Scalatra -- byte array/image stream in request body - scala

There's tons of documentation on Internet how to send a file stream in HTTP POST request in other languages, but not in Scalatra.
To the topic: I'd like to send an image as byte array or as a file stream (sorry for sloppy terminology, I'm an absolute newbie) via Scalatra post(). I already have backend Java functions that take byte array, convert it back to .jpg image and store it on the server. What I'm unclear on is the exact syntax how to do this in Scalatra.
That's what my post request looks like:
val imageInBytes = ... //obtain image in bytes
post("/images", ("image" -> imageInBytes))
However, Eclipse says that overloaded method post cannot be applied to (String, (String, Array[Byte]))
On the server side:
contentType = "image/jpeg" //for displaying the image
val imInBytes = params("image") //obtain data from request body
//do something with it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

you would need to base64 url encode the image bytes then you can get it from the params bag.
You can also post a raw image to an endpoint and then read the inputStream.


Send file attachment as base64Binary in SoapUI

There is an element, which is defined as base64Binary in WSDL. I attached file with ContentID ref1 and added it to SOAP request as follows:
<docBytes><xop:Include href="cid:ref1" xmlns:xop=""/></docBytes>
I got following error message when I try to send it:
cvc-type.3.1.2: Element 'docBytes' is a simple type, so it must have
no element information item [children]
It is working, when I paste a base64 encoded string between tags.
That is correct, I have services where a PDF is sent, and I stored the doc as base64 byte array in a property like this:
def docContent = new File("path/to/file")
def encodedDoc = docContent.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("encodedDoc", encodedDoc)
Then use it with:
in the request.

Issue with decoding base64 encoded app engine data in swift

I am developing ios app which is getting data from Google endpoint ,the data is base 64 encoded on the server to a custom java object, which is then returned by the endpoint method.
On the iOS side I am able to receive the data and print the data using the generated client code.
I am facing a problem and I am unable to decode the data back in to the GTL**** endpoint auto generated class.
The decoded data shows up with some hex numbers:
My Code:
let respo2 = GTLDecodeBase64(responce) as? GTLEndpointStatusCollection
I also tried decoding using the swift classes:
let respo = NSData(base64EncodedString: responce, options: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
The input is base64 encoded : rO0ABXNyABNqYXZhLnV0aWwuQXJyYXlMaXN0eIHSHZnHYZ......
The desired output should have been readable data,
but instead im getting:
<aced0005 73720013 6a617661 2e757469 6c2e4172 7261794c.....
I even tried encoding, decoding the base64 decoded data with NSUTF8
but no use.
What am I doing wrong? Is it possible for data encoded on Server in Java (with custom Java objects) to be decoded back ? (I understand Google endpoint does the serialization/deserialization in between)
Thanks in advance.
You should use JSON for serialization rather than manually converting the object to a bytestring and base64 encoding it. If you are using the Endpoints libraries this is automatically done for you, simply by returning the object in your method. See the docs here for an example and the rest of the Endpoints docs for more details. To consume the API you can use the generated iOS libraries which also do this for you as per the examples here. You won't actually see any JSON unless you inspect the HTTP traffic or use the API Explorer.
It sounds like you might just be doing more work than is needed by pre-encoding the object, rather than just letting Endpoints do it for you. If you really need to manually serialize an object to some property you can use a library on the Endpoints side like Jackson to serialize the object to a string property and NSJSONSerialization on the client to convert it back to an object.

Need to find the requests equivalent of openurl() from urllib2

I am currently trying to modify a script to use the requests library instead of the urllib2 library. I haven't really used it before and I am looking to do the equivalent of urlopen("").read(), so I tried the requests.get("").text function.
This works fine with normal everyday html, however when I fetch from this url ( it doesn't seem to work.
So I wrote the below code to print out the responses from the same url using both the requests and urllib2 libraries.
import urllib2
import requests
#urllib2 request
request = urllib2.Request("")
result = urllib2.urlopen(request)
#requests request
result2 = requests.get("")
print result2.encoding
#urllib2 write to text
open("Output.txt", 'w').close()
text_file = open("Output.txt", "w")
open("Output2.txt", 'w').close()
text_file = open("Output2.txt", "w")
The openurl().read() works fine but the requests.get().text doesn't work for the given this url. I suspect it has something to do with encoding, but i don't know what. Any thoughts?
Note: The supplied url is a feed in the google protocol buffer format, once I receive the message i give the feed to a google library that interprets it.
Your issue is that you're making the requests module interpret binary content in a response as text.
A response from the requests library has two main way to access the body of the response:
Response.content - will return the response body as a bytestring
Response.text - will decode the response body as text and return unicode
Since protocol buffers are a binary format, you should use result2.content in your code instead of result2.text.
Response.content will return the body of the response as-is, in bytes. For binary content this is exactly what you want. For text content that contains non-ASCII characters this means the content must have been encoded by the server into a bytestring using a particular encoding that is indicated by either a HTTP header or a <meta charset="..." /> tag. In order to make sense of those bytes they therefore need to be decoded after receiving using that charset.
Response.text now is a convenience method that does exactly this for you. It assumes the response body is text, and looks at the response headers to find the encoding, and decodes it for you, returning unicode.
But if your response doesn't contain text, this is the wrong method to use. Binary content doesn't contain characters, because it's not text, so the whole concept of character encoding does not make any sense for binary content - it's only applicable to text composed of characters. (That's also why you're seeing response.encoding == None - it's just bytes, there is no character encoding involved).
See Response Content and Binary Response Content in the requests documentation for more details.

POSTa Request with rest assured api using XML Payload

I am in need of one requirement.I want to POST a request using Rest Assured API using XML payload,I did not get any where how to set the body using XML. any one please tell me how I can achieve this.
I have one table customers with 5 fileds,name,id,address,email and phone number.My URL to post the request is something like
"".Please any one help me out.Thanks in advance
The above should work, here it is again in a slightly different version with your example...
Response response = given().
myXML would be the xml you want to send (5 fields; name,id,address,email and phone number). After that you can pull the result from response.
You can just post in the request body as a String, InputStream, byte[] or a Java object (that will be serialized to XML using JAXB). For example:
String myXML = ..
given().contentType(ContentType.XML).body(myXML).when().post("/x").then(). ..

Get NSString/NSData object from hardcoded bytes saved as NSString object in webservice response

I am working with the iPhone SDK and I have to process a webservice response I receive from an external service.
The response data consists of an XML string that was UTF8-encoded to a byte array.
This byte array is converted to string
This string is put into a XML wrapper element
The wrapper is returned via an HTTP response
Therefore I need to know how to convert the response data back to the XML string it used to be. Unfortunately, I cannot change the way my response is created, so I have to deal with it somehow.
Example of the raw data I get from the webservice:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body><ExportBytesResponse xmlns="">
How do I get back my old xml string representation hidden inside these raw bytes?
Any help is highly appreciated, I feel just stupid right now for not being able to come up with a solution.
Best Regards,
ExportBytesResponse is Base64 encoded, so you must first decode that node using something like this.
That will give you an NSString containing the XML. Then you can use NSXMLParser to parse your data.