Fql, fetching "photos of me" - facebook

In my facebook page, when someone who's not the admin posts a photo, it goes into an album called "photos of me" that is different from other albums made by me.
It has no 'aid'... its url is:
Photos are public, you can see them even if you're not registered on facebook.
I'm able to fetch photos in other albums of my page using this FQL:
SELECT pid, src, caption FROM photo WHERE aid = 'MY_ALBUM_ID' ORDER BY created DESC
But I can't fetch photos in "photos of me" album because there's not 'aid'. I tried to query the stream but I got only pictures I posted on my wall.
Could someone paste me the correct FQL to fetch photos on the album above?

These are photos you've been tagged in, so they aren't your photos. That's why they don't show up in any of your albums.
This query gets them:
SELECT pid, object_id, src, caption FROM photo WHERE object_id IN
(SELECT object_id FROM photo_tag WHERE subject='373236069382570')
According to the developer reference, FB prefers object_id to pid now. You might want to work with object_ids to prevent breaking your code if FB deprecates pid.


Get only face of tagged friend in a group photo in facebook

I have obtained images in which my friend has been tagged.
select link from photo where object_id in
(select object_id from photo_tag where subject=frindID
I have an image in which the my friend is tagged. The image is a group photo. I need to take only the face of my friend? how to do it using facebook api?
Obviously you cannot do that with Graph API.!!
But you can have the position of their tags: xcoord,ycoord in the pic.- if you can manipulate the actual photo with these.
Reference- Photo Tag

How to get Facebook images in which my friend is tagged

I am developing a web application using Java. I need to access my friends photos and need to select the photo in which he is tagged. ( i.e ) His face should be there in that photo.
How to do it with Facebook Api's? I have searched and got few SO posts for taking profile picture of friends like this link1 link2, but I couldn't get anything related to accessing friends photos and getting their images in which they are tagged/ friends face is available.
Can someone help me out on how to accomplish the above case?
See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/photo_tag/
To get links you have to run query like
select link from photo where object_id in
(select object_id from photo_tag where subject=me())
Of courset instead of me() you have to write your friend id.
Note, that
To read the photo_tag table you need the following permissions:
user_photos permissions to access photo tag information that a user is tagged in.
friends_photos permissions to access photo tag information that a friend is tagged in.
BTW you will receive photos on which the person is tagged, but these photos may contain no real image of person.

Get all photos the user is tagged in on Facebook

I'm trying to fetch all the images I'm tagged in on Facebook.
It's working almost as it should, I just got one problem.
If I'm tagged in the post, but not tagged on the image, it doesn't show up in the output.
Any ideas why?
Here is my code:
SELECT pid, src_big, link, album_object_id, object_id, place_id, aid, created
FROM photo
WHERE pid IN (SELECT pid, object_id FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me());
On-picture tags are not the same as tags in the description (post).
There are three FQL tables to get the content where a user has been tagged:
photo_tag to get tags on photos,
stream_tag to get tags on posts,
video_tag to get tags on videos.
You used the first one but you also need the second one. Similarly to your photo tags request, you will then have to use the stream table.

Using the Facebook Graphi API, how can I retrieve paginated photos in which my friends are tagged from a specific album?

I want to show the photos of an album in my app. Using the graph API i am able to filter and page by month, like below, which is great. I loop trough the results and get the photo for each id. Best of all, the GRAPH API also gives me a 'next' and 'previous' paging link. Very useful.
http://graph.facebook.com/[photo-album-id]/photos/?fields=id&limit=6&since=last month
But now i want to retrieve only those ids filter in two ways:
Only retrieve those in which the user is tagged
Only retrieve those in which the user & his/her friends are tagged.
I couldn't find any way to do this, with the graph API. Is there an alternative via FQL, that still has the paging in there?
Last alternative I can think of is program is in FQL, and do the paging myself.
p.s. I am doing this in Javascript currently.
You can retrieve photos the current user is tagged in in a specific album with this FQL call:
select object_id, src, album_object_id from photo where pid in (select pid from photo_tag where subject=me()) and and album_object_id=somenumber
To retrieve photos in which the user's friends are tagged, for a specific album:
select object_id, src, album_object_id from photo where pid in (select pid from photo_tag where subject in (select uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())) and album_object_id=somenumber
As far as I know these results will not be paginated. For a detailed take on how to paginate fb queries see the Facebook Developer Blog: How-To: Paging with the Graph API and FQL
After a little play with the Graph Explorer (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/) I come up with this solution. You can make a call to Graph API as follows
The first limit is for how many friends you want to get and the second limit is how many photos you want from each friend.
At the end of the data there already is the next page URL.
I only tested on the explorer but should work.
Hope that helps,

Facebook Graph API, Retrieve photos uploaded by users

I tried this:
SELECT pid, src, src_small, src_big, caption FROM photo WHERE aid IN (
FROM album
WHERE owner=207294952707407
) ORDER BY created DESC
But with this I only manage to get Photos that are in Albums (Which I uploaded)
I would like to retrieve the photos, that other users has uploaded on my Page wall.
Whats the right fql query for that? It is possible right?
Ok then try this GRAPH
SELECT message,attachment,comments
FROM stream
WHERE source_id=YOUR_PAGE_ID AND filter_key="others" AND type=""
Is what I did to grab user's wall messages with images posted on wall, and worked like a charm :-)