Perl EPIC on Eclipse: "\Perl\Directory is not a valid location for linked resources" - eclipse

I am trying to debug a Perl script under EPIC on Eclipse (on Windows 7). When stepping along in the debugger, when it reaches the place where is has to jump to another package (called "") due to a subroutine call, it gives the following succession of Eclipse errors:
'E:\Perl' is not a valid location for linked resources.
EPIC cannot access files located in folders on the path to the workspace folder, nor within the workspace folder itself.
An unexpected exception occurred while creating a link to E:/Perl/
I am aware of this:
eclipse: Not a valid location for linked resources
and this:
Eclipse gives error "... is not a valid location for linked resources."
But I can't deduce from them how to solve my case.
Running as Administrator doesn't help.
Eclipse version 3.7.1 build M20110909-1335, EPIC version 0.6.44, Active Perl 5.14.2 running on Windows 7.
Note: cross-posted on:

Apparently there was some inconsistency in the Workspace - Project -Linked Resources file structure. I have deleted the entire project, restarted from scratch, and then this error did not show up again.
But, the program hanged at another Eclispe/EPIC error, which I will post separately soon.
Here is the following problem:
Perl debuuger: on a run-time error, the debugger terminates with a cryptic message instead of "catching" the error


eclipse pydev debug source lookup

So I have anaconda installed and make a separate environment for all my projects. Normally I just use PYDEV to create a new interpreter pointing to the anaconda enviornment and load the project in eclipse and all is good. After doing the last one though 95% of the time I go to debug I keep getting the error
An internal error occurred during: "Debug Source Lookup".
The other 5% it kind of works as I can follow one script or a function before it starts breaking.
I've tried reloading the project, interpreter and conda enviornment to no luck. All my past projects which use to work are also now giving the same error.
The funny thing is when I'm in the debug perspective though it does seem to be working (I can see the Variables and use the interactive console to test stuff), but anytime I try to step into, over ect I get the error (even though it does seem to be working). So for the image above I can go through the code fine until it tries to jump to the other file which throws the error, but if I step into it I can manually open that file and walk through the function (just each step throws the error) and still interact with the code which is in the position through the console.
Any ideas how to fix?
Well, it may be something specific to this use-case (for instance, if the code for some object is evaluated and the source code is not really available for the debugger this is actually expected).
Can you provide the full stacktrace from the error log? (see: for details on how to get it)

"Errors exist in the active configuration..." Eclipse Dialog when Debugging

An "Errors exist in the active configuration of project X. Proceed with launch?" dialog appears while debugging code in Eclipse. Hitting the "Proceed" button results in successful debugging. There are no apparent errors with the launch configuration. A similar Run Configuration does not generate the error.
This is caused by an invalid path somewhere in your Eclipse project settings. There are a couple common sources for this kind of error.
You're working on a shared (version controlled, copied, etc) project where someone has hardcoded a path that doesn't exist on your machine, or uses an environment variable that you've not set.
Sometimes, you can find the offending path by looking at the full list of Error messages. If not, look in your project file.
The Discovery Options in your project properties has 'Automate discovery of paths and symbols' enabled - but the process is generating an error.
If you're using a version of Eclipse that warns you this option is deprecated, uncheck the option to disable it and fix any includes in 'Preprocessor Include Paths' instead. If not. . .try it anyway.
Depending on your path changes, restart Eclipse and try again.
It starts the executable that was built last before you broke the build. That executable will be older then your source files. The reason you were able to debug is because your line numbers did not change for the code you've debugged - e.g. you may try break in main then introduce a compilation error and move main a couple lines below - the debug will highlight the wrong lines when it stops.

Why do I get this error in Eclipse - can it be that Java runtime version is incompatible?

In Eclipse(version 3.6.2.M201102101200/Helios service release 2). I am getting a strange error when I run a large Java project called ACE toolkit. Below is a picture:
What are possible reasons it would do this?
can it be that Java runtime version is incompatible? The project was built for Java 1.5, but I have 1.6 running.
I appreciate any tips or advice.
There could be any number of reasons for eclipse crashing, from insufficient memory to a misbehaving plugin. The first place to start troubleshooting would be the C:\path\to\your\workspace\.metadata\.log file. You might find something helpful if you examine the end of this file soon after eclipse crashes.
From the documentation:
Eclipse has a log file where problems are recorded and usually this is the first thing that an Eclipse developer asks for when you report a problem. The log file can be found in a couple of places:
Workspace log - This is the most common location for the log file, It is stored in your workspace in the meta-data directory. Check out
Configuration log - Sometimes information is recored in the configuration log file instead of the workspace log. (especially if
the workspace hasn't been created yet, there isn't one, or it cannot
be created) Check your configuration area for a configuration log
file. (configuration/.log)
Startup - Occasionally problems happen in the system really early before there is a workspace and before there is a configuration area.
This means that there is nowhere to write the log file so information
is written to the console, See the notes below on running with a
console to get these messages.

Eclipse for php on Mac OSX 10.5: "Animation Start" error

I am having a terrible time getting Eclipse with php/pdt installed on my older 2006 MacBook running 10.5.8.
I have MAMP installed and running php 5.3.5. That works fine. The zend debugger information shows up correctly in phpinfo() and I have dummy.php in the correct location. is allowed in the config file.
I have eclipse itself installed. I also have tried "Eclipse for php Developers" v3.0.2.
Both installations return errors when I try and run or debug a script. I am trying to use Zend Debugger.
The error is:
"Animation Start has encountered a problem". An Internal error has occurred.
An internal error has occurred.
I have the php executable set as
/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/bin/php (CLI)
The problem with the "Animation Start has encountered a problem" error dialog doesn't have to do with the php scripts but rather is just an UI quirk/error that is irritating and is likely because of a mis-configured dock:icon property on the eclipse.ini (or whatever eclipse product the zend product uses).
Find the root executable that launches eclipse-based product.
Open up the application executable (.app) package contents
Go to the Contents/MacOS/ folder
Edit the ini file
Make sure that you have this line correctly specificed:
Then restart eclipse/zend
Now you should be able to invoke scripts and not see that invalid error dialog.
You can uncheck "launch in background" in the "common" tab of debug/run configuration.
Ok, I wanted to simply comment on my "success", following gamerson's answer with a slight adaptation... But it seems like I don't have enough "rep" to do that yet, so here goes ;-)
I had this annoying issue for a little while, and also had a second copy of eclipse for java installed on my macbook. It seems like my eclipse pdt did not contain any .icns files (I did a full recursive search of the dir with "find ."... So I thought, I'll copy it from that other eclipse app I have. And I made sure the ini config file (mentioned by gamerson) had the correct path. And voila! No more of that annoying error popup in eclipse, and also the dock where I had a link to the app now has a nice icon (which before was some ugly "generic" icon with pencils and paper, that all makes sense now). Only downside is that I now have two similar dock icons (the PDT one and the Java one lol) but that is a totally minor annoyance. I guess I could "hack" my dock and give it a funky icon while at it ;-)
Thanks internets!

Eclipse (Blackberry JDE 4.6.1) fails deploying the application on the simulator

this is the message I receive when I try to build my applicaion.
..\HBB\HBB.rapc -sourceroot=C:\ws\HBB\src #HBB_build.files
I/O Error: C:\ws\HBB\HBB.cod (The system cannot find the file specified)
rapc executed for the project HBB
the project is currently set as "Active for Blackberry" and all the other option are set as defined here here
why the .cod file is not created?
It appears that sometimes eclipse (or the blackberry plugin) becomes out-of-sync with the filesystem so it appears to eclipse that the file is there, but in actuality it's not. My workaround for this issue is to delete the output directory and compile again. This seems to force the file to be rebuilt before it is referenced in the build process.