lift disabling back button actions - scala

I'm creating a transaction related site using lift. In here, there's a requirement to show a success page after the user action.
when i make action happen and press the browser's back button. it again goes to the previous page(before transaction page) making the transaction doable again. I need to limit this behavior. Is there any way of limiting the access to previous page by browser back button in lift.

There is no way to reliably stop the user from returning to the URL, but you can stop them from invoking the action more than once. Take a look at S.oneShot. From the Scala Doc:
All functions created inside the oneShot scope will only be called
once and their results will be cached and served again if the same
function is invoked
If you wrap the function that occurs when the button is pressed, even if the user does return to the page and click the button a second time, the body of the function shouldn't be invoked again.


LibreOffice Button Approve or Execute

Could someone explain me, put an example or something about the difference between the triggers "Approve Action" and "Execute Action" of the LibreOffice buttons? Both trigger the same way when pressing the button. I read this on the libreoffice wiki but I cant really figure out.
Approve action
This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control. For example, clicking a "Submit" button initiates a send action; however, the actual "send" process is started only when the When initiating event occurs. The Approve action event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, When initiating will not be executed.
Execute action
The Execute action event occurs when an action is started. For example, if you have a "Submit" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated.
Presumably, as the text says, the Approve action could be used to conditionally cancel the event. If you never need to do that, then the Execute action will run your code when the button gets pressed, after the action is approved.
Most likely this will work as expected for buttons. However, I have worked with certain controls and events where returning False from an event handler fails to cancel the event. My suspicion for those cases is that canceling still can happen deeper in the LibreOffice code but is not exposed through the API.

How to hook GWT navigation from a userscript?

I'm writing a userscript for a GWT-based site.
My script uses URL of the page as input. It should be update each page of the site with additional information.
Unfortunately, as view changes in GWT are implemented via rerendering (only location anchor in browser address-bar is being changed), clicks on internal links are not recognized as page loads and Greasemonkey does not invoke my script, leaving new views unmodified.
Is there a way to hook in GWT-based navigation from an userscript? I need a way to modify each "change" Gerrit navigates to.
Complete workflow should look like:
User scans through the list of issues
User clicks on a link . (Address bar will assume a location of a change being clicked, for example
Page is modified by userscript to contain information about new view (in our case /c/38781/)
Greasemonkey is only invoked at the first step of this workflow, and I don't know ho to detect second one to be able to trigger the third.
I've tried to observe DOM changes on the page, but my listeners are never called probably due to the fact GWT renders some parts via innerHTML property, without explicit child manipulation.

Race Condition When Clicking Links on Page

In my web app, the left-hand side has buttons.
The right-hand side shows a display based on which left-hand button was pressed.
Sometimes, a user will do the following:
1. Press button 1
2. wait 1-3 seconds
3. Get reasonably frustrated and click button 2
4. button 1's display shows up instead
If I understand correctly, then the server-to-client request for button 1 gets served up before button 2.
I'm thinking other web developers have run into this issue. How should it be approached?
Are the button clicks resulting in AJAX requests? If so, either disable the buttons while the resource is being fetch and show a loading image or cancel any existing AJAX request when the button is clicked before making another request. For example:
var request;
$('#button1').click(function(event) {
if (request && typeof request.abort == 'function') request.abort()
request = $.post(...)
The request is almost certainly going to continue server side depending on a lot of factors however client side the function that would be executed to show the result of the request no longer will be run.

WWW::Selenium to capture component refresh

I am writing a perl script using WWW::Selenium module to automate a website.
I am not at all a web development guy and have no idea about web technologies.
Let me try to explain the issue in layman terms.
I am dealing with a webpage, which has an order form with a button.
When I click the button, there is no page submit, but the button label changes.
Say for eg, the button goes through these changes when clicked multiple times.
Get Quote --> Order --> Confirm Order
Each time I click the button, there is no page refresh, but the button label keeps changing as above.
The id of the button is the same throughout, only the class changes.
How can I do this in WWW::Selenium?
Presently I am using wait_for_page_to_load(5000) after each click.
But the click is not having any effect on the label and I get error that timed out after 5000s.
Should I be using some other function to wait?
You could do something like this
$sel->wait_for_text_present_ok("Your text","time to wait","The message to display if this fails");
and an example below-
$sel->wait_for_text_present_ok("Order Confirmed","9000","The order was successfully placed");
Seems like you could use
$class = $sel->get_attribute($attribute_locator)
where the $attribute_locator is the button#class with button being the element locator that you clicked. Check if $class is the class you expect.

JavaScript: How to force a page reload on reset?

I have a page with some generated HTML that survives the form's reset button. It is a problem because that HTML is inconsistent with the values in the cached default form.
In principle I guess it could be solved easily if I could force a hard reload from the server when the user presses the reset. However I see that the Chrome browser does not support the onReset event (in fact it is deprecated in HTML5).
But perhaps I could work around the missing onReload event. Can I re-define what happens when the reset button is pressed? In my case the apply and reset buttons are located in general HTML templates which I cannot change. Can I attach a function to the button from JavaScript?
You can replace the "reset" button , by a regular button.
And use the "onClick" event, to trigger a page reload.
oops I missed the template part,
You can add a function to a button from Javascript.
First you need to "get" the button, with something like document.getElementbyId('resetButton');
If the button doesn't have a ID, you still can to retrieve it by doing javascript dom traversal
then you can add a function like :
var resetButton = document.getElementbyId('resetButton');
resetButton.onclick= reloadPage;
function reloadPage(){