[I have this working, but I don't understand why my "fix" to make it work did so.]
As part of a learning exercise, I'm creating a simple table. When the user selects a cell in the table, I want it to go a second UIViewController. THe second UIViewController has a label that shows the text from the cell selected.
The "parent" class has this method to create the child & set the text:
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
child = [[WDRViewControllerFirstChild alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
child.title = [colors objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
child.labelText = [colors objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:child animated:YES];
Then in WDRViewControllerFirstChild, I have two methods. If I approach it this way, everything works.
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {
label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 10, 100, 50)];
colorMap = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[UIColor redColor], [UIColor greenColor], [UIColor blueColor], nil] forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"red", #"green", #"blue", nil]];
// Adding the subview here won't work. Why?
// [self.view addSubview:label];
return self;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
[self.view addSubview:label];
label.text = labelText;
label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
label.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
self.view.backgroundColor = [colorMap objectForKey:labelText];
Originally, I assigned the child to the subview in the init call, however that didn't work. That is, the label of the text wouldn't properly show the text of the item that had been selected. (It would be blank.)
I added some NSLog calls and additionally found that if I move the addSubview call from viewDidLoad to the init, the value of labelText is null. However, in the form above, it's properly set.
I'm happy it's working, but I don't understand why one work & the other does. In particular, I'm really confused why setting labelText works based upon where I call addSubview.
Any insights?
-addSubview will only work if the view is actually completely loaded out of the XIB, else it sends a call to nil and produces nil. By the time -initWithNibName:bundle: is called, the OS is most likely defrosting (literally) the XIB you specified and setting it up, so the view property is nil. at -viewDidLoad you can be reasonably assured as to the existence of the view, so that's where most setup work is done. as for the (NULL) label text, whatever the iVar labelText is, you didn't instantiate it. Remove that line.
I am developing an application which has a a TableView. When I press any cell the app goes to the next ViewController. In this viewController I have created a TabBarController by code which has 3 children ViewControllers. So, I want to pass a variable from the TableView to the Children of the TabBar. I can pass the variable to the TabBar, I have watched it with the NSlog function. It is really weird for me that in the children ViewControllers I also have type a NSlog and the variable is null, but in the output I see first this.
2013-10-01 03:01:40.687 Prototype[38131:c07] proId (null) // This is the children log from vc2 ViewController "YPProjectViewController"
2013-10-01 03:01:40.697 Prototype[38131:c07] projectID 433 // This is the TabBar LOG YPTabBarViewController
Does somebody know why I can first the Children NSLog? Maybe there is the solution.
#import "YPTabBarViewController.h"
#import "YPProjectViewController.h"
#import "YPCommentsViewController.h"
#import "YPProposalsViewController.h"
#interface YPTabBarViewController ()
#property (nonatomic,strong)UITabBarController *tabBar;
#implementation YPTabBarViewController
#synthesize tabBar;
#synthesize projectId = _projectId;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self setUpTabBar];
// Set up tabBar
YPCommentsViewController *vc1 = [[YPCommentsViewController alloc] init];
vc1.title = #"Comments";
vc1.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
UINavigationController *contentNavigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc1];
YPProjectViewController *vc2 = [[YPProjectViewController alloc] init];
vc2.title = #"Project";
vc2.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
vc2.proId = _projectId;
NSLog(#"PROJECT ID %#", vc2.proId);
// UINavigationController *contentNavigationController2 = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc2];
YPProposalsViewController *vc3 = [[YPProposalsViewController alloc] init];
vc3.title = #"Proposal";
vc3.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
UINavigationController *contentNavigationController3 = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc3];
tabBar = [[UITabBarController alloc] init];
tabBar.viewControllers = #[contentNavigationController,vc2,contentNavigationController3];
tabBar.selectedIndex = 1;
[tabBar.view setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight];
[tabBar willMoveToParentViewController:self];
[self addChildViewController:tabBar];
[tabBar didMoveToParentViewController:self];
[self.view addSubview:tabBar.view];
In terms of understanding the problem, your NSLog statement in the "tab bar controller" is logging the value of vc2.proID immediately after setting it. But your NSLog output show us that that second tab's view controller is logging its results before that. That's why it's nil when the second tab's view controller's viewDidLoad logs it, because that log is happening before the tab bar controller had a chance to set the value and log it itself.
So, there are a couple of ways you could fix this:
Right before your assignment of vc2.proId, you have an innocuous line of code that says:
vc2.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
That line of code triggers the second view controller's view to be loaded (and its viewDidLoad will be called). If you move the assignment of vc2.proId to before you start accessing any of vc2's views, that will change the order that your NSLog statements appear (or, much better, move the setting of the background color into viewDidLoad of the child controllers).
You could just create your own init method that accepts the project id as a parameter. That would also ensure that it's set before viewDidLoad. Thus, YPProjectViewController could have a method such as:
- (id)initWithProjectId:(NSString *)projectId
self = [self init];
if (self)
_proId = projectId;
return self;
Two unrelated observations regarding the custom container calls:
When you call addChildViewController, it calls willMoveToParentViewController for you. So you should remove the call to willMoveToParentViewController. See the documentation for that method.
You might even want to retire these custom container calls altogether, and just make YPTabBarViewController a subclass of UITabBarController, itself, rather than UIViewController. That eliminates the need to custom container calls altogether. Clearly, if you have other needs for the custom container, then feel free, but it's redundant in this code sample.
Using SDK 6.1, Xcode 4.6.1, I make a new project Master-Detail iOS App, ARC, no storyboards.
Then in the DetailViewController, in the viewDidLoad I add two UITableViews contained in UIViewControllers and make sure the second one is hidden like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UIViewController *lViewController1 = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
UITableView *lTableView1 = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
lTableView1.scrollsToTop = YES;
[lViewController1.view addSubview: lTableView1];
lTableView1.dataSource = self;
[self.view addSubview: lViewController1.view];
[self addChildViewController: lViewController1];
UIViewController *lViewController2 = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
UITableView *lTableView2 = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
lTableView2.scrollsToTop = YES;
[lViewController2.view addSubview: lTableView2];
lTableView2.dataSource = self;
[self.view addSubview: lViewController2.view];
[self addChildViewController: lViewController2];
// now hide the view in view controller 2
lViewController2.view.hidden = YES;
(I make sure the DetailViewController is a datasource that returns 100 rows of UITableViewCells with the textLabel.text set to #"hello")
The presence of the second view controller makes that scrollsToTop (tapping on the status bar) does not work anymore. If I do not use UIViewController containment and just add two UITableViews and set the second one to be hidden, scrollsToTop does work.
What am I doing wrong?
scrollsToTop only works on a single visible view. From the documentation:
This gesture works on a single visible scroll view; if there are multiple scroll views (for example, a date picker) with this property set, or if the delegate returns NO in scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:, UIScrollView ignores the request. After the scroll view scrolls to the top of the content view, it sends the delegate a scrollViewDidScrollToTop: message.
You could try calling [tableView setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:YES] on each of your table (or scroll) views manually instead. To do this, implement the scrollViewShouldScrollToTop: method in the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol:
- (BOOL)scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
[lTableView1 setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:YES];
[lTableView2 setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:YES];
return NO;
You can only set 1 ScrollView per ViewController with property .scrollsToTop = YES.
If you set 2 scrollview.scrollsTopTop = YES, it will simply stop functioning.
ie: your sample project (DetailViewController.m) update following lines,
line48: lTableView1.scrollsToTop = YES;
line56: lTableView2.scrollsToTop = NO;
then, scrollsToTop works correctly. If there are more than 1 scrollview you wish to concurrently setScrollsToTop, keep digging around. good luck!
I am currently experimenting with your project. When
lViewController2.view.hidden = YES;
is replaced with
lTableView2.hidden = YES;
then the scrolling works, even with controller containment.
I tried to insert a view between the controller's view and the table and then hide this view, but the table was not scrolling.
I tried to hide the controller by experimenting with shouldAutomaticallyForwardAppearanceMethods but the table was not scrolling.
Result: From my experiments, only one scroll view must be visible in the view hierarchy and the hidden property of the parent views is not checked out. hidden must be set to NO on all other scroll views, not their parent views.
After testing several options and various hits and try I finally settled to one final solution, i.e. setBounds: of scrollView (that is tableView in your case) and it works good. You'll have to put extra effort for animation although.
CGRect frame = scrollView.frame;
frame.origin.x = 0;
frame.origin.y = 0;
[scrollView setBounds:frame];
By the way in your case, try returning YES to
- (BOOL)scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
Although if not defined, assumes YES.
I have used this and now it works fine.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
UIViewController *lViewController1 = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
UITableView *lTableView1 = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
lTableView1.scrollsToTop = YES;
[lViewController1.view addSubview: lTableView1];
lTableView1.dataSource = self;
[self.view addSubview: lViewController1.view];
[self addChildViewController: lViewController1];
UIViewController *lViewController2 = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
UITableView *lTableView2 = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
lTableView2.scrollsToTop = NO;
[lViewController2.view addSubview: lTableView2];
lTableView2.dataSource = self;
[self.view addSubview: lViewController2.view];
[self addChildViewController: lViewController2];
// now hide the view in view controller 2
lViewController2.view.hidden = YES;
- (NSUInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSUInteger)section {
return 50;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
static NSString * const kCellIdentifier = #"MyCell";
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:kCellIdentifier];
cell.textLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"hello %d %d",indexPath.row, tableView.tag];
return cell;
I have 2 UIViewControllers and I can pass values between them with no problem. The problem comes when I try to pass a value to a third view (a UITableViewController).
Here is my code
All the connections are set correctly, the tableview gets called here:
- (IBAction)goToTableView:(id)sender {
TableMovieViewController *vc=[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"TableMovieViewController"];
[self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
The vc.finalResult.text has by example "Test Call", I verified and the value is there.
Now on the table view file:
.h file:
#property(strong, nonatomic)UITextField *finalResult;
.m file:
#synthesize finalResult;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UINavigationBar *nav = [[UINavigationBar alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 40)];
UINavigationItem *navItem = [[UINavigationItem alloc] initWithTitle:finalResult];
[nav pushNavigationItem:navItem animated:FALSE];
[self.view addSubview:nav];
The finalResult never gets set with the value passed from the previous view.
Any ideas
UINavigationItem *navItem = [[UINavigationItem alloc] initWithTitle:finalResult];
UINavigationItem *navItem = [[UINavigationItem alloc] initWithTitle:finalResult.text];
finalResult is of type UITextField and not NSString.
initWithTitle: asks for a NSString and not a UITextField as you are setting now.
As I read the edit that was meant as a comment on my answer you say that the UITextField *finalResult is a nil-value. This is probably because you did not allocate and ininitialise the UITextField as you should.
You need to do the finalResult = [[UITextField alloc] init]; at least BEFORE the place you set the text of it. I suggest you do it in the init function of the UITableViewController.
I have a weird problem. I have a tab bar application. When I wanna set the text of an UILabel in any method, there happens nothing.
For example, nothing happens with 'label1' when I call this method:
-(void)setOne:(NSMutableArray *)theArray {
label1 = [[UILabel alloc] init];
label1.text = #"Test";
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
When you call this method a new label is created and the connection to the label which was previously associated with this ivar is lost. This could also be a memory leak.
Depending on the rest of your code, this could work:
-(void)setOne:(NSMutableArray *)theArray {
label1.text = #"Test";
You don't see anything happened because you create new instance of label and do not add it anywhere. If you really want to add new label to your view then create it with appropriate frame and actually add it to some view, e.g.
-(void)setOne:(NSMutableArray *)theArray {
label1 = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10.0f, 10.0f, 200.0f, 30.0f)];
label1.text = #"Test";
[self.view addSubview: label1];
// And do not forget to release your label!
[label1 release];
If you want to change text of label that already exists do not create new instance in your method, just set new text to it:
-(void)setOne:(NSMutableArray *)theArray {
// if label1 already exists we don't need to create a new one
label1.text = #"Test";
Edit: (from more info in comments)
When you create view controller it may not load its view immediately so in your code
FirstViewController *FVC = [[FirstViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"FirstViewController" bundle:nil];
[FVC setOne:[resultaten objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
when you call setOne method fvc's view may still not be loaded and label1 is still nil in that method. You can solve that forcing controller's view to load, the following should work:
FirstViewController *FVC = [[FirstViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"FirstViewController" bundle:nil];
[FVC setOne:[resultaten objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
But in general I'd suggest to store your values in some class that's independent from UI (i.e. Model) or at least in separate variable of your controller and set it to UI elements only when they actually loaded or appear on screen (in viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear methods)
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UILabel *lbl = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 10, 200, 22)];
lbl.text =#"Hello";
[self.view addSubview:lbl];
When I try to pop a view controller, it doesnt update info for the previous view. Example: I have a cell that displays text in a label in View1. When you click on the cell it goes to View2 (for example) When I choose an option in View2, popViewControllerAnimated is used to go back to View1, however, I want the label to now be updated with the new option in View1.
My dilemma is that when I pop View2, the label in View1 does not update. Any ideas? I've tried adding a [view1 reloadData]; before the view pops, but no luck.
//VIEW1 the cell that displays the label.
ringLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(25, 12.7f, 250, 20)];
ringLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;
ringLabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
ringLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17.0];
ringLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
ringLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft;
ringLabel.tag = 0;
ringLabel.text = [plistDict objectForKey:#"MYOPTION"];
[ringLabel setEnabled:YES];
[cell addSubview: ringLabel];
[ringLabel release];
//VIEW2 when cell clicked
CustomProfileViewController *cpvc = [CustomProfileViewController alloc];
cpvc.ringtone = [ringList objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
[cpvc.tblCustomTable reloadData];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
You'll want to override -viewWillAppear: on the first view controller and update the label there. (Make sure to also call super).
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
// This method is called whenever the view is going to appear onscreen.
// (this includes the first time it appears.)
ringLabel.text = [plistDict objectForKey:#"MYOPTION"];
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
What is your plistDict object? How you initialize it? Are you sure, that it contains right value for your #"MYOPTION" key after the second view hides? As I can see, plistDict is an object inside your first viewController. Also I cannot see any sense in the last 4 lines of your code. They cause not reloading data but memory leak.
make sure you aren't losing anything important in your dealloc method. that messed me up for weeks. i was freeing a variable that pointed to the one in my delegate.