached which I want to predict based on those 45 characteristics. So it's an input matrix with the dimension 45 x 100 and a target matrix with the dimension 1 x 100.
The thing is that I want to know how many of those 45 characteristics are relevant in my set of data, basically the principal component analysis, and I understand that I can do this with Matlab function processpca.
Could you please tell me how can I do this? Suppose that the input matrix is x with 45 rows and 100 columns and y is a vector with 100 elements.
Assuming that you want to construct a model of the 1x100 vector, based on the 45x100 matrix, I am not convinced that PCA will do what you think. PCA can be used to select variables for model estimation, but this is a somewhat indirect way to gather a set of model features. Anyway, I suggest reading both:
Principal Components Analysis
Putting PCA to Work
...both of which provide code in MATLAB not requiring any Toolboxes.
Have you tried COEFF = princomp(x)?
COEFF = princomp(X) performs principal
components analysis (PCA) on the
n-by-p data matrix X, and returns the
principal component coefficients, also
known as loadings. Rows of X
correspond to observations, columns to
variables. COEFF is a p-by-p matrix,
each column containing coefficients
for one principal component. The
columns are in order of decreasing
component variance.
From your question I deduced you don't need to do it in MATLAB, but you just want to analyze your dataset. According to my opinion the key is visualization of the dependencies.
If you're not forced to do the analysis in MATLAB I'd suggest you try more specialized software something like WEKA ( or RapidMiner ( Both tools can provide PCA and other dimension reduction algorithms + they contain nice visualization tools.
Your use case sounds like a combination of Classification and Feature Selection.
Statistics Toolbox offers a lot of good capabilities in this area. The toolbox provides access to a number of classification algorithms including
Naive Bayes Classifiers Bagged
Decision Trees (aka Random Forests)
Binomial and Multinominal logistic regression
Linear Discriminant analysis
You also have a variety of options available for feature selection include
sequentialfs (forwards and backwards feature selection)
"treebagger" also supports options for feature selection and estimating variable importance.
Alternatively, you can use some of Optimization Toolbox's capabilities to write your own custom equations to estimate variable importance.
A couple monthes back, I did a webinar for The MathWorks titled "Compuational Statistics: Getting Started with Classification using MTALAB". You can watch the Webinar at
The code and the data set for the examples is available at MATLAB Central
With all this said and done, many people using Principal Component Analysis as a pre-processing step before applying classification algorithms. PCA gets used alot
When you need to extract features from images
When you're worried about multicollinearity
You should find correlation matrix. in the following example matlab finds correlation matrix with 'corr' function