How can you emulate a Solr "more like this query" with Postgresql full text search? - postgresql

I'd like to emulate this type of Solr query:
with PostgreSQL using its full text search facility.
Is there a way to do something like a "more like this" query with pure postgres?

Not out of the box I am afraid. It might be possible to compare two tsvectors to determine if they are similar enough, or pull the top n similar tsvectors, but there is no out of the box functionality to do this. The good news is that since tsvectors support GIN indexing, the complicated part is done for you.
What I think you'd need to do is create a function in C which determines the intersection of two tsvectors. From there you could create a function which determines if they overlap and an operator which addresses this. From there it shouldn't be too hard to create a ranking based on largest overlap.
Of course I suspect that this will be easiest to do in a language like C but you could probably use other procedural languages as well if you need to.
The wonderful thing about PostgreSQL is that anything is possible. of course the downside is that when you move further from core functionality you get to do a lot of it yourself.


Pattern matching performance issue Postgres

I found the query like below taking longer time as this pattern matching causes the performance in my batch job,
select, b.code
from table a
left join table b
on a.desc_01 like '%'||b.desc_02||'%';
I have tried with LEFT, STRPOS functions to improve the performance. But at the end am losing few data if i apply these functions.
Any other suggestion please.
It's not that clear what your data (or structure) really looks like, but your search is performing a contains comparison. That's not the simplest thing to optimize because a standard index, and many matching algorithms, are biased towards the start of the string. When you lead with %, then then a B-tree can't be used efficiently as it splits/branches based on the front of the string.
Depending on how you really want to search, have you considered trigram indexes? they're pretty great. Your string gets split into three letter chunks, which overcomes a lot of the problems with left-anchored text comparison. The reason why is simple: now every character is the start of a short, left-anchored chunk. There are traditionally two methods of generating trigrams (n-grams), one with leading padding, one without. Postgres uses padding, which is the better default. I got help with a related question recently that may be relevant to you:
Searching on expression indexes
If you want something more like a keyword match, then full text search might be of help. I had not been using them much because I've got a data set where converting words to "lexemes" doesn't make sense. It turns out that you can tell the parser to use the "simple" dictionary instead, and that gets you a unique word list without any stemming transformations. Here's a recent question on that:
If that sounds more like what you need, you might also want to get rid of stop/skip/noise words. Here's a thread that I think is a bit clearer on the docs regarding how to set this up (it's not hard):
The long term answer is to clean up and re-organize your data so you don't need to do this.
Using a pg_trgm index might be the short term answer.
create extension pg_trgm;
create index on a using gin (desc_01 gin_trgm_ops);
How fast this will be is going to depend on what is in b.desc_02.

Postgresql Misspelling in Full Text Search

I'm using postgresql to perform Full Text Search and I am finding that users will not receive results if there are misspellings.
What is the best way to handle misspelt words in Postgres full text search?
Take a look at pg_similarity extension which stuffs PSQL with a lot of similarity operators and functions. This will allow you to add (easy enough) some forgiveness into queries.
By typing "spelling correction postgresql fts" into google I get the top result being a page that links to just such a topic.
It suggests using a separate table of all the valid words in your database and running search terms against that to suggest corrections. The trigram matching allows you to measure how "similar" the real words in your table are to the search terms supplied.

Clustering structured (numeric) and text data simultaneously

I have a bunch of documents (approx 200k) that have a title and abstract. There is other meta data available for each document for example category - (only one of cooking, health, exercise etc), genre - (only one of humour, action, anger) etc. The meta data is well structured and all this is available in a MySql DB.
I need to show to our user related documents while she is reading one of these document on our site. I need to provide the product managers weight-ages for title, abstract and meta data to experiment with this service.
I am planning to run clustering on top of this data, but am hampered by the fact that all Mahout Clustering example use either DenseVectors formulated on top of numbers, or Lucene based text vectorization.
The examples are either numeric data only or text data only. Has any one solved this kind of a problem before. I have been reading Mahout in Action book and the Mahout Wiki, without much success.
I can do this from the first principles - extract all titles and abstracts in to a DB, calculate TFIDF & LLR, treat each word as a dimension and go about this experiment with a lot of code writing. That seems like a longish way to the solution.
That in a nutshell is where I am trapped - am I doomed to the first principles or there exist a tool / methodology that I somehow missed. I would love to hear from folks out there who have solved similar problem.
Thanks in advance
You have a text similarity problem here and I think you're thinking about it correctly. Just follow any example concerning text. Is it really a lot of code? Once you count the words in the docs you're mostly done. Then feed it into whatever clusterer you want. The term extractions is not something you do with Mahout, though there are certainly libraries and tools that are good at it.
I'm actually working on something similar, but without the need of distinciton between numeric and text fields.
I have decided to go with the semanticvectors package which does all the part about tfidf, the semantic space vectors building, and the similarity search. It uses a lucene index.
Please note that you can also use the s-space package if semanticvectors doesn't suit you (if you go down that road of course).
The only caveat I'm facing with this approach is that the indexing part can't be iterative. I have to index everything every time a new document is added, or an old document is modified. People using semanticvectors say they have very good indexing times. But I don't know how large their corpora are. I'm going to test these issues with the wikipedia dump to see how fast it can be.

Is this a proper use for hstore?

We're setting up a new project and I was wondering if hstore (nosql/key=>value) would appropriate to use in this situation.
We have ~5k providers with fairly standard fields like agency name, first and last names, etc... but there 9 or so other fields that I think could all be incorporated into an hstore column: languages spoken, services provided, funding/payment types accepted, etc... basically many to one relations. A provider of N services may speak English, Spanish and Russian for example.
Searches will need to be run on this data - like finding a provider for respite that speaks Russian and takes Medicare.
So is an hstore OK, or should this be a traditional relational setup?
If the fields are of a uniform setup, the overall management of using traditional columns/indexes will be less trouble and perform a little faster than using hstore. The main reason you would want to use hstore is when the keys are not uniform from one instance to the next, and you still need to perform regular queries on those keys.

What db fits me?

I am currently using mysql. I am finding that my schema is getting incredibly complicated. I seek to find a new db that will suit my needs:
Let's assume I am building a news aggregrator (which collects news from multiple website). I then run algorithms to determine if two news from different sites are actually referring to the same topic. I run this algorithm to cluster news together. The relationship is depicted below:
And then I will apply some magic and determine the importance of each word. Summing all the importance of each word gives me the importance of a news article. Summing the importance of each news article gives me the importance of a cluster.
Note that above cluster there are also subgroups( like split by region etc), and categories (like sports, etc) which I have to determine the importance of that in a particular day per se.
I have used views in the past to do so, but I realized that views are very slow. So i will normally do an insert into an actual table and index them for better performance. As you can see this leads to multiple tables derived like (cluster, importance), (news, importance), (words, importance) etc which can get pretty messy.
Also the "importance" metric will change. It has become increasingly difficult to alter tables, update data (which I am using TRUNCATE TABLE) and then inserting from null.
I am currently looking into something schemaless like Mongodb. I do not need distributedness. I would very much want something that is reasonably fast (which can be indexed) and something that is a lot more flexible that traditional RDMBS.
As requested by various people, I will post my usage to this database (they are not actual SQL queries since I hope everyone here could understand)
TABLE word ( word_id, news_id, word )
TABLE news ( news_id, date, site .. )
TABLE clusters ( cluster_id, cluster_leader, cluster_name, ... )
TABLE mapping_clusters_news( cluster_id, news_id)
TABLE word_importance (word_id, score)
TABLE news_importance (news_id, score)
TABLE cluster_importance( cluster_id, score)
TABLE group_importance( cluster_id, score)
You might notice that TABLE_word has an extra news_id column. This is to correspond to TABLE_word_importance column because the same word can have different importance in different articles (if you are familiar with tfidf, this is basically something like that).
All the "importance" table now calculates the importance of each entity by averaging the importance of all the sub-entities below it. This means that Each cluster's importance is determined by all the news inside it, each news's importance is determined by all the words inside it etc.
1) SELECT clusters FROM db THAT HAS word1, word2, word3, .. ORDER BY cluster_importance_score
2) SELECT words FROM db BELONGING TO THE CLUSTER cluster_id=5 ODER BY word_importance score.
3) SELECT groups ordered by importance score.
As you can see, I am deriving a lot of scores from each layer, and someone have been telling me to use a materialized view for this purpose (which postgresql supports it). However, as you can see, this simple schema already consists of 8 tables (my actual db consists of 26 tables of crap like that, which is adding so much additional layers of complexity for maintainance).
When the schema is getting complicated, a graph database can be a good alternative. As I understand your domain, you have lots of entities related to other entities in different ways. Would it make sense to you to model this as a graph/network of entities? As food for thought I whipped up an example using Neo4j:
In a graphdb you can set properties on both nodes and relationships, which could be useful in your case (for instance the number of times a word is used in a news entry could be added to the relationship to that word). BTW, I added an extra is_related relationship between two news items, as I thought that could be interesting as well.
How about db4o? db4o
ORM means "Object-relational mapper". Not using a relational database wouldn't make much sense. I'll pretend you meant "I want to be able to serialize objects".
I don't understand why distributedness is not required. Could you elaborate on that?
Personally, I would reccomend Cassandra. It still has reasonably close ties to (by which I mean easy to integrate with) Hadoop, which you will probably eventually want for your processing. As an added bonus, there's Telephus, so Cassandra supports Twisted beautifully. Cassandra's method of conflict resolution (currently timestamps, soon-ish vector clocks) might work for your changing metric as long as you don't mind getting the old value for as long as the metric hasn't been recalculated. Otherwise, you might move up a level and simply store multiple versions of the data with different versions of the metric. That way, if you decide a metric is a bad idea, you don't have to recompute.
Cassandra, unfortunately, does not have something that serializes/deserializes objects very well yet. However, for the thin wrappers you would be writing (essentially structs with a few methods), would writing a fromCassandra #classmethod really be that big a deal?
Postgresql may be "schema based" but it kind of feels like you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you don't need a distributed db or a particularly schema-less design (which it doesn't sound like offhand you do, but you appear to think you do) then I'm not sure why you would want mongodb. Postgres has lots of indexing options and it sounds like its built in full text searching would be good for you. If you're used to MySQL and altering tables (you mentioned issues there) can be a nightmare, mostly its better in Postgres. I'm a fan on Postgres and MongoDB - it just don't sound like there's a good reason to move away from a relational db for data that certainly sounds relational in nature.
In a word, YES, you should probably be looking at something else: Cassandra, Hadoop, MongoDB, something.
MongoDB is basically going to reduce your sample schema to "clusters" and "news", with everything else basically being contained in those two.
The good news:
This will make it easy to modify fields.
Map-reduce operations are a natural fit for the type of work that you're doing. You perform a map-reduce and then save the data back to the "news" item and all will be well.
The bad news:
It's easy to lose track of the structure of data with something like Mongo. Hadoop and Hive typically force your schema little more. But in any case, you'll need to write down some form of schema or just drown.
If you plan to do this for some non-trivial amount of data, then you're going to want "horizontal" scalability. MongoDB is "ok" for this, Hadoop is definitely a "leader" for this.