iPhone - Wrong Localization after Changing the Language - iphone

I am developing an application that supports English and Arabic localization. If the iPhone language is set to Arabic, everything is fine. If I changed the language to English, the app continues to change in Arabic.
I tried the following:
Terminating the application before changing the language.
Removing the application from iPhone. Changed Language to English. Restarting the iPhone. And building the application from scratch (still in Arabic!).
I tried cleaning using shift-command-k (also failed).
I removed the application. restarted the phone. Cleaned the build folder (shift-option-command-k). Then I built the application, and guess what, it's still in Arabic! (How, in God's name, did the iPhone know that I used Arabic before?! I restarted the phone many times!, removed and clean the build directory!).
So, what do you think I should do?
Note: other apps that provide localization are working fine.

Does the project have en.lproj Localizable.strings file?
Thanks #Shatou Dev ,I make my comment as an answer.


iOS App doesn't work in other language

My iOS-App was first German and English. As it was just a fault, I removed the English localization. Somehow if I change the language in the iOS Simulator to english not it loads the old storyboard that doesn't even exist anymore. I cleaned the folder and there is now only a base storyboard. Although I cleaned the Project the App is still crashing after start (because it's loading an old storyboard of prior App version (I removed english localization in 1.1, and now in 1.2 it still loads the 1.0 storyboard).
This is really weird, how can I achieve that the App ALWAYS uses the same storyboard, no matter which language? I already removed the english localization!
Thanks very much!
From my understanding based on a previous experience, if you are localizing an application you need to keep the English one. Because it will default to English if the device is not set in the language that you are supporting.
(Have you notice in the setting app how english is always the second choice and that you can't change the order like on the desktop to default to something else before english)
So if you are planning on supporting only 1 language remove all localization into your application. Because other wise it would default to a non-existing asset and crash.
That would be my best guest for a try.
Have you delete the application on your device after all those change and a clean up may be necessary. I've notice that file, (especially not code file) that get deleted have a tendency to lay around the executable.
And if you get file (1) b.xml and (2) fr.lproj/b.xml even if the device if in french the french one (2) won't get used. The system will see (1) first and think there is no localization for that file.
As for "losing" your German Xib. If you take a copy out of your de.lproj (and put that copy up a directory in the file system it should work)

iPhone localization stuck on russian

I am currently localizing an app for a client, we already had EFIGS in, and are now adding portugese and russian. Everything fine with the portugese, but as soon as I add ru.lproj to the project, the app will always run in russian no matter what the device language settings are ... anybody ever experienced this? any ideas? tips?

Localization: application crashes when language is changed in simulator

In order to localize my application, I created Localizable.strings for three languages. I didn't need to localize any nib files since I'm not using any in my project. No images were localized, only the strings. In the code, I read the strings using NSLocalizedStrings(#"key", #"comment"). The Localized.strings files use UTF-16 format. The strings look like this: "Projects" = "Projekte";.
When I run the app in the simulator and change the language, my application that's running in the back crashes (SIGKILL). If I rerun the application, I can see that the language has been changed because the label of the Edit button is in German, but all my strings are still in English.
I read many threads about localization and I have three iOS books at home but I still don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Did I forget to set up something else?
Any ideas?
It's because when you change the language of your device, SpringBoard kills all the apps so that they will 'load' new language at the next startup. You can't change the system language without your app being killed. It has to be killed if you want to save your new language.
Your app doesn't crash. It's being killed (SIGKILL) by iOS.

IPhone sdk: Internationalization doesnt works

Recently I have made intenationalization support for my project.
But there occurs strange thing - when I'm running my application both on the device and emulator shows only 'default' language.
I've done following things:
Used NSLocalizedString everywhere
added InfoPlist.strings (another language)
May be I'm missing something ?
You should store your localized strings in Localizable.strings. Localized InfoPlist.strings is used to change the name of your app for example.

Why is my iPhone application not using the proper localization?

I have an iPhone application that initially had only English and German localizations. I just added a French localization, but when I change the user language to French it still shows the German strings.
What could be causing this odd behavior?
Are you testing this on the simulator or the device?
Often the localized folders (.lproj) directories aren't copied into the bundles during a clean build as they should - even with a 'Clean & Clean all targets'.
Ensure this happens correctly by deleting the app from the simulator (easiest way is to 'press and hold' on the app icon in the simulator, then delete). Also, ensure the simulator doesn't keep hold of the old app data by manually deleting the app.bundle dir from the iPhone simulator directory using Finder.
Build, clean, run. Should work properly then.
If not, make sure the fr.lproj exists in the bundle after the build.