Find and replace in files fails - powershell

I am trying to do find and replace in a file using following approach.
Function Find-Replace ($FileFullpath, $FindString, $ReplacementString) {
Get-Content $FileFullpath |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace $FindString, $ReplacementString } |
Set-Content $FileFullpath
Find-Replace "c:\program files (x86)\MyProj\web.config" $OldServiceName $NewServiceName
But i am always getting error.
Set-Content : The process cannot access the file 'c:\program files
(x86)\MyProj\web.config' because it is being used by another process.
The file is not opened any where. I think Get-content is yet to release the file.
Why it happens ? How to do find and replace in the same file without issue?

You can't read and write to the same file while it's open, Get-Content opens the file for reading and in the same time Set-Content tries to write to it. Put the Get-Conetnt call in parentheses, it will open the file, read it's content and close it.
(Get-Content $FileFullpath) | ...


powershell - read all .sql files in a folder and save them all into a single .sql file without changing line ends or line feeds

I manage database servers and often I have to apply scripts into different servers or databases.
Sometimes these scripts are all saved in a directory and need to be open and run in the target server\database.
As I have been looking at automating this task I came across how Run All PowerShell Scripts In A Directory and also How can I execute a set of .SQL files from within SSMS? and that is exactly what I needed, however I stumbled over a few issues:
I don't know the file names
:setvar path "c:\Path_to_scripts\"
:r $(path)\file1.sql
:r $(path)\file2.sql
I tried to add all .sql files into one big thing, but when I copied from powershell into sql, in many of the procedures that had long lines, the lines got messed up
$Radhe = Get-Content 'D:\apply all scripts to SQLPRODUCTION\*.sql' -Raw
If I could read all the files in that specific folder and save them all into a single the_scripts_to_run.sql file, without changing the line endings, that would be perfect.
I don't need to use get-content or any command in particular, I just would like to get all my scripts into a big single script with everything in it, without changes.
How can I achieve that?
I even found Merge multiple SQL files into a single SQL file but I want to get it done via powershell.
This should work fine, I'm not sure what you mean by not needing to use Get-Content you could use [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines( ) or [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText( ) but this should work fine too. Try it and let me know if it works.
$path = "c:\Path_to_scripts"
$scripts = (Get-ChildItem "$path\*.sql" -Recurse -File).FullName
$merged = [system.collections.generic.list[string[]]]::new()
foreach($script in $scripts)
$merged.Add((Get-Content $script))
$merged | Out-File "$path\mergedscripts.sql"
This is actually much simpler than the proposed solutions. Get-Content takes a list of paths and supports wildcards, so no loop is required.
$path = 'c:\temp\sql'
Set-Content -Path "$path\the_scripts_to_run.sql" -Value (Get-Content -Path "$path\*.sql" -Raw)
Looks like me and #Santiago had the same idea:
Get-ChildItem -Path "$path" -Filter "*.sql" | ForEach-Object -Process {
Get-Content $_.FullName | Out-File $Path\stuff.txt -Append utf8

How to change a character in multiple .txt-files and save/ overwrite the existing file in Powershell

i'm really new to Powershell (2 days) and i am not good yet. :(
My Question ist:
How to change a character in multiple .txt-files and save/ overwrite the existing file in Powershell
My goal is to Copy multiple RAW-Files in a new folder, change the file-name from .tsv to .txt and at least change one character in these files from % to percent.
What i've got so far:
The first two steps are working, but i'm losing my mind with the third step (the replacement).
Copy-Item -Path "C:\Users\user\Desktop\RAW\*.tsv" -Destination "C:\Users\user\Desktop\TXT" -Recurse
Set-Location "C:\Users\User\Desktop\TXT"
Get-ChildItem *.tsv | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '.tsv','.txt' }
This works fine for me and now i am not able to get further ...
I am able to replace the "%" in one specific file, and save it in a new file, but this doesn't work for a batch processing with changing file-names.
$file = "A.txt"
Get-Content $file | Foreach {$_ -replace "%", "percent"} | Set-Content A_1.txt
It would be perfect, if "$file = "A.txt"" would be "all the files in this path with .txt" and
"Set-Content A_1.txt" would be "overwrite the existing file".
I hope someone will help me, thank you! <3 <3 <3
You already have some of the solution in your first code snippet, you need to iterate over the files again to perform the replace and save.
$txtFiles = Get-ChildItem -Name *.txt
ForEach ($file in $txtFiles) {
(Get-Content $file) | ForEach-Object {
$_ -replace '%','percent'
} | Set-Content $file
The first line adds all the text files to an array, the foreach loop iterates over the files of the array and grabs the content of the file and unloads it - that's the reason for the parenthesis, the Foreach-Object then iterates over the content of the file and saves it to the same file name as before.
If you skip the parentheses around Get-Content $file the file would still be loaded into memory and you would get an error message about not being able to save the file.

Powershell: copy file without locking

I created simple nagios plugin check_log.ps1 to check log file on windows machine. It works in way that make copy content of log and in next time look for specified string in difference between copy of log and original log file.
The problem is that sometimes in random moments check_log.ps1 locks log file so it cause stop of the application which create log file.
Generally plugin use original log file in two places
# compare content of $Logfile and $Oldlog, save diff to $tempdiff
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Content -Path $Logfile) -DifferenceObject (Get-Content -Path $Oldlog) | Select-Object -Property InputObject > $tempdiff
# override file $Oldlog using conetent of $Logfile
Copy-Item $Logfile $Oldlog
I make test. In one PS session I run while($true) { [string]"test" >> C:\test\test.log }, in second session I run plugin C:\test\check_log.ps1 C:\test\test.log C:\test\Old_log.log test
I'm not fully sure if my test is correct but I think that Copy-Item command cause problem. When I comment this line in script I don't see any errors in terminals. I tested some custom functions to copy file which I found in internet but I din't find solution for my problem.
Do you have an idea how to make it work fully?
if you think the copy-item is locking the file, try reading the content and then saving it to another location. Something like this:
Get-Content $Logfile | Set-Content $Oldlog

PowerShell for-each cleanup

I know PowerShell is up to v5, but as I am new to PowerShell, I've been looking through Stack Overflow to generate the script I have. I've found that I need a generic non-version specific way of accomplishing this process...
Here is the issue - Step 1 - I'm pulling application installation locations information from the registry and am using a temporary file to house the results.
dir "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\companyname" | Get-ItemProperty | Select installdir | Out-File "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\KDI-Admin\Export\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SC-Installs.txt"
This provides me a list of installation directories for the company's software that is installed on a particular machine. I then want to take these results, append *.config to each line, as well as taking these results and appending *.xml to each line, and output to a new text file.
The input for the process would be the contents of the initial results file, and the output file should have each line listed in the first results, added to the final results file, once appended with *.xml, and once appended with *.config.
The net effect I am looking for is the creation of a #file for a 7z command. I am attempting this by using the following -
(Get-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\KDI-Admin\Export\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SC-Installs.txt") -replace '\S+$','$&*.config' | Out-File "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\KDI-Admin\Export\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SC-config.txt" -Encoding utf8
(Get-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\KDI-Admin\Export\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SC-Installs.txt") -replace '\S+$','$&*.xml' | Out-File "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\KDI-Admin\Export\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SC-config.txt" -Append -Encoding utf8
However, I'm only getting one line that has *.xml and one line that has *.config appended -
After getting this far, I'm thinking that some for-each loop is needed, but I'm not getting anywhere with what I have tried adapting from here. I'm looking now for some way to combine the three lines into one function, if that is possible, and eliminate the temporary file step in the first command, by reading and outputting in the same step. This would also need to remove the "installdir" and "----------" lines from the output. Anyone have some ideas and maybe examples?
Taken your above command dir "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\companyname" | Get-ItemProperty | Select installdir | Out-File "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\KDI-Admin\Export\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SC-Installs.txt" you could put the result of your query into a variable $result:
$result = dir "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\microsoft" | Get-ItemProperty | Select installdir;
From there you can easily loop through the array, skipping empty ones and process the rest of it:
foreach($path in $result.installdir)
# skip empty paths
if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) { continue; }
# now do your processing ...
Is this what you were asking for?

copy partial file powershell

i am trying to copy a part of a source exe file to new dst file,
i use the following commnads:
$file = (Get-Content src.exe)[31..111] | Set-Content dst.exe
but on the output file i get extra newline symbols which cause an error when i try to run the file.
how do i copy the internal part of the file without damaging it.
i attached a jpg of the dif.
please help
$file = (Get-Content src.exe -encoding byte)[31..111] | Set-Content dst.exe -encoding byte