In Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm and others, to examine an edge to see if it offers a better path to a node is referred to as relaxing the edge. Why is it called relaxing?
In general mathematically, relaxation is making a change that reduces constraints. When the Dijkstra algorithm examines an edge, it removes an edge from the pool, thereby reducing the number of constraints.
It's not horribly useful terminology, but think how cool you'll sound saying it.
I do not think the question is related to the mathematical concept talked about in the current accepted answer. I am basing my answer on the second edition of Cormen's (CLRS) book, specifically on chapter 24 in a section about relaxation.
You are searching for the shortest path between a node s and all the other nodes. Imagine you have two nodes u and v. You already have an intermediate path for them.
relax(u,v) is a function that should be read as "relax v using u". I prefer to understand the function as "shorten v's distance to s using u". You are asking yourself if you should give up on your current path s-v in favor of transforming it into s-u-v. All you have to do to see if the distance of s-u plus the additional cost of the arrow u-v are better than the distance s-v. The picture examplifies the
A picture from CLRS's explanation on Relaxation
How can i find the true shortest path in a binary image/map?
I have looked into Different algorithms, e.g. Dijkstra and A* but they only yield an approximateion of the the shortest path as all pixels are only connected in a "8 connected" way.
What algorithm can i use to get the true shortest path - The red line in the figure below?
Well, using a 8-connected grid implies that you only can will find paths which advance in the orientations given by the 8-neighbors (0, +/-45, +/-90, +/-135, 180). As you show in the picture attached.
If you are required to solve this problem using A*, Dijkstra or similar, the only way to patch this problem is to increase the variety of angles for your paths, increasing the connectivity of your grid (16 or 32-connected). Even with this, you have limited orientations for your paths.
To solve the problem you are describing in your question, other kind of algorithms are used, like Theta*, Field D* or Block A*. These algorithms are able to find paths in any angle (as you require in your problem) even using a 8-connected grid as basis for the search. Take a look to the Wikipedia entry: Any-angle path planning to have more information about this kind of search.
I hope my answer helps.
I'm writing code, that executes MLE. At each step, I get gradient at one point and then move along it to another point. But I have problem with determination of magnitude of the move. How to determine the best magnitude for good convergence? Can you give me an advice how to avoid other pitfalls, such as presence of several maximums?
Regarding the presence of several maxima: this issue will occur when dealing with a function that is not convex. It can be partially solved by multi-start optimization, which essentially means that you run the simulation multiple times in order to find as many maxima as possible and then selecting the 'highest' maximum from among them. Note that this does not guarantee global optimality, as the global optimum might be hard to reach (i.e. the local optima have a larger domain of attraction).
Regarding the optimal step size for convergence: you might want to look at back-tracking linesearch. A short explanation of it can be found in the answer to this question
We might be able to give you more specific help if you could give us some code to look at, as jkalden already pointed out.
I'm doing a map-coloring problem with Scheme, and I used minimum remaining values (Select the vertex with the fewest legal colors) and degree heuristics select the vertex that has the largest number of neighbors). If there exists a solution for a certain configuration, will these heuristics ensures that it won't need to backtrack?
Let's do a simple theoretical analysis.
Graph coloring is NP-complete for general graphs (if not asking for a coloring with less than 4 colors). This means there exists no known polynomial time algorithm.
Your heuristic is computable in polynomial time.
Assuming you need no backtracking, then you need to make n steps, each of which requires polynomial time (n is number of vertices). Thus you can solve the problem in polynomial time.
Either you have proven P=NP or your assumption is wrong.
I leave it up to you to decide upon which option in point (4) is more plausible.
In general: no, MRV and your other heuristic will not guarantee a straight walk to the goal. (I imagine they might if your problem has some very specific structure, but don't count on it until you've seen the theorem.)
Heuristics prune the search space, or change the order of the search to make an early termination more likely. This is not the same thing as backtracking.
But it's a related concept.
We prune some spaces because we are confident that the solution does not lie in those branches of the search tree, or change the order because we have some reason to believe that it will be quicker if we look in some subtrees before others.
We also cut ourselves off from backtracking because we are confident that the solution is in the branch of the space we are in now (so that if we don't find it in this subtree, we can declare failure and don't bother).
Both kinds of strategies are ultimately about searching less of the space somehow and getting to the answer (positive or negative) without searching everything.
MRV and the degrees heuristic are about reordering the sub-searches, not about avoiding backtracking. Heuristics can be right and make a short search but that's not the same
thing as eliminating backtracking (e.g. the "cut" operator in Prolog). When you find what you're looking for, you can declare success, and of course that eliminates further backtracking. But real backtracking elimination means making a decision not to backtrack no matter what, before the search completes.
E.g. if you're doing a depth-first search, and you find what you're looking for by dumb luck without backtracking, we cannot say that dumb luck is a fence operation that eliminates backtracking. :)
I'm currently writing an optimization algorithm in MATLAB, at which I completely suck, therefore I could really use your help. I'm really struggling to find a good way of representing a graph (or well more like a tree with several roots) which would look more or less like this:
alt text
Basically 11/12/13 are our roots (stage 0), 2x is stage1, 3x stage2 and 4x stage3. As you can see nodes from stageX are only connected to several nodes from stage(X+1) (so they don't have to be connected to all of them).
Important: each node has to hold several values (at least 3-4), one will be it's number and at least two other variables (which will be used to optimize the decisions).
I do have a simple representation using matrices but it's really hard to maintain, so I was wondering is there a good way to do it?
Second question: when I'm done with that representation I need to calculate how good each route (from roots to the end) is (like let's say I need to compare is 11-21-31-41 the best or is 11-21-31-42 better) to do that I will be using the variables that each node holds. But the values will have to be calculated recursively, let's say we start at 11 but to calcultate how good 11-21-31-41 is we first need to go to 41, do some calculations, go to 31, do some calculations, go to 21 do some calculations and then we can calculate 11 using all the previous calculations. Same with 11-21-31-42 (we start with 42 then 31->21->11). I need to check all the possible routes that way. And here's the question, how to do it? Maybe a BFS/DFS? But I'm not quite sure how to store all the results.
Those are some lengthy questions, but I hope I'm not asking you for doing my homework (as I got all the algorithms, it's just that I'm not really good at matlab and my teacher wouldn't let me to do it in java).
Granted, it may not be the most efficient solution, but if you have access to Matlab 2008+, you can define a node class to represent your graph.
The Matlab documentation has a nice example on linked lists, which you can use as a template.
Basically, a node would have a property 'linksTo', which points to the index of the node it links to, and a method to calculate the cost of each of the links (possibly with some additional property that describe each link). Then, all you need is a function that moves down each link, and brings the cost(s) with it when it moves back up.
It is possible to easily use the GPS functionality in the iPhone since sdk 3.0, but it is explicitly forbidden to use Google's Maps.
This has two implications, I think:
You will have to provide maps yourself
You will have to calculate the shortest routes yourself.
I know that calculating the shortest route has puzzled mathematicians for ages, but both Tom Tom and Google are doing a great job, so that issue seems to have been solved.
Searching on the 'net, not being a mathematician myself, I came across the Dijkstra Algorithm. Is there anyone of you who has successfully used this algorithm in a Maps-like app in the iPhone?
Would you be willing to share it with me/the community?
Would this be the right approach, or are the other options?
Thank you so much for your consideration.
I do not believe Dijkstra's algorithm would be useful for real-world mapping because, as Tom Leys said (I would comment on his post, but lack the rep to do so), it requires a single starting point. If the starting point changes, everything must be recalculated, and I would imagine this would be quite slow on a device like the iPhone for a significantly large data set.
Dijkstra's algorithm is for finding the shortest path to all nodes (from a single starting node). Game programmers use a directed search such as A*. Where Dijkstra processes the node that is closest to the starting position first, A* processes the one that is estimated to be nearest to the end position
The way this works is that you provide a cheap "estimate" function from any given position to the end point. A good example is how far a bird would fly to get there. A* adds this to the current distance from the start for each node and then chooses the node that seems to be on the shortest path.
The better your estimate, the shorter the time it will take to find a good path. If this time is still too long, you can do a path find on a simple map and then another on a more complex map to find the route between the places you found on the simple map.
After much searching, I have found an article on A* for you to to read
Dijkstra's algorithm is O(m log n) for n nodes and m edges (for a single path) and is efficient enough to be used for network routing. This means that it's efficient enough to be used for a one-off computation.
Briefly, Dijkstra's algorithm works like:
Take the start node
Assign it a depth of zero
Insert it into a priority queue at its depth key
Pop the node with the lowest depth from the priority queue
Record the node that you came from so you can track the path back
Mark the node as having been visited
If this node is the destination:
For each neighbour:
If the node has not previously been visited:
Calculate depth as depth of current node + distance to neighbour
Insert neighbour into the priority queue at the calculated depth.
Return the destination node and list of the nodes through which it was reached.
Contrary to popular belief, Dijkstra's algorithm is not necessarily an all-pairs shortest path calculator, although it can be adapted to do this.
You would have to get a graph of the streets and intersections with the distances between the intersections. If you had this data you could use Dijkstra's algorithm to compute a shortest route.
If you look at technology tomtom calls 'IQ routes', they measure actual speed and travel time per roadstretch per time of day. This makes the arrival time more accurate. So the expected arrival time is more fact-based
Calculating a route using the A* algorithm is plenty fast enough on an iPhone with offline map data. I have experience of doing this commercially. I use the A* algorithm as documented on Wikipedia, and I keep the road network in memory and re-use it; once it's loaded, routing even over a large area like Spain or the western half of Canada is practically instant.
I take data from OpenStreetMap or elswhere and convert it into a directed graph, assuming (which is the right way to do it according to those who know) that any two roads sharing a point with the same ID are joined. I assign weights to different types of roads based on expected speeds, and if a portion of a road is one-way I create only a single arc; two-way roads get two arcs, one in each direction. That's pretty much the whole thing apart from some ad-hoc code to prevent dangerous turns, and implementing routing restrictions.
This was discussed earlier here: What algorithms compute directions from point a to point b on a map?
Have a look at CloudMade. They offer a free service for iPhone and iPad that allows navigation based on your current location. It is built on open street maps and has some nifty features like making your own mapstyle. It is a little slow from time to time but its totally free.