Property View isn't updated after property selection change - eclipse-rcp

I am trying to select another EditPart programatically and it works so long.
But the corresponding view isn't updated.
With the debugger I found out, that the system gets the right property object, but the values and so on aren't shown in the property view.
I use the selectionChanged method from the UndoablePropertySheetPage.
propertyPage.selectionChanged(this, new StructuredSelection(editPart));
Thanks for any advices.

Solution is very simple, you can use the method refresh provided by UndoablePropertySheetPage, after selection of the element in the viewer.


How to communicate from ViewModel to View

I have a property on my ViewModel called LostFocus, and I want the View to know when this changes so that it can act on this info if it pleases (i.e. maybe the designer of the view might make it blur if LostFocus is set to true, or maybe they won't do anything).
I'm using Caliburn.Micro, so if it has any features I should be aware of here please do tell. Otherwise, how would you go about doing this in an MVVM fashion?
This can be accomplished with ordinary data binding as I understand it. Since you're using Caliburn.Micro, the designer can use conventions to do the binding. For example, if there were a check box control on the view that was to be checked when LostFocus is set to true, the designer would just have to ensure that the Name property of the check box was set to LostFocus and then Caliburn would set up the binding automatically.
Also, on your View Model, make sure you raise the property changed notification event when you change the value of LostFocus.
You could also, rather than using a LostFocus property, create a LostFocus event on your view model. You could then raise this event whenever you feel it's appropriate and then, on the view, the designer could respond to that using an event trigger and trigger action. For example, on one of my projects, I set up an event trigger to respond to the view model's Activated event and then I wrote a custom trigger action to play a storyboard that was responsible for doing the view's intro animation. This approach isn't restricted to Caliburn.Micro, but I did use it on a Caliburn.Micro project, so it definitely works.
I ended up learning about the BindingConverter and used that to convert a boolean property of false to null and true to a BlurEffect.

Best way to update view from command or filedialog in an eclipse rcp application

In my application I have a menu which open a SelectionDialog, this dialog is used to choose an object.
When this object is selected I have to display it in the view.
What is the best way to update my view?
Currently, I call myview.update(object) after the dialog is closed (in the handler of the menu). But I think this solution is not well design.
I have read about update my model and notify my view but my model does not change (no data are changed, I only display different Data ).
Does anyone has some ideas for a well design solution ?
Define model listener ( dataPopulated(Event e))
Make your view implement model listener and register it with the Model.
Define a Model class that can contain the objects that you want to populate in the view
When Model.setInput(Object input) is invoked fire dataPopulated() event on all registered model listeners.
Above steps works properly when you have view activated. You need to consider cases like when if view is deactivated or not visible ( make sure you refresh view is visible else you will have unnecessary overhead of refreshing view though it is notvisible)
Try adding a selection listener in the view and register this selection in the dialog.
In the listener action, add the code to show the selected object.

Updating a view from a command handler

I have a file dialogue opening from the menu where a user can select a file. The FileDialog is called from the menu command's handler class in execute().
Based on the file the user selected, I would like to update a view, for which (I believe) I'd need the same Composite element that's passed to the view in createPartControl().
Is it possible to get access to it from the command handler, or would it be better to trigger the view updating via something like ISourceProviderListener or PropertyChangeListener?
Thank you.
Yes, it's possible:
IViewPart part = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(executionEvent).getActivePage()
It would be better to first update the data that your view is displaying (the model in MVC) and the change in data should trigger view refresh. It's hard to say which listener is better without knowing all the details.

Unable to call getValues() on an Ext Js FormPanel on initialization of a container Panel

I have an Ext Js panel that I am adding to my main TabPanel. The panel I am adding contains a FormPanel as one of it's items and inside the FormPanel I have a Name field. What I want to do is change the name of the Tab based on the name in the form field.
The problem is that if I call the FormPanel's getForm().getValues() inside of the panel's initComponent, I get the following javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dom' of undefined
If I do this outside of initComponent (e.g. on a button press) everything works fine. After doing some testing, I think the issue is that the FormPanel isn't actually rendered yet (and thus the dom doesn't exist), getValues() fails. However, I can't seem to figure out a way to get my FormPanel's values from the Panel on load.
I tried to listen for events. I tried:
this.detailForm.on('afterrender', function () { alert('test'); });
but doing this showed that AfterRender is called prior to the form actually being rendered (it's not visible on the screen). Changing the alert to my custom function handler produces the previous dom exception. I attempted to use the activate and enable events instead of afterrender, but even though the API says that FormPanel fires those events, the alert('test') never gets called.
I can't seem to find any way for my panel to get the inner FormPanel's values upon loading my panel. Does anyone have any ideas?
Using getFieldValues() in place of getValues() will collect values by calling each field instance's getValue() method instead of by reading from the DOM. This should allow you to get your values regardless of the form's rendered state.
I've got the same problems on one of my projects, I managed to fix it using the afterlayout event.
I'd give setting .deferredRender:false a try.
Probably best to roll out of your afterlayout changes, then test with just a straight deferredRender:false config item.
I believe the problem is caused because the inactive tabs are not rendered until they become active. In your scenario, you cannot get the values, because they don't exist until the tab is activated/shown.
Setting deferredRender:false will render the items within all tabs. There could be a performance hit by setting deferredRender:false, so testing you must do.
Hope this helps.

xcode dropdown - shows all my class properties and methods. Just want methods

Not sure what to call it, but in xcode there is a dropdown that lists
all the properties and methods in the current file.
Is there a way to just show the methods? I have a few classes with a boatload of properties, and having to scroll past them in the dropdown is a pain.
No, You cant hide your properties from the drop down list. It is for showing methods and properties both. so if you think you take more time to find the method then type one or two letter : list will be automatically sort.
Xcode Plugin for hiding properties in dropdown list