Unable to set member variable [closed] - iphone

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Very strange issue.
I have the following code:
NSDictionary* notificationUserInfo = [pNotification userInfo];
NSManagedObject* newShoppingFilter = [notificationUserInfo valueForKey:#"shoppingListFilter"];
self.shoppingListFilter = newShoppingFilter;
NSLog(#"%# tapped", [newShoppingFilter valueForKey:#"name"]);
For some reason the self.shoppingListFilter = newShoppingFilter is not setting the variable.
I assume that this is some issue with not initializing the self.shoppingListFilter variable in some way but I cannot figure this out. The NSLog shows the right output, newShoppingFilter is not null but self.shoppingListFilter is.
Any help is appreciated.

I bet newShoppingFilter is nil. Most likely, there is no key "shoppingListFilter" in the notification user info dictionary.
Set a breakpoint at the line that assigns a value to self.shoppingListFilter and check the value of newShoppingFilter. Also display the entire contents of notificationUserInfo.
Post the code that creates the user info dictionary and passes it into the notification that you are posting. That would help track down the problem.


Checking the entered data for correctness swift [closed]

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Closed last year.
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How can I make a check for the correctness of the entered data?
For example, the user needs to enter a digit, and until this is done, the program will not skip it further
In my case, you need to make sure that the user entered an integer, and not a string, double, etc.
Just create an infinite loop. If your read is successful break it. Something like:
while true {
if let line = readLine(), let value = Int(line) {
print("value", value)

How to fix button clicked not updating but others do [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm making a math game. Every time I click a button a new question should appear with different results to choose from.
However every time I click the button which I think is the result it doesn't update the text but the others do.
See github: https://github.com/Combii/BrainTrainerSwift
Use UIButton.setTitle(, for:) method. I suggest you to change code in ViewController.swift:
func setNumbers(numberDic: Dictionary<String, Int>) {
let btns = [bt1, bt2, bt3, bt4]
UIView.performWithoutAnimation {
for (position, number) in numberDic {
btns[(Int(position) ?? 0) - 1]?.setTitle(String(number), for: .normal)

How do I update this variable with data [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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New programmer here! I'm working with a network request and below is a snippet of my code. After I complete the network request I want to store a value from the request into a variable. However, when the variable is called outside of the if let statement it is NOT updated. Essentially, the print statement inside the if let statement prints the value I'm looking for, but the print statement outside of the if let statement prints the default value I set for that variable. The variable is global. I need to use that updated variable elsewhere in my code, any ideas?
if let data = data {
self.nameLabel.text = data.name
person = data.name
First of all you didn't showed complete code so I am guessing you need main queue to update your UILabel first as shown in below code:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.nameLabel.text = data.name
next thing is if you want to access the value somewhere else once your request completes and UILabel updated then you can get the value from it this way:
let value = self.nameLabel.text!
And if you want to access the value once request complete then you can use closure and HERE you can check example of it.

How to use NSRegularExpression to separate youtube duration like "PT1H50M20S" [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a problem with youtube duration.
How to separate this string:
to 1:50:20 with NSRegularExpression.
No need to use NSRegularExpression here, you can use NSCharacterSet instead.
let s = "PT1H50M20S"
.filter { $0 != "" }
.joinWithSeparator(":") // 1:50:20

In Unity know which button is clicked [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have two buttons create and join. Both button's on click event I move to next scene, but in next scene I have two scripts networkmanager and networkclient.
Now if I press create button I want to call only networkmanger not networkclient. So how can I disable the networkclient script and join I want to disabled networkmanger?
How can I know which button is been pressed?
public void OnPress(){
string name = this.gameObject.name;
case "Create":break;
case "Join":break;
You can read the name of the object the script is attached to.
If this is not suitable for any given reason (both scripts are on same object), you can pass a parameter to the method.
public void OnPress(string name){
case "Create":break;
case "Join":break;
then you give the name in the inspector.
The final way is to use two different methods for each button.