how to stream high quality video and audio from iPhone to remote server through Internet - iphone

I am seeking the following three items, which I cannot find on STACKOVERFLOW or anywhere:
sample code for AVFoundation capturing to file chunks (~10seconds) that are ready for compression?
sample code for compressing the video and audio for transmisison across the Internet?
sample code for HTTP Live Streaming sending files from iPhone to Internet server?
My goal is to use the iPhone as a high quality AV camcorder that streams to a remote server.
If the intervening data rate bogs down, files should buffer at the iPhone.

You can use AVAssetWriter to encode a MP4 file of your desired length. The AV media will be encoded into the container in H264/AAC. You could then simply upload this to a remote server. If you wanted you could segment the video for HLS streaming, but keep in mind that HLS is designed as a server->client streaming protocol. There is no notion of push as far as I know. You would have to create a custom server to accept pushing of segmented video streams (which does not really make a lot of sense given the way HLS is designed. See the RFC Draft. A better approach might be to simply upload the MP4(s) via a TCP socket and have your server segment the video for streaming to client viewers. This could be easily done with FFmpeg either on the command line, or via a custom program.
I also wanted to add that if you try and stream 720p video over a cellular connection your app will more then likely get rejected for excessive data use.

Capture Video and Audio using AVFouncation. You can specify the Audio and Video codecs to kCMVideoCodecType_H264 and kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC, Frame sizes, Frame rates in AVCaptureformatDescription. It will give you Compressed H264 video and AAC aduio.
Encapsulate this and transmit to server using any RTP servers like Live555 Media.


Mac/iPhone:Streaming video file to iPhone

I have a http streaming link which gives me .flv streaming feed. I want to convert that and access in my iPhone program. How can i do that? I want to have a desktop software like VLC and input this streaming feed URL and convert to iPhone supported and stream again to iPhone. I tried VLC with H.264 and Mpeg-1 audio, but seems to be it doesn't give the supported format, so as iPhone program doesn't play the video.
Could someone please guide me how can i setup a desktop software which can stream iPhone supported file?
Thanks in advance.
I think even the great VLC can't convert FLV on the fly...(or even do anything with FLV). As far as streaming goes, you'll probably be limited to the local network (Wi-Fi). I'd start with the simple way—create an ad-hoc file server on the desktop, then use AVPlayer's initWithURL method to find that video.
On the desktop, you could query the IP address of the computer, and ask the user to enter that URL (along with an optional port assignment and file component, like onto the iDevice, then convert to NSURL.
What exactly is the http streaming link? This matters a lot as in order to stream to the iPhone you need to use HTTP Live Streaming which requires some different bits than a typical flash media, or more properly RTMP, server. Typically you need two different streaming architectures or some expensive boxes.

What Techniques Are Best To Live Stream iPhone Video Camera Data To a Computer?

I would like to stream video from an iPhone camera to an app running on a Mac. Think sorta like video chat but only one way, from the device to a receiver app (and it's not video chat).
My basic understanding so far:
You can use AVFoundation to get 'live' video camera data without saving to a file but it is uncompressed data and thus I'd have to handle compression on my own.
There's no built in AVCaptureOutput support for sending to a network location, I'd have to work this bit out on my own.
Am I right about the above or am I already off-track?
Apple Tech Q&A 1702 provides some info on saving off individual frames as images - is this the best way to go about this? Just saving off 30fps and then something like ffmpeg to compress 'em?
There's a lot of discussion of live streaming to the iPhone but far less info on people that are sending live video out. I'm hoping for some broad strokes to get me pointed in the right direction.
You can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and a sampleBufferDelegate to capture raw compressed frames, then you just need to stream them over the network. AVFoundation provides an API to encode frames to local video files, but doesn't provide any for streaming to the network. Your best bet is to find a library that streams raw frames over the network. I'd start with ffmpeg; I believe libavformat supports RTSP, look at the ffserver code.
Note that you should configure AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to give you compressed frames, so you avoid having to compress raw video frames without the benefit of hardware encoding.
This depends a lot on your target resolution and what type of frame rate performance you are targeting.
From an abstract point of view, I would probably have a capture thread to fill a buffer directly from AVCaptureOutput, and a communications thread to send and rezero the buffer (padded if need be) to a previously specified host every x milliseconds.
After you accomplish initial data transfer, I would work on achieving 15fps at the lowest resolution, and work my way up until the buffer overflows before the communication thread can transmit which would require balancing image resolution, buffer size (probably dependent on GSM, and soon to be CDMA frame sizes), and finally the maximum rate at which you can transmit that buffer.

live streaming in iPhone

Will the ALAC format support live streaming in iPhone ? the ALAC audio recording format is streamed to Server machine? so will i be able to play the audio chunk data, does ALAC format support?
Thank You.
Assuming you mean "Apple Lossless" audio...
I don't see why it wouldn't, but I don't know the details. You'll probably need to embed it in a transport stream instead of a MPEG 4 container (but then, I don't know how the HTTP live streaming works either).
I don't think streaming lossless audio is sensible, though.
Streaming lossless audio is possible, we have flac streaming using icecast and it works beautifully. However, we are not using HTTP Live Stream (HLS) to do it. We stream flac from the source generator to a number of servers and they create HLS's from there.
It is technically possible to mux alac into mpegts (ffmpeg can do this) as well as play it back (using ffmpeg), but there isn't a format identifier for other clients. Adding this feature to HLS will be as easy as calling/writing Apple and asking them to add ALAC to this list:
and update their products accordingly. If you've purchased an Apple product less than 90 days ago, or you have AppleCare: give them a call. They have to work on the issue for you if you are covered. The more requests that get elevated to their engineers, the more likely they are to add support for alac in HLS.

Streaming live H.264 video via RTSP to iphone does work! w/example

Using FFMPEG, Live555, JSON
Not sure how it works but if you look at the source files at you can see that they are using a combination of open source projects like FFMPEG, Live555, JSON etc. Using Wireshark to sniff the packets sent from one of the public cameras that's available to view with the free "Dropcam For Iphone App" at the App Store, I was able to confirm that the iphone was receiving H264 video via RTP/RTSP/RTCP and even RTMPT which looks like maybe some of the stream is tunneled?
Maybe someone could take a look at the open source files and explain how they got RTSP to work on the iphone.
Thanks for the info TinC0ils. After digging a little deeper I'v read that they have modified the Axis camera with custom firmware to limit the streaming to just a single 320x240 H264 feed, to better provide a consistent quality video over different networks and, as you point out, be less of a draw on the phone's hardware etc. My interest was driven by a desire to use my iphone to view live video and audio from a couple of IP cameras that I own without the jerkiness of MJPEG or the inherent latency that is involved with "http live streaming". I think Dropcam have done an excellent job with their hardware/software combo, I just don't need any new hardware at the moment.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot the reason of this post RTSP PROTOCOL DOES WORK ON THE IPHONE!
They are using open source projects to receive the frames and decoding in software instead of using hardware decoders. This will work, however, this runs counter to Apple's requirement that you use their HTTP Streaming. It will also require greater CPU resources such that it doesn't decode video at the desired fps/resolution on older devices and/or decrease battery life compared to HTTP streaming.

Stream video from the server . {iPhone SDK}

I'm trying to stream video with static IP :
via iPhone. Can you show me some information as to how I could implement this? I see an apple video stream app but it seems it can show only .mp4 movies? Am I right?
I want my app to load the HTTP address and play the movie, that's it.
This link works on media player.
The iPhone does not support all streaming video formats.
You should start by reading HTTP Live Streaming Overview
iOS native video player (AVPlayer, MPMoviePlayerViewController ...) can stream from http server in m3u8 format.
I looked at the link, that you mentioned(GemTVLink), it's an mms stream, iOS can not stream from microsoft streaming servers (mms), if you want to do that, you should use ffmpeg library, as this library can connect any streaming server (supporting rtsp, mms, tcp, udp ,rtmp ...) and then draw pictures to the screen.. (for drawing you can use opengles or uiimage also works)
First of all, use avformat_open_input to connect to your ip address then use avcodec_find_decoder & avcodec_open2 to find codecs and to open them (you should call them for both audio & video)
Then, in a while loop read packets from server by using av_read_frame method When you get frame, if it is audio then sent it to AudioUnit or AudioQueue, if it is video, then convert it from yuv to rgb format by using sws_scale method and draw the picture to the screen.
That's all.
look at this wrapper also (, it's written on ffmpeg library and supports iOS