How To Read TXT File From A Server - iphone

Here is the complete .m file :
#import "DevotionalView.h"
#implementation DevotionalView
#synthesize mytextview;
#synthesize mystring;
- {void} awakeFromNib {
NSURL *myurl = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSString *mystring = [NSString stringWithContentOfURL:myurl];
mytextview.text = mystring;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
return self;
// Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing.
// An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
// Drawing code
The errors are: '#end' is missing in implementation context --where the #implementation DevotionalView is-- and at the {void} line it says Expected selector for objective-c method.
Thanks for taking the time to help!
The errors are: '#end' is missing in implementation context --where the #implementation DevotionalView is-- and at the {void} line it says Expected selector for objective-c method.
Also, at the end of the file it say "expected method body"
Seems to work fine in the tutorial I followed, but it will not compile in XCode 4.3.
I'm using Storyboard-- will this change the part about NIB? I apologize for my lack of knowledge-- still getting used to this.
Thanks for any help!

It looks like you have {}'s around the void in awakeFromNib they should be ()'s

Well, I finally worked around it-- from my searches it would appear that I had either messed up a delegate assignment or some such thing. So...(and you pros might groan at this) I opened up a new project (single view with a controller) and copied and pasted the controller, .h and .m files in, then used this code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
{NSError *error = nil;
NSURL *myurl = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSString *mystring = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:myurl encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
newtext.text = mystring;
All is well!


How to access a method in an object within another object, from the outside?

I am in ViewController, trying to access a method in object "cat" owned by object "backgroundpicture". ViewController has an instance of backgroundpicture.
The method/message in "cat.h":
#interface Cat : NSObject
-(BOOL)checkIfTouchHit:(float) xx :(float) yy;
- (BOOL)checkIfTouchHit:(float) xx :(float) yy{
NSLog(#"Inside checkIfTouchHit");
return YES;
#import "Cat.h"
#interface BackGroundPicture : NSObject
#property (strong) Cat * katt;
#implementation BackGroundPicture
#synthesize katt = _katt
#interface ViewController ()
#property (strong) BackGroundPicture * bakgrunnsbilde;
#implementation BackGroundPicture
#synthesize bakgrunnsbilde = _bakgrunnsbilde;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[[self.bakgrunnsbilde katt] checkIfTouchHit :(float)touchLocation.x :(float)touchLocation.y]
The string inside the method "checkIfInside" in cat will not show up. I also tried
[_bakgrunnsbilde katt]...
but with the same lack of result, and I believe this is compiled the same way. I am wondering what I am missing here, and hope someone can help. Thanks :)
edit I forgot to add a few lines from my BackGroundPicture.m. It is a method run on start from the ViewDidLoad in ViewController. It is like this in BackGroundPicture.m:
- (void)createObjects {
Cat * katt = [[Cat alloc] init];
it is called from ViewController.m like so:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[_bakgrunnsbilde createObjects];
I know that this get executed. I hope this edit makes sense, my head is ruined after a long day :) Going to check back tomorrow morning.
It will work, but BackGroundPicture.m needs to allocate a cat first.
So in BackGroundPicture.m, do this:
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_katt = [[Cat alloc] init];
return self;
In general, remember to allocate objects before you use them. You may also need to create a BackGroundPicture, too as Valentin points out. In viewDidLoad, do this:
bakgrunnsbilde = [[BackGroundPicture alloc] init];
As far as I can see you're accessing the method correctly. You could use the property, for readability sake (you also don't need the cast)
[self.bakgrunnsbilde.katt checkIfTouchHit:touchLocation.x :touchLocation.y]
, but your way of doing it should work as well.
You should check if your -viewDidLoad method gets called and if self.bakgrunnsbilde or self.bakgrunnsbilde.katt is not nil when -viewDidLoad gets called. One of this should get you on the right track.

“implicit declaration of function '…' is invalid in C99”

I am trying to make a simple soundboard app for the iphone, but have come across some troubles including implicit definition of function '...' is invalid in C99, about a few different functions.
My .h file looks like this:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
- (IBAction) Jesus: (id) sender;
and my .m file code looks like this:
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (IBAction) NamedAction:(id)sender: (id) sender
CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef soundFileURLRef;
soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, (CFStringRef) #"Jesus",
if (soundFileURLRef) {
CFStringRef url = CFURLGetString(soundFileURLRef);
NSLog(#"string for URl is %#", (__bridge NSString *) url);
UInt32 soundID;
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundFileURLRef, &soundID);
The error message I'm getting is:
Called object type 'int' is not a function or function pointer
- (IBAction) NamedAction:(id)sender: (id) sender
has to variables named the same, probably the 2nd is a typo:
- (IBAction) NamedAction: (id) sender
soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, (CFStringRef) #"Jesus",
possibly missing a comma before the NULL?
soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, (CFStringRef) #"Jesus",
What function is CSFTR? Apparently the compiler has never heard of it, which is what it is telling (in a rather weird way. Before C99, using a function without declaration was in implicit declaration, C99 removed that).
Could it be that you are trying to use a macro with a name that is just slightly different?
I'd really recommend that you avoid using Core Foundation functions. Especially since NSBundle and CFBundle can behave differently. Core Foundation and ARC especially is a combination that can make your brain hurt and can lead to memory leaks or crashes, unless you really know what you are doing.
you forgot to add a framework to your project which i suspect is AudioToolBox
Add -Wno-implicit-function-declaration in Other warnings flag and you will be able to compile the code. Although its not a good solution but it will work.

Method call in Objective-C

I'm new to Objective-C and iPhone SDK development. I want to call a method in the same class:
- (void) setFilePath:(NSString *) p
[self methodCall];
- (void) methodCall
fileContent.text = #"Test"; //fileContent is a UITextView
If the property "filePath" is set, the method "setFilePath" is called. Then the UITextView, created in IB, should display the text. But that doesn't work ...
If I call the method directly via button in IB, then the UITextView changes his content successfully:
- (IBAction) clickButton
fileContent.text = #"Test";
What could be the problem?
Thanks for your answers!
EDIT 2: I solved the problem by setting "filePath" after pushing the view:
- (IBAction) showFileContent {
FileContentsViewController *fileContentsViewController = [[FileContentsViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:fileContentsViewController animated:YES];
fileContentsViewController.filePath = self.filePath;
fileContentsViewController.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Content from von %#", [filePath lastPathComponent]];
[fileContentsViewController release];
EDIT 1: Here's the code of my interface:
#interface FileContentsViewController : UIViewController {
NSString *filePath;
UITextView *fileContent;
- (void) methodCall;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *filePath;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextView *fileContent;
... and here's the code of the implementation:
#import "FileContentsViewController.h"
#implementation FileContentsViewController
#synthesize filePath;
#synthesize fileContent;
- (void) setFilePath:(NSString *) p
NSLog(#"setFilePath executed!");
[self methodCall];
- (void) methodCall
fileContent.text = #"Test"; // UITextView
// some standard methods
... and finally the code of the method that sets "filePath":
- (IBAction) showFileContent {
FileContentsViewController *fileContentsViewController = [[FileContentsViewController alloc] init];
fileContentsViewController.filePath = self.filePath;
fileContentsViewController.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Content from von %#", [filePath lastPathComponent]];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:fileContentsViewController animated:YES];
[fileContentsViewController release];
What it looks like is that the fileContentsViewController created in -showFileContent doesn't have anything assigned to its FileContentsViewController.fileContent (or, at least, fileContent doesn't point to a UITextView that gets displayed) when fileContentsViewController.filePath is set.
You set filePath immediately after creating fileContentsViewController. If FileContentsViewController's -init doesn't create an appropriate fileContent, then when -setFilePath: is called from -showFileContent, there's no fileContent to set the text of. If fileContentsViewController is a typical view controller, fileContent won't exist until fileContentsViewController is loaded, which (I believe) happens during -pushViewController:animated.
One fix is to override -setFileContent to set fileContent.text as appropriate:
-(void)setFileContent:(UITextView*)fileContentView {
if (fileContent != fileContentView) {
[fileContent release];
fileContent = [fileContentView retain];
if (self.filePath) { // if file path is not nil
fileContent.text = ...;
Another other fix is to ensure you only set filePath when fileContent exists, but this is more brittle. A third is to set filePath after you push fileContentsViewController.
The way you would discover the cause during debugging is to check two things: execution ("Is the code I'm expecting to be executed ever reached?") and data ("Do the variables hold the values I expect?"). Set breakpoints in -showFileContent and -methodCall so you know that the methods are being called (which would be one reason for failure). If execution makes it into -methodCall, the problem must be something else. From there, examine the values of the variables used in -methodCall and you'll discover fileContent is either nil or not the same fileContent that shows up later.
Have you checked that fileContent has been set up at the time setFilePath is called? If you're trying to set things up at start up then it's possible that you're making calls before the views have been loaded (which the OS delays until the last possible moment).
You can force views to load by calling [self view] just before you try to access any of your Interface Builder views (NB don't call loadView - that doesn't do what you'd think).
If the problem is that setFilePath: is not called that I would guess that your code looks like
filePath = #"some value";
when it should be
self.filePath = #"some value";
When using #property you need to use self.filePath to call the methods, otherwise you will just access the ivar directly.
How have you define filePath property ?
I think that it is the problem...

iPhone SDK - instance variable out of scope issue

I am getting crazy over this error. Compiler is saying out of scope for an instance NSSString variable. Never had this thing before and used thousands of NSString instance variables!
Here is my class .h file
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
#import "Snapshot.h"
#interface RecordAudioViewController : UIViewController <AVAudioRecorderDelegate, AVAudioPlayerDelegate> {
NSString *filename;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *filename;
- (IBAction) recordAudio;
- (IBAction) playAudio;
Variable is synthesized properly. I initalize filename variable in viewDidLoad method. I want to use it in IBAction method recordAudio, but compiler always says out of scope? Why is that, is this a bug or something?
Here is .m code. viewDidLoad method where I set the filename instance variable:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSString *tmpDir = NSTemporaryDirectory();
filename = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%.0f.%#", [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] * 1000.0, #"caf"];
And the IBAction method
- (IBAction) recordAudio
NSLog(filename); // here I get out of scope message when moving over with mouse cursor and when steping over this line EXC_BAD_ACCESS
The entire .m file can be seen here:
Actually, if you set filename = [NSString stringWithFormat...], the autoreleased result is NOT retained.
However, if you use self.filename = [NSString stringWithFormat...] it WILL retain the string. Kinda looks like the string is getting released out from under you because you're not retaining it.
You mentioned that you initialize the variable filename in the viewDidLoad method. if you mean nsstring alloc and init methods by initializing, i don't think that you are going the right way. It is not necessary to initialize a synthesized string, or more generically any strings. I'm not sure whether you meant this by initializing, but i gave my opinion based on the idea that i got from your Ques.
Is viewDidLoad actually happening? If it doesn't get called, that would perfectly explain the crash in recordAudio as it hasn't been initialised.

Newbie question: NSOperation for iphone SDK

Hi I got some problem with NSOperation .
I always got error at self = [super init]; (already use break point to find this)
it always return "Program received signal: EXC_BAD_ACCESS" all the time
#interface AddThread : NSOperation
NSString * str;
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSString * str;
-(id) initWithString:(NSString *) tmpStr;
and for .m
#import "AddThread.h"
#implementation AddThread
#synthesize str;
- (id) initWithString:(NSString *)tmpStr
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
self.str = tmpStr;
//[super init];
return self;
- (void) main
- (void) dealloc{
[str release];
str = nil;
[super dealloc];
well I stuck with this for while and if possible any resources ,articles things for basic example of NSoperation?
In your main method, you are calling NSLog(self.str) - While this will work if the object you pass in is a string, it won't work if you continue to try and log other objects. NSLog takes a format string as a parameter. If you just do NSLog(self) like you are in some of your commented code, and self is not a string, it'll crash because it expected a string. You should do NSLog(#"self: %#", self) the %# will print out the string returned by an objects description method.
Other than that, your init method looks fine, how exactly are you creating an instance of this object? Could you show the code for that? The problem may lie there.