Directly use of NSString - iphone

I find I usually directly use a NSString like:
self.text = #"word";
label.text = #"word";
I think it is a wrong way to directly use NSString, because the #"word" will have a retainCount of 2 after it has been used. Is that right?
What is exactly the retainCount of #"" ? Is it an autorelease object or has a retain of 1?
What`s more, I encountered some memory leak as the pic shown below:
I suspect it is related to the direct use of the NSString.

Essentially, the retain count of NSString literals is infinite. The memory for these objects is reserved by the compiler at compile time and never gets released for the duration that your app is running, no matter how often you try to retain or release them.
This is another good example why it is wrong to care about retain counts. You should only care about the golden memory management rules: if you take ownership of an object (with alloc, new, copy or retain), you have to release or autorelease it later. Otherwise, you don't.

Quoting from String programming guide
The simplest way to create a string object in source code is to use the Objective-C #"..." construct:
NSString *temp = #"/tmp/scratch";
Note that, when creating a string constant in this fashion, you should avoid using anything but 7-bit ASCII characters. Such an object is created at compile time and exists throughout your program’s execution. The compiler makes such object constants unique on a per-module basis, and they’re never deallocated, though you can retain and release them as you do any other object.

the #"word" will have a retainCount of 2 after it has been used. Is that right?
No. This is a perfect illustration of why it is bad to think in terms of retain counts which are an internal implementation detail. You can think of string literals as strings that are "owned" by the executable image so they will not go away. You should treat them like any other Objective-C object.
If you do take a sneaky peek at the retain count of a string literal, you'll find it is set to some really big number (something like the maximum value for an NSInteger). This is treated as a special value by retain and release that they don't change.
The memory for string literals is allocated as part of the binary image at compile time. It can never go away. Your memory leak is not because of this.

No, it's a good thing to declare an autoreleased NSString by using directly #"". But NSString are retained in a particular way and it's not really possible to know what's being done at runtime. You may have weird retain count sometimes. Don't bother about your leak of 48 Bytes.... It's not related to your nsstring.


releasing variables to save memory

I have a beginner's question about releasing variables and not wasting memory...
I don't quite understand when to release variables. I understand that I should always do this if I have assigned them in my header file (in my #interface section and my #property commands). I release them in my -(void)dealloc function.
However, what am I supposed to do with variables that I happen to use in some of my methods, e.g.:
for (int temp = 0; temp < 3; temp++) {
// do something...
[temp release];
This is obviously wrong (at least xCode tells me so), as 'temp' is undeclared. But why? I've declared it as an int and temp thus takes up space in my memory, I'm sure. How do I tell the program to free up the space temp has taken after I don't need it anymore? I'm sure this is obvious, but I simply don't get it.
I'd be very happy for any suggestions for a beginner of how not to be a memory pig and to have 'memory leaking' everywhere in my apps...
You declared it as an int in the scope of the loop. Once the loop is done, it goes out of scope.
Also, you can not release an int, which is a primitive type. You can only release a subclass of NSObject. A good rule of thumb is that you eventually have to release anything that you called alloc or retain on.
Edit: For your edification, memory management only applies to objects allocated from the heap. That would be NSObjects obtained via "alloc" or must C-level memory allocated with something like "malloc()". Declaring a variable like "int x" is called an "auto" variable in that is is created on the stack and will AUTOmatically disappear then that block ends (the end of a "block" being the end of the function or perhaps the end of a {} pair or even the end of a for/if/while block.
Since Objective-C is basically just a special version of C (with messages), it does not create permanent objects unless you explicitly tell it to. This is different form languages like Python or Javascript.
You only need to release objects, and temp is an int, not an object.
As far as when to release objects, Apple's docs explain that better than I can:
You do only release objects, and not primitive types. For example you create an array with
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
This initialization allocated memory which you have to free after your done using your array, it's your responsibility, else there will be memory leaks. You can do that in the dealloc section of a controller, or at the end of a method, or even after you've enumerated through the array and no longer need it.
If you create instances of objects with other methods than alloc, copy or new(rarely used) you have to release them. If you call retain yourself on an object you have to release it as well.
Please refer to apples memory management rules, which have been posted earlier.
There are two ways to store information in RAM in C and c like things, primitives which are allocated automatically by the compiler, and memory chunks allocated by you in your program.
Variables allocated for you by the compiler are called "automatics" and can be marked by the essentially unused (because it is the default) "auto" keyword. Automatics are bound to the scope in which they are declared and go away when it ends. Regular variables, like "int x" are automatic.
Notably, pointers are typically automatic. However, the things they point to are not. Those would be the thing you asked to be allocated.
In objective-c, things are allocated with the alloc message. However, sometimes a class will call this for you, so you might not see it. To help make it clear what you should do, there is a tradition: If you get an object where you alloc'ed it, got it from a class method with the word "copy" in the method name, or sent it a "retain" message, then you own a share of it, and it won't go away until you send it a release message.
If you didn't get the object through one of those means, you must not release it, because you don't have a share in it.
So, in summary: regular variables (int, short, char, double, float, long) are automatic, no need to allocate it. Pointers are also automatic, however, the things they are pointing to are not. In obj-c, you own a share if you alloc'ed it, copy'ed it, or sent it a retain message.
You can't release an integer...
Release works only with instance of Objective-C classes.
Variables such as integers are placed on the stack, and they does not persist after a function/method call, unless allocated explicitely.
You only release objects. If you use the alloc, init procedure to create an object you must release it. If you retain an object you must release it. If you use a method that has the word "create" in it, you must release it. Anything else, the system will handle for you.
Primitives do not need to be released, only objects.
Biggest thing to keep in mind is that whenever you "alloc" or "retain" an object, put a corresponding "release" or "autorelease".
you see an error on the line [temp release]; because temp is not in scope. temp will not be seen outside of the for loop you created.
you do not need to clean up the memory of temp, since you have not claimed ownership of it(see Memory Management Rules):
examples of objects where you do not need to release/manage memory:
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray array];
NSNumber *myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:5];
NSString *myString = #"Hello World";
NSInteger i = 5;
int x = 2;
examples of objects where you do need to release/manage memory:
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Hello", #"World", nil];
NSNumber *myNumber = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:5];
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Hello World"];
typically, when your completely done using an object you own, you clean up its memory
see apple's docs for explanations on properties:
setting a property with assign or readonly: you should not worry about releasing its memory, as you don't own it
property with retain or copy: you claim ownership of the object and need to release it at some point
this answer won't answer/solve all memory management questions/concerns, but it may shove you in the right direction

NSString vs NSMutableString with stringByAppendingString

So, I'm fairly certain that if I plan on manipulating strings often, such as with stringByAppendingString, I should be using variables of type NSMutableString.
But what if I'm doing something like this?
UILabel *someLabel = [[UILabel alloc] init];
[someLabel setText: [[someDictionary objectForKey:#"some_key"] stringByAppendingString:#"some other string"];
I read that if you use stringByAppendingString on an NSString, you end up with leaks because the pointer associated with the initial NSString moves around, pointing to the new string created by the append, whereas with NSMutableString, your pointer always points to that mutable string.
So my question is, what is implicitly happening when I call stringByAppendingString on something that is a string, but not explicitly an NSString or an NSMutableString? Such as, in my above case, the value of some key in a dictionary. Is doing this wrong, and should I be doing something like below?
[[[NSMutableString stringWithString:[someDictionary objectForKey:#"some_key"]] stringByAppendingString:#"some other string"]]
I read that if you use
stringByAppendingString on an
NSString, you end up with leaks
because the pointer associated with
the initial NSString moves around,
pointing to the new string created by
the append, whereas with
NSMutableString, your pointer always
points to that mutable string.
That sounds like the advice of someone who didn't quite have a grasp of what is going on with the memory management. Sure, [NSString stringByAppendingString] returns a new string. But what you do with that new string is up to you. You could certainly cause a memory leak by reassigning the result to a retained property in a careless fashion, like so:
myStringProperty = [myStringProperty stringByAppendingString:#" more bits"];
The correct form would be to use self, like so:
self.myStringProperty = [myStringProperty stringByAppendingString:#" more bits"];
Follow the cocoa memory guidelines.
As for dictionaries and other collection types: treat what comes out of the dictionary appropriately given the type you know it to be. If you pull an object out which is actually an NSString, but try to use it as a NSMutableString, your app will fall over (with 'selector not found' or similar). So in that case, you do need to make a new NSMutableString from the NSString.
Interesting note: Apple chose to make NSMutableString a subclass of NSString. Something about that seems unwise to me -- if something looks to be immutable, because it has type NSString, I want it to be immutable! (But in fact it could be NSMutableString.) Compare that to Java, which has a String class and a completely separate BufferedString class.
I've always been a fan of [NSString stringWithFormat#"%#%#", a, b]; because then you clearly get a new autoreleased string and can dispose of "a" and "b" correctly.
With [someDictionary objectForKey:#"some_key"], you will be getting the type of object that was put into that dictionary originally. So blindly calling stringByAppendingString without knowledge of what's in that dictionary seems like a bad idea.
-stringByAppendingString is going to return you a new NSString that is distinct from both strings involved. In other words:
NSString *string3 = [string1 stringByAppendingString:string2];
string3 is an entirely new string. string1 isn't changed at all, nothing happens to its memory location or contents. The person who told you that probably just misunderstood what was going on.
[mutableString1 appendString:string2];
In this case, mutableString1 still points at the same object, but the contents of that object have been altered to include string2.
One last thing to keep in mind is that if you are using mutable strings, you should be careful with sharing references to it. If you pass your mutable string to some function which keeps a pointer to that mutable string and then your code changes that mutable string at some point in the future, the other reference is pointing at exactly the same object which means the other code will see the change as well. If that's what you want, great, but if not you must be careful.
One way to help avoid this problem is to declare your #property statements for NSStrings to be "copy" instead of "retain". That will make a copy of your mutable string before setting it in your property and the -copy method implicitly gives you a NON-mutable version, so it'll create an NSString copy of your NSMutableString.
If you follow the rules for memory management, you will be fine using stringByAppendingString. In a nutshell:
if you own an object, you need to release or autorelease it at some point.
you own an object if you use an alloc, new, or copy method to create it, or if you retain it.
Make sure you read up on Apple's Memory Management Rules.
In the first code sample in your question, you aren't using alloc, new, copy or retain on any of the NSStrings involved, so you don't need to do anything to release it. If outside of the code that you've included in the sample you are using alloc, new, copy or retain on any NSStrings, you would need to ensure that they are released later.

Do I have to release a NSLocalizedString?

The question is simple. Do I need to release a NSLocalizedString? For instance:
NSString *internetMessageTitle = NSLocalizedString(
#"You are currently not connected to a internet network"
#"Title of the message that tells the user there is no internet network");
Because I did this:
NSLog(#"Retain count of InternetMessageTitle is: %d",
[internetMessage retainCount]);
But it prints a retain count of 2. However I have read that the retainCount attribute is not very reliable. Should I release it twice?
And yes I have read the memory management rules and guide of the documentation but I don't see here any indication of NARC (NewAllocRetainCopy). I am still a beginner so I don't really know how NSLocalizedString makes strings.
Thank you!
EDIT1: I use this variable in a UIAlertView I don't know if the retainCount is increased there when I use it. And even when the alert is not used (inside an if, and if the if is skipped it isn't used) the retainCount is still 2 according to NSLog.
No, you must not release it. If you check how NSLocalizedString is defined you'll see:
#define NSLocalizedString(key, comment) \
[[NSBundle mainBundle] localizedStringForKey:(key) value:#"" table:nil]
That its normally a call to NSBundle's method that returns autoreleased string
I use this variable in a UIAlertView
I don't know if the retainCount is
increased there when I use it. And
even when the alert is not used
(inside an if, and if the if is
skipped it isn't used) the retainCount
is still 2 according to NSLog.
Yes, labels in UIAlert retain their content strings, but you should not worry about that - they will release them when get destroyed.
As you say, there's no NARC -- so you already know the answer is no.
And what you've read about retain counts? Heed it. Never look at the retain count as useful info. Never look at it all.
And FFS don't do something insane like calling release on an object several times just because you think it has a retain count > 1. That stuff is absolutely guaranteed to mess you up.
The Cocoa memory management rules are very simple. There's only one of consequence: all alloc/new*/*copy* calls must be balanced by a call to auto-/release. You're not calling a method or function named "alloc", starting with "new" or containing "copy", thus you shouldn't release.
Even simpler than following the memory rules is to use properties (object or class) when possible.

iOS Memory Management: ivars, static, and NSStrings

I have managed to get myself confused about some elements of memory management. I am new to objective-c, and memory managed languages generally.
I have read the memory management guidelines, but I remain confused about a couple of things.
1) Is there any need to clean up ivars, and method variables that are not retained by any object. For instance
-(void) someMethod{
int count = 100;
for (int i=0; i <count; i++) {
NSLog(#"Count = %d", i);
What happens to the "count" var after the method is complete?
If a method allocates lots of temporary variables, do those get removed from memory as long as they are not unreleased, alloc'd objects? Or do i need to set them to nil in some way?
2) If i have a static variable, for instance an NSString, do I have to do anything for that to be removed from memory when the class is dealloced?
3) I have noticed that NSStrings seem to have a retainCount of 2147483647 which wikipedia tells me is the max value for a 32 bit signed integer.
myString retainCount = 2147483647
-(void) someMethod{
NSString *myString = #"testString";
NSLog(#"myString retainCount = %d", [myString retainCount]);
// logs: myString retainCount = 2147483647
What happens to this at the end of the method? Does this memory ever get emptied? The string is not being referenced by anything. My understanding is that the #"" convenience method for NSString returns an autoreleased object, but whats the point of autoreleasing something with a retainCount of 2147483647 anyway? In that case, whats the point of retaining or releasing ANY NSString?
I am well aware that retainCount should be ignored, but it just bugs me not to know what's going on here.
4) Does this matter at all? I know that the memory associated with an NSString isn't much to write home about, but I want to be a good memory management citizen, and I'm more interested in best practices than anything else.
Retain/release only matters for objects, not int, bool, float, double or other built-ins. So use it for id or other classes that you hold a pointer to an object. In your example, count doesn't need to be retained or released. It is allocated on the stack which is automatically cleaned up when the function returns.
You do need to deal with any local objects you alloc. Those are created with a retainCount set to 1, so you need to either hold on to them for later or release them. Most Cocoa functions (that don't start with copy or alloc) return an object that is autoreleased. This means that they will have release called on them later -- you can only hold these after the function if you call retain on them. If you want them to be cleaned up, you don't need to do anything (calling release would result in too many release calls).
If you have a static variable pointing to an object, then it is not touched when objects of that class are dealloced. If you want it to be released, you have to call release on it. If the static is an int, bool, or other built-in, you don't (can't) call release on it. That's part of the global memory of your app.
NSStrings that are set to string literals should not have release called on them. The retainCount is meaningless for them. That value is also -1 for signed int values.
If you do this -- [[NSString alloc] initCallHere:etc] -- you have to call release on it. Most of the time you get strings, you don't use alloc, so you don't need to call release. If you retain one, you need to call release.
Yes, it does matter. Over time leaks will cause the iPhone to kill your app.
You don't need to worry about count cause it's an integer, a primitive data type, not an object.
I've read that those just go away upon app termination or if you explicitly release them.
You are right in that you should not worry about the retain count in that way. Cocoa automatically gives #"" (NSConstantString objects) the absolute highest retain value so that they cannot be de-allocated.
You are over complicating the subject. The point of the three guidelines is so that you know that you only have to worry about memory management in three specific situations. Apple gives you these guidelines so that one doesn't have to worry about the specific internals for every single class (like manually tracking retainCount), not to mention that sometimes Cocoa does things differently (as with NSConstantString). As long as you remember these guidelines, you really don't have to know the very gritty details of what's going on underneath (of course, an understanding of the retain count concept helps, but compare this to manually tracking it).
I don't know which guide you read specifically, but if you haven't given this one a try, I highly recommend it. It summarizes the three guidelines in a concise and direct manner.
The Cocoa memory management rules only cover Objective C objects.
Local variables (non-static) are cleaned up when any subroutine or method exits (actually the stack memory is just reused/overwritten by subsequent subroutines or methods in the same thread). Constants which require memory (strings) and static variables are cleaned up when the app is torn down by the OS after it exits. Manually malloc'd memory is cleaned up when you manually free it.
But any object you alloc or retain: (whether assigned to an ivar, local, global, static, etc.) has to managed like any other object. Be careful assigning objects to global variables, unless you are really good at retain count management.

A Simple Objective C xcode Memory Management Question

In the code below, will tapsLable.text be deallocated when tapsMessage is released or does the assignment operator somehow increment the retain count so that tapsLabel.text continues to be available?
NSString *tapsMessage = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%d taps detected", numTaps];
tapsLabel.text = tapsMessage; // tapsLabel is a UILabel object
[tapsMessage release];
Here's a tip
You can write the retainCounter for the object then you see what it is before and after the assignment.
e.g. NSLog( #"%d", [tapsMessage retainCount] );
That way you can answer such questions in the future by just writing out the retainCount as it always depends on how the property is declared.
tabsLabel.text is a property on tapsLabel. I think it's a string property that does [target copy] on assignment. Nevermind the details, yes, the assignment operator either increments the retain count or copies the value, so you can release tapsMessage and it is still available in tapsLabel.text.
Read more about properties here.
EDIT: looked up UILabel in the header, yes, it does a copy for the text property.
#property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *text; // default is nil
EDIT: to expand on the important question in the comment
How does anyone know when to release and when not to if you have to look at the implementation details of every object you assign something to?
You just follow the memory management rules. The point of the refcounted environment is exactly that there is some "loose coupling" going on between the objects in terms of memory management. As long as you retain and release properly, it is not your concern whether someone else also retains and releases these same objects, as long as all involved parties have their retains/releases matched.
In the first line, you have allocated and initialised an NSString. You own this object according to the memory management rules, which means you are responsible for releasing it.
In the second line, you are assigning the tapsMessage string the text property. This property (assuming tapsLabel is a UILabel) is declared with the copy attribute. For immutable strings (NSStrings), asking for a copy simply increments the retain count, since there is no need to make an actual duplicate of the data (the data can never change). Since UILabel has made a copy of the string, it has claimed ownership as well (objects can have more than one owner).
In the third line, you relinquish your ownership but the string still has one owner (the label), so the object is not deallocated.
It will not be deallocated.