Searching in internet I found this page:
I have a similar problem. I’m trying to modify the structure of the .edmx file adding a complexType but this cause that throw a InvalidOperationException . I thought that creating a scope this problem would be avoided but was not the case. This is a piece of code I'm using:
public void AddComplexTypeToConceptualModel(XElement document, XElement entityType)
XElement lastEntityType = document.Descendants(XName.Get("EntityType", "")).LastOrDefault();
if (lastEntityType != null)
using (EntityDesignerChangeScope scope = Context.CreateChangeScope("Create ComplexType in Conceptual Model"))
// Commit the changes.
When I run the code show above I receive an InvalidOperationException:
A property extention cannot edit an item in an Entity Framework namespace
Another possibility that I am evaluating is use ModelTransformExtension class to make changes on the context.CurrentDocument.
You know any way to do this without this exception occurs? Any help or suggestions will be welcomed.
Thanks in advance
I've been looking around and around without finding any topics related to my situation.
I'm using:
Play! framework v2.5.3 in Java
Hibernate EntityManager v5.1.0.Final
Hibernate JPA 2.1 API v1.0.0.Final
PostgreSQL 9.4
Here the route called with AJAX:
PUT /admin/entity/:id
Which is bound to:
controllers.Entity.update(id: Long)
Here how I handle the update request:
public Result update(final long id) {
EntityManager em = _jpa.em("default");
DynamicForm form = _formFactory.form().bindFromRequest();
models.Entity entity;
entity = em.find(models.Entity.class, id);
if (entity == null)
return badRequest();
entity.update(em, form);
return ok();
The method update of Entity change values of the class attributes which are basically String attributes.
My issue: nothing get updated while still executing this piece of code.
I enable SQL log which only display the SELECT query corresponding to em.find() method call. Nothing related to an UPDATE query.
I've been using JPA/EntityManager with Play! for others projects (but with lower version of the framework) without facing this kind of problem.
Any idea why nothing get merged ?
I've been able to fix this issue by writing following piece of code inside
Query query = em.createQuery("UPDATE entity SET value = :v WHERE id = :id");
query.setParameter("value", value);
query.setParameter("id", id);
But even if this is working, that's not the way how thing should be done... It
doesn't make coffee at all!
Edit: this solution do not work anymore....
I really don't know what I'm doing bad, if any body has an idea about this issue, you're help would be much appreciated.
I am working with a database first model in Entity Framework 5 and when I attempt to add a row, I get the following error:
"No views were found in assemblies or could be generated for Table 'ui_renewals'."
The table exists in my EDMX and the template generated a ui_renewals class. I've deleted the table from the EDMX and added it again using the Update Model from Database option and I get the same error. Creating a separate connection for it resolves the issue, but that seems like a less-than-ideal solution (more like a kludge) not to mention it makes it more difficult to maintain in the future.
Any ideas on how to fix this so that I can add or update (I've tried both) a row in ui_renewals?
Here is the code I'm currently using - only difference before was using db as a DBContext instead of ui (yes, receipt is misspelled - gotta love legacy stuff)
public bool UpdateTeacher(string login_id, string password, UIRenewal data)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// map from UIRenewal VM to ui_renewal
ui_renewals Renewal = Mapper.Map<UIRenewal, ui_renewals>(data);
// check to see if this is a new entry or not
var tmp = ui.ui_renewals.Find(Renewal.reciept);
if (tmp == null)
// mark as modified
db.Entry(Renewal).State = EntityState.Modified;
// save it
catch (DBConcurrencyException)
return false;
return true;
return false;
I should mention that I do have a view in the model (v_recent_license).
I know this is a very old question, however as I haven't found any other topics like this, I'll post my answer.
I have had the same Exception thrown. I found that, in a failed attempt to optimize EF performance, following the advices found here, I left behind this piece of code in EF .edmx code-behind:
<EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer="XXXModelStoreContainer" CdmEntityContainer="YYYEntities" GenerateUpdateViews="false">
I removed the GenerateUpdateViews="false" string, and all is working again.
(The Exception message is a little misleading in my opinion).
I have created Generic Repository and I have two entities that i need to update in a transaction.
Here is what i m doing..
ProductOrganizationEntity poDataContext= new ProductOrganizationEntity();
IRepository<tblProductInfo> productRepo = new GenericRepository<ProductOrganizationEntity, tblConfirmation>(poDataContext);
Piece of Code which is causing problem is this.
using (TransactionScope txScope = new TransactionScope())
new ProductLocation().SaveLocation(productEntity.Locations, productEntity.productCode);
productRepo.SaveChanges(); This is where it throws me Error. The error is
The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "Venus" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
(We do have server named Venus but its not access in anyway in these transactions at all. Secondly as i said this works without transaction block).
This piece of code works fine if taken out from Transaction Block.
ProductLocation.SaveLocation is creating Repository for Location . Here is the code from Save Location.
IRepository<LocationInfo> locRepo= new GenericRepository<ProductOrganizationEntity, LocationInfo>(new ProductOrganizationEntity());
if (loc.locID <= 0) // This is a new Location to be added.
Here is what i have done in my generic repository for thse methods
public void Attach(TEntity entity)
if (entity == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Update : Supplied Entity is Null.");
System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbEntityEntry entry = _dataContext.Entry(entity);
entry.State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
and this is what i have in SaveChanges in my generic repo.
public virtual void SaveChanges()
if (_dataContext == null)
throw new Exception("SaveChanges: DataContext is not initialized.");
What is that i am doing wrong here .
I appreciate any pointers.
It might be possible that your server is linked to another SQL server at the database level.
Perhaps look at this:
Must admit I've never used linked servers (not yet at least), but seeing "Linked Servers" in the error made me think of this.
I have entities that I am getting via Entity Framework. I'm using Code-First so they're POCOs. When I try to XML Serialize them using XmlSerializer, I get the following error:
The type
was not expected. Use the XmlInclude
or SoapInclude attribute to specify
types that are not known statically.
Anybody got any ideas on how to get around this (short of creating a whole new object)?
Just saying POCO doesn't really help (especially in this case since it looks like you're using proxies). Proxies come in handy in a lot of cases but make things like serialization more difficult since the actual object being serialized is not really your object but an instance of a proxy.
This blog post should give you your answer.
Sorry, I know I'm coming at this a bit late (a couple YEARS late), but if you don't need the proxy objects for lazy loading, you can do this:
Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
in your Context. Worked like a charm for me. Shiv Kumar actually gives better insight into why, but this at least will get you back to work (again, assuming you don't need the proxies).
Another way that works independent of the database configuration is by doing a deep clone of your object(s).
I use Automapper ( for this in my code-first EF project. Here is some sample code that exports a list of an EF objects called 'IonPair':
public bool ExportIonPairs(List<IonPair> ionPairList, string filePath)
Mapper.CreateMap<IonPair, IonPair>(); //creates the mapping
var clonedList = Mapper.Map<List<IonPair>>(ionPairList); // deep-clones the list. EF's 'DynamicProxies' are automatically ignored.
var ionPairCollection = new IonPairCollection { IonPairs = clonedList };
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(IonPairCollection));
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath))
serializer.Serialize(writer, ionPairCollection);
catch (Exception exception)
string message = string.Format(
"Trying to export to the file '{0}' but there was an error. Details: {1}",
filePath, exception.Message);
throw new IOException(message, exception);
return true;
To facilitate control reuse we created a solution with three separate projects: a control library, Silverlight client, and ASP.NET backend. The control library has no reference to the RIA Services-generated data model classes so when it needs to interact with it, we use reflection.
This has worked fine so far but I've hit a bump. I have a DataGrid control where the user can select a row, press the 'delete' button, and it should remove the entity from the collection. In the DataGrid class I have the following method:
private void RemoveEntity(Entity entity)
// Use reflection to remove the item from the collection
Type sourceType = typeof(System.Windows.Ria.EntityCollection<>);
Type genericType = sourceType.MakeGenericType(entity.GetType());
System.Reflection.MethodInfo removeMethod = genericType.GetMethod("Remove");
removeMethod.Invoke(this._dataGrid.ItemsSource, new object[] { entity });
// Equivalent to: ('Foo' derives from Entity)
// EntityCollection<Foo> ec;
// ec.Remove(entity);
This works on the client side but on the domain service the following error gets generated during the Submit() method:
"The UPDATE statement conflicted with
the FOREIGN KEY constraint
"********". The conflict occurred in
database "********", table "********",
column '********'. The statement has
been terminated."
One thing I noticed is the UpdateFoo() service method is being called instead of the DeleteFoo() method on the domain service. Further inspection shows the entity is going into the ModifiedEntities ChangeSet instead of the RemovedEntities ChangeSet. I don't know if that's the problem but it doesn't seem right.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks,
I've determined that the problem is definitely coming from the reflection call to the EntityCollection.Remove() method. For some reason calling it causes the entity's EntityState property to change to EntityState.Modified instead of EntityState.Deleted as it should.
Even if I try to remove from the collection by completely circumventing the DataGrid I get the exact same issue:
Entity selectedEntity = this.DataContext.GetType().GetProperty("SelectedEntity").GetValue(this.DataContext, null) as Entity;
object foo = selectedEntity.GetType().GetProperty("Foo").GetValue(selectedEntity, null);
foo.GetType().InvokeMember("Remove", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, foo, new object[] { entity });
As a test, I tried modifying the UpdateFoo() domain service method to implement a delete and it worked successfully to delete the entity. This indicates that the RIA service call is working correctly, it's just calling the wrong method (Update instead of Delete.)
public void UpdateFoo(Foo currentFoo)
// Original update implementation
//if ((currentFoo.EntityState == EntityState.Detached))
// this.ObjectContext.AttachAsModified(currentFoo, this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentFoo));
// Delete implementation substituted in
Foo foo = this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentFoo);
if ((foo.EntityState == EntityState.Detached))
I've been researching a similar issue.
I believe the issue is you are calling remove with a reference for an EntityCollections within the DomainContext as the root reference rather than using the DomainContext itself as the root.
Produces the EntityState.Modified instead of EntityState.Deleted
Try instead...
I think this will produce the result you are seeking.
Hope this helps.
What is the "column" in the "FOREIGN KEY constraint" error? Is this a field in the grid row and collection that coorosponds to that column? Is it possible that the entity you are trying to remove is a column in the row rather than the row itself which is causing an update to the row (to null the column) rather than to delete the row?
I read your update and looks like you've determined that the problem is the reflection.
Have you tried to take the reflection out of the picture?
As in:
private void RemoveEntity(Entity entity)
// Use reflection to remove the item from the collection
Type sourceType = typeof(System.Windows.Ria.EntityCollection<>);
Type genericType = sourceType.MakeGenericType(entity.GetType());
// Make sure we have the right type
// and let the framework take care of the proper invoke routine
if (genericType.IsAssignableFrom(this._dataGrid.ItemsSource.GetType()))
((Object) this._dataGrid.ItemsSource).Remove(entity);
Yes, I know it's ugly, but some times...
Edited to add
I've updated the code to remove the is keyword.
Now about using the object to make the call to the Remove method, I believe it might work due the late binding of it.