safe to access shared data structure from signal handler - perl

I'm trying to decide wether it's safe to access a common (read: shared between handler-code and rest of the programm) data structure from a signal handler in perl (v5.14.2) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi, but target platform is solaris11).
perlipc has the following sample code:
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; # for nonblocking read
my %children;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
# don't change $! and $? outside handler
local ($!, $?);
my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
return if $pid == -1;
return unless defined $children{$pid};
delete $children{$pid};
cleanup_child($pid, $?);
while (1) {
my $pid = fork();
die "cannot fork" unless defined $pid;
if ($pid == 0) {
# ...
exit 0;
} else {
# ...
# ...
So, %children is accessed from the while-loop and the handler. This seems to be no problem as:
There won't be two processes having the same pid
Access is keyed by pid (I am not sure if $childer{pid}=1 is atomic and interruptible without causing corruption, though.)
Now, i'm trying to do even more in my handler:
my %categoryForPid;
my %childrenPerCategory;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
# ... acquire pid like above
my $category = $categoryForPid{$pid};
delete $categoryForPid{$pid};
while (1) {
# ... same as above
} else {
my $category = # ... chose some how
$categoryForPid{$pid} = $category;
# ...
The idea here is: every child belongs to a certain category (N to 1). I want to keep track of how many children per category exist. That information could be derived from $categoryForPid, but i think that might be problematic also (e.g., when the subroutine doing the computation gets interrupted while summing up).
So my question is:
Do I need to synchronize here somehow?
And on a side note:
Are nested invocations of the signal handler possible in perl 5.12, or are they linearized by the interpreter?
In addition to the problem spotted by #goldilocks and his proposed solution I block signals now while updating the data structures to ensure "atomicity":
my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGCHLD);
sub ublk {
unless (defined sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)) {
die "Could not unblock SIGCHLD\n";
sub blk {
unless (defined sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $sigset)) {
die "Could not block SIGCHLD\n";
while (1) {
# ... same as above
} else {
my $category = # ... chose some how
$categoryForPid{$pid} = $category;
# ...

Seems like a bad idea to me. IPC::Semaphore might solve the problem, if you can get them to work properly in a signal handler -- if control does not return until the handler exits, you're out of luck. However, you could get around that by locking in the parent and having the child wait on the lock until initialization is complete; the handler is not involved with the semaphore. You'd only actually need one lock for that, I think. Anyway:
my #array = (1..10);
my $x = 'x';
$SIG{'USR1'} = sub {
print "SIGUSER1\n";
undef #array;
$x = '!!';
print "$$\n";
foreach (#array) {
print "$_:\n";
print "\t$x\n";
print "\t$array[$_ - 1]\n";
Not surprisingly, does this:
Use of uninitialized value within #array in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 42.
Implying that if you catch the signal at this point:
my $category = # ... chose some how
$categoryForPid{$pid} will be non-existent in the handler. Etc. Ie, yes you have to synchronize.


How can I force exiting a perl subroutine/closure via last/next to fail the program automatically?

Given the following fully functional perl script and module:
use strict; # make sure $PWD is in your PERL5LIB
# no warnings!
use tx_exec qw(tx_exec);
tx_exec ("normal", sub { return "foobar"; });
tx_exec ("die", sub { die "barbaz\n"; });
tx_exec ("last", sub { last; });
tx_exec ("next", sub { next; });
package tx_exec;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(tx_exec);
my $MAX_TRIES = 3;
sub tx_exec {
my ($desc, $sub, $args) = #_;
print "\ntx_exec($desc):\n";
my $try = 0;
while (1) {
my $sub_ret;
my $ok = eval {
# start transaction
$sub_ret = $sub->($args);
# commit transaction
unless ($ok) {
print "failed with error: $#";
# rollback transaction
if ($try >= $MAX_TRIES) {
print "failed after $try tries\n";
return (undef, undef);
print "try #$try failed, retrying...\n";
# some cleanup
print "returning (1, ".($sub_ret//'<undef>').")\n";
return (1, $sub_ret);
I get the following output:
$ ./
returning (1, foobar)
failed with error: barbaz
try #1 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
try #2 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
failed after 3 tries
# infinite loop
I understand what is happening, and I'm getting a warning about it if I turn on warnings in the script defining the closures. However, can I force the program to fail/die automatically/idiomatically, when next/last would exit a closure-subroutine like here, under the following strict circumstances:
The $sub being passed is a closure and not a simple function (a simple function dies on bare next/last anyway, which is trivial to handle)
The library code (tx_exec) and the client code (invoking it) are in separate compilation units and the client does not use warnings.
Using perl 5.16.2 (without possibility of upgrading).
Here is a github gist documenting all the approaches so far:
use warnings FATAL => qw(exiting) doesn't make a difference in library code
local $SIG handler doesn't work if the call site doesn't have FATAL => qw(exiting) warning enabled
manual detection works, but is somewhat cumbersome and all over the place (nonlocalized)
ysth's approach with a bare block works best, as it catches the last/next, fully localizing manual detection and guaranteeing that nothing can go wrong (except next/last with labels, which is easier to avoid).
Short Using next/last in the sub (that caller passes as coderef) triggers an exception, if not within a "loop block." This affords an easy handling of such use, with a small change of tx_exec().
The wrong use of last/next raised in the question is a little nuanced. First, from last
last cannot be used to exit a block that returns a value such as eval {}, sub {}, or do {}, and should not be used to exit a grep or map operation.
and for doing this in a sub or eval we get a warning
Exiting subroutine via last at ...
(and for "eval"), and similarly for next. These are classified as W in perldiag and can be controlled by using/not the warnings pragma.† This fact foils attempts to make such use fatal by FATAL => 'exiting' warning or by $SIG{__WARN__} hook.
However, if such use of next or last (in a sub or eval) has no "loop block" in any enclosing scope (or call stack) then it also raises an exception.‡ The message is
Can't "last" outside a loop block...
and similarly for next. It is found in perldiag (search for outside a loop), classified as F.
Then one solution for the posed problem is to run the coderef passed by caller outside of loop blocks, and we get the interpreter to check for and alert us to (raise exception) the offending use. As the while (1) loop is there only to be able to try multiple times this can be implemented.
The coderef can be run and tested against this exception in a utility routine
sub run_coderef {
my ($sub, #args) = #_;
my $sub_ret;
my $ok = eval { $sub_ret = $sub->(#args); 1 };
if (not $ok) {
if ($# =~ /^Can't "(?:next|last)"/) { #'
die $#; # disallow such use
else { return } # other error, perhaps retry
else { return $sub_ret }
which can be used like
sub tx_exec {
my ($sub, #args) = #_;
my $sub_ret = run_coderef($sub, #args);
my $run_again = (defined $sub_ret) ? 0 : 1;
if ($run_again) {
my $MAX_TRIES = 3;
my $try = 0;
while (1) {
$sub_ret = run_coderef($sub, #args);
if ( not defined $sub_ret ) { # "other error", run again
if ($try >= $MAX_TRIES) {
print "failed after $try tries\n";
return (undef, undef);
print "try #$try failed, retrying...\n";
This approach makes perfect sense design wise: it allows an exception to be raised for the disallowed use, and it localizes the handling in its own sub.
The disallowed behavior is checked for really only on the first run, since after that run_coderef is called out of a loop, in which case (this) exception isn't thrown. This is fine since the repeated runs (for "allowed" failures) are executed with that same sub so it is enough to check the first use.
On the other hand, it also means that we can
run eval { $sub_ret = $sub->(#args) ... } directly in the while (1), since we have checked for bad use of last/next on the first run
Can add further cases to check for in run_coderef, making it a more rounded checker/enforcer. The first example is the Exiting warnings, which we can make fatal and check for them as well. This will be useful if warnings in the caller are enabled
This approach can be foiled but the caller would have to go out of their way toward that end.
Tested with v5.16.3 and v5.26.2.
† Btw, you can't fight a caller's decision to turn off warnings. Let them be. It's their code.
‡ This can be checked with
perl -wE'sub tt { last }; do { tt() }; say "done"'
where we get
Exiting subroutine via last at -e line 1.
Can't "last" outside a loop block at -e line
while if there is a "loopy" block
perl -wE'sub tt { last }; { do { tt() } }; say "done"'
we get to see the end of the program, no exception
Exiting subroutine via last at -e line 1.
The extra block { ... } "semantically identical to a loop that executes once" (next).
This can be checked for eval by printing its message in $#.
The original post, based on the expectation that only warnings are emitted
The warnings pragma is lexical, so adding per ysth comment
use warnings FATAL => 'exiting';
in the sub itself (or in eval to scope it more tightly) should work under the restrictions
sub tx_exec {
use warnings FATAL => "exiting";
my ($sub, $args) = #_;
since the warning fires inside the tx_exec scope. In my test the call to this with a coderef not doing last/next first runs fine, and it dies only for a later call with them.
Or, can implement it using $SIG{__WARN__} "signal" (hook)
sub tx_exec {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
die #_ if $_[0] =~ /^Exiting subroutine via (?:last|next)/;
warn #_
my ($sub, $args) = #_;
This is the manual approach I was mentioning in the question. So far this was the only approach that helped me cleanly handle misbehaving client code, without any assumptions or expectations.
I'd prefer, and will gladly consider, a more idiomatic approach, like the local $SIG or use warnings FATAL => 'exiting', if they work without any expectation from client code (specifically that it has warnings enabled in any form).
use strict;
# no warnings!
use tx_exec qw(tx_exec);
tx_exec ("normal", sub { return "foobar"; });
tx_exec ("die", sub { die "barbaz\n"; });
tx_exec ("last", sub { last; });
tx_exec ("next", sub { next; });
package tx_exec;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(tx_exec);
my $MAX_TRIES = 3;
sub tx_exec {
my ($desc, $sub, $args) = #_;
print "\ntx_exec($desc):\n";
my $try = 0;
my $running = 0;
while (1) {
my $sub_ret;
my $ok = eval {
# start transaction
die "Usage of `next` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec\n" if $running;
$running = 1;
$sub_ret = $sub->($args);
print "sub returned properly\n";
# commit transaction
$running = 0;
unless ($ok) {
if ($# =~ /^Usage of `next`/) {
print $#;
return (undef, undef); # don't retry
print "failed with error: $#";
# rollback transaction
if ($try >= $MAX_TRIES) {
print "failed after $try tries\n";
return (undef, undef);
print "try #$try failed, retrying...\n";
# some cleanup
print "returning (1, ".($sub_ret//'<undef>').")\n";
return (1, $sub_ret);
print "Usage of `last` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec\n";
return (undef, undef);
sub returned properly
returning (1, foobar)
failed with error: barbaz
try #1 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
try #2 failed, retrying...
failed with error: barbaz
failed after 3 tries
Usage of `last` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec
Usage of `next` disallowed in closure passed to tx_exec
For lack of #ysth's involvement in writing an answer, I'm writing the best solution I found so far, inspired by his first attempt from the comments to the question. (I will re-accept ysth's answer if he posts it later).
The eval calling the coderef needs to look like this:
my $ok = eval {
# start transaction
my $proper_return = 0;
$sub_ret = $sub->($args);
$proper_return = 1;
die "Usage of `next` or `last` disallowed in coderef passed to tx_exec\n" unless $proper_return;
# commit transaction
The bare block is acting as a loop which will immediately exit on either next or last, so whether we land after the bare block, or within it, from calling the coderef, we can deduce whether the coderef executed next/last and act appropriately.
More on bare block semantics and their interaction with next/last can be found here.
It is left as an exercise for the reader to handle the rarely seen redo in the code above.

Understanding how Perl fork works

What would be the right way to fork processes that each one of them runs a different subroutine sub1,sub2,...,subN. After reading a lot of previous thread and material, I feel that I understand the logic but a bit confused on how to write in the cleanest way possible (readability is important to me).
Consider 4 subs. Each one of them gets different arguments. It feels like that the most efficient way would be to create 7 forks that each one of them will run a different sub. The code will look something like this:
my $forks = 0;
foreach my $i (1..4) {
if ($i == 1) {
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
} elsif ($i == 2) {
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
} elsif ($i == 3) {
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
} elsif ($i == 4) {
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
for (1 .. $forks) {
my $pid = wait();
print "Parent saw $pid exiting\n";
print "done\n";
Some points:
This will work only if all of the forks were successful. But I would like to run the subs even though the fork failed (even though it will not be parallel. In that case, I guess we need to take the subs out of the if and exit only if the $pid wasn't 0. something like:
my $pid = fork();
$forks++ if ($pid == 0);
exit if ($pid == 0);
But it still feels not right.
Using exit is the right way to kill the child process? if the processes were killed with exit should I still use wait? Will it prevent zombies?
Maybe the most interesting question: What will I do if we have 15 function calls? I would like to somehow create 15 forks but I can't create 15 if-else statements - the code will not be readable that way. At first, I thought that it is possible to insert those function calls into an array (somehow) and loop over that array. But after some research, I didn't find a way that it is possible.
If possible, I prefer not to use any additional modules like Parallel::ForkManager.
Is there a clean and simple way to solve it?
There are a few questions to clear up here.
A basic example
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
my #coderefs;
for my $i (1..4) {
push #coderefs, sub {
my #args = #_;
say "Sub #$i with args: #args";
my #procs;
for my $i (0 .. $#coderefs) {
my $pid = fork // do {
warn "Can't fork: $!";
# retry, or record which subs failed so to run later
if ($pid == 0) {
$coderefs[$i]->("In $$: $i");
push #procs, $pid;
#sleep 1;
say "Started: #procs";
for my $pid (#procs) {
my $goner = waitpid $pid, 0;
say "$goner exited with $?";
We generate anonymous subroutines and store those code references in an array, then go through that array and start that many processes, running a sub in each. After that the parent waitpids on these in the order in which they were started, but normally you'll want to reap as they exit; see docs listed below.
A child process always exits, or you'd have multiple processes executing all of the rest of the code in the program. Once a child process exits the kernel will notify the parent, and the parent can "pick up" that notification ("reap" the exit status of the child process) via wait/waitpid, or use a signal handler to handle/ignore it.
If the parent never does this after the child exited, once it exits itself later the OS stays stuck with that information about the (exited) child process in the process table; that's a zombie. So you do need to wait, so that OS gets done with the child process (and you check up on how it went). Or, you can indicate in a signal handler that you don't care about the child's exit.† Modern systems reap would-be zombies but not always and you cannot rely on that; clean up after yourself.
Note, you'll need to be reading perlipc, fork, wait and waitpid, perlvar ... and yet other resources that'll come up while working on all this. It will take a little playing and some trial and error. Once you get it all down you may want to start using modules, at least for some types of tasks.
† To ignore the SIGCHLD (default)
Or, can run code there (but well advised to be minimal)
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { ... };
These signal "dispositions" are inherited in fork-ed processes (but not via execve).
See the docs listed above, and the basics of %SIG variable in perlvar. Also see man(7) signal. All this is generally *nix business.
This is a global variable, affecting all code in the interpreter. In order to limit the change to the nearest scope use local
local $SIG{CHLD} = ...

Perl FCGI Exit Without Dieing

How to end script without using using exit if using Perl FCGI. After searching for days the only solution I found is to jump at label in the main script. below is the code of the main index.fcgi.
$fcgi_requests = 0; # the number of requests this fcgi process handled.
$handling_request = 0;
$exit_requested = 0;
$app_quit_request = 0; # End the application but not the FCGI process
# workaround for known bug in libfcgi
while (($ignore) = each %ENV) { }
$fcgi_request = FCGI::Request();
#$fcgi_request = FCGI::Request( \*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR, \%ENV, $socket);
sub sig_handler {
my ($callpackage, $callfile, $callline) = caller;
if ($app_quit_request) {
$app_quit_request = 0;
$exit_requested = 1;
exit(0) if !$handling_request;
$SIG{USR1} = \&sig_handler;
$SIG{TERM} = \&sig_handler;
#The goal of fast cgi is to load the program once, and iterate in a loop for every request.
while ($handling_request = ($fcgi_request->Accept() >= 0)) {
$handling_request = 0;
last if $exit_requested;
#exit if -M $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} < 0; # Autorestart
sub process_fcgi_request() {
# dispatch current request
# let it think we are done, used by abort
The main request is I want to stop the program execution from inside sub insidi modules that may be called by long depth for example inside a login function in a accounts module.
Of course I can not use exit because it will terminate the fcgi process, I tried all error and throw and try modules all use die which also ends the process. Of course I can use the return from each sub but this will require to rewrite the whole program for fcgi.
The normal way to model exceptions in Perl is to call die inside eval BLOCK, which catches the die and so doesn't terminate the process. It'll just terminate the eval and the program continues to run from immediately afterwards. As far as I've seen, the exception-handling modules on CPAN are mostly wrappers around this basic functionality to give it different syntax or make it easier to write catch blocks. Therefore I'm surprised these don't work for you. Did you actually try them or did you just assume die always kills the process? The name is slightly misleading, because it really means 'throw an exception'. Just if you do that outside an eval the interpreter catches it, and its only response is to terminate the process.
eval {
say "Hello world";
say "Not printed";
say "Is printed";
You don't want to call exit inside an eval though. Nothing catches that.
I would recommend though rewriting the entire control flow for FCGI. The lifecycle of your code changes significantly, so you have to make a certain amount of modifications to make sure that variable re-use is working properly and you're not leaking memory. Often it's better to do that up front rather than spend days tracking down odd bugs later.
After several questions and deep research, I got this solution. This coding example allows you to return from any nested levels of calls. The module Scope::Upper is XS so it should be fast.
use Scope::Upper qw/unwind CALLER/;
sub level1 {
print "before level 1 \n";
print "after level 1 \n";
sub level2 {
print "before level 2 \n";
print "after level 2 \n";
sub level3 {
print "before level 3 \n";
print "after level 3 \n";
sub level4 {
print "before level 4 \n";
#unwind CALLER 2;
my #frame;
my $i;
#$i++ while #frame = caller($i);# and $frame[0] ne "main";
$i++ while #frame = caller($i);
#print "i=: $i \n";
#unwind CALLER (#frame ? $i : $i - 1);
unwind CALLER $i-1;
print "after level 4 \n";
print level1();
If you run this code the output will be:
before level 1
before level 2
before level 3
before level 4
You can return to any up level using:
my intLevel = 2;
unwind CALLER intLevel;

Get the value of a process executed in a child back to parent

I'm looking for a solution which allows me to return the values of a process executed in a child back to the parent process. Currently i try this but have no idea where to hook the return value:
use Proc::ProcessTable;
use POSIX qw(:signal_h :errno_h :sys_wait_h);
for my $count (1..10) { # start a few demo childs
if (fork () == 0) {
exit 0;
do {
print "Working\n";
sleep 1;
} while (chkChildProcess());
sub startChild {
print "Starting Child $$\n";
system("date"); #==>Need to get the output of "date" back to parent
sleep 2 + rand 7;
print "End Child $$\n";
sub chkChildProcess {
for my $p (#{new Proc::ProcessTable->table}){
if ($p->ppid == $$){
return 1;
return undef;
sub REAPER {
my $pid;
$pid = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG);
if ($pid == -1) {
# no child waiting. Ignore it.
} elsif (WIFEXITED($?)) {
print "Process $pid exited.\n";
} else {
print "False alarm on $pid.\n";
$SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # in case of unreliable signals
Any help would be great.
The bg_eval and bg_qx methods of Forks::Super were made to solve this problem.
use Forks::Super 'bg_eval';
my #result;
for my $count (1 .. 10) {
$result[$count] = bg_eval {
my $date = `date`;
sleep 2 + rand 7;
return $date;
print "$result[$_]\n" for 1..10;
The block after bg_eval is run asynchronously in a background process. When the background process is finished, the variable $result[$count] will be populated with the result.
When you print $result[$_], one of two things will happen. If the background process associated with that variable is finished, it will contain its return value. If the background process is not finished, it will wait for the process to finish, and then make the return value available in that value.
It looks like you may want to use Parallel::ForkManager, returning the value from the child via the data_structure_reference parameter of the finish method to a run_on_finish callback in the parent.
To capture the output, the easiest way is to use IPC::System::Simple's capture or capturex.
you could use threads::shared instead of fork, create a shared variable, lock it and write into it. keep in mind that locking is reeeally slow!
See also this post on perlmonks on why locking the variable is necessary.

perl - child process signaling parent

I have written the following piece of code to test signaling between child and parent. Ideally, when the child gives a SIGINT to parent the parent should come back in the new iteration and wait for user input. This I have observed in perl 5.8, but in perl 5.6.1(which I am asked to use) the parent is actually "killed". There is no next iteration.
my $parent_pid = $$;
$pid = fork();
if($pid == 0)
print "child started\n";
kill 2, $parent_pid;
$SIG{INT} = sub{die "GOTCHA";};
print 'inside parent'."\n";
$a = <>;
print "got the signal!!!!\n$#\n";
Could someone please give a walkaround for this problem or some other way to signal the parent so that it enters the new iteration.
The failure on 5.6.X might be because of the way Perl used to handle signals, which was fixed with 'Safe Signal Handling' in Perl 5.8.0. In either case, you are using a Perl which is practically archaeological and you should argue strongly to your masters that you should be using at least Perl 5.12, and ideally 5.14.
This is likely to be a race condition, caused by the child sending the SIGINT before the parent was ready for it. Remember that after you fork() you will have two independent processes, each might proceed at whatever pace it likes.
It's best in your case to set up the SIGINT handler before the fork() call, so you know it's definitely in place before the child tries to kill() its parent.
(with some minor corrections):
$SIG{INT} = sub { die "GOTCHA" };
my $parent_pid = $$;
defined( my $pid = fork() ) or die "Cannot fork() - $!";
if($pid == 0)
print "child started\n";
kill INT => $parent_pid;
print "inside parent\n";
print "got the signal!!!!\n$#\n";