Disable the window resize on JFace WizardPage - eclipse

I want to disable the button maximize/minimize, below I post image to explain
this is my code :
public class ProjectWizardPageOne extends WizardPage {
private String platform;
public ProjectWizardPageOne(String title) {
this.setMessage("Configure Project Name and Location");
public void createControl(Composite parent) {
Composite container = new Composite(parent,SWT.NONE);
Canvas leftPanel = new Canvas(container, SWT.NONE);
leftPanel.setBackgroundImage(new Image(leftPanel.getDisplay(), this
leftPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 183, 282);
Composite rightContainer = new Composite(container, SWT.NONE);
rightContainer.setBackground(new Color(null, 255, 255, 255));
rightContainer.setBounds(181, 0, 399, 282);
public String getPlatform() {
return platform;
public void setPlatform(String platform) {
this.platform = platform;
I tried to get the Composite's Shell like this "container.getShell();"
but I don't understand How I can set these parameters "SWT.SHELL_TRIM | SWT.TOOL"!

Controlling the Window/Shell is not the responsibility of a WizardPage, it can not do that. It's the responsibility of the WizardDialog or the code that creates it. In fact, there is no guarantee that a Wizard and its WizardPages will even be contained in a WizardDialog; anything can implement the IWizardContainer interface to present wizards in a different way.

Is it a File -> New wizard or a custom wizard that is programatically launched. If it is custom, you would have to create WizardDialog and then pass Wizard instance to it. When creating WizardDialog, you would also create Shell, for which you can send the argument without SWT.RESIZE. For File -> New, since the dialog is not created by you, I dont think you can control resize option there. The resize can only be passed in the constructor of Shell.

In case of dialogs, I have observed that I need to explicitly specify that I need min, max buttons at upper-right corner. For that I need to call the below method in a constructor:
setShellStyle(getShellStyle() | SWT.MAX | SWT.MIN | SWT.RESIZE);
Since Wizard is also a dialog, I can call the above method to reset the shellStyle not to include max, min, and other buttons (see above code). The wizard by default might be adding these buttons. But I think you can override this by recalling at the end of wizard creation. Hope this helps.

public class InstallerWizard extends Wizard{
WizardDialog dialog = new DisableMax(shell, new InstallerWizard());
public class DisableMax extends WizardDialog {
public DisableMax(Shell parentShell, IWizard newWizard) {
super(parentShell, newWizard);
setShellStyle(SWT.CLOSE | SWT.MIN | SWT.RESIZE | getDefaultOrientation());


How to capture the value of a cell of a TableViewer where a contextual menu has been activated in eclipse e4?

In one of my eclipse e4 application JMSToolBox, some data is displayed in aTableViewer
A contextual menu is defined in the e4 model file (e4xmi) and linked to theTableViewer like this
menuService.registerContextMenu(tableViwere.getTable(), <name of the e4 part menu>);
Attached to the contextual menu in the e4 model, a "menu item" is linked to a"Dynamic Menu Contribution" class that dynamically add the menu items to the menu:
public class VisualizerShowPayloadAsMenu {
#Inject private EModelService modelService;
public void aboutToShow(EModelService modelService, List<MMenuElement> items) {
// Not the real code..., illustrate adding a dynamic menu item to the contextual menu
MDirectMenuItem dynamicItem = modelService.createModelElement(MDirectMenuItem.class);
dynamicItem.setContributorURI(Constants.BASE_CORE_PLUGIN);// "platform:/plugin/org.titou10.jtb.core");
dynamicItem.setContributionURI(Constants.VISUALIZER_MENU_URI);// "bundleclass://org.titou10.jtb.core/org.titou10.jtb.visualizer.ui.VisualizerShowPayloadAsHandler");
Now, what I want to do is to capture the data in the underlying cell where the contextual menu has been activated, and get that value back in the method annotated by"#AboutToShow" in order
to addMDirectMenuItementries to the contextual menu with a label containing that value
Q: how to do that with eclipse rcp e4?
In the attached picture, the right click happened in the cell with content="ID:414d5120514d41414544202020202020ee4bb25612666920". I would like to get this value back in the #AboutToShowmethod and add menu items to the"Open Payload as..."menu based on that value
I found a way to do it!
I'm not sure it is the best way, but at least it works and it is quite simple
The following code is here to illustrate the idea, it is not valid Java.
In the part that manage theTableViewer:
TableViewer tableViewer = new TableViewer(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.MULTI);
new TableViewerFocusCellManager(tableViewer, new JTBFocusCellHighlighter(tableViewer, windowContext));
public class JTBFocusCellHighlighter extends FocusCellHighlighter {
private IEclipseContext windowContext;
private Table table;
public JTBFocusCellHighlighter(ColumnViewer viewer, IEclipseContext windowContext) {
this.windowContext = windowContext;
this.table = ((TableViewer) viewer).getTable();
protected void focusCellChanged(ViewerCell newCell, ViewerCell oldCell) {
super.focusCellChanged(newCell, oldCell);
// Capture the content of the cell (or other info..) and store it in Eclipse Context
windowContext.set("key", newCell.getText());
TableColumn tableColumn = table.getColumn(newCell.getColumnIndex());
Real code implementation: JTBSessionContentViewPart , JTBFocusCellHighlighter and FilterMenu

Custom Perspective Switcher Toolbar: How can I dynamically update it?

I'm trying to implement a custom perspective switcher toolbar to replace eclipse's built-in one. I couldn't get the toolbar to display, and it was shown to me that due to a bug with the dynamic element in a menu contribution, I have to use a control element instead, as described in the workaround to the dynamic bug.
I have a toolbar displaying following that approach, but I cannot figure out how to update it dynamically. The workaround instruction is to call ContributionItem#fill(CoolBar, int) from my WorkbenchControlContributionItem's update method instead of doing the fill in the createControl method.
I don't know who is supposed to call update, but it never gets invoked no matter what I do. I have a perspective listener which knows when to update the toolbar, so from that listener's callback I call fill(CoolBar, int). But I wasn't sure how to get the CoolBar to pass to that method, so I created one on the current shell.
The end result of all this is that the toolbar displays the correct number of items initially, but when I need to add an item, it has no effect. I call fill(CoolBar, int) and it adds the new item to the toolbar, but everything I've tried to make the CoolBar and ToolBarupdate does not work. When I re-launch the app, the toolbar has the added item.
I'm sure I'm doing this wrong, but I can't figure out the right way. Here's an elided representation of my code (omitting methods, layout code, etc not related to the update problem).
public class PerspectiveSwitcherToolbar extends WorkbenchWindowControlContribution implements IPerspectiveListener {
protected Control createControl(Composite parent) {
this.parent = parent;
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
toolBarManager = (ToolBarManager)parent.getParent().getData();
fTopControl = new Composite(parent, SWT.BORDER);
fill(new CoolBar(page.getWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), SWT.HORIZONTAL), -1);
return fTopControl;
public void fill(CoolBar coolbar, int index) {
IPerspectiveDescriptor[] openPerspectives = page.getOpenPerspectives();
String activePerspective = getPerspectiveId();
ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar(fTopControl, SWT.NONE);
for(IPerspectiveDescriptor descriptor : openPerspectives) {
ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.RADIO);
//overkill here, trying to find some way to upate the toolbar
//PerspectiveListener callback
public void perspectiveActivated(IWorkbenchPage page, IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) {
fill(new CoolBar(page.getWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), SWT.HORIZONTAL), -1);
if (page.getWorkbenchWindow() instanceof WorkbenchWindow){
//this non-API call doesn't help either
((WorkbenchWindow) page.getWorkbenchWindow()).updateActionBars();

How to style GWT CellList?

I have a CellList that I want to style. I want to change the cursor style, the ugly color of a selected cell . I checked several questions and discussions on stack overflow,but none of them worked.
I checked these one:
CellList GWT CSS Style
How do I style a gwt 2.1 CellTables headers?
Her is my code:
public interface CellListResource extends CellList.Resources {
public static CellListResource INSTANCE = GWT.create(CellListResource.class);
interface CellListStyle extends CellList.Style {
#Source({CellList.Style.DEFAULT_CSS, "CellTableStyle.css"})
CellListStyle style();
public SearchViewImpl() {
CompanyCell companyCell = new CompanyCell();
//it doesn't work :S
companiesList = new CellList<Company>(companyCell, CellListResource.INSTANCE);
rootElement = ourUiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);
Am I missing something? I Cleared Browser cache, Restarted server, F5 F5 F5 .... F5 (pressed refresh again and again) and nothing ...!
Thanks for help in advance.
Besides injecting the CSS it's important that you call the CellListStyle style cellListStyle() and not just style():
public interface CellListResource extends CellList.Resources {
public static CellListResource INSTANCE = GWT.create(CellListResource.class);
interface CellListStyle extends CellList.Style {}
CellListStyle cellListStyle();
and then you do
companiesList = new CellList<Company>(companyCell, CellListResource.INSTANCE);
Make sure you inject the css resource.
myCellTable = new CellTable<T>(Integer.MAX_VALUE,CellTableResources.INSTANCE);
You can follow the following link
How do you change the mouse over highlighting?

How to hide suggestions in GWT SuggestBox?

I am using GWT 2.4. I have a Suggestbox and I have a requirement to hide the suggestion list under certain cases. The context is as below.
After user selects a suggestion from suggestion list, I am populating two other text box fields, with values corresponding to the selection. For example, suppose the suggestbox contains user-names, and user selects a user-name from suggestions, then other two fields, say user address and email are populated in two other text boxes. These two fields are read only now. Then user clicks on an 'Edit' button. Now the user can edit either user- name ( ie edit in suggestion box), user address and email. It doesn't make sense to show the suggestions again when the user is editing the user-name, since the user has already selected the user and decided to edit it. In a nutshell my SuggesBox should behave as a normal text box. I tried following code, (I know hideSuggestionList() is deprecated) but its not working.
Reading the javadoc for hideSuggestionList() it is said that, "Deprecated. use DefaultSuggestionDisplay.hideSuggestions() instead". I don't know how to use DefaultSuggestionDisplay, and I'm using SuggestBox with 'MultiWordSuggestOracle'.
Thanks for helping me out!!
What you can do is simply swap the SuggestionBox with a normal TextBox when the user clicks edit and back when edit is closed. Also because if you would hide the suggestions list, it still queried from the server. By swapping the widget you don't have to care about side effects. SuggestionBox itself uses also a TextBox and thus for the user it's not visible the widget has changed.
If you don't use your own SuggestionDisplay, then this should Just Work™:
((DefaultSuggestionDisplay) suggestBox.getSuggestionDisplay()).hideSuggestions();
Here is the Solution
My Entry Point Class
public class SuggestionEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
SuggestBoxWidget suggestBoxWidget = new SuggestBoxWidget();
RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
And here is my Widget
public class SuggestBoxWidget extends Composite {
private TextBox textSuggestBox = new TextBox();
private SuggestBox suggestBox = null;
DefaultSuggestionDisplay suggestionDisplay = new DefaultSuggestionDisplay();
MultiWordSuggestOracle suggestOracle = new MultiWordSuggestOracle();
private static SuggestBoxWidgetUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
interface SuggestBoxWidgetUiBinder extends
UiBinder<Widget, SuggestBoxWidget> {
public SuggestBoxWidget() {
public void registerEvents(){
suggestBox.addKeyUpHandler(new KeyUpHandler() {
public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) {
public void createWidgetAndShow(HasWidgets container){
suggestBox = new SuggestBox(suggestOracle,textSuggestBox,suggestionDisplay);
public void createOracle(){
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){
Actually you have to create a SuggestBox with 3 Parameters to the Constructor.

Add SuggestBox to CellTable as an editable cell

Is there any way to SuggestBox to CellTable? Maybe there is another solution then SuggestBox?
I need to get an editable cell with suggestion feature?
I'm using GWT 2.4.
I don't think you can add it directly in. Try using a ClickableTextCell as the cell for that column. Then code your ValueUpdater (which will be called when the cell is clicked) to open up a DialogBox. Put your SuggestBox, and other widgets (OK button, Cancel button, and such), inside that DialogBox. Initialize the SelectionBox with the current contents of the cell. The DialogBox will likely be a DialogBox subclass with extra state data you initialize with the object for that CellTable row as well as the field for that column, so that the OK action knows what field on what object to update with the new contents of the SuggestBox. Essentially it's a popup editor. Not ideal, because users will expect the editor to be embedded in the CellTable, but there are only a few cell editors available (EditTextCell, DatePickerCell, SelectionCell and CheckboxCell, and maybe another variant of text editing), but I've used this technique, and really, it's not too bad.
I ended up using FlexTable instead of CellTable. With FlexTable you may put any widget inside a table cell.
I needed this also and found a solution (under testing, but solong it is working):
I copied the Code from TextInputCell into a new Class SuggestBoxTextInputCell
public class SuggestBoxTextInputCell extends AbstractInputCell<String, SuggestBoxTextInputCell.ViewData> {
MySuggestBox suggestBox;
and added some lines to the onBrowserEvent method:
// Ignore events that don't target the input.
InputElement input = getInputElement(parent);
String eventType = event.getType();
if (BrowserEvents.FOCUS.equals(eventType)) {
TextBox textBox = new MyTextBox(input);
suggestBox = new MySuggestBox(getSuggestOracle(), textBox);
Element target = event.getEventTarget().cast();
The classes MySuggestBox and MyTextbox exist only to make the needed constructor and methods public:
private class MyTextBox extends TextBox {
public MyTextBox(Element element) {
private class MySuggestBox extends SuggestBox {
public MySuggestBox(SuggestOracle suggestOracle, TextBox textBox) {
super(suggestOracle, textBox);
public void onAttach() {
getSuggestOracle() only delivers the needed SuggestOracle. Hope someone can use this solution.
I needed this as a solution so I play around with the solution provided by Ande Hofer.
The exact same issue met by Ankit Singla, when the suggestbox is working fine when I press "Enter" key, but not from the "Mouse Click".
I go on further and add-on this onto the solution.
if (BrowserEvents.FOCUS.equals(eventType)) {
suggestbox.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Suggestion>() {
public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Suggestion> event) {
Suggestion selectedSuggestion = event.getSelectedItem();
String selectedValue = selectedSuggestion.getReplacementString();
onSuggestSelected(input, selectedValue, valueUpdater);
and a private function
private void onSuggestSelected(Element input, String value,
ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
if (suggestbox.getSuggestionDisplay().isSuggestionListShowing()) {
((DefaultSuggestionDisplay) suggestbox.getSuggestionDisplay()).hideSuggestions();
So far so good.