Load MKMapView in background and create UIImage from it (iPhone & iPad) - iphone

I have a situation whereby I need a way of loading an MKMapView with several overlays. This map view shouldn't be shown onscreen, the only reason I require it to load is in order to create an image from the map for use elsewhere.
I have had a look around online but I haven't had any luck with finding a solution to the problem. Please can someone help me out?
Here is what I've tried so far (with no success)
// Load the map view
Logs_Map_ViewController *mapViewController = [[Map_ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"Map_ViewController" bundle:nil];
mapViewController.GPSCoordinatesToPlot = [someDictionary objectForKey:kGPSCoords];
// Take a picture of the map
UIImage *mapImage = [mapViewController convertMapToImage];
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(mapImage)];
NSString *base64String = [imageData base64EncodedString];
NOTE: It's really important that the app waits for the map to fully load (so that the image is created properly).

This may or may not be helpful but this is what I do in my situation.
I have a tableview for an venue/business with 7 table cells. One of the table cells contains a map with pindrop. When the user views an establishment for the very first time, i run a quick conditional to see if the mapview has been cached (or rather, saved as image). if the image does not exist, i load a fresh mapview into the cell and add a single pindrop annotation. After both the mapview has loaded and the annotation has dropped, i save the view layer to image, then remove the mapview (and release it since we needed to keep the delegate alive) from the cell and replace with the fresh new image. I suggest spawing a background thread to save the image/insert into cell. This way the table view doesn't choke up.
And then finally, the next time the user returns to that same venue/business, the mapview image exists and i load the image.
I know it's important for the map to fully load, otherwise your image saves with gray where the map did not load. if you're dropping a pin drop, you need to make sure your image saving method fires after both the map finished loading (mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:) and your annotation has dropped (mapView:didAddAnnotationViews:). Only after both have finished should you fire method to save image. i suggest using a delayed selector. I delay it by 1 second.
This same concept can surely be applied to other situations. Bottom line is, as strings42 states, you're going to have to add a visible mapview to your view in order to capture an image.

You should be able to implement mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap in the MKMapViewDelegate protocol and store your image there, I would think. That should solve the problem of needing to wait until the map is loaded to store the image.
If you're seeing other issues as well, please provide more detail on those, as your question is not clear on the specific issue(s) that you're asking about.

The method below will always be called as the delegate of mapView,
so, you can get map image from mapView here
- (UIImage *)renderToImage:(MKMapView *)mapView
[mapView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;


setImage for UIImageView in uitableviewcell lags scrolling in iOS

I have a gallery view of photos that are downloaded from the internet so I used Enormego's EGOImageView. I noticed that when i scrolled down my tableview after the images were in the cache, the scrolling would lag. I immediately found that when the image was retrieved from the hard drive with return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:cachePathForKey(key)]; it was working on the main thread so I added the operation to an NSOperationQueue. This reduced the lag by half but the scrolling still stuttered. After going through the code, I noticed that in the success method
- (void)imageLoaderDidLoad:(NSNotification*)notification {
if(![[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:#"imageURL"] isEqual:self.imageURL]) return;
UIImage* anImage = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:#"image"];
self.image = anImage;
[self setNeedsDisplay];
if([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(imageViewLoadedImage:)]) {
[self.delegate imageViewLoadedImage:self];
commenting out the self.image = anImage; got rid of the lag completely (but obviously I get no image). And as far as I can tell, if I want to alter the UI, it must be done in the main thread. Is there a way to set the image for the EGOImageView without it lagging the scrolling?
Note: the JPGs are around 50kB
Subclass uitableViewCell and do your own drowing in drawContentView.
Resize images in background thread and then present them in cells.
P.S: if the code found on git hub is not good enough for you, try to write your own that suits your problem.
From what I understand, all the steps required to initiate an asynchronous disk query takes a couple milliseconds on the mainthread, and that is enough time for the scrolling to look like it stutters, so I decided to completely remove hard drive caching for large images and instead create an NSMutableDictionary which holds the UIImage as an object, and the NSURL.absoluteString as the key. This works seamlessly but obviously has the disadvantage of being a memory hog. I checked out the memory usage of some photo-sharing apps and I've been able to get the memory usage for the app to over 100MB so it seems everybody else is doing this.

UIImage in uitableViewcell slowdowns scrolling table

I am loading image with data in my table view. Images are coming from web. I created method to get image url in model class.Model class has Nsdictionary and objects.
But this images is slowing down scrolling .Here is my code
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",
[(Tweet *)[recentTweets objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]urlString]]]]];
cell.imageView.image = image;
Please tell Where I am going wrong?
Use lazy loading and do your own drawing. Try to understand the techniques on the sample projects I linked. These are the best ways to improve the performance of tables with images.
here is the methodology I use for loading images into a UITableView from a remote location:
in your .h file, declare a mutable dictionary for storing the images:
NSMutableDictionary *images;
initialize the dictionary in -init... or in -viewDidLoad
images = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
in the .m, tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, see if the image exists in your dictionary for the indexPath
UIImage *img = [images objectForKey: indexPath];
if the image does exist, just set it.
if (img) cell.imageView.image = img;
if the image does NOT exist, set the cell's image to a temporary image...
if (!img) cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"imageUnavailable.png"];
AND add that image to your dictionary so it doesnt try to refetch the image if you scroll off and back to that image before it loads...
[images setObject:[UIImage imageNamed:#"imageUnvailable.png"] forKey: indexPath];
then, in this same block, use an NSOperationQueue, and a custom NSOperation ( here is a reference - NSOperation and SetImage) to get your image and call back into your UITableViewController with that image.
in your callback, add your image to the dictionary (overwriting the temp image) and call [tableView reloadData]
this will give you a nice non blocking user experience.
The are a couple of ways how to do it. I had the best experience with a Queue for the HttpRequests, which I pause during the scrolling process.
I highly recommend this framework for that:
I also implemented an image cache, which only loads the images if there weren't in the cache.
And the last tweak was to actually draw the images instead of using a high level uicomponent like the UIImageView
The number one reason your code is slow right now is because you're making a network call on the main thread. This blocks an UI from being updated and prevents the OS from handling events (such as taps).
As already suggested, I recommend ASIHTTPRequest. Combine asynchronous requests with an NSOperationQueue with a smaller concurrency count (say, 2) for the image requests, caching, and reloading the rows when images come in (on the main thread) (also only reloading the row if its currently visible). You can get a smooth scrolling table view.
I have an example of this on github here: https://github.com/subdigital/iphonedevcon-boston
It's in the Effective Network Programming project and includes a set of projects that progressively improve the experience.
Download the images before you load the tableView, and store them in an NSArray. Then when the cellForRowAtIndexPath method is called, show a loading image until the image is in the array.

UIImage, releasing the decompression cache?

I have an array of UIImages that contains some .jpg images downloaded from the net when the app starts. I also have a table view that shows some of these images in its cells. The problem is that when I scroll the table, the app's memory consumption always increases up to the point where the app crashes due to low memory conditions. The table cells seem to be reused fine, so my theory is the following.
Since the UIImageView in a table cell only retains one of the elements in the image array, when the cell gets reused, and a new image is assigned to it, the previously used image is of course not destructed (the cell releases it, but the array still retains). However, the decompression cache used to hold the raw image data (computed the first time the UIImage is displayed by a view) belongs to the UIImage itself, so it also remains. But I'm just guessing about all this.
Can this really be the problem? If so, how can I work around it? My first idea was to create a copy of the UIImage whenever it is assigned to a cell, but looks like UIImages can't be deep copied. Is there any way to tell a UIImage to keep the compressed jpg data in memory but throw away the decompression cache? (In the worst case I guess I can still download all the images and store them in local files, then load them from there and completely release the UIImages when not displayed anymore, but this doesn't seem to be an elegant solution.)
I can't post the original code (as suggested in comments) as it is fairly complicated with custom table cells and custom views and even a background thread downloading the images, but I've just created a small test app and it seems to show the same behavior. Here's a little function that is called when the user taps a UIButton:
- (IBAction)onNext:(UIButton*)sender
static NSMutableArray* images = nil;
if (!images)
NSArray* names = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
images = [NSMutableArray new];
for (int i = 0; i < names.count; ++i)
[images addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:[names objectAtIndex:i]]];
int i = 42;
static int current = 0;
imageView.image = [images objectAtIndex:current];
Yes, I know that the images array is leaking, that's not the point (in the original code I also want to retain the images for the entire lifetime of the app, and only release on quitting). But. According to Memory Monitor, after the first tap (all images get loaded, and the first one is displayed), the app consumes ~5MB (all jpgs loaded, one of them decompressed). After all subsequent taps, the memory consumption increases by ~2MBs (yep, I tested with 1024x768 images). So it looks like decompressed data of the previously displayed images is still there. I know this wouldn't be a problem if I released the image once it isn't visible anymore, and that would also release the decompressed buffer, but if possible, I'd like to retain all the images, and only release the decompressed data. Is that possible?
If you're reusing cells, make sure those cells implement:
// releasing the image
self.imageView = nil; // Or release depending on you memory strategy
self.labelView = nil; // get them all
I don't think UIImage has no memory leaks that fatal. I have been working on few applications which has to deallocate UIImage a lot due to memory constraint, but it's still working fine. I believe your image leaks somewhere. Show us some code so someone will point that out for you.

AssetsLibrary and ImageView -setImage Slowness

So this one is pretty odd ad I'm not sure if the trouble is with the AssetsLibrary API, but I can't figure out what else might be happening.
I am loading an array with ALAssets using the -enumerateAssetsUsingBlock method on ALAssetsGroup. When it completes, I am loading a custom image scroller. As the scroller finishes scrolling, I use NSInvocationOperations to load the images for the currently visible views (pages) from the photo library on disk. Once the image is loaded and is cached, it notifies the delegate which then grabs the image from the cache and displays it in an image view in the scroller.
Everything works fine, but the time it takes from when -setImage: actually gets called to the time it actually shows up visibly on the screen is unbearable--sometimes 10 seconds or more to actually show up.
I have tried it both with and without image resizing which adds almost nothing to the processing time when I do the resizing. As I said, the slowdown is somewhere after I call -setImage on the image view. Is anyone aware of some sort of aspect of the AssetLibrary API that might cause this?
Here's some relevant code:
- (void)setImagesForVisiblePages;
for (MomentImageView *page in visiblePages)
int index = [page index];
ALAsset *asset = [photos objectAtIndex:index];
UIImage *image = [assetImagesDictionary objectForKey:[self idForAsset:asset]];
// If the image has already been cached, load it into the
// image view. Otherwise, request the image be loaded from disk.
if (image)
[[page imageView] setImage:image];
else {
[self requestLoadImageForAsset:asset];
[[page imageView] setImage:nil];
This will probably mess up any web searches looking to solve problems with the AssetsLibrary, so for that I apologize. It turns out that the problem wasn't the AssetsLibrary at all, but rather my use of multi-threading. Once the image finished loading, I was posting a notification using the default NSNotificationCenter. It was posting it on the background thread which was then updating (or trying to update, at least) the UIImageView with -setImage. Once I changed it to use -performSelectorOnMainThread and had that selector set the image instead, all was well.
Seems no matter how familiar I get with multi-threading, I still forget the little gotchas from time to time.

Clear CATiledLayers Cache When Changing Images

I have a UIScrollView with a single subview, a UIView backed by a CATiledLayer. All is working well with one exception: when I change images from one to another the CATiledLayer caches the previous images zoom levels. Scrolling around then displays the old image for a split second before the updated image loads.
Is there any way to totally clear out the CATiledLayer's cache so it doesn't show old images? The CATiledLayer obviously knows that the backing image changed because it asks it's delegate for new tiles...
I think you are making this a little more complicated than it needs to be. I believe all you have to do is set the contents of your CATiledLayer to nil.
myCATiledlayer.contents = nil.
CATiledLayer *tiledLayer = (CATiledLayer *)[self layer];
tiledLayer.tileSize = CGSizeMake(93,93);//Set a different tile size
tiledLayer.tileSize = CGSizeMake(92,92);//Restore original tile size
This works for me.