Adding custom metadata in alfresco - metadata

I added custom metadata through xml configuration specified in their wiki ... I could see the aspect I added in the /share application in manage aspects but it is not listed in /alfresco app and when i am uploading the document using the rest api it says unable to find the field i added ..

Share and old Alfresco Web Client have different configurations.
Check these resources out for more information:

Please read this tutorial which covers creating custom content types and aspects and exposing those to both the Share (/share) and Explorer (/alfresco) web clients.
It sounds like you may have multiple problems, though, beyond configuration, because the REST API should be able to see your custom model, if it is defined correctly, regardless of whether or not it is configured in either of the two web clients.


Is it okay to add custom keys to the object in a progressive web app `manifest.json` file?

I want to add a custom key to the manifest.json file for a progressive web app.
The MDN page doesn't mention custom keys:
Web App Manifest | MDN
The spec:
Web App Manifest
includes this text in the section "3.1 Media type registration" under a sub-heading "Security and privacy considerations":
As the manifest format is JSON and will commonly be encoded using [UNICODE], the security considerations described in [ECMA-404] and [UNICODE-SECURITY] apply. In addition, because there is no way to prevent developers from including custom/unrestrained data in a manifest, implementors need to impose their own implementation-specific limits on the values of otherwise unconstrained member types, e.g. to prevent denial of service attacks, to guard against running out of memory, or to work around platform-specific limitations.
Are there known limitations or restrictions on the use of custom keys in manifest.json files?
According to the standard SO-59512547
Browsers shall ignore any values starting with X- which is a common
abbreviation for custom headers in HTTP and E-Mail. As they are to be
used exclusively by developers.
My use case is sending boot up data early with HTTP 2.0, things that would normally be in headers or env variables, but that I would non the less want to keep dynamic... such as socket endpoints, custom loading UI and console logging level. Always loading manifest.json is extremely common, and thus it can serve as standard boot config file better than a custom named json file that we would have to tell the server we want prefectched along any request for index.html.
Australians, Mooners, Martians will thank me.

Can I extend the catalog view of IGC to include Web Services information

I would like to include Web Services within the IGC Catalog, and attach those Services to Terms to extend their meaning, or Rules to define their specification or requirement. Additionally, allow users to view their usage or dependency for impact analysis. Could I design my own Asset Types in the Catalog?
Yes, you can.
This is an example when we use the Open IGC Framework to model the whole ODI -
In addition to the above answer you can also take a look at: (there are also links to further online resources).

Is CQ5 used as a backend service?

I have experience with other enterprise CMS's like Teamsite & Tridion, but no hands on experience with CQ5. I'm wondering, how is CQ5 usually integrated with a large site that has content & functionality? Functionality defined as pages are generated with data from a non-CMS repository or webservice.
My question is, is CQ5 content read in as a back-end service? I know the API is http based. But is that API typically called from server or client? For my example, lets say I have a page that is from mostly driven from a web service that is linked to some non-CMS enterprise system, but I want the footer & right rail to be "content" so that the users can change it easily. At what point would the the different page sources typically be combined?
I'm wondering because I work with I know the CQ5 is Java, so I would expect that most cusomters are java shops, but I would think that the HTTP would be easy to consume for an site, if it is really just another backend webservice.
Your question is really not all that clear to me to be honest. So I'm going to answer this rather broad.
To answer your question about the different page sources:
The client usually initiates a http or json request to the server (although server to server calls are not uncommon in case of extended infrastructure) and the server simply executes the necessary calls (using the apis) and delivers the answer to the request. But at the point of request return, all calls to the api have been made by the server, and the server is just returning rendered html or json, or whatever structured form you want to have your data and/or content in.
A page consists of various components. Some components are fairly static. Others are very dynamic and pull their data for example from a webservice, or external database or even another cms. The combining of these resources happens upon the rendering of the page which in its turn was triggered by a request for that page. The obvious exception is ofcourse the dispatcher caching system which will return a cached version of the page if possible. But in short, all the rendering and api calls are made server side.
CQ5 is fairly flexible since it's split up into 2 instances. The backend (author) which is where the actual authoring of pages happens. And the frontend (publish) which is basically the frontend, and does the actual rendering for a client (usually).
Wether you choose to use the publish instance a backend service is just up to you to be honest. I've seen cq5 used as what it was ment for (cq5 being the frontend), and I've seen cq5 used as a backend service (for example: as a backend service provider for hybris). And I've seen the combination, where one part was used as backend service for another system, and the other part was used for a public website frontend.
CQ's rich HTTP API (based on Apache Sling) gives full access to the CQ content in various formats including JSON and XML, so integrating CQ content in other systems is easy.
In the other direction, you can use Sling's ResourceProvider mechanism to access external content and make it part of the CQ content tree. See "custom resource providers" in the Sling Resources docs at .

Portal URL from Portlet

Is it possible to get the Portal base URL (like from a Portlet using Portlet 2.0 API?
Right now I'm planning to manually build it concatenating PorletRequest.getServerName(), PortletRequest.getServerPort() and PortletRequest.getContextPath(); but it seems kind of clumsy (and there's no PortletRequest.getProtocol())
While it is clumsy, it is the safest way to construct the URL; and while there is no PortletRequest.getProtocol() method, you can conclude the protocol using the PortletRequest.isSecure() method.
I would advise against using an external configuration for the base URL, for a couple of reasons.
First, it would be yet another configuration item for you to maintain across environments (test, integration, production and so forth). There's very little justification to hold, in configuration, something that is fully reproducible using the current request.
Second, under certain circumstances, it might be impossible to designate a particular URL as a "base URL" for the portal. An example would be the case in which the portal server is associated with multiple hosts, or multiple host aliases.
We had those configuration properties in Resource Environment Provider for the purpose of generating external URLs for sending them in emails. It was specific solution and it wasn't a problem for us as we had other properties stored there as well so we knew it will be available at runtime. I don't know if that suits your needs. It depends on your scenario.
Also, we used https only during login, so we always generated http URLs.
Hope this helps.

General question, what do you want from a web framework?

In a MVC application, what are some of the components that make up the application. What tools and functionality is missing that you would like to have. Regardless of the server-side language, what would you want?
I see a lot in my code where I code some much functionality that it seems should already be there. I looked at Google web toolkit and they seem to get it right. Widgets are widgets and you simply add them to your application.
For example. I work with J2EE apps but in other languages, the components are the same.
Controller Objects
Controller handlers, defined by methods in the controller objects.
Configuration files defining the URL mapping and settings.
Template server page files (e.g. JSP/ASP files).
Configuration files defining O/RM mapping between application objects and the database.
Configuration files defining the database connection properties.
JavaScript libraries (e.g. jQuery)
Logging configuration files
Resource message bundle files
Validation configuration files or code
Middleware components and objects (EJB configurations, JMS/Messaging configurations, etc).
Credit Card or other middleware connectivity APIs and libraries.
Anything else you can think of?
Built-in Unit Testing Component
I think one thing you're missing from that very exhaustive list is the automatic binding of request properties to form objects, and the saving of these objects to the session where appropriate. Form objects here being the object on the server that represents the current state of the HTML-based for displayed to the user.
I think scaffolding and automatic admin interfaces are very nice features too, that I dont want to miss ;)
You've made the assumption that all MVC applications are websites. MVC is widely used for more than just web apps so things like URL mappers, template server pages and "Server side" languages are not associated with the MVC pattern, so much as a particular implementation and adaptation of the MVC for use in web apps.