VBA byref argument mismatch - class

I have created a class called Class1,
and in another module, I want to use the class like this:
Dim budgeunit As Class1
Sub Creattree()
Dim lvl1p, lvl1m, lvl1dm As Class1
Set lvl1p = New Class1
lvl1p.setName ("pear")
Set lvl1m = New Class1
lvl1m.setName ("Mango")
Set budgeunit = New Class1
budgeunit.addtochildren (lvl1p), budgeunit.addtochildren(lvl1m)
End Sub
But when I compile it, it highlight the budgeunit.addtochildren(lvl1m)
and said Byref argument mismatch.
I have declare all arguments, I do not know why this happens.
The class code:
Dim Children() As Class1
Dim Parent() As Class1
Public level As Integer
Public name As String
Function setName(nm As String)
name = nm
End Function
Function addtochildren(node As Class1)
num = Children.Count
ReDim Children(num + 1) As String
Children(num) = node
node.addParent (Me)
End Function

Stefan's answer is correct, but there are other problems as well.
What's this supposed to mean?
budgeunit.addtochildren (lvl1p), budgeunit.addtochildren(lvl1m)
You can't separate two statements with a comma like that. Do you mean this?
budgeunit.addtochildren lvl1p
budgeunit.addtochildren lvl1m
Also you should revise your use of Functions, and probably replace them with Subs. You're not expecting any output from them, so...
Another thing is your use of parentheses. Arguments to subs (and functions with no return value expected) should not be surrounded by parentheses; in some cases having parentheses will make things go wrong. (With some qualification if you use the Call notation, which you do not.)

Your declaration of the variables does probably something different than you expect.
Sub Creattree()
Dim lvl1p as Class1, lvl1m as Class1, lvl1dm As Class1
In your declaration, you create two variables of type Variant, and of type Class1.


Why does VB disallow type conversion from parent to subclass?

I have already asked a question here where I basically require an instance of a base class to be converted into a subclass (or a new instance of the subclass to be created using the instance of the base class' properties). The conclusion seems to be that the best way to do this is to manually assign every property I need to transfer in the constructor of the base class.
While this is feasible in some cases, it certainly is not when there are many properties to transfer, or when the base class is subject to change — every time you add a property to the base class, the constructor needs to be changed too, so this solutions is inelegant.
I have searched online, and can't see any reason for why this kind of type-casting isn't implemented. The arguments I have seen so far describe this operation to 'not make any sense' (making a minivan from a car was an analogy I saw), question what to do about the non-inherited variables in the subclass, or claim that there must be some better solution for what was trying to be achieved.
As far as I can see, the operation doesn't need to 'make sense' as long as it's useful, so that isn't much of a good reason. What's wrong with adding a few more properties (and perhaps methods/overriding them) to change an instance into a subclass? In the case of the non-inherited variables, that can simply be solved by allowing this kind of type-cast only a constructor is added to the subclass or by just simply setting them to their default values. After all, constructors usually call MyBase.New(...) anyway. What's the difference between using the constructor of the base (essentially creating a new instance of the base) and using an instance which is already initialised? Lastly, I don't think the third argument is well-justified — there are times when all of the other solutions are inelegant.
So finally, is there any other reason for why this kind of casting isn't allowed, and is there an elegant way to circumvent this?
Since I don't know a lot about this topic, I think I meant to say 'convert' rather than 'cast'. I'll also add an example to show what I'm trying to succeed. The conversion would only be allowed at the initialisation of the Subclass:
Class BaseClass
Dim x as Integer
Dim y as Integer
End Class
Class Subclass1 : Inherits BaseClass
Dim z as Integer
Sub New(Byval value As Integer)
'Standard initialisation method
z = value
End Sub
Sub New(Byval value As Integer, Byval baseInstance As BaseClass)
'Type conversion from base class to subclass
'This assigns all properties of baseInstance belonging to BaseClass to Me.
'Properties not in BaseClass (eg. if baseInstance is Subclass2) are ignored.
z = value
End Sub
End Class
Class Subclass2 : Inherits BaseClass
Dim v As Integer
End Class
What you describe is not casting. Have you ever heard the expression"to cast something in a different light"? It means to look at the same thing in a different way or to make the same thing look different. That is the exact way that the term "cast" is used in programming. When you cast, you do NOT change the type of the object but only the type of the reference used to access the object. If you want to cast from a base type to a derived type then the object you're referring to has to actually be that derived type. If it's not then you're not performing a cast but rather a conversion.
So, why can't you convert an instance of a base type to an instance of a derived type. Well, why would you be able to? Yes, it's something that might save writing a bit of code on occasion but does it actually make sense? Let's say that you have a base type with one property and a derived type that adds another property. Let's also say that that derived type has constructors that require you to provide a value for that second property. You're suggesting that the language should provide you with a way to magically convert an instance of the base class into an instance of the derived class, which would mean it would have to slow you to circumvent that rule defined by the author via the constructors. Why would that be a good thing?
Use System.Reflection to iterate over properties and fields of the base class and apply them to the derived class. This example includes a single public property and single public field, but will also work with multiple private/protected properties and fields. You can paste the entire example into a new console application to test it.
Imports System.Reflection
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim p As New Parent
p.Property1 = "abc"
p.Field1 = "def"
Dim c = New Child(p)
Console.WriteLine("Property1 = ""{0}"", Field1 = ""{1}""", c.Property1, c.Field1)
End Sub
Class Parent
Public Property Property1 As String = "not set"
Public Property Field1 As String = "not set"
End Class
Class Child
Inherits Parent
Public Sub New(myParent As Parent)
Dim fieldInfo = GetType(Parent).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic _
Or BindingFlags.Instance)
For Each field In fieldInfo
field.SetValue(Me, field.GetValue(myParent))
Dim propertyInfo = GetType(Parent).GetProperties(BindingFlags.NonPublic _
Or BindingFlags.Instance)
For Each prop In propertyInfo
prop.SetValue(Me, prop.GetValue(myParent))
End Sub
End Class
End Module
Property1 = "abc", Field1 = "def"
This solution is automated, so you won't need to change anything when adding or removing properties and fields in the base class.
In general, because of this:
Class TheBase
End Class
Class Derived1 : TheBase
Sub Foo()
End Sub
End Class
Class Derived2 : TheBase
Sub Bar()
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim myDerived1 As New Derived1
' cast derived to base
Dim myTheBase = CType(myDerived1, TheBase)
' cast base to derived?
' but myTheBase is actually a Derived1
Dim myDerived2 As Derived2 = CType(myTheBase, Derived2)
' which function call would you like to succeed?
End Sub

VBA Class Method Chaining

I'm looking for a way to 'chain class methods', for example the Range object can do things like "Range.Borders.Color", I guess that the Borders part is it's own class which is being accessed by the Range class but I have no idea how to implement something similar with my own classes - Nor do I even know what this is called and after hours of searching I think I might slowly be un-learning VBA.
Can anybody either a) Provide code which I could look at to replicate or b) Tell me what this is called and maybe even nudge me in a helpful direction?
As I know asking for code without providing any makes me look like a dick, consider the following pseudo-code. I know it's horrific but it might help me make any sense:
main ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim obj as class1
set obj = new class1
obj.Target = Range("A1:B5")
'A1:B5 put into modRange then given borders
class1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private modRange as range
Public Property Let Target(newTarget as Range)
set modRange = newTarget
End Property
Public Property Borders()
Public Sub Add()
'Code to add borders to modRange
End Sub
Public Sub Remove()
'Code to remove borders from modRange
End Sub
End Property
I know this is not how the actual code would look. but as I don't know the syntax this is the closest thing I can imagine. I guess the real thing would have class1 linking to other class modules. Maybe.
As a side note. If I did have a class called "Borders" (I probably wont) as part of this class 1 object, would it conflict with the Borders portion of the Range object as well as it has a similar name? Or will the Private scope save the day?
(The .Borders.Add/Remove is a bit ridiculous to have as a class I know, I'm really only after the syntax - Honest)
To have complex properties of an object, you need to create a new class and then create an instance of that class in the parent class. So if you want to have something like Class1.Borders.Add(), you'd first have to create a new CBorders class (I used to prepend C to my class names in VB6 / VBA to avoid name collisions). Something like:
'- in class CBorder
Private m_lColor As Long
Public Property Get Color() As Long
Color = m_lColor
End Property
Public Property Let Color(ByVal lNewColor As Long)
m_lColor = lNewColor
End Property
Public Sub Reset()
m_lColor = 0
End Sub
Then inside Class1, you'd have something like this:
Private m_oBorder As CBorder
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_oBorder = New CBorder
End Sub
Public Property Get Border() As CBorder
Set Border = m_oBorder
End Property
Then you can do this:
Dim obj As Class1
Set obj = New Class1
obj.Borders.Color = ...
Notice how the Borders property of Class1 is accessed as a member of the obj instance and then how the Color property of the CBorder class is used. Creating these values as properties is what lets you chain these calls together.
You'd need error checking and validation code as well - I left those out to keep the example short.
Another solution for this is to just return Me to make it chainable.
class module: CChaining
Using Functions for Target and Borders returning Me to enable chaining. Using Subs for Add and Remove to "finish" the chain.
Private modRange As Range, modRangeBorders As Object
Public Function Target(rng As Range)
Set modRange = rng
Set Target = Me
End Function
Public Function Borders()
Set modRangeBorders = modRange.Borders
Set Borders = Me
End Function
Public Sub Add()
modRangeBorders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
End Sub
Public Sub Remove()
modRangeBorders.LineStyle = xlNone
End Sub
Testing the class in a module
Sub testing()
Dim obj As New CChaining
'now the target and property (Borders) is set and you could do this
End Sub
Pretty nice ... hmm, with this it would be possible to build a library like in other languages (javascript > jQuery) to make using Excel VBA much easier.

How to pass objects to methods in other classes in VB6

I have created two classes as interface / implementation classes, and wish to pass a particular example of one class to a method in the other. The definitions are as follows...
Class BigInt...
Option Explicit
Public Sub dothing(ByRef passed_object As MyInt)
End Sub
and an implementation BigImplementation...
Option Explicit
Implements BigInt
Public Sub BigInt_dothing(ByRef passed_obj As MyInt)
Dim i As Integer
i = passed_obj.getprop
End Sub
The class I am planning to pass is...
Option Explicit
Public Property Get getprop() As Integer
End Property
Public Property Let letprop(ByVal myval As Integer)
End Property
implemented as MyImplementation thus...
Option Explicit
Implements MyInt
Private myval As Integer
Public Property Get myint_getprop() As Integer
myint_getprop = myval
End Property
Public Property Let myint_letprop(ByVal passed_int As Integer)
myval = passed_int
End Property
I am then driving this with the following snippet of code:-
Private Sub Command_Click()
Dim myobj As MyInt
Set myobj = New MyImplementation
Dim mybigobj As BigInt
Set mybigobj = New BigImplementation
myobj.letprop = 1
Call mysub(myobj)
mybigobj.dothing (myobj) ' Line with problem
End Sub
Private Sub mysub(ByVal passed_obj As MyInt)
Dim i As Integer
i = passed_obj.getprop
End Sub
When the execution reaches the line marked, I get run-time error 438 - Object doesn't support property or method. The call to the ordinary function mysub works perfectly. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and what I need to do to fix this?
Use either
mybigobj.dothing myobj
Call mybigobj.dothing(myobj)
Putting extra parentheses around a reference evaluates its default property and passes it's value as actual argument.
mybigobj.dothing requires its parameter to be a MyInt
Public Sub BigInt_dothing(ByRef passed_obj As MyInt)
Dim i As Integer
i = passed_obj.getprop
End Sub
You're passing a MyImplementation
Set myobj = New MyImplementation
So possiblly something like (my vb is rusty)
mybigobj.dothing (myobj.myint_getprop())

Assignment of objects in VB6

I am attempting to create two identical objects in VB6 by assignment statements; something like this...
Dim myobj1 As Class1
Dim myobj2 As Class1
Set myobj1 = New Class1
myobj1.myval = 1
Set myobj2 = myobj1
It has become apparent that this doesn't create two objects but rather two references to the same object, which isn't what I am after. Is there any way to create a second object in this sort of way, or do I have to copy the object one member at a time...
Set myobj2 = new Class1
myobj2.mem1 = myobj1.mem1
Edit 2 Scott Whitlock has updated his excellent answer and I have incorporated his changes into this now-working code snippet.
Private Type MyMemento
Value1 As Integer
Value2 As String
End Type
Private Memento As MyMemento
Public Property Let myval(ByVal newval As Integer)
Memento.Value1 = newval
End Property
Public Property Get myval() As Integer
myval = Memento.Value1
End Property
Friend Property Let SetMemento(new_memento As MyMemento)
Memento = new_memento
End Property
Public Function Copy() As Class1
Dim Result As Class1
Set Result = New Class1
Result.SetMemento = Memento
Set Copy = Result
End Function
One then performs the assignment in the code thus...
Set mysecondobj = myfirstobj.Copy
Like many modern languages, VB6 has value types and reference types. Classes define reference types. On the other hand, your basic types like Integer are value types.
The basic difference is in assignment:
Dim a as Integer
Dim b as Integer
a = 2
b = a
a = 1
The result is that a is 1 and b is 2. That's because assignment in value types makes a copy. That's because each variable has space allocated for the value on the stack (in the case of VB6, an Integer takes up 2 bytes on the stack).
For classes, it works differently:
Dim a as MyClass
Dim b as MyClass
Set a = New MyClass
a.Value1 = 2
Set b = a
a.Value1 = 1
The result is that both a.Value1 and b.Value1 are 1. That's because the state of the object is stored in the heap, not on the stack. Only the reference to the object is stored on the stack, so Set b = a overwrites the reference. Interestingly, VB6 is explicit about this by forcing you to use the Set keyword. Most other modern languages don't require this.
Now, you can create your own value types (in VB6 they're called User Defined Types, but in most other languages they're called structs or structures). Here's a tutorial.
The differences between a class and a user defined type (aside from a class being a reference type and a UDT being a value type) is that a class can contain behaviors (methods and properties) where a UDT cannot. If you're just looking for a record-type class, then a UDT may be your solution.
You can use a mix of these techniques. Let's say you need a Class because you have certain behaviors and calculations that you want to include along with the data. You can use the memento pattern to hold the state of an object inside of a UDT:
Type MyMemento
Value1 As Integer
Value2 As String
End Type
In your class, make sure that all your internal state is stored inside a private member of type MyMemento. Write your properties and methods so they only use data in that one private member variable.
Now making a copy of your object is simple. Just write a new method on your class called Copy() that returns a new instance of your class and initialize it with a copy of its own memento:
Private Memento As MyMemento
Friend Sub SetMemento(NewMemento As MyMemento)
Memento = NewMemento
End Sub
Public Function Copy() as MyClass
Dim Result as MyClass
Set Result = new MyClass
Call Result.SetMemento(Memento)
Set Copy = Result
End Function
The Friend only hides it from stuff outside your project, so it doesn't do much to hide the SetMemento sub, but it's all you can do with VB6.
#Scott Whitlock, I was not able to make your code work but if it works it would be great.
I've created a regular module where I put the memento type
Type MyMemento
Value1 As Integer
Value2 As String
End Type
Then I create a class module called MyClass with the code
Private Memento As MyMemento
Friend Sub SetMemento(NewMemento As MyMemento)
Memento = NewMemento
End Sub
Public Function Copy() as MyClass
Dim Result as MyClass
Set Result = new MyClass
Set Copy = Result
End Function
Finally I try to call the copy function in another regular module like this
Sub Pruebas()
Dim Primero As MyClass, segundo As MyClass
Set Primero = New MyClass
Set segundo = New MyClass
Set segundo = Primero.Copy
End Sub
I get the message (below the picture): Error de compilacion: El tipo de agumento de ByRef no coincide
Here is an image (short of 10 points so here is the link): http://i.stack.imgur.com/KPdBR.gif
I was not able to get the message in English, I live in Spain.
Would you be so kind to provide with an example in VBA Excel?, I have been really trying to make this work.
Thanks for your work
EDIT: Problem Solved:
The problem was on line "Result.SetMemento(Memento)", in VBA it needed to be called with "Call"
Public Function Copy() As MyClass
Dim Result As MyClass
Set Result = New MyClass
Call Result.SetMemento(Memento)
Set Copy = Result
End Function
It works great, thanks Scott Whitlock, you are a genius
or do I have to copy the object one member at a time...
Unfortunately yes.
It is possible (but technically very very difficult) to write a COM server in C++ that - using the IDispatch interface - will copy the value of each property, but really this is High Temple programming, if I had to do it, I don't I know if I could do it, but I'd be looking at something like 10 days work ( and I know how COM is implemented in C++, I'd also need to investigate to see if ATL framework has anything to help etc).
I worked with Vb3, 4,5 & 6 for something like 10 years (hands on, 5 days a week) and never found a good way to do this, beyond manually implementing serialisation patterns like Mementos and Save & Store, which really just boiled down to fancy ways of copying each member, one at a time.

How have you dealt with the lack of constructors in VB6?

VB6 classes have no parameterized constructors. What solution have you chosen for this? Using factory methods seems like the obvious choice, but surprise me!
I usually stick to factory methods, where I put the "constructors" for related classes in the same module (.BAS extension). Sadly, this is far from optimal since you can't really limit access to the normal object creation in VB6 - you just have to make a point of only creating your objects through the factory.
What makes it worse is having to jump between the actual object and your factory method, since organization in the IDE itself is cumbersome at best.
How about using the available class initializer? This behaves like a parameterless constructor:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' do initialization here
End Sub
I use a mix of factory functions (in parent classes) that then create an instance of the object and call a Friend Init() method.
Class CObjects:
Public Function Add(ByVal Param1 As String, ByVal Param2 As Long) As CObject
Dim Obj As CObject
Set Obj = New CObject
Obj.Init Param1, Param2
Set Add = Obj
End Function
Class CObject:
Friend Sub Init(ByVal Param1 As String, ByVal Param2 As Long)
If Param1 = "" Then Err.Raise 123, , "Param1 not set"
If Param2 < 0 Or Param2 > 15 Then Err.Raise 124, , "Param2 out of range"
'Init object state here
End Sub
I know the Friend scope won't have any effect in the project, but it acts as a warning that this is for internal use only.
If these objects are exposed via COM then the Init method can't be called, and setting the class to PublicNotCreatable stops it being created.
This solution is far from perfect, however, this is what I ended up doing for some of my legacy projects. It's somewhat memory-efficient for storage, but just looking up something definitely takes more time than otherwise required, especially for the huge structs.
Suppose you need to implement the following,
type user
id as long
name as String
desc as String
end type
But notice that VB6 natively supports Strings. So Instead of using structs, have "fake-struct" functions such as
Public Function user_raw(ByVal id as Long, ByRef name as String, ByRef desc as String) as String
Const RAW_DELIM as String = "|"
user_raw = cstr(id) & RAW_DELIM & name & RAW_DELIM & desc
End Function
So as a result, you will have passable-by-value (hence stackable into arrays, or multiline Strings), "fake-structs" made of strings such as
1|Foo|The boss of VB
2|Bar|Foo's apprentice
So the construct also counts as a crude way to perform to_string(). On the slightly good side, such storage is almost instantly convertible to the Markdown table syntax.
Later on, you can retrieve data from the struct by doing something like,
Public const RAW_DELIM as String = "|"
Public Const POS_USER_ID = 0
Public Const POS_USER_NAME = 1
Public Const POS_USER_DESC = 2
public function get_raw_variable(byref user as String, byval var as integer) as String
dim buf() as String
buf = SPLIT(user, "|")
Assert ubound(buf) <= var
get_raw_variable = buf(var)
end function
The retrieval is sure inefficient, but is about the best you can have. Good luck