Upgrading from the June CTP EF 4.2 - entity-framework

We're currently developing an application that is using EF Code first (EF June 2011 CTP).
My first question is: Is it worth trying to upgrade to use a later version of EF?
Secondly, if so, does anyone know the steps involved to upgrade - when I try to install the NuGet package for EF 5.0 - beta 2, I end up with issues as the target framework is still 4.2.
Many thanks,

The CTP is long time dead with no other version coming because all that stuff is currently part of .NET 4.5 beta and EF 5.0 beta. You must upgrade to those two and the upgrade will consist of re-targeting application back to .NET 4.0 / .NET 4.5, removing all dependencies to your current EF version and re-adding those dependencies for .NET 4.5 / EF 5.0.

Some time ago I wrote a blog post on this: http://blog.3d-logic.com/2012/04/11/entity-framework-zombie-a-k-a-microsoft-entity-framework-june-2011-ctp/. There is a number of issues with CTP 4.2 because of technical challenges related to shipping a .NET Framework library out of the .NET Framework (like 4.2 target). Move to .NET Framework 4.5 that contains the same feature set as EF 4.2 + bug fixes and has a go-live license. Use EF 5.0 on top of it and you will be in a better world.

Thanks for all the responses.
My main issue is that we rely heavily on ENUMs in our implementation of 4.2 code first. I attempted to migrate the project to 4.5 but ENUMs are not supported, and there is also an issue with table per hierarchy (which is easy to fix). The next move will be to upgrade to VS11 and use 5.0 - but this is a big undertaking.

Enums are supported by core EF libraries released as part of .net Framework 4.5 (e.g. System.Data.Entity.dll). To make enums work with CodeFirst/DbContext you do need EF 5.0.0 package from NuGet (use Install-Package EntityFramework -pre (-pre is important)). You need VS 11 for this since Visual Studio 2010 cannot be used to create applications that target .NET Framework 4.5. Note that when installing the nuget package on Visual Studio 11 the target version of the .NET Framework set for the project is taken into account. If you target .NET Framework 4 you will not be able to use EF5 features like enums or spatial.


Should I upgrade to EntityFrameWorkCore 5.x when using .Net Core 3.x?

I have a multi-project solution that contains a data layer on .Net Standard 2.1 and a WebAPI on .Net Core 3.1. Currently, I have no plans to upgrade to .Net 5.x (Note: Core is removed in 5.x naming convention) because it is not LTS - that will be .Net 6.x. So, I will upgrade to 6.x when it comes out.
In one of my data layer solutions, the NuGet Package Manager is recommending that I upgrade Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameWorkCore from v3.1.8 to v5.0.2. It seems like the major version is moving in lockstep with the .Net major version (Note: 4.x is skipped in order to avoid confusion with the venerable .Net Framework 4.x). Should I follow the advice and upgrade?
Specifically, will this cause any problems with the .Net Core 3.1 WebAPI project? Generally, can I do this for other Microsoft.* packages that recommend upgrading to a 5.x version?
I bit the bullet and upgraded all of them. Everything works flawlessly and I am glad that I did it. There were a few breaking changes that needed to be dealt with. I recommend checking Microsoft's breaking change log here:

Can Entity Framework 6 be used in a .NET Standard project?

And if not, will it be? If so, when?
I haven't been able to find any clear official information on this, and the limited information I was able to find on Stack Overflow is a year or two old.
I was able to find official information saying EF 6.3 will be able to be used in a .NET Core project, but I couldn't find a release date for it, nor am I sure what the implications for use in a .NET Standard project are.
EF 6 supports .NET Standard 2.1, which is currently supported by .NET Core 3.0 or later - no .NET Framework version. EF 6 also supports .NET 4.0 and 4.5 or later.
Some clarification, since EntityFramework 6.3.0 .NET Standard 2.1 has been supported. However there is no .NET Framework version that supports .NET Standard 2.1. Comment from Microsoft:
NET Framework won't support .NET Standard 2.1 or later versions. For
more details, see the announcement of .NET Standard 2.1.
This means that a majority of all applications using EntityFramework 6.X won't be able to use the .NET Standard 2.1 project anyway.

Set .NET Framework version for ScriptComponentProject

Is it possible to set the .NET Framework version for a ScriptComponentProject?
Currently it defaults to .NET 4, but I want it to be .NET 4.6.1
I've looked on the documentation page for ScriptComponentProject (https://www.varigence.com/Documentation/Samples/Biml/Script+Component+Project), but without any luck.
Ah, I found the answer! You need to set the Target Framework Version in your script project:
And I think the available values are these:
Unspecified .NET Framework Version
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
.NET Framework 3.5
.NET Framework 4.0
.NET Framework 4.5
.NET Framework 4.5.1
.NET Framework 4.5.2
.NET Framework 4.6
.NET Framework 4.6.1
Which can be found here: https://www.varigence.com/Documentation/Api/Enum/ScriptProjectTargetFrameworkVersion
If you are using BIMLExpress 5.0.6xxx, you have probably faced the same issue.
I opened the generated .dtsx package and found that the TargetFrameworkVersion node placed inside of a separate PropertyGroup node. After I had moved it out to the first PropertyGroup of the same arrayElement node, then reopened my package in Visual Studio again, issue was gone! So you can write a script to move TargetFrameworkVersion node into the proper place for now.
Varigence support team told me that a public preview release is coming late next week which will include a fix for that (+also VS2017 support!).

Is Entity Framework 7 going to work with .NET Framework 4.5?

Is Entity Framework 7.0 RTM release going to work with .NET Framework 4.5?
According to comments in issue 2443 EF 7.0 was supposed to support Mono which requires 4.5 version of framework.
Recent code changes suggest an upgrade to 4.5.1, is this going to stay that way?
EF.Relational now (RC2) requires .NET 4.5.1
The latest versions of Mono have updated to the Microsoft reference source, so compiling against 4.5.1 should work just fine on Mono now.

Can I use EF4 in VS 2012?

I wanted to follow up on a post from last year ("EF5 , Widows Forms , Dragging a chield entity from project datasource into a GridView creates only 2 columns").
I believe the problem described with EF5 is still true and the solution found (use EF4) continues to be the only reasonable answer.
Before I upgrade to VS2012, I wanted to check whether anyone knows if there is any problem using EF4 in VS 2012.
Anyone with experience on this?
VS2012 requires .NET Framework 4.5 which is an in-place update. This means that once you install the .NET Framework 4.5 it will be always used when running .NET Framework 4 or .NET Framework 4.5 apps. This also means that you will be running EF5 even if you target .NET Framework 4 in VS (targeting is only a design time thing which prevents from using APIs that were not available in the targeted .NET Framework version while at runtime the app will use the version installed on the box).
With regards to the problem you are reporting - take a look at this bug report on the EF codeplex site as it apparently contains a solution to the problem