Find the weather of Australian city using zip code in kksou Google Weather Module in joomla - joomla1.5

I am using the module kksou Google Weather Module. It displays the weather of a particular city (for US and UK only using zip code and displays the weather of city). If i want to display the Weather for the cities in Australia using zip code only don't want to type the city name.What i have to do?.
Please check the demo

I just installed and tried it without a problem with these steps for a city:
From administrator, edit the module and set Default City to Sydney, and set Hide Input Field to yes.
It only supports the ZipCodes you mentioned, so you'll need to map them somehow on your own if you want to accomplish that.


A way to access list of city names (OpenWeatherMap)

Wondering if anyone knows a solution to this -
I’m building a (semi) simple weather app with OpenWeatherMap using swiftUI. Basically finishing up and adding some last touches. Would like to be able let users choose between cities if there is more than one city with the same name, but as far as I can tell the only access to a full list of city names OpenWeatherMap offer is a zipped JSON, there’s no api call. And its way too large to include in the bundle.
heres the link to the list -
As far as I can tell, without being able to check a list of cities - it seems the only way to specify the right city is to add a comma and then country code in the search. e.g "rome" returns a location in the US, "rome, it" returns Rome, Italy. Which isn't a very good user experience.
Am I being stupid and missing something?
Perhaps the OpenWeather Geocoding API was not available in 2021 but it is now. You can use this API to search for cities around the world from their weather database.
If you query only the city name (without state and/or country) it returns a list of matches. For example if you search for "Dublin" and limit to 5 results, it returns Dublin, Ireland and 4 cities named Dublin in the USA. Then the user can select from a list to confirm the correct city.{city name},{state code},{country code}&limit={limit}&appid={API key}
This seems to be their recommended way to get the latitude and longitude of a city by name to then query the its forecast.
Hey in order to get that list , You have to programmatically create a tableview which will be the half of height of that main view(set it initially to be hidden) and it should be visible when someone interacts with the searchBar or TextField (you'll need to make it visible in one of the delegate methods of tableview or searchBar , whatever you are using)
and render the city names in that tableview , that's it , it will be easy if you know a bit of Programmatic UI if not watch some YouTube videos by Sean Allen on programmatic UI and you should be good to Go !! Best of luck

Display US State Abbreviations instead of full name on openMapTiles map?

I'm using a locally hosted openMapTiles server with a custom style based on positron. I'm looking to have US State two letter abbreviations instead of State names on my maps. Is that data able to be referenced? If so, how do I pull it into the place_state layer?
I've tried these, but no abbreviations are shown.

Open street map server with correct India Map

Due to statutory requirements, we need to create our own open street map server with correct India map which includes the disputed boundaries. I have already installed OSM server using the instructions given in the following link:
I also have the correct shape files but I am not able to render the correct maps. I can still see disputed regions not part of India.
any body have any experience, kindly help me.
Do you already know about the OpenStreetMap India project? You can get more information about it at their GitHub project or via the talk-in mailing list. For personal projects you can also use their tile server.
Finally I am able to correct the India maps on my own tile server. For details please find the link below:

iPhone Application Tracking through Google Analytics

I have implemented the new Google Analytics tracking in my iPhone app and I can see the data in my Google Analytics reporting screen.
However, I want to extract this data and display it on my site using the Core Reporting API. I get the page views for my site using the ga:pagePath filter on the Visits metric. I can't however find any documentation about how I would extract the Screens data from the report. Has anyone found any?
Ideally I would like to filter the Screens by Screen Name and get the number of views. The only metric I have found is ga:appviews which returns my total number of appViews so do i filter the screen Name on this and how would I do that?
Thanks for any help you can offer!
I think google just forgot the ga:screenName which they should have created in:
ga:screenViews is working well now ! :-)
you have also : ga:screenName and ga:uniqueScreenViews

How can i create a google maps URL that will bring up a map of somebodies current location, and bring them to a specific address?

For example,,-89.846191&sspn=4.715299,9.865723&vpsrc=0&t=h&z=10 will bring you from your location to Chicago, although im not sure how the geocoding works. This is going in an iPhone app where the person will need specific directions from where they are, to a given location. Its web app based, so if it works on the computer, it will work on the phone.
enternet is full of open source projects you looking. for example:
I would set up a script that can put the address at the end of a query url. query url's look like this,-95.677068
you can places whatever you want in the query ex: