Post to facebook and unlock levels - iphone

I'm programming my own iPhone game and since I don't want the users to pay for my levels, I'd like to allow them to post something on their FB or twitter timeline. Once it's done, I'd like to unlock the level for free, and do that for each levels pack.
Anyone has an idea on how to do this ? I know I can use Facebook API for iOS to post a status, but how can I ensure the action has been done ?

Each post or tweet has a confirmation delegate method. Add an NSNotification to unlock your level on confirmation completion.

You can do this, it's easy using graph api for FB.
You can say user to post message hardcoded in you code and you receive response from api that message is posted on his wall then you can unlock the level.
Also if you want that user can't edit message then you need to post message in background and it easy like below code.
NSMutableDictionary *dictPara = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dictPara setObject:objSelGameStep.smsg forKey:#"message"];
[dictPara setObject:#"status" forKey:#"type"];
[facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"me/feed" andParams:dictPara andHttpMethod:#"POST" andDelegate:self];
i hope this may help you.


Publish message to friend's wall from iPhone app

I would like my iPhone app to be able to post a static message to a user's friend's facebook wall. Something like it shows the static message up above, and then a place to type in friends name and shows suggested friends. Is this done through graph api, or is there a key of permissions that the POST method can use?
Looks like this might be what you are after.
From the link:
"You just have to send your friend's Facebook ID as a parameter under the key "target_id".
set a parameter under the key #"target_id" on the parameters dictionary (when invoking dialog:andParams:andDelegate: on the Facebook object).
Here you have a sample post using the new sdk (the one that uses graph api):
NSMutableDictionary* params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[params setObject:#"Some text" forKey:#"user_message_prompt"];
[params setObject:#"another text" forKey:#"action_links"];
[params setObject:#"Yet another text" forKey:#"attachment"];
[params setObject:#"SOME FACEBOOK ID" forKey:#"target_id"];
//At some point you need to create the following Facebook instance
[facebook dialog: #"stream.publish"
andParams: params
andDelegate: self];
you first need to request the friend list and then provide an interface in your app where user could select which friend's wall he want to write on... :)
afterwards, you can pass the selected friends id to the dialog you are presenting to the user... Atleast I am used to do it this way and it seems to be a pretty standard way of publishing something on user's wall...
hope it helps

Facebook Connect Posting a Status Update

HI I have got Facebook Connect working with a functional login and logout button. So far thats it, when I press a button a I want to post something to the user. Is there something I have to authorize? What is the precise steps for this. Thank you.
If you want to publish content to User's Feed you not required to authorize user if you use Feed Dialog for any other ways you required to authorize user prior to content publishing.
For web applications/sites (which isn't the case) there is also way to leverage automatic publishing of content user liked using Like Button social plugin by providing correct OpenGraph meta tags.
You really need to read documentation for iOS SDK, especially Dialogs and Authentication and Getting Started Guide.
if you want to set his status thought your FB app without showing a dialog you could do it like this
NSString *message = #"some text";
NSMutableDictionary* params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:message, message,nil];
[fb requestWithGraphPath:#"me/feed" andParams:params andHttpMethod:#"POST" andDelegate:self]; //fb here is the FaceBook instance.
and for sure you will do that after the user login and authorized the permissions .
To Authorize the permissions
if (![fb isSessionValid]) {
NSArray *permissions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"user_likes", #"read_stream", nil];
[fb authorize:permissions];
[permissions release];

How do I like a Facebook AppID through IPhone Application?

I am developing a iPhone application in which I want to simply 'Like' my own Facebook AppID.
For Facebook integration I am using FBConnect and Graph API (
After researching, I found that I was supposed to use the following method, which I attempted to implement in the "DemoAppViewController.m" of the sample code when the 'publishStream' button was selected:
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Use an empty dictionary
[_facebook requestWithGraphPath:#""
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)self];
However, my FBRequest.m 'responseString' indicates: {"error":{"type":"GraphMethodException","message":"Unsupported post request."}}
What am I doing wrong and how can I make this work?
From what I understand, all I need to do is attach my accessToken to What exactly does that mean, and how is it accomplished?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. - In case there was any confusion, my post was in reference to having a user sign into Facebook with their account login via a fb like button in the application. After the user allowed the appropriate permissions, my app would 'like' the AppID with the user's account.
You can't programmatically like a page on Facebook. It would be enthusiastically abused.

iPhone Facebook image upload not working, tried everything

I'm losing my mind over trying to get Facebook SDK for iPhone to upload UIImage.
Here's what I'm doing:
1) Creating facebook property:
facebook = [[Facebook alloc] initWithAppId:#"111111111"];
2) Calling authorize:
[facebook authorize:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"publish_stream", nil] delegate:self];
3) Setting params:
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:image, #"picture", nil];
4) Calling post:
[facebook requestWithMethodName:#"photos.upload" andParams:params andHttpMethod:#"POST" andDelegate:self];
When loging in I get the authorize dialog. When trying to upload I receive error 101, Invalid API Key. I've copied the key from FB, I've included it as shown above and I've also included it in .plist (fbAPI_KEY). What the hell am I still missing here? When asked to authorize it did show the name of the app just fine so the key must be correct. I can also post feeds and they appear on users wall, but images just won't upload.
That's a bit weird, I've got the exact same four lines of code which work fine for me. (Although, your app id is a bit shorter than it should be, mine is roughly twice that size).
One thing you may be forgetting about: when are you using each line? You should wait till each of the previous tasks is completed by using the facebook delegates, eg:
- (void)fbDidLogin; //part of the <FBSessionDelegate> protocol
Use these methods to control when the next part of the uploading process should occur, and check for errors along the way. You may be trying to send the photo before the login process has actually finished - use the delegate methods to prevent this.
I think you have to use graph API for uploading images
Check Out:
Ref URL:
Hope this helps....

Publish Feed Story Using Facebook API

I want to publish information to user's wall from iphone application. I am using the Facebook SDK for iphone. I found in the documentation that I should use FBStreamDialog but this loads a form to the user and s/he write the story to be published, I don't want this behavior. I want to publish user actions at my application and user just needs to click share button, then the application should fill a template story and publish.
I found this use case was available before with FBFeedDialog but this is not supported via the API now.
Any suggestions, what I should do?
here's an example for David's solution:
NSString *att = #"{\"name\":\"i\'m bursting with joy\",\"caption\": \"User rated the lolcat 5 stars\", \"description\": \"a funny looking cat\"}";
NSDictionary *attachment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:att forKey:#"attachment"];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:#"" params:attachment];
I use this code occur error "The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action"