Open graph action not aproved - facebook

I have app and blog which hase facebook based tutorials and news. When I try to make fb social reader app I'm getting this message. Can anyone help me with this?
I have completly diferent desing on my site. I'm using words like facebook,.. in news but i don't have anything other based on fb.
Your logo and site branding conflicts with Section 5.6 of the Facebook
Terms and Section I.8 of the Platform Policy
). Please resubmit with a different graphic that reflects your own
branding and the ux of your site. Please make changes below and
resubmit for review.

The instructions you got seem pretty clear.
We don’t even know your site.
So how exactly do you think we can help you here …?

you have to submit Action to Facebook to be approved . goto select App then OpenGraph - Action click Submit ...


How to open FB APP on phone to certain section of the app?

I am trying to send a link to the review section on the FB app so someone can leave a review for the business page.
This link opens the businesses app page but would like to structure it so it automatically opens the leave review section.
Any suggestions to ad something to the end of this URL to make this happen?
Much appreciated
Ps.. I would like to do this for Yelp also if possible
This is not supported. People have found ways to work around this, but it's not guaranteed to work and not officially supported.

Do I really need to submit an app request to facebook in order to use the fb-api?

I have a site where I need to manually specify the content (and Url since some parameters need to be added depending on which facebook share link i press) in the facebook share-dialouge. I've got it to work now as developer but do I really need to submit an app request for the "app" and thereby create an "my app page" on facebook for the "app"? (I have a business page for my business)
All I want to do is use the facebook api to share my page content. Please give me an explanation for dummies because I'm getting really tired of Facebook right now.
(No I can't use addThis)
Thanks for the help!
Not sure if you don't confuse some stuff. have a look at to get an overview about sharing on the FB platform.
You can use the Social Plugins for your Use Case I guess:
Share Button:
Share Dialog:

How to add an app to Facebook business page (favorites)

I'm trying to add my Facebook app (iframe integration) to a Facebook business page. But can't figure out the rifht way to do it, because Business accounts can use apps. Looked through all Facebook Docs&Help and found nothing. (
Will be grateful for any clue.
You just need to configure the Pages Tab options (last one on the Apps Basic Settings page). Check out for instructions. Let me know if that was what you're looking for :)

Problems registering Facebook App

I am writing a website using which a user would be able to change his status on facebook. Now for this, I have to register my website on facebook. When I go to register my website on Facebook, there are various options like 'MobileApp', 'FacebookApp', 'Website' etc. Can anyone please suggest which one of these is a correct option for me. An article explaining me the same would be useful. Thanks
What sort of app do you want to build? Those options are for configuring the different places your app will be accessed by users.
It sounds from your description that you probably want 'Website' since you said you're building a website.
You have to Create a New App from .
Then you go Settings > Basic and select App on Facebook from bottom section.
Enter your "return url" and its done.

How to be notified of comments posted via the Facebook Comments Social Plugin

I recently implemented the Facebook social plugin for comments on my blog. I assumed, incorrectly, that I would get a Facebook notification when someone posts a comment to one of my articles. I was wondering if that is a possibility.
I have read references to the use of a event.subscribe function in the javascript SDK, but I wasn't really interested in creating a javascript-based notification dingus but would rather just see the little badge in my Facebook notification window.
I'd love any insight on how others have addressed this.
Thanks in advance!
Just add yourself as moderator under Facebook developers comments tool. That's it. You'll start getting notifications of any comments on any of your blog posts.
Shorter way:
Open this url (am assuming you are signed into Facebook and is administrator of your Facebook app):
Click on settings
Add yourself (or any of your friend/employee) as moderator.
Lengthier way:
Click on 'Moderation Tool' on any of your blogpost's facebook comments.
You must be on Facebook developers page now. On this page, you must be seeing something like 'your app name' > 'the blogpost title' (from where you clicked moderation tool). Here click on your app name.
On this new page, click on settings.
You must be seeing a modal now. Add yourself (or any of your friend) as moderator here.
You must be getting notifications now.
For those who have been struggling to find a way to get notified when someone sends a comment on your page, here's a (sort of) solution.
Assuming you've created an app for your website, add the following meta tag to your <head>: <meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" />
Then in Facebook Moderation Tool choose your app and click on Settings in top right corner. In settings, choose Moderation rules tab and at the bottom, you'll find an option Closed under Moderation heading. Select this option. By setting Closed option you basically have to approve all comments that are added to your site, but right now that's the only option how to get notified right in your Facebook without setting up custom listeners on comment.create event. That's also why this solution is sort of solution.
Also don't forget to add yourself as a moderator as Saurabh's answer suggests (otherwise you won't get any notification in your facebook).
Easiest way is to just check the Facebook moderation tool. You could build some kind of notification system that pulls comments using the graph api. I haven't seen any alert/notification system yet that somebody has else built but it would be pretty easy.
Unfortunately, even on the doncaprio blog, the owner has noted that
"For some reasons, notifications stopped working for some months now. I'm yet to find a fix for this... seems like an issue with fb or something."
I've come to the conclusion that I have to live with not having comment notifications.